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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-09 10:30:05 | 移动端:2000字英语论文


Name: Edward


Student #:6121820510

The "Occupy Central" movement

I. Introduction

Since Hong Kong students started their class boycott on Sept 22, Hong Kong

people have been forcibly taken on a rollercoaster ride of simultaneous political chaos, economic downturn and social disruption triggered by the "Occupy Central" movement.

After 75 days of turmoil, the protesters' main base in Admiralty was cleared on Dec 11, and the most disturbing period in Hong Kong since its 1997 return to the motherland ended mostly peacefully. Many residents expressed support for the clearance, terming it a "Christmas gift".

The resumption of normal traffic signals the end of the abusive campaign that aroused increasing anger from the public. The masterminds, organizers and

participants must all have known their unconstitutional demands, and illegal approach in their pursuit would prove unpopular but they continued regardless. Now they have to face the consequences of recklessly harming public interest to win a few benefits for opposition politicians.

'Occupy' has taken a heavy toll on Hong Kong, and it caused a lot of damage to HK.


"Occupy" has unquestionably failed to achieve its goals. Sadly it has inflicted some serious damage on Hong Kong.

A: Damage to economy

Firstly, it left visitors to the city with an unfavorable impression. They expected to see a civilized, harmonious and law-abiding community. Instead, they saw a deeply divided society torn apart over politics. The economy was also hurt, as the masterminds of the illegal movement intended.

Although the campaign did not succeed in really occupying Central, the

blockades in Admiralty, Mon Kok and Causeway Bay harmed nearby small businesses. It has caused billions of economic losses .And it also gave leading

international rating agencies good reason to consider downgrading Hong Kong in the near future.

The Hong Kong's international image and it’s favorable investment environment was destroyed at moment. The campaign has been ended, but its influence will last.

B:Damage to the rule of law

The illegal "Occupy Central" movement appears to be obstinate. Neither

democracy nor the rule of law - two of society's most fundamental institutions - seems able to tame it at present.

In just two months, the illegal movement evolved from peaceful sit-ins in the beginning to resisting police removal en masse. They violently attacked government headquarters as well as police officers with potentially lethal weapons as well as the brazen infringement of ordinary people's basic rights - all in the name of "civil


The leading culprits must not be allowed to get off unpunished according to existing law, especially considering the fact most, if not all of them, are repeat offenders.

The "One Country, Two Systems" principle and the Basic Law is the cornerstone of Hong Kong's stability and prosperity, the rule of law. Nobody is allowed to break the law and harm the interests of others in the name of "civil disobedience".

Hone Kong will take some time to recover from the damage caused by "Occupy Central". Hong Kong people should carefully consider whether they want something like this to happen again.

III. Conclusion

This year will go down as an eventful one for Hong Kong. What started as a misreading of Beijing's "One Country, Two Systems" policy for Hong Kong

culminated in raucous "Occupy Central" protests. The final site of the protests was cleared by the Hong Kong police on Dec 15th.

It is regretful that despite the passage of nearly two decades since China resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong, many Hong Kong people are still not embracing their nation.

During the period of protests they have been advocating "Hong Kong

self-determination" and have clearly misunderstood the concept of "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" and a "high degree of autonomy." Therefore our government and citizens should find ways to embrace our national identity and

"re-enlighten" the public about the nature and scope of "One Country, Two Systems".

Last but not least , only if Hong Kong people show they accept the "One Country, Two Systems" principle, genuine universal suffrage will be implemented, otherwise, it will be out of the question, and there will be more trouble down the road.


Malte Philipp Kaeding, July 2014 ,Challenging Hongkongisation: the role of

Taiwan's social movements and perceptions of post-handover Hong

Kong.Taiwan in Comparative Perspective,Vol.5, pp.120–133.

Juris, Jeffrey S. 2012. Reflections on Occupy Everywhere: Social Media, Public

Space, and Emerging Logics of Aggregation.American Ethnologist 39(2):


King, Ambrose.1975. Administrative Absorption of Politics in Hong Kong:

Emphasis on the Grassroots Level.Asian Survey 15(5): 422-39.

ERIC C. IP, July 2014,The High Court of the People:Popular Constitutionalism in

Hong Kongunder Chinese Sovereignty. Law&Policy,Vol.36,No.3.




在古代农耕社会,人们定期举行的、有固定场所的、以物品交换为目的的大型贸易及展示集会,是世博会的最早形式。公元5世纪 ,波斯举办了第一个超越集市功能的展览会。18世纪 ,随着新产品的不断出现 ,人们逐渐想到举办与集市相似 ,但只展不卖 ,以宣传, 展出新产品和成果为目的的展览会。1791 年捷克在首都布拉格首次举办了这样的展览会。随着科技进步和社会生产力的发展,展览会的规模和参展的地域范围也逐步扩大 ,直至发展成为由许多国家参与的世界性博览会。


1851年 ,英国宣布举办首届世界博览会 ,极具商业敏感与智慧的中国上海商人徐荣村获悉后 ,深感这是一个难得的机会,很快命人精选了12 包自己经营的“荣记湖丝”,紧急用船运到伦敦 ,赶赴世博会参展,可谓是在第一时间进人世界文明发展的快行道。“荣记湖丝”最终荣获金、银大奖。尽管年头久矣 ,世人也不常提起 ,但这件事应该是被记入史册的,它充分证明了中国开明人士对世博会的热切关注。

贵州茅台酒在1915 年美国旧金山巴拿马世博会上荣获金奖。茅台酒在展出的过程中,通过“酒香为媒”的轰动效应 ,成为世博会上的明星 ,直接由高级评审委员会授予荣誉勋章金奖。

古人云 “万事从头来 ,千思梳蓖起。”一把小小的中国传统梳蓖也曾在1915 年世博会上大放异彩。西方人被其古朴精致深深折服,“常州梳蓖”的名字就此留在了世博会荣誉奖项名单上。

1873年 ,中国清朝政府第一次以官方的名义组织并派代表出席了奥地利维也纳世博会,但由于特殊的历史背景,当时的代表是洋人。1876年,中国第一次派出了中国人代表参展美国费城世博会。此后 ,中国陆续参加了多届世博会,新中国成立后共参加 次世博会。通过世博会展 见自我 ,走向世界,发现世界。

在申办2010年世博会的国家中, 中国第一个向国际展览局正式提交申请函,第一个递交《中办报告》,第一个接受国际展览局考察,并在国际展览局第129次、第130次、第131次、第132次全体大会上就申办世博会作陈述报告。

2002年12月3 日, 国际展览局第132次全体大会 上,中国以 54票对韩国 34票的胜利 , 获得2010 年世博会的举办权。上海市成为举办2010 年世博会的城市。














【1】 张立洁. 百年世博[J]. 三月风, 2010,(04).

【2】 张立洁. 中国与世博会的不解之缘[J]. 三月风, 2010,(04)

【3】 朱明东,李明强. 上海世博会对中国的意义[J]. 中国民兵, 2010,(05) .

篇三:A Rose for Emily 2000字英文读后感

On A Rose for Emily

Reg. No: 12425217


A Rose for Emily was written by William Faulkner. It is regarded as his best known short story. The story happens in a fictional place—Jefferson, a southern town in America. The main character Emily was born in a respectable family. She lost her mother at a very young age and was raised by her father strictly. Her father affected her deeply. Her father drove away all the young men around Emily. So when she got to be thirty and was still single. After her father’s death, she seldom went out and communicated with others. She acted weirdly, clinging to her broken house stubbornly. Later, she fell in love with Homer Barron--a worker who came from the north America. She was in the hope that Homer Barron would marry her, but the man didn’t plan to marry her. Finally Emily poisoned the man and slept with his body for many years so that she could keep her lover forever.

To tell the truth, when I first see the title, there is a picture in my mind: a beautiful girl is standing with a rose in her hand and smiling. After finishing the story, I feel that the story is a little bit horrible, especially at the end of the story when I read the last paragraph “Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head. One of us lifted something from it, and leaning forward, that faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, we saw a long strand of iron-gray hair”. At first, I think that Emily is abnormal in psychology and horrible. But after I read the novel for several times, I can understand Emily and have pity on her.

Emily is a woman who is confined in a tower all her life. Her father is the master of the tower. He is proud of his noble blood and still abides by southern aristocratic tradition even though his family has come down with time changing. He thinks that it is the best protection for Emily to separate her from the outside world. So he restrains her with so-called noble regulations and conventions and drives away all her pursuers. As a consequence, Emily doesn’t experience love until she is in her thirties. I can imagine that Emily also longs for love in her youth. Maybe she also has imagined against her father. But her father affected her so deeply that she has been accustomed to all her father imposing on her. She is totally confined in the tower that her father builds for her. The image of her father isn’t directly described in the story but appeared several times in people’s memories. One sentence is “her father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip”. Just a little description of her father makes the repressed feelings fill in the whole story.

After her father’s death, Emily doesn’t start the new life. It seems that her father’s death doesn’t set her free. She is accustomed to being confined in the house though the obstructive wall has been collapsed. She can’t integrates into ordinary life. She still lives in her own world and that old house becomes the only refuge for her. The old house seems to have become the symbol of the past age. In the story the house is described in detail, “It was a big, squarish frame house that had once been

white, decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies”, “a dim hall”, “It smelled of dust and disuse--a close, dank smell”, and “a faint dust rose sluggishly ”. All these suggest that Emily leads to a dreary life. She has become the master of the tower after her father’s death. Maybe she thinks that the life is the safest. And Emily doesn’t step out of the house any more after losing her lover and her hope because going out from her own world means hurt for her. She prefers to hide in the tower and leads to her own life and even kills her lover for keeping him forever.

Love can make people crazy. When Homer Barron appears, Emily is also crazy about him. He is healthy, warm, humorous, young and sprightly. He is popular among people in the town. He is a ray of sunshine brightening Emily’s dark world. She doesn’t want to be lonely any more. So she tries to go out and contact with people. But her father affects her deeply. Although she loves Barron deeply, she doesn’t know how to communicate with him because of her proud heart. Certainly, Emily shouldn’t be to blame for the barrier between her and Barron. Barron is from north America. He represents northern new culture. While Emily is the representative of southern tradition and despises new things. It is the conflict between the two ideas. Emily loves Barron so much that she changes her life and drives in the yellow-wheeled buggy with him, which makes her become the focus of people’s attention. But Emily can’t swallow her pride and lower herself. So she is always in a struggle. When she wants to marry Barron, she has decided to change her life for her love. However, the hope for new life is destroyed. Barron just plays with Emily’s affections and he even says that he likes men. So he is bound to abandon her at last. When Emily fails in the first love, she is so painful that she soon has mental collapse. At the moment, her love has been distorted. She wants to keep her lover forever in her way. Therefore, Barron is poisoned by Emily in the room which is decorated for marriage. Although Emily keeps her lover, she also becomes the victim of love. She holds Barron’s body but she will never get true love and happiness.

Rose is the symbol of love. In the story whose name is A Rose for Emily, rose doesn’t appear directly. The words related to rose in the story are “ A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights, upon the dressing table”. From the arrangement of the room I can find that Emily likes the bright and romantic color just as she has ever had youth and illusions. But the bright and romantic color has been faded because of long-time imprisonment. The rose-faded decorations in the room are also the symbol of Emily’s life, having no vitality and always hiding in confined space.
