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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-08 10:48:15 | 移动端:1000字英语故事

篇一:引入童话故事让英语课堂魔力无穷 [1000字]





1. 单词+童话,可以妙趣横生

在教授新单词时,大部分英语教师都会有这样的感受:很多学生学了之后不容易记住,尤其是单词量较大的时候。对于这种情况,我们可以利用学生耳熟能详的一些童话故事里的人物和情节结合所教内容进行教学,使学生的印象更深刻。如在教学水果类单词时,我通过引用故事《西游记》中唐僧师徒四人的角色,讲述他们在去西天取经路上遇见了一棵长了12种不同水果的神奇树,从而引出由12种水果的单词串成的歌谣。在教学watermelons和papaya时,教师说:pigsy is very hugry,so he run first to the tree and say(教师可模仿八戒声音对着神奇树大叫):watermelons and papaya.(可利用ppt呈现神奇树)由此,水果单词就在故事中自然而然地呈现出来。教师问:pigsy wants to eat watermelons and papaya,so what would pigsy like?can you tell me?学生很

快答出:watermelons and papaya.接下来在故事里依次出现唐三藏、沙悟净和孙悟空,分别说出想吃的水果,12种水果单词就在故事里巧妙地呈现出来。在整个教学过程中,课堂非常活跃,孩子们热情高涨地主动要求学习,在不知不觉中就学会了由12种水果单词串成的歌谣。

2. 句型+童话,发挥奇思妙想


例如我在教学句型“what time is it ?”“it’s ??”时,我创设了《老狼老狼几点了?》这个小童话故事。故事中,兔子和老狼都住在森林里,老狼总是想着一些坏主意想吃掉兔子。一天,兔子妈妈要出门,她告诉小兔子们,妈妈12点钟就会回家。老狼趁着兔子妈妈不在家,就一直在兔子家门口转来转去,正想着什么坏主意。小兔子们等啊等,妈妈怎么还不回来啊?于是他们就不停地问老狼:wolf,wolf,what time is it?而老狼呢?为了引出小兔子,只有一直回答小兔子的问题:it’s one o’clock.it’s two o’clock??把句子放在生动有趣的童话故事中教学,学生学得轻松,而且能更牢固地记住句子的含义,也更有利于他们在其他情境中使用句型。并且学生在掌握句型后,教师还可以组织学生进行这个故事的表演,一举两得,学生学得不亦乐乎。

3. 语法点+童话,原来妙不可言





1. 挖掘教材中的“表演点”


2. 设计童话故事,学生参与表演



篇二:童话故事大全 [1000字]



英语作文1000字:What is success

What is success? Different people have different ideas.You may say success is the realization of one's hopesand justified goals.Under such notion,however,people have different understanding of success because the hopes and goals they cherish vary from one another.

There may ba so mangy kinds of success in the world that i can't enumerate them all.So maybe it's difficult to set a defination for success.But ,in my opinion,it's easy to define what is failure---there is only one failure called never try.

Everyone has his dreams but not all of them dare to make it come true.Just like a huter aimed at his game but never fire or a soldier who crying out but never toward.They are afraid of failure that they might encounter.

That reminds me of a game we used to play.We put the chairs in a circle.And the player must pass through th barriers made by the chairs with his eyes covered up.He would be allowed to memorize the positions of the chairs.But as soon as his eyes is covered,we will remove all the chairs.

Sometimes,our life is just like such kind of game.We tried our best not to bump against the barriers.But these things turn out to be existing only in our minds.And sometimes,we made them for ourselves.We dare not to participate a competition or get cold feet to call the boy or girl we love.It turns out that the barriers we made for ourselves lead to the loss of a lot of things.

Don't give up trying untill you really bump against the chairs.Even so,at least you have a place to sit on.

Some people would say i tried but i failed to pass an exam or to find a job.I'am a failure .But on the contrary,i prefer to call these things setbacks instead of failures.There is no failure in a winner 's dictionary.

It doesn't matter i you have a tumble , what really matters is that you lose the courage to stand up and give it another try.The process is full of tears and pains.

Just look back on how we learn to walk when we are young.If we gave up easily,today we may only crawl .If Tomas Edison gave up easily in finding a proper material to make a bulb,maybe we will live in the darkness after the sunset.Perhaps we need some torches to go on with our competition.

I,myself,a shy person by nature who easily suffers from stage fright,had to get up my courage to take part in this speech contest like this.I could have stayed away and had an easy time of it by not coming here.But i chose to accept the challenge and to face the difficulties. Now here i am.I will try my best because i know i would broaden my horizon and make a lot of friends here.

I still remember the first time i sang a song at a party ,the first time talking to a foreign friends,the first time made a speech on the platform,etc.Although at first they almost scared me to death,but when it was over,i feel it's worthing trying.There is a saying goes,'people often regret what they didn't do instead of what they have done.'

Forrest Gump often says,'life is like a box of chacolate ,you never know what you are gonna get.' I would say if the chacolate you got is not your favourite.Don't get upset but try the next.
