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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-10-15 14:09:30 | 移动端:have,has的练习及回答


have 和 has的用法(专项练习)



We (我们) He(他)

You (你;你们)have… It(它) has… They (她们;他们;它们) The boy(男孩) Toby and Tim Emma


have / has的含义及用法:

1.作“有”讲。 如:I have a bag. 我有一个包。

He has a red cup. 他有一个红杯子。

2.作“吃、喝”讲。如:have breakfast (吃早饭)have tea (喝茶)

have a biscuit (吃块饼干) have a drink (喝点水)

3.作“拿、取得、得到”讲。如:Can I have a toy? (我可以要一个玩具吗?) 下面我们做一些练习来巩固一下:

一、用have /has填空:

1.A dog four legs. A bird(鸟)2.Our school a library.

3.We37 chairs in our classroom.

4.My sister(妹妹) a doll.

Tom and his brother a big bedroom? Yes, they have


1. You(有) two small eyes.

2. My sister(有) three pens.

3.Come here and(吃) an apple.

4.Mummy,can I(要) a new bag?


1. I am have a green apple. 错: 改:

2. Peter have a banana. 错:改:

3. My brother and sister has a toy car. 错:改:

4.They has got some roses. 错: 改:

四、选择题。请将正确答案的序号填在( )。

( big eyes.A. haveB.hasC.am

( )2.They got five trains.A. haveB.hasC.am

()3.Shegot a big bedroom.A. haveB.hasC.is

( )4.My toy dogbig ears.A. areB.hasC.is

( dinner at seven o’clock.A. haveB.hasC.are

( )6Tom and IA. haveB.hasC.are

(A. haveB.hasC.is

( lunch now?A. haveB.hasC.is


1.Ia cat.

2.He ____ a dog.

3.She ____ long hair.

4.We ____ a big house.

5.They ____ a happy family.

6.It ____ a short tail.

7.You ____ a good teacher.

8.Elva ____ two big eyes.

9.Tom ____ a red pen.

10.My mother ____ a beautiful nose.

11.Cats ____ four legs.

12.Dogs ____ (have) two ears.

13.My father ____ a blue car.

14.Everybody ____ two hands.

15.I ____ a pet.

16.Lily ____ (have) a doll.

17.Students ____ (have) many books.

18.Girls ____ (have) many skirts.

19.The baby ____ (have) no teeth.

20.They ____ (have) some fish.

have got 和 has got的用法(专项练习)

1.have got 与has got他们表示的汉语意义都是表存在的”有”。但是在不同的情形下应该使用不同的词语.

2.要想正确的来区分他们并运用,首先应该明白为什么会有have与has之分呢?他们之间又有什么内在的关 联?

3. 原来, has是have都属于一家人,只不过has叫做 have的第三人称单数.

4. 虽然是一家人,可是也有区别的.那到底什么时候用have got? 什么时候用has got呢? 方法其实很简单,只需牢牢记住一点哦:第三人称单数时候就用has got其他的情况下就用have got了.

5. 有的同学禁不住要问了:那什么叫做第三人称单数呢? 什么样的词语又属于第三人称单数呢?那就让我们一起去看看吧.



1. 代词she, he, it属于第三人称单数;

2. 单个的人名、单个的事物名称,如:Jenny, Danny, my room, a panda, the shop等都属于第三人称单数。

I ____ ____ a book.

They ____ ____ a good teacher.

He ____ ____ a very beautiful toy car.

She ____ ____ a nice dresser.

Amy ____ ____ a doll.

My father ____ ____ many books.

我们的窍门就是: 第三人称单数时候就用has got其他的情况下就用have got了. 也就是说我们只要知道哪些属于第三人称单数就可以将have got 与has got区分开来,那还等什么,赶快一起来看一下上面给出的例句中都有那些词语属于第三人称单数呢?

按照上面给出的概念我们可以很容易就划分开来:He/ She/ Amy/ My father都是属于第三人称单数的,所以他们的后面都应该使用has got 那I /They的后面都应该使用have got.

I ____ ____ a book.

They ____ ____ a good teacher.

He ____ ____ a very beautiful toy car.

She ____ ____ a nice dress.

Amy ____ ____ a doll.

My father ____ ____ many books.

篇二:have has 专项练习题

用have 、has、 do 、does 填空

1. I_____ a good father and a good mother.2. My father_________ a story-book.

3. She__________ some dresses.4. My parents(父母)_________ some nice pictures.

5. Our teacher_________ an English book. 7. Their parents(父母)_________ some blankets.

8. David’s friends_________ some balls. 9. David_________ a volleyball.

10. David’s friend ______ five toy cars. 11. The twins(双胞胎) ______ a computer game.

12. Yang Ling ______ a model plane, but she _____ _____ two toy tigers.杨玲有一个模型船,但她没有两只玩具老虎。

13._____the children ____any model planes? Yes,they_____. 孩子们有模型飞机吗?是的。

14._____ Tom ______ any masks? Yes ,he ______.汤姆有面具吗?不,他没有。

15.A dog four legs. A bird(鸟)16.Our school a library.

17.We37 chairs in our classroom. 18.My sister(妹妹) a doll.

19、Ia cat. 20.He ____ a dog.21.She ____ long hair.

22.We ____ a big house. 23.They ____ a happy family. 24.It ____ a short tail.

25.You ____ a good teacher. 26.Elva ____ two big eyes. 27.Tom ____ a red pen.

28.My mother ____ a beautiful nose.29.Cats ____ four legs. 30.Dogs ____ (have) two ears.

31.My father ____ a blue car. 32.Everybody ____ two hands. 33.I ____ a pet.

34.Lily ____ (have) a doll. 35.Students ____ (have) many books. 36.Girls ____ (have) many skirts.

37、The baby ____ (have) no teeth.38、They ____ (have) some fish.


1、I have a soccer ball?





2、I have a tennis racket.





3、They have two baseballs.





4、We have three soccer balls.





5、He has a ping-pong .



肯定回答_______________________. 否定回答______________________.

6、She has two ping-pong balls.

否定句_______________________________. 一般疑问句___________________________? 肯定回答_______________________. 否定回答______________________.

7、It has four legs.

否定句_______________________________. 一般疑问句___________________________? 肯定回答_______________________. 否定回答______________________.

8、Eric has an English teacher.

否定句_______________________________. 一般疑问句___________________________? 肯定回答_______________________. 否定回答______________________.

9、I have a red coat.

否定句_______________________________. 一般疑问句___________________________? 肯定回答_______________________. 否定回答______________________.

10、We have some chairs.

否定句_______________________________. 一般疑问句___________________________? 肯定回答_______________________. 否定回答______________________.

11、Jane and June have some dogs.

否定句_______________________________. 一般疑问句___________________________? 肯定回答_______________________. 否定回答______________________.

12、She has a piano .

否定句_______________________________. 一般疑问句___________________________? 肯定回答_______________________. 否定回答______________________.

13、Ed has a violin.

否定句_______________________________. 一般疑问句___________________________? 肯定回答_______________________. 否定回答______________________.

篇三:have 和 has专项练习(二)

have 和 has专项练习(二)

一、用have, has填空。

1. I _______ some red apples.

2. His father ___________ an old car.

3. You ___________ two big eyes.

4. Their parents __________ many friends.

5. My sister ___________ a nice skirt.

6. The students_________ white clothes.

7. He and she _________ some bananas.

8. Look, the boy __________ some apples.

9. Our school ___________ twelve classroom.

10. The students ____________ many books.

11. Her sister __________a new bike.

12. Their teacher __________ some nice pictures.

13. Your mother _________a new bike.

14. Li Ming’s mother _________big eyes.

15. Jenny and Danny __________ two black pens.

16. The dog ________ some meat(肉) in its mouth.

17. The students of Class One ________ a football.

18. Mary _________ a doll.

19. They _________some soup for supper.

20. Our school ________a big library.


1. [Do/Does]________ he watch TV at night? Yes he does.

2. [Do/Does]______ you go to school everyday? No, I don’t.

3. [Do/Does]______ Jack and Peter like apples?

4. [Do/Does]______ Tina go swimming on Sunday?

5. [Do/Does]______they play football? Yes, they ______[do/does]

6. [Do/Does]______ we have a good teacher? Yes, we ______[do/does]

7. [Do/Does]_____ they jump rope ? No, they ______[do not/does not].

8. [Do/Does]_____your dog walk in the zoo?

9. [Do/Does]____ I have a big nose? No, you _____[do not/does not]

10. [Do/Does]_____ your cats eat fish? Yes, they _____.[do/does].

11. [Do/Does]_____ their mothers go shopping? No, they ____[do not/does not].

12. I _____[do not/ does not] speak Japanese. [Do/Does] _____you speak Japanese?

三、 把下列句子改为否定句。

1. I have many friends.


2. Her father has two brothers.


3. He has a computer.


4. My cousin has a good friend.


5. He has three pens.


6. Tom has a kite.


7. My teachers have nice pictures.


8. His father has a green car.


9. Jim has a happy family.


10. Jenny has a cup of tea.


四、 把下列句子改为一般疑问句,并作出相应回答。

1. They have sandwiches. ( 肯定回答)


2. The school has many trees. (否定回答)


3. She has lovely dogs. ( 肯定回答)


4. Jenny has a brother. (否定回答)


5. They have two bananas. ( 肯定回答)


6. The girl has a big hat. (否定回答)


7. The woman has two babies. ( 肯定回答)


8. Kate’s mother has a pair of glasses. (否定回答)


9. We have a nice model plane. ( 肯定回答)


10. Tom and Jim have red shirts. (否定回答)

