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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-10 10:22:39 | 移动端:4000字writingsample多少页

篇一:美国留学申请Writing Sample如何准备

美国留学申请 Writing Sample如何准备

听到writing sample这个单词,电脑屏幕前的你是不是有这样几个疑惑呢? Writing Sample是什么?我申请的专业要不要writing sample呢,如果需要的话我什么时间准备以及准备过程中需要注意些什么呢?

美国申请材料Writing Sample准备须知:

首先,Writing Sample是什么?

Writing Sample是文科申请的一些专业必备的申请材料,几乎相当于一篇英文学术论文。Writing Sample主要考察申请人的思考能力,学术能力以及英文写作水平。录取委员会的老师们会根据writing sample 筛选出符合他们要求的申请者。

其次,在申请过程当中,需要提交writing sample的专业包括哪些呢?

主要分为以下几类:传媒类,比如申请传播学专业,公共关系专业,新闻专业;教育类,比如申请对外英语教学专业,教育政策专业,学习与教学等专业;人文社科类,比如申请社会学专业,东亚文化研究专业,国际关系专业,政治学专业,历史学专业,艺术史专业,人类学专业以及考古学专业等。 如果你选择申请这些专业,要提前查好学校对于writing sample的具体要求,以便有针对性地进行准备。

在了解了哪些专业需要提交writing sample之后,在准备这篇申请材料的时候,我们还需要注意哪些问题呢?主要有以下几点:

第一, 写作内容要求:writing sample所选主题建议与所申请专业保持一致;可以是之前自己写过的中文学术论文翻译过来,也可以重新写一篇英文学术论文;

第二, 长度要求:通常到10到20页不等;

第三, 写作语言:因为ws是一篇学术性论文,所以要使用专业性词汇,尽量使用书面语、少用口语化的语言;

第四, 提交方式:有的学校在网申系统里提供Writing Sample的提交功能,有些则没有。对于不能在网申中上传的学校,就需要申请者将Writing Sample打印装订,然后寄送给学校。装订时注意页码顺序。建议给你的Writing Sample做个封面,封面上注明自己的姓名、申请专业等个人信息,如果这个时候已经有了网申的ID,也尽量标注清楚,以便学校在收到你的Writing Sample之后能够利用这些个人信息,迅速的将其加入您的申请材料中。

第五, 准备时间: 由于Writing Sample比较长,如果申请多个专业的话,还需要多篇Writing Sample,所以一定要尽早准备,建议在11月底之前完成Writing Sample的写作、校对、装订工作。

通过以上三方面的讲解,你了解writing sample该如何准备了么?

希望同学们能够尽早着手准备学校所需的writing sample, 让录取委员会的老师们能够了解到你对于所申请专业的极大热衷以及你的学术竞争力所在吧!

篇二:sample writing

Education Pays


From the chart above, we can definitely get a conclusion that the more you learned, the higher your salary would be. The figures in the chart denied the claim that knowledge is useless. However quite a few people still hold the opinion that a higher education does no good to a better job since that there are many university students who can not get an ideal job.

What I want to point out is that there is more than one factor that contributes to the failure of finding an ideal job for those who got a higher education. While those who failed to get a better education will hardly succeed in getting a good job because they didn’t get the knowledge systematically and scientifically.

As the proverb goes like this, Knowledge is power. Education pays, sooner or later. 范文二

As is shown above, the bar chart clearly demonstrates the relationship between the education level and earning in 2010. It is obvious that well-educated persons such as owning Doctoral degree and Master's degree have a high salary than those who have relatively low degree. Isolated as the figure seems to be, as a matter of fact, we can observe that the higher level of education you receive, the higher income you get.

People’s opinions about investment in education differ from person to person. Some people say that knowledge could no longer change destiny. To them, it is not only a waste of money, but also a waste of time. Others deem that education is worthy of investment. As for me it is no doubt that education offers favorable working opportunity and handsome income, which enable us to buy what we want, please what we love, and fulfill

what we dream, and correspondingly we are able to build an ideal paradise where life can be enjoyed to the uttermost.

In conclusion, we should realize significance of education, which plays a crucial role in personal growth of career. In addition, it is convinced that education is the prospect of a nation.


What is shown in the chart above is that those people with high degree earn more than those with lower. For example, staff with master’s degree receive a better payment than those with bachelor’s degree, according to a survey of the payment to the employee. This survey indicates that education degree does have a relationship with earnings, contrary to the recent theory of useless education.

Recently, there is a heated discussion about the significance of the education. Some people hold a view that higher education is useless since college education cannot mesh with the social needs. Some think that higher education is indispensable if you want to go far in both your studies and life. Now that survey has proved which part is wiser.

As for me, I definitely support the view that education is necessary for people’s life. Reading can not only make me survive well in this society with fierce competition but also help me make sense of life. I pursue for it for my whole life.

篇三:writing sample (1)

Essay 1---by Wang Li

Marriage Young Problems

I don’t agree to get married at a very early age. Marriage is such a big promise that once I make a decision, I have to take the entire responsibility. It’s easy to find another man to rely on and I may think it is a right choice. However, getting married too young was a mistake because we hadn’t finished our education, we weren’t ready for children and we weren’t assure of parents’ life yet.

The first problem was that young lovers hadn’t finished their education. It is the golden time to study while we were young. There is a Chinese old saying, “If one doesn’t exert oneself in youth, one will regret in old age.” If I got married too young, I might be upset about how to balance the time to have university courses and do chores at home. Furthermore, it will contribute to physical and mental problems like obsessive compulsive disorder or depression. Education is a good way to improve our comprehension ability and variety of skills. Lack of enough education may lead us to having some failure frustrations. Besides, I will be deeply embarrassed if I can’t figure out my kids’ problem about their homework. So, we’d better learn well and then we can have further plan about marriage.

The second problem was that we were not ready for children. I was even too young to take good care of myself, to say nothing of my sweetheart and my children! What's more, compared with those who got married at a proper age, younger lovers may be in a great bustle to deal with things such as relationship, notarial certificate to prove on the children problem.

The biggest problem was that I will care less about my parents if I spent more with my own family. For me, it is unforgivable to left home without any payback for my parents, for they have been raising me up for 20 years. And my kids would leave me early just like the way I did if I made a decision to get married too young. That’s really not a good model. While I was growing stronger and stronger, my parents were getting older and older, their retirement pensions can’t afford to the housing mortgage loan. It is my time to take on the burn of life instead of them.

All in all, I do believe that young lovers should consider carefully and completely before making decisions to get married. Getting married too young was not a bright choice on the condition such as education, children and parents. (431 words)
