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根据历史资料,在中世纪中期以及末期,欧洲妇女的“大错和罪状主要有:虚荣,骄傲,贪婪,滥交,贪吃,酗酒,脾气坏,用情不专等”,“妇女必须被排除在正式、公开场合之外,不能担任法官或者行使任何权利,不能参与 议会或者公开集会,必须献身家庭。优秀妇女热爱并服侍丈夫,养育子女”。这表明,伊丽莎白时代的女性并不 享有泰丝德蒙娜在第二幕第一场,或者第四幕第一场在公共场所与凯西奥等人自由谈笑,或者参与公共活动的权利。其实,即使在二十世纪初,欧洲上层社会的妇女一般也并不能自由出入公众场合,更不要说有公开发表任何言论的特权。在正常情况下,泰丝德蒙娜在整个剧中都不可能具备参与任何公共活动和发表言论的权利。 而在伊丽莎白时代,“非洲人是早期英格兰人数最多,也是最显眼的异化民族,每日都是伦敦街头一景, 参与了各种形式的文化展览”。但是,在欧洲文艺复兴这个空前展现人类文明的特殊时期,欧洲女性当时尚 不能登台演出,她们一般是由男演员化装而来。因此,地位比欧洲女性还低下的非洲人,即使是这个时代“最显眼的异化民族”,也不可能真正登上英格兰舞台的边缘,它在英格兰的存在只能通过盎格鲁-撒克逊民族被间接地表现出来,而对异族的描写向来充满局限性。通过刻画奥赛罗———异化种族中的优秀分子,莎士比亚意在抨击当时的英国主流社会对于异化民族乃至“下等人群”的不公平。

篇二:源于嫉妒的毁灭——《奥赛罗》1000字英语读后感;Destruction Resulted from Jealousy - Othello

Destruction Resulted from Jealousy

— The Tragedy Analysis on Othello

Among all Shakespeare’s works, the four great tragedies represent the best of his artistic attainments.Many literary critics regard Othello as the peak of his tragedies, and it is deserved.The story is named after the name ofprotagonist, simple but full of distinction. After reading the story, there are much feelings in my heart.

Othello, a young noble general ofVenice Duchy, promoted Cassio as his lieutenant. Then Iago, who is hoping for the promotion but fails, makes plots against Cassio and Othello to take revenge. On the other hand, Othello has secretly married Desdemona, the beautiful daughter of Venetian senator Brabantio, and Iago determines to use Desdemona as the means of his revenge. Othello believes Iago’s tricks so that he kills his wife by his own hand. In the end of the play, he finds that he has murdered his pure beloved wife by mistake, he cannot face himself and stabs himself full of guilt and dies beside Desdemona.Obviously, Othello is a tragic play, and the personality traits of the characters lead to the tragedy.

In Shakespeare’s play Othello, Othello is a Moor with an honest, kind and open mind, an all-powerful hero on the battlefield. However it is the character that was made use of by Iago, leading to the credulity tragedy of murder and suicide. Although some people comment that this tragedy results from treacherous Iago who was full of ambition and inner jealousy, in fact, in the tragedy of Othello, Iago is not the only reason. He is created for the objective conditions, and the real development comes from the hero.

Firstly, Othello always has an inferiority complex due to his black race. Though he has been promoted as a noble general, his inferior and fragile mind has never disappeared. Deep in his mind, Othello is inferior in skin color, image and age, and he actually felt that he was not worthy of Desdemona. When Othello was told that his wife is having a love affair with Cassio, whom he felt inferior to, he had an indefinable fear. Such fear pulls out his inferiority and steals away his rations.

Second, Othello is too credulous of other people. If he hadn’t believed in the words of Iago that his wife was having a love affair with some other people, the tragedy of jealousy would not have happened. And the marriage with Desdemona is so happy that he believes the world is good. He cannot imagine Iago is such an evil who envies his wife’s beauty and is very angry and hates him due to a promotion, which is unfair in his eye. Therefore, Iago deliberately spread rumors trying to take his revenge, which Othello did not perceive. On the contrary, Othello thought Iago an honorable man since Iago behaved in a hesitant manner to disclose the “truth” to him, looking like a righteous man from the heart. The tragedy is rooted in Othello’s character, too credulous and blind to the social evils.

Furthermore, Othello is a man with ―male chauvinism‖. When he was provoked by Iago, he began to doubt his wife’s honesty immediately. In his view, wife’s derailment is shameful, heinous, hurting his big man’s self-esteem. Even if it is only a rumor, he also cannot wait to ask to find evidence from his true love. It is rather his male chauvinism than so much trust in Iago. In his view, wife’s derailment is shameful, heinous, hurting his big man’s self-esteem. Even if it is only a rumor, he also cannot wait to ask to find evidence.When he found his handkerchief used as engagement pledge in Cassio’s room and suspected his wife’s infidelity,

it is understandable and justifiable. But when he went into Iago’s trap, saw the expressions and mouths of Cassio and Iago when they were talking, Othello thus concluded that Cassio was having an affair with his wife Desdemona. This can be entirely based on his own guess. Othello is driven by his self-esteem so that Iago’s instigation is able to immediately work. In fact, Othello had an opportunity to know the truth, say, to have conversation with Desdemona when they were in the bedroom, but he did not. On the contrary, he kept insulting his wife as a ―whore‖ and wantonly humiliated her face just because he feared that the truth was the same as his own guess. If his guess was true, his honor and pride would be gone.

Another drawback of Othello is his violent personality and impulsiveness, which ultimately causes the tragedy. After marriage, Othello looked like a tamed lion, but that does not mean he was to get rid of the lion’s nature. When he was stimulated, he would fly into a rage, consuming everything around him. So, when he saw Iago pause in his words, he encouraged Iago to honestly tell him the truth, though with the worst words to say what he thought of the worst things. In fact, Othello’s body and mind was deep with an evil force, but previously it was only suppressed by the sweetness of love, and when he was told his wife having an affair with others, he decided that ―I’ll see before I doubt;when I doubt,prove;and on the proof, there is no more but this, away at once with love or jealousy!‖ It can be seen that Othello’s destructive force is very strong, once it is free of the shackles of reason, the consequences would be disastrous. Unluckily, Othello is a man lack of intellectual thinking, just believing in Iago’s one-sided words and thus beginning to suspect his wife. When he saw his wife and his men meet, that handkerchief used as engagement pledge was in Cassio’s hand, he

jumped to the conclusion that his wife was involved in infidelity and thus decided to her. The dying Desdemona asked him to listen to her explanation, or to find Cassio confront, but at that time, Othello, full of jealousy, did not give Desdemona the chance to explain, but pulled his anger out, ultimately killed his beautiful innocent wife and led to the tragedy.

Generally speaking, Othello is not only a tragedy of family, but also a tragedy of love. Jealous psychology of the characters ultimately leads to the tragedy. Many believes that the evil Iago is responsible for the whole tragedy, but it is actually a closely related causal cycle. Iago being jealous of Cassio and Othello, he slandered and entrapped Cassio and Desdemona, which directly brought about Othello’s tragedy. Othello’s true love to Desdemona was utilized by Iago who had ulterior motive. Driven by jealousy, Othello readily believed Iago, and personally killed his own wife, and eventually drew his sword to cut his own throat. Therefore, the tragedy in Othello is largely rooted in the weakness of personality traits – jealousy.

The characters of Othello and Desdemona portrayed by Shakespeare as tragic ones are apparently an exaggeration.In thereal world, it happens that love is ruined by deliberate traps of other vicious people, as well as distrust between couples themselves. Lovers’ eyes are usually blinded by one-side words and arbitrary guesses. They do not dare to prove simply because they are afraid that rumors are true. Truth will only came out when relationship is destroyed or when lovers suffer a lot from each other’s impulsiveness. It seems that the Othello has only himself to blame, however,in the end of the play, the death of the beloved couple made the whole story rather mournful and miserable.

A conclusion may be drawn that Othello, whose destruction is out of jealousy, is not only a typical character which Shakespeare has created for us, but also conveys a universal moral meaning on human love and psychological behavior.It is intended not only to highlight the destruction brought about by jealousy, but also create the criterion of value in people’s mind.



赛尔将军奥赛罗与苔丝狄蒙娜相爱而秘密成婚。身份尊贵的贵族苔丝狄蒙娜决定不顾父亲的禁令委身相随。但在同一时间,旗官伊阿古因自己梦寐以求的职位被奥赛罗给了凯西奥,又妒忌凯西奥能被赏赐,所以他决意用奸计同时谋害奥赛罗与凯西奥来作出报复。 他设计使凯西奥触犯军纪被撤职,又鼓动苔丝狄蒙娜去求情。他利用了奥赛罗的妒忌,以巧妙的暗示和诬蔑中伤的手段使奥赛罗怀疑爱妻与凯西奥有私情。伊阿古假装自己是为了奥赛罗好,而不断暗示奥赛罗的妻子苔丝狄蒙娜不贞。他暗指苔丝狄蒙娜跟凯西奥有不轨之情,却又立即伪装。一天,苔丝狄蒙娜不小心遗忘了一条奥赛罗赠送的手帕,被伊阿古放到凯西奥房里,便成了加害苔丝狄蒙娜的罪名,苔丝狄蒙娜不贞的证据。奥赛罗认定妻子不贞,将她亲手掐死。伊阿古的妻子随即揭发了这个阴谋,奥赛罗痛悔不已,拔剑自杀,倒在苔丝狄蒙娜的尸体上。
















个人理解 要是看到奥赛罗的出身背景,直到将他彻底排除在主流社会之外,成为来自不为欧洲文明接纳的非洲野蛮部落的一员为止,目的是让他为了被同化,得到主流社会的认可而不断地奋勇作战,使他卓越的战功与他悲惨的结局形成鲜明对比。另一方面剧作家又有意抬高奥赛罗,夸大他的军事才能,让他通过浴血奋战取得与苔丝狄蒙娜相近的社会地位,为的是揭示在当时的社会环境中,一个下等人无论怎样奋斗,所获得的只能是与主流社会越来越格格不入,处境日益艰难,并且逐步走向绝望的复杂心理历程。可以说,在剧中奥赛罗不顾一切去捍卫国家领土时,却还要不时遭受下属甚至下人的藐视,是作者表面上激化两人的爱情矛盾,实则将爱情矛盾转化为更深层次的种族矛盾、社会矛盾,并以后者为催化剂加剧前者的悲剧性结局,推动故事向人性扭曲,最后产生极端畸变方向发展的必然结果。《奥赛罗》是一首诗,是一部多彩的、高贵的、和谐的音乐,是高贵人类的象征。但这里面仍然搀杂着丰厚的理想主义的成分,像奥赛罗那样单纯、热情、率直、正派的人,其性格中的优点往往发展成为某种走向反面的倾向。另一方面,奥赛罗身上也存在着某些自私、偏狭的缺点。事实并不完全是卞之琳先生所说的那样,“熄灭”苔丝荻蒙娜这盏光明之灯,是为了全人类。奥赛罗与苔丝狄蒙娜的悲剧,也从侧面反映了当时的妇女问题。苔丝狄蒙娜的悲剧命运也是千千万万妇女的命运。苔丝狄蒙娜的侍女爱米利娅曾为妇女的不平等待遇愤然地控诉道:好“的男人一两年里头也难得碰见一个。男人是一张胃,我们是一块肉;他们贪馋地把我们吞下去,吃饱了,就把我们呕出来。”
