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Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?


1. 语言知识目标

基本词汇:restroom, stamp, bookstore, postcard, pardon, washroom, bathroom,

normal, rush, suggest, staff, grape, central, mail, east, fascinating,

convenient, mall, clerk, corner, polite, politely, speaker, request,

direction, correct, direct, whom, address, underground

基本句型:Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?

Sure. There’s a supermarket down the street.

Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?

Sorry, I’m not sure how to get there.

I wonder where we should go next.

Could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening?

You should try that new ride over there.

2. 技能目标: (1)能用宾语从句礼貌的寻求帮助。


3. 情感目标: 培养学生尊重他人,对人有礼貌,热爱生活。


1. 教学重点:(1)礼貌的向他人寻求帮助。


2. 教学难点:运用宾语从句礼貌的寻求帮助。


The First Period

Section A 1 (1a-2d)

Step 1 Warming –up


Step 2 Presentation

(1)Guessing game

Show pictures to the whole class, one student explains the places in English and

another one who doesn’t look at the blackboard guesses what place it is. For example, one student say: We can save money or exchange money in this place, another one guess it is a bank. Get students to guess the places like bank, post office, bookstore, museum, bathroom, washroom, mall and so on.

(2)Show some stamps to students and present the new sentences:

Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps?

Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?

Do you know where I can get some magazines?

Step 3 Practice

1) Match each thing with a place in the picture in 1a.

2) Read the phrases.

___ get some money

___ get some magazines

___ have dinner

___ get a dictionary

___ get some information about the town

___ buy a newspaper

___ buy some stamps

___ get a pair of shoes

Step 4 Listening

Listen and complete the conversations in the picture in 1a. Then check the

answers with the whole class.

Step 5 Practice

Make conversations using the information in 1a. Then talk about your own city. For example:

A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?

B: Sure, just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street. The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank.

A: Thanks. Do you know when the bookstore closes today?

B: It closes at 7:00 p.m. today.

A: Thank you!

B: You’re welcome.

Step 6 Listening

1. Listen and number the directions in the order that you hear them.

2a You will hear some of the directions below. Number the directions in the order you hear them.

___ Go to the bird floor.

___ Turn left.

___ Go to the second floor.

___ Turn right.

___ The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.

___ Go past the bookstore.

2. Listen again. Show how the boy walks to the supermarket. Draw a line in the picture in 2a. Then get one student draw the line on the blackboard.

3. Listen the third time and answer the questions.

1) Excuse me, can you tell me where I can buy some medicine?

2) Do you know how to go there?

3) Ok, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know when this shopping center closes


4) Ok, thanks a lot.

Step 7 Pairwork

Make conversations about the other places in the picture in 2a.

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can buy some stamps?

B: Yes, there’s a post office in this shopping center.

A: Do you know how to go there?

B: Yes. Go to the third floor and turn right. Then go past the bank. The post office is between museum and library. You should be able to get stamps.

A: Ok, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know …

B: I’m not sure, but you …

A: Ok, thanks a lot.

B: You’re welcome.

Step 8 Reading

1. Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions.

2. Role – play the conversation.

3. Explain the language pints in 2d.

(1) Go along Main Street until you pass Center Street.

1) until和 till同义为―直到……‖ ,till多用于口语,until可以放在句首,till则不能放在句首。

2) not...until―直到……才‖,表示直到某一时间, 某一行为才发生, 之前该行为并没有发生。

e.g. I did not study English until 9 o'clock last night.

(2) Pardon? Restroom? You already want to rest? But we haven’t even started yet!

1) pardon用作动词,后面既可以跟宾语,也可以跟双宾语;pardon sb. for doing sth.意为―原谅/宽恕某人做某事‖

e.g. Can you pardon me for not passing the exam, Mom?

2) 在没有听懂对方的话,请对方重复一 下时也可说 pardon。

e.g. Pardon? I’m sorry I can’t follow you.

(3) I’m excited to try the rides!

excited和 exciting的区别:

1) excited意为―激动的;兴奋的‖,作表语时,主语通常是人;作定语时,常用来修饰人,说明激动的表情。

e.g. All of us were excited when we heard the good news.

The excited child opened his present quickly.

2) exciting意为―激动人心的‖,作表语时,主语通常是物;作定语时,常用来修饰物。

e.g. The movie is very exciting.

My father told me an exciting story.

(4) I mean … you know, a washroom or bathroom.


1) 有……的意思,指(多作及物动词),其后可跟名词或代词,也可跟从句。 e.g. What does this word mean?

2)意味(着)(及物动词),常跟名词,有时可跟动词-ing形式或从句。 e.g. Carl really could not do that — it would mean the end of his career.



e.g. I never meant to hurt you.

(5) We normally say ―toilets‖ or ―washrooms‖.

normallyadv. 正常地; 通常地,一般地

e.g. August is normally a slow month.

(6) Nine thirty, so you don’t need to rush!

rushv. 仓促; 匆忙 n. 仓促; 匆忙

e.g. Then three policemen rushed at him. (rush v.)

They made a rush for the door. (rush n.)

Step 9 Summary

1) Excuse me. Where is Qiaotou Middle School?

2) Excuse me. Could you tell me where Qiaotou Middle School is?

3) Excuse me. Do you know how I can get to Qiaotou Middle School?=Do you know how to get to Qiaotou Middle School?

篇三:U3导学案 2

Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?



学习内容:Section A 1a----2d

学习目标:1. 掌握重要词汇。

2. 学会问路以及指路的表达方法。


1.单词:restroom, stamp, beside, postcard

2.短语:get to, on your right/left, turn left, between ... and... , go past, a pair of

3.句子:Excuse me, could you tell me where I can get some money?

Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?

Do you know when the bookstore closes today?

Go to the second floor. There is a bookstore between the bank and the supermarket.





_______6.请再说一遍________7. 洗手间_______8.正常情况下_____9.仓促,急促_________








B:. It’s A:__________________________________________________________

B:_________________________________________________________ II、改写句子。

1. Where is the hotel ? Could you please tell me?

Could you please tell me where the hotel is?

2. Is there a bookstore in the neighborhood? Can you tell me?


3. Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps?


4. Are there any restrooms around here?

Do you know _________________________________________________

III、Page 17完成教材上Page 17lb-lc的任务。

1. lb-lc.让学生听lb录音,完成插图中的句子,核对答案。然后操练lc。

例:A:Excuse me,could you please tell me how to get to______________________?

B:Sure, just go along ______________________._________________________is on

your_____________________ ,beside/near/next to______________________.

A:Thanks. Do you know__________________________________?


I V、 Page 18完成教材上Page 182a-2d的任务。

1. 2a-2b.听2遍录音,分别完成2a(按照指路的方向把句子编序)和2b(要求根据听力材料


2. 再放一遍听力,要求逐句进行跟读。

3. 2c. 模仿听力内容,利用2a, 2b的信息分角色练习对话。然后当堂表演。



1. I’m excited to try the rides!:excited和exciting的区别:

excited意为“激动的; 兴奋的”, 作表语时, 主语通常是人; 作定语时, 常用来修饰人, 说明

激动的表情。 All of us were excited when we heard the good news.

exciting意为“激动人心的”, 作表语时, 主语通常是物; 作定语时, 常用来修饰物。The movie

is very exciting.

2.Pardon? Restroom? You want to rest? But we haven’t even started yet!

1) pardon 用作动词, 后面既可以跟宾语, 也可以跟双宾语。pardon sb. for doing sth.意为“原

谅/宽恕某人做某事”。 Can you pardon me for not passing the exam, Mom?

在没有听懂对方的话, 请对方重复一下时也可说 pardon

Pardon? I’m sorry I can’t follow you.

3. rush v. 仓促; 急促n. 仓促; 急促e.g. They rushed up the stairs. (rush v.)They made a rush

for the door. (rush n.)



1 .Please be quick!I wonder when the park___________ (close) today.

2. I need some postcards and___________ (stamp).

3. Go to the ___________ (three) floor.

4. I’m ____________ (excite) to watch the exciting (excite) film.

5、Look !He is walking____ (pass/past) the bookstore over there.

6、Helen is excited______(swim) in the sea in summer.

7、Can you tell me how_______(solve) this problem.

8.You don’t need ________(rush),but he’ll be_______(quick).













湖北口中学崔艳 3a---3b导学案


学习目标:1. 掌握重要词汇。

2. 继续学习宾语从句。





建议_______2.路过__________ 3.管理人员,职工_____4.











What is the conversation about? __________________________________________________-



II. 3b. 按照要求仿写3b中的宾语从句。

例:I wonder where we should go next.= Could you tell me

where we could go next.

1. Do you know where we can get some good food quick1y?

= I



2. Let’s ask what time the band starts playing.

= I



3. Could you tell us when the band starts playing this


= I



III. 知识点聚焦

1.There be +主语+doing sth 主语正在做某事。

2.staff n. 职员,工作人员,全体职员,集体名词,作主谓复All the staff are Chinese.

3. I was scared at first, but shouting did help.此句相当于 I was scared at first, but shouting helped. 原句是一种表现强调的句式。英语中, 可用助动词do对谓语动词进行强调, 构成强调句。I do agree with you.我完全同意你的意见。

4. I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.

suggest作动词, 可意为“显示; 间接表 明”, 后可接宾语从句。

suggest作“建议”讲时, 应注意以下两点:

1) suggest doing sth. 建议做某事

e.g. I suggested going home. 我建议回家。

2) suggestion是suggest的名词形式, 作“建议”讲时, 是可数名词。e.g. Do you have any suggestions?你有什么建议吗?




______ my _________ _______ school,I _________ _________ a restaurant.


Can you tell me _________ _________ _________ buy apples?


I’m _________ _________ how _________ _________ English well.


I don’t know Tom _________ to go to the _________ Library.


I’m wondering _________ _________ a bank in the shopping _________.



学习内容:grammar focus-4c

学习目标:1. 掌握重要词汇。

2. 继续学习宾语从句。


1.单词:grape, central, mail, east; nearby,

2.短语:pardon me, down the street, mail a letter, go east

3.句子:Could you tell me where I can get something to eat?

Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to a nearby restaurant?

Pardon me, do you know if there’s a restaurant around here?






1. Grammar Focus

归纳总结Section A中所学的语法内容:特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。从引导词,语序和时态三个方面来观察宾语从句。

从句原形 主句 关联词 从句
