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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-10 11:59:24 | 移动端:700字英语作文

篇一:The Times 英文介绍(700字论文)

Brief introduction of “The Times”:

The Times is a daily paper published to the whole nation of UK, Which was published in London since 178. It's a newspaper that make significant influence to the politics,economic and culture of the whole world. It's the very first paper that named with Times. When being translated into Chinese, it sounds like Thames River. The Times and its sister paper The Sunday Times are published by Times Newspapers Limited.

The Times is the original "Times" newspaper, lending its name to many other papers around the world, such as The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Seattle Times, The Daily Times (Malawi), the Jimma Times (Ethiopia), The Times of India, The Straits Times, The Times (Malta) and The Irish Times. For distinguishing purposes it is therefore sometimes referred to, particularly in North America, as the 'London Times' or 'The Times of London'.The paper is also the originator of the ubiquitous Times Roman typeface.

Though traditionally a moderately centre-right newspaper and a supporter of the Conservatives, it supported the Labour Party in the 2001 and 2005 general elections. In 2004, according to MORI, the voting intentions of its readership were 40% for the Conservative Party, 29% for the Liberal Democrats, 26% for Labour.

Typical Case (About the artile extract from The Times ):

"The times" recently published an article which said that the Internet is the end of "defy laws human and divine" state, a malicious remarks "network mob" on the Internet should be managed according to law and counter. Recently, a feminist activist Caroline Correa - Peres maed an online speech which is a totally malicious attacks, and it caused the attention of the British society. Malicious users on Twitter to kriya - Peres issued the threat of rape, briefly arrested by the police. In this regard, amber Weiss in "the times" on the article said: "the world of Internet is changing, it is a defy laws human and divine, bubble, anarchy of the wild west, which sometimes can produce good results, sometimes devastating and fatal corruption. But now the law enforcement and security officials have begun to take measures, with great care to the Internet behavior of the implementation of at least some standard basic similar to real life."

For "network mob", the paper said: "it must be admitted that, most network mob may and will not cause damage, just some crazy in the imagination of the bar to a wall. A University of Lancaster study found that this year, 'boring' is an important motivation. Another psychologist discovery, puppy will be closed on a car window demonstrations calling and bared teeth, but if you roll down the window, and they will shrink to the corner sobbing."

In my opinion, there is no reason to roll down the window, knocking ('network mob'), and to the family members and neighbors show the mob secret. With the development of digital technology. Life has become increasingly complex, but it will become easier. As long as it is in the name of the local police, even if only a never expected twitter messages or e-mail, they can also scare.


The world's largest newspaper, known as the reliable speech prestige.

The paper`s journal is not conspicuous, they are committed to fully and quickly reported in domestic and foreign news. So after a few years it became the first flow of London`s newspapers. It had published a large number of domestic and foreign news. Dispatch competent reporters to the domestic and international hot spots for many exclusive interview. The "times" has gave big influence on foreign countries, including China. Lots of foreign countries correspondent that newspaper is often regarded as the second ambassador.

Therefore, The Times has become an important force of public opinion. In the aspect of editing, it strive to be innovative, it also do contribution in finding balance between serious and readability fact. The total body style of it is further softening. The important articles are required to the beating of the text the reader.

In addition, the newspaper expanding the coverage of its basic information in speech and exclusive news which headlines on the advantages of the traditional. Apart from this, social news, sports, music and literature content also improved significantly. So we can draw a conclusion that its purpose is to adapt to the young readers.


College Entrance Examination in China Is Necessary Part Ι : Outline


Ⅱ.Body: Point and Support

2.1 The difficult preparatory stage is good for young examinees

2.1.1 Cultivate interest

2.1.2 Have a good habit

2.1.3 Stretch brain and mind

2.2 The important result for school and family

2.2.1 Check out teaching level

2.2.2 Improve school’s education system

2.2.3 Give hope to a family

2.3 The influence to society

2.3.1 Make the society more equitable

2.3.2 Keep order of the society environment

Ⅲ. Conclusion

3.1 The college entrance examination is necessary

3.2 Good wish

Part Ⅱ : Passage

In recent years , The top leadership of reform the national education examination and eollment system . At the same time , whether college ,college entrance examination in China is necessary . young examinees . As we all know , in order

the hard study tasks . Secondly , this hard process is also beneficial for the large amount of the subjects . So that it is really a great method to practice their thinking ability . Furthermore , the pressures from parents , teachers and classmates can also examination benefits the youths growth .

Besides , students , the result of college entrance examination is by the school and family . From the final result , in a way , the teachers check out their teaching level and learn to improve their own ability . Teachers’to their aptitude and full playing students’ talent . In addition , the figure of college entrance examination results shows a high school’quality and efficiency will improve constantly through learning from the lessons of past . On the other hand , the family can get some information of their children by the results , so that they know well what will happen to their children in the future . No

entrance examination in China is the fairest and most reasonable method Especially for the large number of families which are poor and without any powerful background in China , the college entrance examination make the society

All in all ,it is unexceptionable that the college entrance examination in China is necessary in this current time and many years in the future . Though there are still many problems , all we can see is that the government in China is that college entrance examination in China will be better and better and become more necessary in the future .


叮叮叮······ 同学们都恋恋不舍的回了教室,一个个垂头丧气。因为这节是英语课,大家都不喜欢上英语课,以前上课的时候大家都一个劲的往桌子上趴,生怕老师叫自己回答问题。因为原来的老师今天生病了,所以今天有一个新老师给我们带一节课。但是大家似乎对这个即将到来的新老师一点也不感兴趣。因为大家都觉得老师都一个样,上的课既没意思,又不生动。但这个新来的老师,一走进教师,立刻就使那些昏昏欲睡的同学睁大了眼睛。这是为什么呢?因为呀,这个老师实在是太让人惊讶了。没穿工作服不说,还穿着一双高跟鞋。在我们学校里,统一规定女老师不能穿高跟鞋,而且每个老师都要穿工作服。原本死气沉沉的教师立刻变的生机勃勃起来。她先进行了自我介绍,然后是同学们的自我介绍。她告诉我们她姓张,名蔚娜。我们叫她张老师就行了。下面就开始上课了,她先让我们看了看今天要学的单词和课文,然后让我们合上课本,说要和我们玩一个游戏。这一句话让我们十分惊讶。因为学校里管的很严,做游戏什么的简直就是痴心妄想,因为他们觉得那是在浪费时间,所以同学们一听,都摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试哪。老师把我们分成两组,A组和B组。哪一组赢了,就可以获得一个神秘大礼。这下,课堂上立刻热闹极了。基本上老师一问问题,全班都举起了手,与以往真是大不相同啊。谁不想得到那最后的大奖呢?······叮叮叮······下课领响了。一看表,突然发现,原来度日如年的英语课今天却变得好像只有一瞬间那么短。这一堂课使我们受益匪浅。我们多么希望她可以永远都教我们这个班。只希望我们日后有缘再见了。这三个小时里发生的所有事情,都将成为我最美好最珍贵的回忆。
