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篇一:市级公开课7A Unit 5 Integrated skills 教学案

7A Unit 5 Integrated skills 教学案

富安中学 陆瑞萍

一、教学内容:7A Unit 5 Integrated skills




2. 能力目标


2) 能听懂有关消费和购物的内容,并从中获取相关信息,为以后的写作材料。

3) 能流利的进行有关购物活动的英语对话。

3. 情感态度目标



1. “听”获取信息

2. 能熟练地用英语进行有关购物的交流。


Part One Spending your pocket money

(How do you usually spend your pocket money?)

Step 1 Free talk

Have a free talk. “How do you spend your pocket money?”

Step 2 Listening and matching

1.Show the pictures in Part A on Page84. Help them forecast the answers.

2.Play the tape for the students to listen.

3.Match the things with the people .Check the answers.

4.Summarize how to forcast the answers.

Part Two: Buying shoes and clothes.

(What do you spend your pocket money buying?)

Step 3.Presentation

Show students some pictures to present the new words.

Step 4. Listening and answering

Get students to listen to the tape and then answer the 4 questions.

Step 5. Reading and Practicing

Get students to read in groups.

Step 6. Making up new dialogues

1. Go through the table and the model dialogue,then get students to make up new


2. Offer students a scene and get them to make up new dialogue.

Part Three: Helping the poor

(How should you spend spend your pocket money correctly?)

Step 7. Presentation

1.Present some pictures of students in poor areas. Teach “poor” and “area”.

2.Talk about the students’ life: Do they have any pocket money ?

Step 8. Listening and writing.

1. Get students to listen and fill in the blanks in Part B1 on Page 84..

2. Check the answers.

Step 9. Presentation

1. Ask students if we can do something to help these poor children.

2. Show students some pictures and teach “donate, raise and collect”

3. Tell students that Simon and Millie also want help these poor children in our country after reading an advertisement.

Step 10. Reading and writing

1. Get students to read the advertisement on page 84 and answer 3 questions.

2. Get students to complete the letter and then check the answers.

3. Read the letter.

Step 11 Exercises.


Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词,使句子完整、正确。

1.China is a c____________ with a long history. Many foreigners (外国人) visit it every year.

2.The MP4 is too expensive. Do you have a c__________ one?

3.Our classmates raise money for Sunshine School, because the students there come from

p________ families.

4. —Why don't you buy the book, Simon?

—Because I don't take e___________ money with me today.

5.Mary is short and slim. But the skirt is too l_________. It doesn’t fit well.

Ⅱ. 将下列短语翻译成英文。

1. 贫困地区的儿童 ________________2. 书写纸 ____________________

3. 试穿它 _______________________ 4. 以我们学校的名义 _______________

5. 为某人募捐一些钱 ______________6. 一双足球靴___________________

7.一双更便宜的 _______________ 8.拨打12315来联系他们 ________________Ⅲ. 根据对话的上下文,从方框中选择合适的句子填入对话中,使对话完整、正确。 (S=Shopkeeper; K=Kitty)


S: 2


S:Yes, of course.

K: 4 How much is this pair?

S:This pair is 300 yuan.

K:Oh, that’S:Let me have a look.

Step 12 Homework.



1. 我们经常给贫困地区的孩子们筹集文具。

We often ______ ______ for children ______ ______ ______.

2. “我有足够的钱来买这本新字典,” 小男孩开心的说。

“I have to buy the new dictionary,” the little boy said happily.

3. 如果你想给那些残疾人捐款,可以拨打85576118来联系我们。

If you would like to _______ some _______ to the disabled, please _______ ________ _______ 85576118.

4. 这件上衣不合我的身。它太大了。有件小点的吗?

This coat doesn't ______ me ______. It’s too large. Do you have a _______ _______?

5. —你穿多大尺码的?


—_________ your _________?

—I’m _______ ________ _______. I like the colour of this sweater. Can I ______ _____ ________?

V.假设你是班长,请给Simon 和Millie 回一封信,告诉他们你们班级打算如何帮助贫困地区的孩子。


篇二:新牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit6 Outdoor fun Integrated skills优质课教案

Unit6 Outdoor fun Integrated skills优质课教案 I. Content 英语(译林)7下 Unit6 Integrated Skills

II. Learning aims

By the end of the period, the students will be able to :

1) Learn about the Chinese kites from the listening material and know the history of Chinese kites.

2) Grasp some listening skills such as predicting and abbreviation.

3) Complete different tasks with the obtained information.

4) Feel the development of China and the beauty of Chinese culture. III. Teaching procedures

Step 1. Lead in

What did you do last weekend?

Can you guess what I did last weekend?

Step 2. Listening

1. Here are some different kites, can you tell me what they look like.

2. Tips: How to write quickly?

3. Listen to their conversation and write the students’ names under their kites. Step 3. Presentation and Listening

1. Present the long history of kites.

2. Present the four great people.

3. Tip: Predict answers before listening.

4. Listen to A2 and write the letters in the boxes.

Step 4. Listening and reading

1. Tips: Listening for key words.

2. Listen to A3, complete the blanks.

3. Read A3, ask and answer .

篇三:如何让Integrated skills教学推陈出新

如何让Integrated skills教学推陈出新

摘 要: 本文重点分析integrated skills在教材中的重要地位,比较教学中被大家采用的教学法的优劣。在教学实践中作者勇于创新、另辟蹊径,让这部分内容在教法上推陈出新,从而真正发挥其作用,实现对学生进行全面听、说、读、写综合训练的目的。 关键词: 英语教学 integrated skills教学 创新课堂

《牛津英语》每个单元的结构相同无异,都包括以下部分:卡通对话和导入hobo和eddie的对话以点明单元的要点,激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣;阅读课文reading训练学生的读的技巧和读的能力;词汇vocabulary指导学生掌握与话题相关的词语;语法grammar对单元出现的语法进行归纳总结;综合技能integrated skills将听、说、读、写结合起来训练,提高学生综合运用英语的能力;中心任务main task重点是对写的训练;checkout是自我检测,起到复习巩固的作用。

各模块各司其职,integrated skills更显重要,在教材中占举足轻重的地位。所以,教师在教学中不可忽视对这部分教学研究和教学实践的创新、探索。

一、 integrated skills的结构分析

每一位英语教师都对integrated skills的结构再清楚不过,只要一提到这部分,就会口若悬河,如数家珍:integrated skills分为a、 b两部分, a部分又包括a1、a2、a3三个部分,a1训练学生的理解力和阅读能力,为a2做铺垫; a2训练学生听的能力;
