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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-08 10:48:36 | 移动端:1000字英文影评

篇一:Harry Potter-1000字英文影评

Harry Potter is an average bespectacled 11 year old boy who has lived with the Dursley family ever since his parents died in a car crash. For some reason the family has always mistreated him. On his 11th birthday a giant man named Rubeus Hagrid hands him a letter telling him that he has been accepted as a student at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry learns that his parents were wizards and were killed by an evil wizard Voldemort, a truth that was hidden from him all these years. He embarks for his new life as a student, gathering two good friends Ron Weasley and Hermione

Granger along the way. They soon learn that something very valuable is hidden somewhere inside the school and Voldemort is very anxious to lay his hands on it.

In translating Rowling's world of wizards and magic to the screen, the film makers claimed to be intensely aware of the fans' high expectations and had sworn to be faithful to the book.

"Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone" is indeed the most loyal film adaptation of a book that this fan has ever seen. A great deal of "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone" is an

introduction to this fantastic and dangerous world and its richly drawn characters. There's not only a lot of plot to cover in this film, but an entire world to create.

At two and a half hours long (hit the restroom before it starts), the film includes the book's most memorable scenes, bringing many of them to life with pure cinematic wizardry.

The Quidditch match (a soccer/hockey/rugby thing played on broomsticks) is much more exciting on the screen than on the page, as is the bathroom battle with an enormous mountain troll and the larger-than-life game of wizard's chess.

The frightening aspects of the book are in full force in the film, and its PG rating (for some scary moments) should be taken seriously.

Screenwriter Steven Kloves ("Wonder Boys") has done a fine job of streamlining Rowling's tale while maintaining its spirit. Director Chris Columbus ("Home Alone") makes good on his promise to be faithful to the book. But at times the film is a bit too reverent; you want the actors to cut loose and have a bit more fun.

Columbus clearly understands that fantasy works best when it's played most real. Across the board, his fine ensemble of actors are so perfectly cast that they appear to have literally stepped out of Rowling's book.

In the title role, Daniel Radcliffe pulls off the very difficult task of playing an introverted hero who spends most of the movie reacting to the amazing sights and events around him. He beautifully captures the deep soul and untapped potential of Harry Potter. And when this kid smiles the screen lights up.

Rupert Grint is delightful as Harry's sardonic buddy Ron Weasley and Emma Watson nearly steals the film as their overachieving friend Hermione Granger. Three cheers to the film makers for giving three unknown child actors the top billing they deserve.

The strong cast of veteran actors includes Richard Harris as the wise Headmaster Dumbledore and Robbie Coltrane as the lovable giant Hagrid. Alan Rickman is wonderfully villainous as Professor Snape and Zoe Wanamaker has just the right touch of girls gym teacher as flying instructor Madame Hooch.

As the strict but just Professor McGonagall, Oscar winner Maggie Smith seems born to play the role - and is ready for another Oscar.

John Cleese (as Nearly Headless Nick) and Julie Walters (as Mrs. Weasley) have all-too-brief cameo roles, but if the next Secrets" remains true to the book, we'll be seeing more of


In addition to being highly engaging, the film is a marvelous thing to look at. From the bustling wizard street Diagon Alley to the magnificently gothic Hogwarts School to the dark and misty Forbidden Forest, the film breaks new ground in imaginative production design. The feel of the whole movie is everything fans could have

hoped for. The dialogue is intensely measured, the colouring is suitably epic, the selection of what to leave in is really tightly considered. You get chills in your spine at the right places; you feel the triumphs as all-encompassing endorphin highs. It's clear that the production have thought long, hard and lovingly. They are true fans of the story, they are the right people for the job, it all bodes very well for the second film.

So it could never have been the film that the hyper-literalists were hoping for, then, but it is as good as the practicalities of the real world could possibly permit. Don't expect miracles and you'll love it. I look forward to watching it again and again.

8/10 at the very least. A really satisfactory film!


he Lion King

The Lion King is a glorious animation that praises justice and love, castigates evil and conspiracy, shows respect to the principle of the circle of life, and discloses a philosophy of the whole life. After viewing the film, I would like to share my impressions of this moving animation from the notes taken in the class here.

1 Blood is thicker than water This proverb is embodied thoroughly in this movie. Simba grows up with the company of his parents' love. His mother Sarabi is gentle and elegant. Although she is not mentioned frequently in the movie, but the audience can infer that Simba' s good manner is owe to her utmost care. While Simba' s father Mufasa is serious and mighty. He teaches his son skills to survive – such as pouncing – and principle which would be useful to Simba in his whole life, such as" There' s more to being a king than getting your way all the time. " " As a king, you need to understand that balance of life and respect all the creatures." " Being brave doesn’t mean looking for trouble" and so on. Once realizing Simba is in danger, Mufasa will run to rescue his son immediately. I Believe that most of whom have seen the movie will be moved by this scene: Mufasa runs to the gorge and saves Simba from being trampled to death by the stampeding wildebeests, he leaps and dodges, comes close to Simba, holds him in mouth and puts his son in a safer place. But when he claws himself up the steep cliff side and tries to get on, he is pushed back down into the gorge by Scar and died. What makes Mufasa ignore the danger coming to him and run to rescue his son? What makes the audience so moved and can' t help tearing? Yes, it is the love of Mufasa, the truly and deeply love which is willing to be given but for no feedback from a great father.

2 A friend in need is a friend indeed

Simba is in a loss after his father' s death. He runs away from the pride lands and faints from exhaustion on an open plain. Fortunately, Pumbaa and Timon save him just in time. They carry Simba to a shady place and wait until the lion cub comes to, and then they keep Simba in their place and share their problem- free philosophy with him, just as Timon tells Simba" You should put your past behind you”. So the phrase" Hakuna Matata" helps Simba to release from depression and self- condemning, and their friendship makes Simba live happily there. Then Simba' s another friend- Rafiki appears, he is glad to see Simba is still alive, but at the same time, he also hopes Simba to exert himself and take the responsibility to be the king again. So one day, Rafiki finds Simba and leads Simba deep into the forest .He helps Simba to" see" his father. The lion cub is inspired by the late king, and clears the puzzle in his heart. Rafiki also conducts Simba to find a way to future and to take his responsibility that owes to him. " The past can hurt, but the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it." Simba chooses the latter and goes back to his kingdom to challenge Scar. Surely his loyal friends-Timon, Pumbaa and Rafiki-all gather to help him, just as Timon says: " If it' s important to you, we' re with you till the end." They fight bravely, and defeat the evil Scar, clear the path for Simba to be crowned king of Pride Rock at last. Conclusion can be drawn that it is the firm friendship that supports Simba, makes him feel that he is not alone, gives him strength and helps him to triumph.

3 The spirit of looking back bravely and forward hopefully

Before the truth uncovered, Simba thinks he himself leads to his father’s death .He runs out of pride land, and runs from the past as well .The voice of himself “What would it prove anyway? It won’t change anything .You can’t change the past” dwelt on in his mind. But under the help of Rafiki, Simba finally knows that he doesn’t have to change the past. Since it had already happened, it’s no use to regrets doing it, the wise way is just let it be, but not forgetting the experience gained from it. So his Father’s words “You are more than what you have become .You must take your place in the circle of life” rekindle in Simba a long forgotten ambition to rule, finally he faces his past bravely, gets the sense of responsibility and goes back to fight for his kingdom with the help of his loyal company .The lion king’s rough experience inspire me a lot. Surely, there are indeed many things that makes us feel painful and fearful, but once they happened, they need to be faced up instead of being avoided. What we should do is to make a deep thought and decision about how to take the next positive step. Maybe it will takes a long, hard time to make them, but it doesn’t matter, because avoiding reality only means burdening one’s soul and constraining one’s courage. Human beings need to go ahead because there will be wilder prospects waiting to be explored .The past maybe heavy and gray, but the future is bound to be hopeful and bright-as long as you unload burden, pick up the spirit of “laughing in the face of difficulty” and greet future positively and aggressively .So no matter how long the pain would last, you should remember not to let the pain disturb your normal and daily life too much, just arrange the mind and take the first step bravely, then you will finally conquer the difficulties and find you yourself have already stepped out of the gray past and stride forward into the indefinite but surely hopeful future.

篇三:影视评论一篇 1000字

求影视评论一篇 1000字!谢啊。

《M就是凶手》 M(1931) 8.6分 真巧,在IMDB排行榜中,与排名紧前的《窃听风暴》一样,排名56的《M》又是一部德国电影。这部电影确实精彩、好看,虽然有残杀幼童的情节,但电影没有正面描写杀人过程,反而通过警察撒开天罗地网试图抓住凶手所展开的情节,把观众带入了一个虽然凄惨但也带着点黑色幽默的世界。 我想,也许有人看到电影警方没日没夜操劳却无功而返时会说,这时候有个福尔摩斯多好!想得不错,不过福尔摩斯只是一个理想主义的侦探,哪怕已经到了技术日臻成熟的今天,真正破案还是需要警方付出琐碎和辛劳的工作,甚至还要一些诸如线人、悬赏以及运气这样的非侦查因素的推动。 回到电影的剧情。由于警方搜捕动作太大,黑帮们的生意遭受重大打击,因此他们被逼得连夜开会商讨对策(搞笑的是此时警方也在另一处开会讨论案情)。最后黑帮决定自力更生来找出凶手,还派上了丐帮(这个似乎是我们武侠片里才常有的特色组织啊,有人会说应该告他们剽窃创意-且慢,这可是人家1931年就推出的片子,别被反诉了)!当我看到丐帮成员接受指派任务时乞丐还有编号时,顾不得这是一部关于凶残杀人的片子,忍俊不禁地笑了。德国人做事情看来真是严谨啊! 当警方经过艰苦的排查锁定凶手时,黑帮也借助一个卖气球的老盲人锁定了凶手;当警方在嫌犯家里守株待兔的时候,黑帮把早已经被乞丐在衣服上写上M的凶手逼得逃入了一幢大楼。黑帮老大拒绝报警,在他主持下,黑帮煞费苦心和苦力地揪出了凶手,还为此召开了审判大会,而且很搞笑地给凶犯安排了辩护律师,而此时警方也利用被仓皇逃走的黑帮落下的做苦力的小兵获悉了黑帮的窝点,至此,片中的喜剧算是告一段落。 当凶手申诉自己作为一个精神病患者的痛苦时,虽然我们开始的想法如同参与审判的黑帮暴民一样,还是想把此人处死,可是理性不断在提醒我们这样不对。就在暴民们一拥而上要实施他们的暴力“正义”的时候,警方及时赶到,而黑帮的苦心苦力看来是白忙乎外加给自己找了大麻烦。 本片结尾其实突出了其诙谐格调下严肃的主题,我认为黑帮老大提出的问题值得社会来思索,就是假设这个精神病患者表面上治愈了出来又发作再害人怎么办?精神病患者伤害社会的问题其实可谓一个世界性的难题,虽然结尾那个受害女童的母亲说的有些裨益,就是家长要管好自己的孩子,可是对于精神病患者,家长们也是防不胜防的啊,对此,也许人们需要更多的思考,而职能部门应该提供更有力的措施防止免予刑责的精神病患者伤害别人,特别是孩子!
