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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-10 10:21:59 | 移动端:3000字英文翻译


Bolt Supporting of Large-Span Soft Rockway in

Shaqu Colliery

Abstract The instability of trapezoidal I-steel support is analysed for the compound roof of main coal seam in Shaqu Colliery, and the mechanism of bolt supporting is studied. A scheme of bolt supporting has been given and put into practice,remarkable technical and economic benefits have been got.

Key words :large-span,compound roof, bolt supporting, mechanism


In shaqu colliery a large coal mine mining rare coking coal in China, most roadways are laid out in main coal seam

roof of coal seam .The soft compound ,which is composed of mudstone and coal seam

contains aboundant beddings and joints. The strength of the roof is so low that its uniaxial-saturated compressive strength is only 10.7 Mpa.RQD value of coal seam and is zero ,and that of mudstone is lower than 10%. There is clay minerals in mudstone, main compositions are interbedded strata of illite and montmorillonite which will swell when soaked by water, The span of preperation roadways and gateways is wider than 4m, and that of some main roadways is over 5m. In shaqu colliery , preperation roadways and gateways were supported by trapezoidal I-steel support, the beams of which were bent and damaged, and the roadways were destroyed seriously within a short period just after excavated. Roof

controlling of Large-Span Soft Rockways in the coal seam became the key to the production and construction of shaqu colliery.

2.supporting status and instability analysis of trapezoidal I-steel supports

trapezoidal I-steel supports were used in drawing roadways,which roof span is 4.0m, floor span is 4.9m, and hight 2.95m and spacing 0.5m. Initial resistance of the supports was almost zero because it was difficult to the support beams contact the roof, even if with high quality of installation. The trapezoidal I-steel supports would not carry load until the displacement of surrounding rock excceded 80-100 mm because the supports increased very slowly. Therefore, right after excavation, the roof would bend and subside severly. Eight hours after excavation, the roof strata would break completely, and then form rock cavity. The weight of caving rock would act on the beams of supports, which forms loose rock pressure.

By calculating, the ultimate load-bearing capacity is smaller than roof pressure whether it is uniformal or concentrated, Based on the in-situ observation, inflection value of most roof reached 200-300mm. When paired supports were used, paired beams were still bent and damaged; then midprops were added, they were also destroyed. Many roof beams were stabilized only if 2-3 props had been added. The supports were damaged completely, and most of them could not be reused. The part

section of roadways had become inverted trapezoid, and the available section was far smaller than the designed section. Part of roadways was out of use because it was in the danger of serious caving.

3.Mechanism of bolt supporting

Its mechanism is to make full use of the self-load-bearing capacity of surrounding rock by bolting, and then make the surrounding rock stabilize by itself. The stability of surrounding rock depends on the equilibrium status of ground pressure, self-load-bearing capacity of surrounding rock and anchoring force of bolts. Ground pressure is to make surrounding rock deform and break; self-load-bearing capacity is the main factor to stablize surrounding rock. Anchoring force of bolts can not change the equilibrium status of the three because it is very small, compared with ground pressure and self-load-bearing capacity. And its function is to change the decreasing regularity of self-load-bearing capacity versus the deformation of surrounding rock, and balance self-load-bearing capacity against ground pressure early.

Roof pressure is the pressure acting on the roof beams when I-steel supports are used to control the roof. When roof is supported by bolts, the roof pressure change to be the pressure acting on the rock within the bolting range because this part of rock is change into self-bearing body. According to the characteristics of the roof of coal seams

can be divided into six substrata. , bolts strata

When the value of roof subsidence is zero, roof pressure is in-situ stress; then roof pressure decreases with the increase of roof subsidence. The variation of roof pressure is analyzed by FLAC, The results are shown as curve 1 in Fig.1. Wheoof subsidence reaches 19 mm, the first roof substratum begins to bearing tensile stress, then losts self-load-bearing capacity, and roof pressure decreases to 0.67Mpa. When roof subsidence reaches 40 mm, the second substratum loses self-load-bearing capacity, and roof pressure decreases to 0.16Mpa. When roof subsidence reaches 100 mm, the fourth substratum loses self-load-bearing capacity, and roof pressure decreases to0.08Mpa. In the initial stage of roof subsidence, roof pressure decreases rapidly, and in the later stage of roof subsidence, roof pressure decreases slowly and then has an increasing trend.

The self-load-bearing capacity of the roof without bolting is calculated upon the theory of laminated beam, the result are shown as curve 2 in Fig.1. When roof subsidence is zero, the self-load-bearing capacity is at its utmost value 0.0625Mpa; when roof subsidence is 100mm,roof strata have broken, most of self-load-bearing capacity has lost, and the residual self-load-bearing capacity is only 0.0375Mpa.The self-load-bearing capacity of the roof with bolting is calculated upon the theory of combined beam, the result are shown as curve 3 in Fig.1. When roof subsidence is zero, the self-load-bearing capacity is at its utmost

value 0.4Mpa; when the roof subsidence reaches 40mm the self-load-bearing capacity decreases to 0.225Mpa,and when roof subsidence reaches 100mm, the self-load-bearing capacity decreases to 0.1Mpa .

As shown in Fin. 1, the self-load-bearing capacity of roof strata without bolting is lower than roof pressure during the whole course of roof subsiding, so roof strata cave inevitably. When bolted, roof strata is changed from laminated beam into combined beam ,and the selr-load-bearing capacity increases markedly. When roof subsidence reaches 44mm, the self-load-bearing capacity exceeds roof pressure, then roof strata stabilized by itself.

4 Anchoring technology

Based on the above study of bolting mechanism, large setting resistance, high speed of resistance and high final resistance are the key technology to the large-spon soft rock roadway before roof strata detaching, which includes: (1)to improve the setting resistance increasing and achieve high speed of resistance increasing, to make the real working properties of bolts coordinate self-load-bearing properties of roof strata , which enables to make full use of the self-load-bearing capacity of roof strata; (2)to raise bolting reliability, and solve the difficult problems that anchoring force between bolts and soft rock is small and easy to lose.

4.1 Bloting scheme




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Hari. Bapuji Paul W. Beamish

China exports about 20 billion toys per year and they are the second most commonly imported item by U.S. and Canada. It is estimated that about 10,000 factories in China manufacture toys for export. Considering this mutual dependence, it is important that the problems resulting in recalls are addressed carefully.

Although the largest portion of recalls by Mattel involved design flaws, the CEO of Mattel blamed the Chinese manufacturers by saying that the problem resulted ‘in this case (because) one of our

manufacturers did not follow the rules’. Several analysts too blamed the Chinese manufacturers. By placing blame where it did not belong, there is a danger of losing the opportunity to learn from the errors that have occurred. The first step to learn from errors is to know why and where the error occurred. Further, the most critical step in preventing the recurrence of errors is to find out what and who can prevent it.


From:http:///loadpage.aspx?Page=ShowDoc&CategoryAlias=zonghe/ggmflm_zh&BlockAlias=sjhwsd&filename=/doc/sjhwsd/200709281954.xml, Sep. 2007


哈里·巴普基 保罗·比密什







hoist Crane

Have material to carry the important component is having become human being industry, the history being more than five thousand years away from now already. Degree rise expanding, automating with producing scale's, as important material flitting equipment crane application is more and more broad in modernized procedure of production, the effect is bigger and bigger, the request to the crane is also more and more higher. The crane is experiencing gigantic one transforming.

Since commercial run scale ceaselessness expands , the efficacy improves gradually, increase by gradually as well as material loads and unloads the what cost takes up proportion carrying in product procedure of production, urge large-scale or high-speed crane need amounts to increase by unceasingly. And batch of weight is bigger and bigger, the operating rate is more and more high, bring forward higher request to energy consumption and reliability. The crane already becomes important link in automatic production technological process. The crane asks the easy to handle, easy upkeep, moreover security to be close friends not only, reliability needs height, demand to have outstanding durability, the sex fault-free, being maintained and to use economy. In the world is at present maximal the crane roaming gets weight amount to 6,500 t, the maximal crawler crane gets weight amount to 3,000 t, the maximal bridge crane gets weight be 1,200 t, the maximum loading and unloading the bridge handcart near container the bank runs speed already amount to 350 m/min , that the stacking crane maximum runs speed is 240 m/min , speed amounts to 100 m/min starting from when the refuse disposal uses a crane's.

Industry mode of production and diversity of consumer need, the marketplace using the special use crane expands unceasingly, breed renews also unceasingly, satisfy peculiar need, bring the optimum efficacy into play out with proper function. The metallurgy, examines the electricity , paper making , the refuse disposal special use crane for instance , explosion protection , antisepsis , insulation crane are in the past more strong comparing with the railroad , boat and ship , container special use crane function escalation , ceaseless rise of function , adaptability. The Germany Damage company has developed out one kind of aircraft keeping the special use crane taking good care of in repair, has opened up sale in international market. The span is big,

batch, the altitude is big, but the fault strides over, the accuracy parking is taller than on this crane being installed in building structure. Installation has many festivals to stretch out and draw back a conduit pipe below lifting handcart, the platform being maintained with the aircraft is linked together, may do 360 degree of revolution together. Displacement , conduit pipe promotion and demotion and revolution by the cart and the handcart may make the platform being maintained get to any aircraft location , the sum carrying out the aircraft upkeep is mend , extremely rapid convenient.

Use modularization to design the complete machine design procedures replace tradition, the identical with upper crane function basic component , component and part are made from having various use, have the identical linkup key element to compose in reply a standard module interchangeable, mutuality by being unlike a module constitutes, form the crane being unlike the type and specification. Be in progress to the crane improvement, need specifically for some several modules. The module designing the new model crane, needing selecting and using diversity carries out combination again. The module changing Cheng having batches suitable produces the crane may make a stick mass-produce for a short time, high efficiency specialization of different parts of production, the enterprise childbirth organize realization also may become module administration from management of product. Reach the improvement complete machine function , reduce cost of manufacture , improve be applied or used universally degree, uses be composed of many breeds , many specification series of products of less specification numbers component and part, to satisfy the consumer need sufficiently.

At present, Germany , United Kingdom , France , USA and Japanese famous crane company have adopt crane modularization design all already , have got and notable beneficial result. The standard of Germany Damage company crane series switches over to use modularization to design the day after tomorrow is 12% lower compared with the design cost that the stick designs, cost of production comes down 45%, the economic effect is very considerable. One kind of KBK flexibility combination style the Germany Damage company has been developed flies a crane , the crane steel structure is composed of cold rolling type track , the crane runs a circuit but strides over , is changed into gauge along producing a process flow having arbitrarily, arranged a fork to make turn , but had. All components all may realize mass production, the route need and

concrete material still different according to the consumer are carried becomes various component combination collocation namely within short time. . This crane compositionality is very good, operation can fully utilize conveniently, space, working cost are low. Have hand movement , the voluntarily various form , can be composed of suspension system , Shan flying the crane , pair of beams fly the crane , cantilever crane , light portal crane and hand movement stacking crane , can be composed of large-scale automation material carrying system even.

The batches cranes are that usage, the job are not very strenuous in the occasion being applied or used universally. This kind of crane batches big , are widely used, think that the heddle agrees well with beneficial result considerably , require that the crane reduces external form to the full facilitating structure highly, diminish the self-respect and wheel-pressure , also, may make the entire building come down highly , build structure light , reduce cost of construction. The therefore electric bottle gourd bridge crane and the dyadic beam lifting chance have quicker development, small tonnage in major part being replaced together sort use bridge crane. The Germany Damage company several tens years of exploitation and FOAK passes, series having already formed a light dyadic combination standard crane. Get weight for the rank working 1-63 tons, is A1-A7, pair of beams wait for the entire series to be breed composition more by I-shaped and box type Shan , suspension box shape Shan , angle-type handcart box shape Shan and box shape. The main beam and the end beam connect with as well as lifting handcart arrangement has the various pattern, may be suitable to the request being unlike a building and being unlike sling height. According to consumer need, every kind of specification crane has three kinds Shan speed and provides the speed regulation choosing arbitrarily, being able to select and use frequency conversion three kinds of pair quickly. Control way having floor door proper motion displacement, door to follow handcart displacement, door fixed, wireless remote control, driver's cage fixation , driver's cage to follow seven kinds such as handcart displacement , driver's cage proper motion displacement to choose. The cart and the handcart current supply have the cable handcart to conduct electricity, DVS system grows way. Choosing an item much like this, may arrange hundreds and thousands of kind of crane in groups, satisfy different need of consumer sufficiently by different combination. This crane another maximal merit is light, the self-respect is light, wheel-pressure is light, external form the dimension is highly small , may reduce workshop

building construction cost greatly , may diminish the crane operation power and run cost at the same time also. Start to compare, weight with the general goods being 10 t , spans 22.5 ms, the pair of dyadic beam bridge cranes self-respect being applied or used universally is 24 t, above crane track face highly 1876 mms , crane width 5980 mms; Damage crane self-respect has only had 8.7 t , weight has made light of 176%, the crane has reduced 104% highly above track face for 920 mms, crane has been 2980 mms in width, external form the dimension decreases by 100%. Crane renewal and development, depend on electric drive and the improvement controlling to a great extent. The machinery technology and the electron technology is looked at and appraised being tied in wedlock, drive and applying advanced computer art , microelectronics technology , electric power electron technology , optical cable technology , hydraulic pressure technology , blurred control technique to machinery, realize the crane automation and intellectualized. The new large-scale high-effect crane generation electric control device already develops for entire electron digitization. Be composed of entire digitization equipment such as controlling a driving device, may weave the program controller , malfunction diagnose and data management system , digitize controlling given detecting mainly. Data communication , the malfunction control varying voltage frequency conversion speed regulation , radio frequency from examining supervisory control , slings for lifting loads guarding against mixing up swaying , laser seeks the centre of gravity craning a thing , near field induction guards against the collision technology , the scene highway , carrier wave communication and controlling , there being no the contact current supply and three-dimensional bar code technology and so on will be applied broadly. Make a crane have higher flexibility, level producing a pattern , improving the automation of single with the flexibility being suitable to much little batch batches. Priority develops the high-performance centering on microprocessor electric drive device , make a crane have good speed regulation county moving characteristic property , may carry out auto control , automation display and precis writer handling, working crane automation protection and automation detecting, remote peculiar occasion remote control waits, to adapt to the automatic production need.

Adopt laser aid to seek the centre-of-gravity position craning a thing's for instance, the device jacket has an ultrasonic sensor to lead to fetch the thing device grabbing a goods voluntarily in fetching a thing. The automation guards against slings for lifting loads swaying system can 200 m

/min , acceleration make the thing craning sway amplitude cutting till several millimeters very quickly in running speed under condition. The crane may fix position by the fact that the magnetic field converter or laser reaches high-accuracy. Assemble near field induced system on the crane, mutuality between may avoid a crane crashes. Have assembled certainly diagnose PC supervisory control system on the crane , have been system's turn to be able to provide most routine defending examination content, if gear case paints the temperature , oil level , the carriage wheel axle bearing temperature, and crane loading , strain shaking condition, arrester friction lining life-span and temperature situation etc.

Machinery is composed of a material on basis automating in crane single, by the fact that the computer transports various lifting carrying integrated system, controlling by the central control room, production facility is organically combined and , the childbirth system harmonizes and composition. This kind of crane automation degree high , has the information processing function, the various information may a sensor be checked coming out puts memory , arithmetic, logic treatment treating such as judging , varying into practice , issue a control command then to actuating mechanism. This kind of crane has the fairly good information entering, output interface, realizes all, accurate , reliable transmission in carrying integrated system in entire material of information. The crane passes system integration, can form the best match and combination that be unlike machine grows, adopt strong points while overcoming one's weak points , bring the best efficacy into play. Priority develops at present have a factory to give birth to a child carrying automatic system, flexibility processes fabrication system , the commerce goods distribution collects and distributes system , the container loads and unloads doing the automation sorting wrapping up a goods and carrying system and so on carrying system , traffic and post and telecommunications branch.

System the automation producing the engineering machinery USA Carter Pile company metal structures plant for instance having bought a material giving first place to the bridge crane is carried, gushing being used for steel plate handles, cutting and the automation being put in storage load and unload the availability carrying school assignment, adopt single operation than former to have improved 65%. The Japan small river Kawasaki factory uses the material that the full-automatic bridge crane is composed of to transport the working procedure or storehouse
