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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-10 10:21:35 | 移动端:3000字英文文献及翻译企业盈利能力分析







1. 介绍:



2. CPA的潜在效益






3. 实施注册会计师的总体思路




4. 注册会计师在工业清洗公司实施



5. 从CPA中学习



6. 讨论



7. 结论






本文摘自Erik M. van Raaija, Maarten J.A. Vernooijb, Sander van Triestc, The implementation of customer profitability analysis: A case study,School of Technology and Management,University of Twente,2002。

The implementation of customer profitability analysis: A case study Erik M. van Raaija, Maarten J.A. Vernooijb, Sander van Triestc,*

School of Technology and Management,University of Twente


By using customer profitability analysis (CPA), firms can determine the profit contribution of customer segments and/or individual customers. This article presents an approach for the implementation of CPA. The implementation process is illustrated using a case study of a firm producing and selling professional cleaning products. The case study highlights specific issues related to CPA in an industrial setting,and the results provide examples of the possible benefits of implementing a process of regular CPA.D 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Customer profitability; Customer relationship management (CRM); Implementation; Case study

1. Introduction

Within any given customer base, there will be differences in the revenues customers generate for the firm and in the costs the firm has to incur to secure those revenues. While most firms will know the customer revenues, many firms are unaware of all costs associated with customer relationships.In general, product costs will be known for each customer,but sales and marketing, service, and support costs are mostly treated as overhead. Customer profitability analysis (CPA) refers to the allocation of revenues and costs to customer segments or individual customers, such that the profitability of those segments and/or individual customers can be calculated.

The impetus for the increasing attention for CPA is twofold. First, the rise of activity-based costing (ABC) in the 1990s led to an increased understanding of the varying extent to which the manufacturing of different products used a firm’s resources (Cooper & Kaplan, 1991; Foster &Gupta, 1994). When using ABC, firms first identify cost pools: categories of activities performed within the organization(e.g., procurement).

Second, information technology makes it possible to record and analyze more customer data—both in type and in amount. As data such as number of orders, number of sales visits, number of service calls, etc. are stored at the level of the individual customer, it becomes possible to actually calculate customer profitability.

It is considered good industrial marketing practice to build and nurture profitable relationships with customers. To be able to do this, a firm should know how current customer relationships differ in profitability, as well as what customer segments offer higher potential for future profitable customer relationships.

2. The potential benefits of CPA

The direct benefits of CPA lie in the insight it provides in the uneven distribution of costs and revenues over customers.The information on the spread of costs among customers will be valuable in particular, as the distribution of revenues will generally be known to the firm. This insight in the extent to which specific customers consume the firm’s resources generates new opportunities for the firm in three areas: cost management, revenue management, and strategic marketing management.

First, CPA uncovers opportunities for targeted cost management and profit improvement programs. Published figures show examples where 20% of customers generate 225% of profits (Cooper & Kaplan, 1991), where more than half of the customers is unprofitable (Storbacka, 1997)or where the loss on a customer can be as high as 2.5 times

sales revenue (Niraj, Gupta, & Narasimhan, 2001). CPA, as a specific application of ABC,




The path-to-profitability of Internet IPO firms


Extant empirical evidence indicates that the proportion of firms going public prior to achieving profitability has been increasing over time. This phenomenon is largely driven by an increase in the proportion of technology firms going public. Since there is considerable uncertainty regarding the long-term economic viability of these firms at the time of going public, identifying factors that influence their ability to attain key post-IPO milestones such as achieving profitability represents an important area of research. We employ a theoretical framework built around agency and signaling considerations to identify factors that influence the probability and timing of post-IPO profitability of Internet IPO firms. We estimate Cox Proportional Hazards models to test whether factors identified by our theoretical framework significantly impact the probability of post-IPO profitability as a function of time. We find that the probability of post- IPO profitability increases with pre-IPO investor demand and change in ownership at the IPO of the top officers and directors. On the other hand, the probability of

post-IPO profitability decreases with the venture capital participation, proportion of outsiders on the board, and pre-market valuation uncertainty.

Keywords: Initial public offerings, Internet firms, Path-to-profitability, Hazard models, Survival

1. Executive summary

There has been an increasing tendency for firms to go public on the basis of a promise of profitability rather than actual profitability. Further, this phenomenon is largely driven by the increase in the proportion of technology firms going public. The risk of post-IPO failure

is particularly high for unprofitable firms as shifts in investor sentiment leading to negative market perceptions regarding their prospects or unfavorable financing environments could lead to a shutdown of external financing sources thereby imperiling firm survival. Therefore, the actual accomplishment of post-IPO profitability represents an important milestone in the company's evolution since it signals the long-term economic viability of the firm. While the extant research in entrepreneurship has focused on factors influencing the ability of entrepreneurial firms to attain important milestones prior to or at the time of going public, relatively little is known regarding the timing or ability of firms to achieve critical post-IPO milestones. In this study, we construct a theoretical framework anchored on agency and signaling theories to understand the impact of pre-IPO factors such as governance and ownership structure, management quality, institutional investor demand, and third party certification on firms' post-IPO path-to-profitability. We attempt to validate the testable implications arising from our theoretical framework using the Internet industry as our setting. Achieving post-issue profitability in a timely manner is of particular interest for Internet IPO firms since they are predominantly unprofitable at the time of going public and are typically characterized by high cash burn rates thereby raising questions regarding their long-term economic viability. Since there is a repeated tendency for high technology firms in various emerging sectors of the economy to go public in waves amid investor optimism followed by disappointing performance, insights gained from a study of factors that influence the path-to-profitabilityofInternetIPOfirmswillhelpincreaseourunderstandingofthe development path and long-term economic viability of entrepreneurial firms in emerging, high technology industries.

2. Introduction

The past few decades have witnessed the formation and development of several vitally

important technologically oriented emerging industries such as disk drive, biotechnology, and most recently the Internet industry. Entrepreneurial firms in such knowledge intensive industries are increasingly going public earlier in their life cycle while there is still a great deal of uncertainty and information asymmetry regarding their future prospects (Janey and Folta, 2006). A natural consequence of the rapid transition from founding stage firms to public corporations is an increasing tendency for firms to go public on the basis of a promise of profitability rather than actual profitability.3 Although sustained profitability is no longer a requirement for firms in order to go public, actual accomplishment of post-IPO profitability represents an important milestone in the firm's evolution since it reduces uncertainty regarding the long-term economic viability of the firm. In this paper, we focus on identifying observable factors at the time of going public that have the ability to influence the likelihood and timing of attaining post-IPO profitability by Internet firms. We restrict our study to the Internet industry since it represents a natural setting to study the long-term economic viability of an emerging industry where firms tend to go public when they are predominantly unprofitable and where there is considerably uncertainty and information asymmetry regarding their future prospects.4

The attainment of post-IPO profitability assumes significance since the IPO event does not provide the same level of legitimizing differentiation that it did in the past as sustained profitability is no longer a prerequisite to go public particularly in periods where the market is favorably inclined towards investments rather than demonstration of profitability (Stuartet al., 1999; Janey and Folta, 2006). During the Internet boom, investors readily accepted the mantra of “growth at all costs” and enthusiastically bid up the post-IPO offering prices to irrational levels (Lange et al., 2001). In fact, investor focus on the promise of growth rather than profitability resulted in Internet start-ups being viewed differently from typical new ventures in that they were able to marshal substantial resources virtually independent of performance benchmarks (Mudambi and Treichel, 2005).

Since the Internet bubble burst in April 2000, venture capital funds dried up and many firms that had successful IPOs went bankrupt or faced severe liquidity problems (Chang, 2004). Consequently, investors' attention shifted from their previously singular focus on

growth prospects to the question of profitability with their new mantra

being “path-to- profitability.” As such, market participants focused on not just whether the IPO firm would

be able to achieve profitability but also “when” or “how soon.” IPO firms unable to credibly demonstrate a clear path-to-profitability were swiftly punished with steeply lower valuations and consequently faced significantly higher financing constraints. Since cash flow negative firms are not yet self sufficient and, therefore, dependent on external financing to continue to operate, the inability to raise additional capital results in a vicious cycle of events that can quickly lead to delisting and even bankruptcy.5 Therefore, the actual attainment of post-IPO profitability represents an important milestone in the evolution of an IPO firm providing it with legitimacy and signaling its ability to remain economically viable through the ups and downs associated with changing capital market conditions. The theoretical framework supporting our analysis draws from signaling and agency theories as they relate to IPO firms. In our study, signaling theory provides the theoretical basis to evaluate the signaling impact of factors such as management quality, third party certification, institutional investor demand, and pre-IPO valuation uncertainty on the path-to-profitability. Similarly, agency theory provides the theoretical foundations to allow us to examine the impact of governance structure and change in top management ownership at the time of going public on the probability of achieving the post-IPO profitability milestone. Our empirical analysis is based on the hazard analysis methodology to identify the determinants of the probability of becoming profitable as a function of time for a sample of 160 Internet IPOs issued during the period 1996–2000.

Our study makes several contributions. First, we construct a theoretical framework based on agency and signaling theories to identify factors that may influence the path-to- profitability of IPO firms. Second, we provide empirical evidence on the economic viability of newly public firms (path-to-profitability and firm survival) in the Internet industry. add to the theoretical and empirical entrepreneurship literature that has focused on factors influencing the ability of entrepreneurial firms to achieve critical milestones during the transition from private to public ownership. While previous studies have focused on milestones during the private phase of firm development such as receipt of VC funding and successful completion of a public offering (Chang, 2004; Dimov and Shepherd, 2005; Beckman et al., 2007), our study extends this literature by focusing on post-IPO

milestones. Finally, extant empirical evidence indicates that the phenomenon of young, early stage firms belonging to relatively new industries being taken public amid a wave of investor optimism fueled by the promise of growth rather than profitability tends to repeat itself over time.6 However, profitability tends to remain elusive and takes much longer than anticipated which results in investor disillusionment and consequently high failure rate among firms in such sectors. 7 Therefore, our study is likely to provide useful lessons to investors when applying valuations to IPO firms when this phenomenon starts to repeat itself.

This articles proceeds as follows. First, using agency and signaling theories, we develop our hypotheses. Second, we describe our sample selection procedures and present descriptive statistics. Third, we describe our research methods and present our results. Finally, we discuss our results and end the article with our concluding remarks.

3. Theory and hypotheses

Signaling models and agency theory have been extensively applied in the financial economics, management, and strategy literatures to analyze a wide range of economic phenomena that revolve around problems associated with information asymmetry, moral hazard, and adverse selection. Signaling theory in particular has been widely applied in the IPO market as a framework to analyze mechanisms that are potentially effective in resolving the adverse selection problem that arises as a result of information asymmetry between various market participants (Baron, 1982; Rock, 1986; Welch, 1989). In this study, signaling theory provides the framework to evaluate the impact of pre-IPO factors such as management quality, third party certification, and institutional investor demand on the path-to-profitability of Internet IPO firms.

The IPO market provides a particularly fertile setting to explore the consequences of separation of ownership and control and potential remedies for the resulting agency problems since the interests of pre-IPO and post-IPO shareholders can diverge. In the context of the IPO market, agency and signaling effects are also related to the extent that insider actions such as increasing the percentage of the firm sold at the IPO, percentage of management stock holdings liquidated at the IPO, or percentage of VC holdings liquidated at the IPO can accentuate agency problems with outside investors and, as a consequence, signal poor










斯里兰卡和马来西亚有许多共同点在五十年以前。这两个国家是英国殖民地,并脱离英国独立9年分开 - 在1957年斯里兰卡在1948年和马来西亚。这两个国家开始了独立后的时期,资源,雄厚的英国的法律和政治制度,以及类似的教育系统的丰富多样。1960年,马来西亚有一个国民总收入(GNI)每280美元的人均和斯里兰卡在1960年的每152美元的人均国民总收入。“由于1970年,斯里兰卡和马来西亚也有类似的生活标准”(莎莉,2009年,P1)。经过五十年的独立性,马来西亚现在远远领先于斯里兰卡的许多方面,包括经济和工业发展。今天,“马来西亚被广泛接受为一个大发展的成功故事在发展中世界。尽管有1997-1998年金融危机期间的大规模经济收缩经验丰富,马来西亚的经济表现一直贯穿独立后期间令人印象深刻。持续高增长(平均近6%年息百分之过去四十年),一直伴随着生活水平的提高与收入的相对平等分配“(Athukorala,2005年,第19页)。 数据和理论:

本研究的数据来自统计局范戴克的OSIRIS数据库,提供财政和其他相关数据超过34000在130个国家的上市公司获得。由于在这项研究中用来测量在斯里兰卡和马来西亚上市公司的盈利能力数据的主要来源是出版公司账户,本次研究的结果应谨慎对待。被公账户披露的数据通常与继承一定的局限性,尤其是用于比较的公司在不同国家的表现。其中一个主要的限制是,在公司帐目确定的利润是在此基础上可能会有所不同,从公司到公司的公司会计实务。例如,如折旧的量和库存价值物品受到任意估值一个相当宽的范围内。此外,特别是在固定资产,基于历史成本会计的概念数字可能并不代表通货膨胀期间实际值。在该公司账目计算的利润也受到企业和税务法规也不同国家之间变化的影响。在跨国公司的情况下,利润的计算可能会容易通过实践各种操作,如转让定价(Robbins和Stobaugh,1974年)。虽然符合国际财务报告准则(IFRS) - 这是使用超过100个国家,包括斯里兰卡和马来西亚 - 方便可比性,还存在会计实务一些不同之处,这使得








表2清楚地表明,在此期间一九六零年至2007年对一些重要的经济指标,两国之间的差距已经拉大。如人均国民总收入-widely作为一个国家的经济表现的一个基本指标 - 斯里兰卡远远落后于马来西亚,2007年与1540美元其国民总收入的人均收入相比,马来西亚6540美元。 1960年马来西亚的人均国民总收入收入仅为1.84倍斯里兰卡的人均国民总收入的收入,但到2007年这一差距扩大到4.25倍斯里兰卡的人均国民总收入的收入。类似的情况是观察两国的GDP。 1960年,为23十亿马来西亚的GDP只是1.53倍斯里兰卡为15十亿GDP。然而,2007年马来西亚GDP已增至美元的巨额186.7十亿,这是近6倍,斯里兰卡在2007年达32.4十亿GDP两国之间的另一个值得注意的区别是,这两个国家都按比例减少其农业产出,同时增加他们的工业产值之间的两个时期显著。引人注目的是,通过在1960年斯













这项研究的另一个主要发现是,斯里兰卡的相对位置差 - 尤其是制造业的股权投资方面 - 相比,马来西亚公司60%的斯里兰卡公司的股权资本仅为46%。类似的趋势在这两个国家的所有六个行业观察时股权的水平是由行业分析。究其原因,在斯里兰卡公司股本较低水平可以归结为几个因素,如:比较差的股票市场,提供给非股权投资,过度担心高风险的投资,而在高利率制造商的不足,相应的投资机会剥削。

然而,股权投资水平高是至关重要的斯里兰卡制造业是成功的在其努力实现更高的经济和工业发展。未来这方面的研究还需要考察多方面因素的影响 - 如大小,年龄,位置,出口,资产和资本结构,劳动力成本,员工的工作效率和管理效率,等等 - 在斯里兰卡公司公司的盈利能力。出于这个原因,一个纵向分析具有较大的样品是理想的。

本文摘自Anura De Zoysa, Athula S. Manawaduge, Palli Mulla K A





Anura De Zoysa, Athula S. Manawaduge, Palli Mulla K A


University of Wollongong, Australia


This paper uses empirical data on 161 listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lankaand Malaysia over the period of 2006 to 2008, and compares the performance of thesecompanies against two commonly used financial performance indicators: Return onAssets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). The results indicate that during this periodSri Lankan manufacturing companies were considerably more profitable than their counterparts in Malaysia in terms of ROA but less profitable in terms of ROE. It alsoidentifies a relatively weaker position of equity investments in the manufacturing sectorof Sri Lankan companies and attributes this to a number of factors, including: arelatively poor equity market, high interest rates, and excessive fear of highriskinvestment. A similar trend was observed when the profitability and equity ofcompanies were analysed by industry.


Profitability, analysis, listed, manufacturing, companies, Sri, Lanka, Malaysia, empirical, investigation


Sri Lanka and Malaysia had many things in common five decades ago. Both countries were British colonies and gained independence from Britain nine years apart – Sri Lanka in 1948 and Malaysia in 1957. Both countries started the post-independence period with a rich mix of resources, strong British legal and political institutions, and similar educational systems. In 1960, Malaysia had a Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of about $280 and Sri Lanka had a GNI per capita of US$152 in 1960. “As of 1970, Sri Lanka and Malaysia had similar living standards” (Sally, 2009, p1.). After five decades of independence, Malaysia is now far ahead of Sri Lanka in many fronts, including economic and industrial development. Today, “Malaysia is widely held as a great development success story in the developing world. Not withstanding the massive economic contraction experienced during the 1997-98 financial crisis, Malaysia’s economic performance has been impressive throughout the postindependence period. Sustained high growth (averaging to nearly 6 per cent per annum for the past four decades) has been accompanied by rising living standards
