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Hari. Bapuji Paul W. Beamish

China exports about 20 billion toys per year and they are the second most commonly imported item by U.S. and Canada. It is estimated that about 10,000 factories in China manufacture toys for export. Considering this mutual dependence, it is important that the problems resulting in recalls are addressed carefully.

Although the largest portion of recalls by Mattel involved design flaws, the CEO of Mattel blamed the Chinese manufacturers by saying that the problem resulted ‘in this case (because) one of our

manufacturers did not follow the rules’. Several analysts too blamed the Chinese manufacturers. By placing blame where it did not belong, there is a danger of losing the opportunity to learn from the errors that have occurred. The first step to learn from errors is to know why and where the error occurred. Further, the most critical step in preventing the recurrence of errors is to find out what and who can prevent it.


From:http:///loadpage.aspx?Page=ShowDoc&CategoryAlias=zonghe/ggmflm_zh&BlockAlias=sjhwsd&filename=/doc/sjhwsd/200709281954.xml, Sep. 2007


哈里·巴普基 保罗·比密什







文献出处:Philippe Nier, The operation and application of Android system [J]. International Journal on Computer Science & Engineering, 2014,13(05):15-26



The Operation and Application of Android System



Android is a software stack for mobile devices which includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. Since its official public release, Android has captured the interest from companies, developers and the general audience. From that time up to now, this software platform has been constantly improved either in terms of features or supported hardware and, at the same time, extended to new types of devices different from the originally intended mobile ones. Google entered into the mobile market not as a handset manufacturer, but by launching mobile platform called as “Android” for mobile devices such as Smart phones, PDA and net books on 5th November 2007. Google has a vision that Android based cell phone will have all the functions available in the latest PC. In order to make this effort possible, Google launched the Open Handset Alliance. Google introduced Android as an OS which runs the powerful applications and gives the users a choice to select their applications and their carriers. The Android platform is made by keeping in mind various sets of users who can use the available capacity within Android at different levels. Android is gaining strength both in the mobile industry and in other industries with different hardware architectures.

The increasing interest from the industry arises from two core aspects: its open-source nature and its architectural model. Being an open-source project, Android allows us to fully analyze and understand it, which enables feature comprehension, bug fixing, further improvements regarding new functionalities and finally, porting to new hardware. On the other hand, its Linux kernel-based architecture model also adds the use of Linux to the mobile industry, allowing to take advantage of the knowledge and

features offered by Linux. The Android platform consists of several layers which provide a complete software stack.

Android applications are Java-based and this factor entails the use of a virtual machine VM environment, with its advantages. Android uses its own VM called Dalvik, which interprets and executes portable Java-style byte code after transforming it, which is optimized to operate on the mobile platform. All of these aspects make Android an appealing target to be used in other type of environments.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II briefly describes the Android’s background including architecture, features & programming framework. Section III presents detailed analysis of Android market including comparison with Symbian & Windows Mobile. Finally Section IV concludes this paper.


A . Android Architecture

Android Architecture is shown in fig1, which consist of number of layers as Applications, Application framework, Libraries, Android runtime & Linux kernel [1]. Application layer is the uppermost layer which provides a set of core applications including an email, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts, and others. All applications are written using the Java programming language. It should be mentioned that applications can be run simultaneously; it is possible to hear music and read an email at the same time. The Application Framework is a software framework that is used to implement a standard structure of an application for a specific operating system. With the help of managers, content providers and other services programmers it can reassemble functions used by other existing applications.

Layer which is present below Application framework consist of two parts as Libraries which are all written in C/C++. They will be called through a Java interface. This includes the Surface Manager, 2D and 3D graphics, Media Codecs like MPEG-4 and MP3, the SQL database SQLite and the web browser engine WebKit. Second part is Android Runtime which includes a set of core libraries that provides most of the functionality available in the core libraries of the Java programming language. Every Android application runs in its own process, with its own instance of the Dalvik

virtual machine. The Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format which is optimized for minimal memory footprint. The lowest layer is Linux Kernel, Android basically relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack.

B. Features of Android

Google Android has many features which make it special, but one important feature is Dalvik virtual machine (DVM) [5]. Which is a major component of Android platform. It is optimized for low memory requirements and is designed to allow multiple VM instances to run at the same time. The DVM runs Java applications. However, it is different from standard Java virtual machine in some ways. First, most virtual machines use a stack-based architecture, but Dalvik is a register-based architecture. Second, Dalvik runs Java applications which have been transformed into the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format which is optimized for minimal memory footprint The Dalvik VM relies on the Linux kernel for underlying functionality such as threading and low-level memory management. Java virtual machine tool interface (JVM TI) is a native programming interface on Java virtual machine. The interface provides functionalities to inspect the state of a virtual machine, gather information during run time, and also control the execution of applications running on the Java virtual machine. Android has built in integrated browser based on the open source WebKit engine & built in powerful SQL database engine called SQLite, use for structured data storage. Android support for common audio, video, and still image formats such as AAC, MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AMR, & contains Rich development environment including a device emulator, tools for debugging, & a plug-in for the Eclipse.

C. Android Programming Framework

The environment requires to develop application for Android consists of the Android SDK, the Eclipse IDE and the Java Development Kit (JDK) which has to be preinstalled for the installation of both, Android SDK and Eclipse. The following versions of the tools mentioned above are used & presented in figure below.

1) Android Software Development Kit: The Android SDK includes a comprehensive set of development tools. These include libraries, a handset emulator, documentation, sample code, tutorials & tools such as dx - Dalvik Cross-Assembler, aapt – Android Asset Packaging Tool & adb– Android Debug Bridge. Applications are written using the Java programming language and run on Dalvik, a custom virtual machine designed for embedded use which runs on top of a Linux kernel. The officially supported integrated development environment (IDE) is Eclipse (3.2 or later)

2) Android Emulator: The Android SDK includes a mobile device emulator -- a virtual mobile device that runs on your computer. The emulator lets you prototype, develop, and test Android applications without using a physical device. The Android emulator mimics all of the hardware and software features of a typical mobile device, except that it cannot receive or place actual phone calls. It provides a variety of navigation and control keys, which you can "press" using your mouse or keyboard to generate events for your application. It also provides a screen in which your application is displayed, together with any other Android applications running. To let you model and test your application more easily, the emulator supports Android Virtual Device (AVD) configurations. AVDs let you specify the Android platform that you want to run on the emulator, as well as the hardware options and emulator skin files that you want to use.


A. Android Market

The Android Market, an online software store, is developed by Google for Android devices. It was made available to users on October 22, 2008. Most of the Android devices come with preinstalled “Market” application which allows users to browse, buy, download, and rate different available applications and other content for mobile phones equipped with the open-source operating system. Unlike with the iPhone App Store, there is no requirement that Android apps should be acquired from Android Market [2]. Android apps may be obtained from any source including a developer's own website. Also, Android developers can create their own application market. Google does not have a strict requirement for the application to show up on the

Android Market compared to the process used by Apple. Lastly, the Android Market follows a 70/30 revenue-sharing model for applications developed by developers. The developers of priced applications receive 70% of the application price and remaining 30% distributes. As of May 04, 2010, Android apps hit around 49,000 applications which were around 12,500 in August 2009 and 20,000 in December 2009. The global smart phone sell in second quarter of 2009 & 2010 are shown bellow.

B. Android vs. Symbian vs. Windows Mobile

Comparison is based on main criteria as follows.

1) Portability: Portability is a very important assessment criterion. Symbian OS has many references in this area and having standardized architecture and the openness to software. But the fact that Symbian mostly runs on Nokia cell phones and that it is not Java based lets it fall behind Android. Unfortunately Windows Mobile also has several applications that are specific to certain hardware platforms and therefore are not portable. The Android Mobile platform is a Linux & Java based which allow us to use it on many different platforms unlike Symbian & Win Mobile. As a result Android gets one point, Symbian OS gets half a point and Windows Mobile zero points.







文献出处:Adeosun L P K, Ganiyu R A. Experiential Marketing: An Insight into the Mind of the Consumer[J]. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 2014, 2(7): 21-26.



Experiential Marketing: An Insight into the Mind of the Consumer

Ladipo Patrick Kunle Adeosun,Rahim Ajao Ganiyu


In recent years, there has been increased interest in building and enhancing customer experience among researchers and practitioners. Companies are shifting their attention and efforts from premium prices or superior quality to memorable experiences. Also, the value created by memorable or unique customer experiences and emotions exert significant impact on organizational performance in terms of customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty. Experiential marketing is the new approach which views marketing as an experience and treats consumption like a total experiment, by taking cognizance of the rational and emotional aspects of consumption using eclectic methods.

We are in the era of ?experience economy? and the main concern and preoccupation of proactive organization is how to create total experience and unique value system for customers, which necessitate the need to understand the life of customer from perspective of their shopping experience. Experiences is inherent in the mind of everyone, and may result into physical, emotional, and cognitive activities which invariably may generate strong feelings that the customer might take away. Experience tends to come from the interaction of personal minds and events, and thus no two experiences may be the same in any occasion (Schmitt, 1999).

Schmitt (2003) distinguishes between five types of experience that marketers can create for customers to include; sensory experience (sense), affective experience (feel),

creative cognitive experience (think), physical experience, behaviors and lifestyles (act), and social-identity experience, all relating to a reference group or culture (relate). The author posits that the ultimate goal of experiential marketing is to create holistic experience that seek to integrate all these individual types of experiences into total customer experience.

According to Pine and Gilmore (1999), economic development is generating a new and dynamic era of experiences, which challenge the traditional sales approach focusing on product sales and service offering. And in order to enhance consumers' emotional connections to the brand and provide a point of differentiation in a competitive oligopoly, retailers have turned their attention to creating memorable retail experiences, which try to appeal to consumers at both physical as well as psychological levels.

The emergence and spread of shopping malls, supermarkets and hypermarkets in both developed and developing countries, heightened competition for consumers? spendable or discretionary incomes. There are therefore more choices available for consumers than ever before. In such a situation retailers seeks to develop business strategies that focus on creating and maintaining customers, by offering customers a differentiated shopping experience.

The term "Experiential Marketing" refers to actual customer experience with the product/service that drive sales and increase brand image and awareness. When done right, it's the most powerful technique to win brand loyalty. Olorunniwo et al., (2006) concluded that customer experience is related to behavioral intentions and connecting the audience with the authentic nature of the brand is one of the prime goal of experiential marketing. This is achieved through participation in personally relevant, credible and memorable encounters.

Shopping has been considered a search process where shoppers would like to ensure that they make the right decisions. In addition, they also intend to derive emotional satisfaction (Tauber, 1972). It has been found that a high level of brand awareness may not translate into sales. Proactive organization should consider every visit of the shopper as a distinct encounter and a moment of truth. Unless the

interaction is satisfactory, the next visit may not guaranteed. Therefore, if the store does not provide a compelling reason for a repeat patronage, the amount of purchase per visit may likely decline (Zeithaml, 1998).

The growing significance of experiential marketing has resulted into diverse and fascinating study on the concept (e.g. Csikzentmihalyi, 1997; Schmitt 1999; Pine and Gilmore 1999; Holbrook, 2000; Arnould et al., 2002; Caru and Cova, 2003 to mention a few). However, the dynamics of consumer behavior have necessitated the need for more papers. With few exceptions, the existing experiential retail literature has focused mainly on the isolated testing of static design elements (i.e. atmospherics, ambient conditions, and services cape architecture) of retail stores (Turley and Milliman, 2000). McCole (2004) in particular recognizes this dearth of academic research in the areas of experiential and event marketing as an indication of the division between academia and business and calls for marketing theory in these areas to be more closely aligned with practice.

Similarly, Gupta, (2003) identified a lack of systemic body of knowledge and conceptual framework on which to base scientific inquiry as a key tenet of experiential marketing. The current study seeks to address some of these gaps in the literature. In consequence this paper aims to gauge consumers' responses to experiential marketing in modern retail outlets and analyze the effect of experiential marketing on consumer behavior.


Experience as defined within the realm of management is a personal occurrence with emotional significance created by an interaction with product or brand related stimuli (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982). For this to become experiential marketing the result must be “something extremely significant and unforgettable for the consumer immersed in the experience” (Caru and Cova, 2003, p. 273). According to Schmitt (1999) experiential marketing is how to get customers to sense, feel, think, act, and relate with the company and brands. Customer satisfaction is a key outcome of experiential marketing and is defined as the “customer fulfillment response” which is an evaluation as well as an emotion-based response to a service. It is an indication

of the customer?s belief on the probability or possibility of a service leading to a positive feeling. And positive affect is positively and negatively related to satisfaction.

Experiential marketing involves the marketing of a product or service through experience and in the process the customer becomes emotionally involved and connected with the object of the experience (Marthurs, 1971). A well designed experience engages the attention and emotion of the consumer, and becomes memorable and allows for a free interpretation, as it is non-partisan (Hoch, 2002). In contrast to traditional marketing which focuses on gaining customer satisfaction, experiential marketing creates emotional attachment for the consumers (McCole, 2004). The sensory or emotional element of a total experience has a greater impact on shaping consumer preferences than the product or service attributes Zaltman (2003). The benefits of a positive experience include the value it provides the consumer (Babin et al., 1994; Holbrook, 1999) and the potential for building customer loyalty.

Experiential retail strategies facilitate the creation of emotional attachments, which help customers obtain a higher degree of possessive control over in-store activities (Schmitt, 2003). These strategies allow consumers to become immersed within the holistic experience design, which often creates a flow of experiences. Affective reaction based on an interaction with an object can be described as a person?s subjective perception or judgment about whether such interaction will change his or her core affect or his or her emotion toward the object. Cognitive reaction toward interacting with the object involves cognitive reasoning or appraisal, and is a consumer assessment of the purchase implications for his/her well being. Cognitive and affective reactions towards an object can be quite different, for example: one might appraise taking garlic as good and useful for one?s health, nevertheless, one can at the same time consider it unpleasant due to its smell and taste.

Experiential events can turn out to create both consumer and consumption experiences and can by far more effective in attaining communication goals. Caru and Cova (2003) conceptualization of experience, and Csikzentmihalyi (1997) experience typology and 7 ?I?s of Wood and Masterman (2007) may serve as a useful framework for evaluating the effectiveness of an event by developing measures that relates to the

level of challenges, newness, surprise, and matching it with the audience?s prior experience and skill level. However, the usefulness of measuring these attributes of the event depends upon the assumption and belief that an event that is strong in those attributes will effectively create a memorable and potentially behavior changing experience.

The strategic experiential marketing framework consists of five strategic experiential models which create different forms of experience for customers. The five bases of the strategic experiential modules are: (1) Sensory experience: the sensory experience of customers towards experiential media includes visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile response results. (2) Emotional experience: the inner emotion and sense of customers raised by experience media. (3) Thinking experience: customers' thoughts on the surprise and enlightenment provoked by experience media. (4) Action experience: is the avenue through which experience media, linked customers so that they can acquire social identity and sense of belonging. (5) Related experience for customers: is actualizes through the experience of media production links, and to social recognition.


This study, being descriptive and explanatory, utilized secondary sources of information. Secondary information is a good source of data collection and documentation that cannot be under-estimated as it provides necessary background and much needed context which makes re-use a more worthwhile and systemic endeavour (Bishop, 2007).


The retailing business is constantly changing and experiencing huge trends due to changing consumer tastes, consumption patterns and buying behaviors. As a result of the changing consumer shopping ecosystem, retailers? ability to sell its merchandise, depends largely on the strength of its marketing mix elements and ability to create a rewarding and fulfilling experiences for customers.

Traditional marketing strategies focusing on price or quality are no longer a source of differentiation and competitive advantage. Researchers advocate that one of
