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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-10-12 14:39:53 | 移动端:英文文章接收会怎么说





general manager

tel: fax:

p.o.box: dear mr,

it is really a great honor to receive invitation, and we are writing to confirm

our attendance. mr will attend the investigation and conference in china on time.best wishes & regardsfor general manager篇二:接收函电及疑译文海南经贸职业技术学院国际贸易系 外贸函电期末考试(第四小组)international business correspondence examination( team 4 ) 班级:10级国经二班 组员:洪魏、卢思思、严绍务、刘核理组长:刘核理 2012.06.18



1.函电正文?????????????????????(3) main part

2.函电译文?????????????????????(4) translation

3.词汇、短语及句型解析???????????????(5)analysis of vocabulary、phrases and sentences

4.个人函电例句及翻译????????????????(6)part of personal work

5.ppt纸质版???????????????????(17) ppt of paper version

6.工作量及评分表?????????????????(19) workload and scoresheets接受函



austin food corp.

11937 woodruff ave.,downey ca 90241 dear mr blake, we confirm your letter and the enclosed samples and pricelist of june 15th .weare grateful with your quickly reply.we find the price and quality satisfactory,so we confirm our acceptance of yourquotation if you can guarantee the following conditions:

1.delivery on or before july.10.2012.

2.transshipment and partial shipment will not be allowed.

3.the item will be packed in one bag of about 20 kgs net each,three bags to acarton.

4.payment is to be made by t/t. 50% deposit before delivery,50% after your faxing copy of b/l.we are glad to have conclude this deal with you.we hope it will be mark the goodbeginning of the pleasant business relations between us. the validity of our order is refer to your faxing copy of b/l reach us before


12.2012. yours truly, tanhome import and export corp.a720 new world apartments 24,jiefang rd.enclosed order of tapioca chips: art.no.quantity unit price amount cif dalian

qt011 200mts @usd120/mtusd 24,000 qt012 300mts @usd150/mtusd 45,000 total value: usd69,000函电译文

translation 事由:木薯干 blake 先生: 我方已收到贵公司6月15日来函以及随函附上的样品和价目单。 并对贵公司作对我方作出的及时回复表示感谢。 我方很满意贵公司的报价和质量,现确认贵方价格。我方希望贵方能够给出以下承诺:




4.装运前我方支付50%订金,并于收到你方的海运提单传真件后支付 剩下50%的货款

我方很高兴与你方达成本次交易,并希望这是我们双方之间愉快合作的开端。该订单在我方2012年7月12日之前收到提单传真件为有效。 词汇、短语、句型解析


1.tapioca chips:木薯干

2.find the price and quality satisfactory:认为价格和质量是令人满意的。satisfactory:令人满意的

eg: we find your price unacceptable:我方认为你方价格不能接受

3.we confirm our acceptance of your quotation:我方兹确认接收贵方报价。

eg:we confirm having sold to you 1000 pairs of socks:我方兹确认售给




eg:delivery date:交货期。take delivery od good:提货

6.conclude this deal with you:与你方达成交易。 eg:一笔交易还可以表达为 a transaction/business接收函怎么写

请参考以下接受函范例:_____________大学:兹有贵校xx届xx专业毕业生 x x(身份证号为),经考核合格,同意接收到我单位(公

司)工作,经试用合格后办理录(聘)用手续。 特此函告。


经 办 人: x x x


年月日篇四:接收函怎么写 接收函怎么写

〖文字大小:大 中 小〗 〖打印文章〗请参考以下接受函范例: _____________大学:兹有贵校xx届xx专业毕业生 x x(身份证号为),经考核合格,同意接收到我单位(公

司)工作,经试用合格后办理录(聘)用手续。 特此函告。


经 办 人: x x x


年月日篇五:英文翻译 毕 业 设 计(论文) 外 文 翻 译 construction of embedded ethernet based on 中文题目:基于mcf52259构建嵌入

式以太网学院 名称: 电子与信息工程学院专业: 电子科学与技术 班级:

电科084 姓名: 李杰 学 号08401090438指导教 师: 胡劲松职 称 副教授 定稿日期: 2011年 12 月8日基于mcf52259构建嵌入式以太网 摘要 嵌入式以太网已成为一个重要的通信方式支持物联网的发展。嵌入式以太网技术分

两种类型:“微控制器与以太网控制芯片”构建方案和“单芯片”构建方案,但前者是 现在流行的选择。飞思卡尔公司的32位高度集成微控制器mcf52259被用为 v2coldfire微架构的嵌入式以太网的主要控制器。在构建过程中,嵌入式组件为向导。首先,完成以太网驱动的硬件电路设计,然后实现以太网驱动的软件编程。最后,进 行彻底核查编制测试用例。通过这种方式,可以证明该设计方案具有良好的稳定性。 关键词:mcf52259,嵌入式以太网,以太网驱动器。












用第一种嵌入式以太网接入解决方案。在寻找信息的过程中,发现中国几乎没有关于 mcf52259的研究和应用。因为芯片内它有丰富和强大的资源,将有很大的潜在的,有价







在物理层和数据链路层之间,mcf52259提供一个快速网络控制器(fec)模块。如果在 芯片中没有物理层,要实现以太网通信,必须有一个外部物理收发器。本文使用由台湾realtek公司生产的具有10/100m快速以太网物理层收发器的rtl8201cp芯片[4]。 rtl8201cp提供可供选择的媒体独立接口(mii)或串行网络接口(sni)的mac芯片,





的u 标准接口。图1显示mcf52259和rtl8201cp之间的引脚连接。rtl8201cp界面芯片和电







3.以太网驱动程序的软件设计以太网模块mcf52259的硬件电路集成了ephy和快速以太网控制器(fec),它们通过 mii接口通讯。通此过此模块的驱动程序发送和接收帧。 “以太网帧结构显示在图2。









整的驱动程序文件包括(ephy)的物理初始化,pec的初始化,帧的发送和接收。图1。以太网物理层的硬件连接 图2:框架结构




(2)初始化mii接口控制器。由于系统总线频率为80mhz,速度控制寄存器(mscr)的mii_speed域名设置为16,所以管理数据得到2.5m赫兹的时钟。 ephy初始化需要设置物理收发器的工作模式,程序如下:







3.2 fec的初始化







(4) 通过物理地址高寄存器(paur)和物理地址低字节寄存器(palr)来设置本地mac





(5) 初始化一个单独的哈希表和一组哈希表。




Every single thing you are not satisfied with in your life is a result of a bad habit compounded over time.


If you don’t have enough money, it’s because bad habits kept you from taking action and making money. If you are not as fit as you would like to be, it’s because of bad habits that kept you glued to the couch. Bad habits are like viruses that spread into all areas of our lives.

如果你没有足够的金钱,那是因为坏习惯使你无法付诸实际行动,无法赚到钱。如果你没有拥有自己希望的身材,那是因为话习惯使你像胶水一样粘到了沙发上。坏习惯就像病毒,蔓延于我们生活的各个领域。 Would you like to change that?


The only thing that separates successful people from failures are successful habits.


Most of us go through our entire lives under the control of external circumstances, as opposed to being at cause for creating the life we want to live.

Whether you are training for an ultra marathon, starting a

business or running a successful blog, cultivating good habits is the key to mastery.无论你是在接受超级马拉松的训练,还是想要创业,亦或是要开创一个成功的博客,培养良好的习惯是取得成功的关键。But this is easier said than done.但是,说起来永远比做起来容易。 We find it near impossible to build good habits because we spend every day floating down the river of life with no oars.


Empowering habits allow us to take charge of our destiny by controlling our daily activities so that we no longer have to be a victim to the roller coaster of our feelings. The compound effect of those actions over time leads to the life of our dreams.


Follow these 9 steps to transform success from uncertainty to inevitability.




Our only true freedom is to choose our response and our attitude to the events that occur every day, especially when those events are outside of our control.



To practice 100% responsibility, choose to create an empowering meaning to any event, find the value in it and move forward in a manner that improves the quality of your life. This is as opposed to being a victim that blames, complains or whines about circumstances.


Without a strong reason to drive you in changing your habits, it is near impossible to do so. Viktor Frankl once said, “Those who have a why to live for, can bear with almost any how.”


I have adapted that to say “those who have a why to live for, will create almost any how.” The purpose behind your desire to change a habit is the fuel that will keep you going when things get tough. It is the driving force for change.


Hey Ford said it best, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”


Belief is the root of change. The strongest force in human behavior is the need to act in line with our self-identity or our belief of who we are. To change a habit, you must believe that you can actually do it. 信念是改变的根。人类最强大的力量来源于自我认同,我们坚信自己是什么的人,就会随之付诸于与其相符合的行为。

One way to create this belief is to log all the successes you have ever achieved in your life. From first learning how to tie your shoelace to graduating high school, whatever it may be, celebrate your successes to show yourself that you are capable of greatness.


Prove to yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to. Anchor in that state of unstoppable confidence and then condition the anchor over time.

向自己证明,只要是你下定决心了要做的事,你就有能力将其做好。向不可阻挡的自信抛锚,随着时间的推移根据自身的情况调整锚的位置。 MIT researchers have found that all habits consist of three elements: a cue, a routine and a reward. If you find yourself drinking a few beers every day after work and you want to change that habit, figure out how your actions fit into the habit cycle.


The cue could be coming home from work at 6:00pm. The routine may be taking off your shoes and your coat, sitting on your couch, kicking up your feet and opening up a beer. To figure out the



5. Experiment with different routines that meet the same reward 尝试用不同的方式达到同样的目的(奖赏)

Using the above example, the reward could be a variety of things. It may be the high from the alcohol, or it may be a release from the stress of work, or it may be relaxation. The key to breaking bad habits is to keep the cue and the reward the same, but change the routine. 用上面给的例子,奖赏有很多种情况。可能是因为酒精作用变得情绪高涨,可能是帮助自己缓解工作压力,可能是帮助自己放松。那么改掉这个坏习惯的关键就在于保持“提示和奖赏”但要改变“日常行为”。 To gain awareness on your individual habit cycle, write down your cues, routines and rewards while you are in the cycle. Then, experiment with different routines that offer the same reward. The reward may not be what you first think it is, so be sure to get very clear on the reward by writing it down every time you engage in the habit. Once you are clear on the pleasure from the behavior, then... 要了解自己的习惯周期纪要将“提示、日常行为和奖赏”写下来,然后尝试不同的方法(采取不同的日常行为)获得相同的“奖赏”。或许你不会再第一尝试后就得到自己想要的奖赏,所以一定要通过写的方式让自己清晰的了解到每次不同的尝试会给你什么样的“奖赏”。一旦清晰了解到不同的行为可以带来哪些乐趣后,一切就都变得容易了。

6. Interrupt the old patterns



World economy

The jobs crisis 失业危机

It’s coming, whatever governments do; but they can make it better or worse


Illustration by Belle Mellor

NOTHING evokes the misery of mass unemployment more than the photographs of the Depression. You can see it in the drawn faces of the men, in their shabby clothes, in their eyes. Their despair spawned political extremism that left a stain on society; but it also taught subsequent generations that public policy has a vital part in alleviating the suffering of those who cannot get work. Thanks to welfare schemes and unemployment benefits, many of which have their origins in those dark days, joblessness no longer plunges people into destitution, at least in the developed world.


Not even the gloomiest predict that today’s slump will approach the severity of the Depression, which shrank America’s economy by more than a quarter, and put a quarter of the working-age population out of a job. But with the world in its deepest recession since the 1930s and global trade shrinking at its fastest pace in 80 years, the misery of mass unemployment looms nonetheless, and raises the big question posed in the Depression: what should governments do?


Join the queue 加入失业队伍

In the rich world the job losses are starkest in America, where the recession began. Its flexible labour market has shed 4.4m jobs since the downturn began in December 2007, including more than 600,000 in each of the past three months. The unemployment rate jumped to 8.1% in February, the highest in a quarter-century. An American who loses his job today has less of a chance of finding another one than at any time since records began half a century ago. That is especially worrying when the finances of many households have come to depend on two full incomes.


But it is already clear that unemployment will strike hard far beyond America and Britain. In Japan output is plunging faster than in other rich economies. Although unemployment is low, rapid job losses among Japan’s army of temporary workers are exposing the unfairness of a two-tier labour market and straining an egalitarian society.


In Europe joblessness has grown fastest in places such as Spain and Ireland, where building booms have crashed, but has only begun to edge up elsewhere. The unemployment rates in many European countries are below America’s, but that may be because their more rigid labour markets adjust more slowly to falling demand. Given how fast European economies are shrinking, nobody doubts that worse lies ahead. By the end of 2010, unemployment in much of the rich world is likely to be above 10%.


In the emerging world the pattern will be different, but the outcome more painful. As trade shrinks, millions of workers are losing their foothold on the bottom rungs of the global supply chain. Poverty will rise as they sink into informal work or move back to the land. The World Bank expects some 53m people to fall below the level of extreme poverty this year.


Politics dictates that governments must intervene energetically to help. That’s partly because capital has taken such a large share of profits for so many years that the pendulum is bound to swing back and partly because, having just given trillions of dollars to the banks, politicians will be under pressure to put vast amounts of money into saving jobs. But help cannot be measured in dollars alone. Badly designed policies can be self-defeating. After the recessions of the 1970s and early 1980s, Europe’s rigid labour-markets kept unemployment high for decades.


Governments are piling in with short-term help for workers. In America, which has one of the lowest social safety nets in the rich world, extending unemployment benefits was, rightly, part of the recent stimulus package. Japan is giving social assistance to “non regular” workers, a group that has long been ignored. In general, however, it makes more sense to pay companies to keep people in work than to subsidise unemployment. Many countries are topping up the earnings of workers on shortened weeks or forced leave.


These are sensible measures, so long as they are time-limited; for, in the short term, governments need to do all they can to sustain demand. But the jobs crisis, alas, is unlikely to be short-lived. Even if the recession ends soon (and there is little sign of that happening), the asset bust and the excessive borrowing that led to it are likely to overshadow the world economy for many years to come. Moreover, many of yesterday’s jobs, from Spanish bricklayer to Wall Street trader, are not coming back. People will have to shift out of old occupations and into new ones.



A difficult dance 艰难的舞步

Over the next couple of years, politicians will have to perform a difficult policy U-turn; for, in the long term, they need flexible labour markets. That will mean abolishing job-subsidy programmes, taking away protected workers’ privileges and making it easier for businesses to restructure by laying people off. Countries such as Japan, with two-tier workforces in which an army of temporary workers with few protections toil alongside mollycoddled folk with many, will need to narrow that disparity by making the latter easier to fire.


The euphemism for that is “flexibility”. The bare truth is that the more easily jobs can be destroyed, the more easily new ones can be created. The programmes that help today, by keeping people in existing jobs, will tomorrow become a drag on the great adjustment that lies ahead. As time goes by, spending on keeping people in old jobs will need to be cut, and replaced with spending on training them for new ones. Governments will have to switch from policies to support demand to policies to make their labour markets more flexible. That is going to require fancy political footwork; but politicians will have to perform those steps, because if they fail to, they will stifle growth.


However well governments design their policies, unemployment is going to rise sharply, for some time. At best it will blight millions of lives for years. The politicians’ task is to make sure the misery is not measured in decades.



China's trade

Surplus to requirements 顺差的需要

Why is China’s trade surplus growing when its exports have collapsed?


THIS week revised figures revealed that China overtook Germany in 2007 to become the world’s third-biggest economy. At the start of last year China also looked set to become the world’s biggest exporter, but a slump in exports in the final months of the year meant they remained smaller than Germany’s. China’s exports tumbled by 13% (in dollar terms) in the fourth quarter, leaving them 3% lower in December than a year earlier. Despite this, China’s trade surplus rose to a record $457 billion at an

annual rate in the fourth quarter—50% bigger than in the same period of 2007. What is going on?


In the first half of 2008 China’s trade surplus did indeed shrink (see chart). But since then, although exports slumped, imports fell by much more—down by 21% in the 12 months to December. The slide in both exports and imports was exacerbated by the global credit freeze, which has made it harder for companies around the world to get letters of credit to guarantee payment. Imports were also dragged down by cheaper oil and commodity prices, and by weaker imports of materials and components used to make exports (over 50% of total imports).


But a more worrying reason why China bought less from the rest of the world is that its domestic demand has weakened. Consumer spending and manufacturing investment have so far held up reasonably well, but construction—a big user of imported raw materials—has collapsed.


With most of the world in recession, China’s exports will continue to slide this year. Nomura forecasts a drop of 6%—the first annual decline for more than 25 years. Imports, on the other hand, are expected to increase. By mid-year, the government’s planned massive increase in infrastructure spending will boost imports of raw materials and machinery. If so, China’s trade surplus will shrink in 2009.


The collapse in exports and the consequent job losses in southern China have triggered speculation that the government might try to push down the value of the yuan. But not only would this provoke a protectionist backlash from America’s new government, it would also do little to help producers. China’s problem is weak foreign demand, not competitiveness. The best way for China to support its economy—and to help unwind global trade imbalances—is to bolster domestic demand.


One piece of good news this week is that, following interest-rate cuts and the government’s scrapping of credit restrictions, total bank loans jumped by 19% in the 12 months to December, up from growth of 14% last summer. China is perhaps the only big economy where credit growth has heated up in recent months. If that is sustained, it could help to boost domestic spending.



China certainly cannot rely on exports any more. Becoming the world’s biggest exporter will be of little comfort if global trade is spiralling downwards.



China's stimulus

Got a light? 经济复苏已被点燃?

China’s big fiscal package may be starting to work


“ONLY when all contribute their firewood can they build up a strong fire,” says a Chinese proverb. With the world economy in its worst crisis in 70 years, every country needs to do its bit to rekindle global demand. The American government, which plans to run a budget deficit of 12% of GDP this year, has called on its Group of 20 partners to do more. Is China one of the misers? Its budget, published last week, showed that it plans to run a deficit of only 3% of GDP. Was the 4 trillion yuan ($586 billion) infrastructure package unveiled last November, worth 14% of GDP, a sham?


Beijing’s stimulus is smaller than the number announced last year, but it is still the biggest in the world. The fact that America is set to run a budget deficit four times the size of China’s as a share of GDP does not mean its demand stimulus is bigger; America started this year with a much bigger deficit. America’s deficit will increase by more than China’s this year, largely because it is suffering a deeper recession which will depress tax revenue. The correct measure of a fiscal stimulus is the change in the budget deficit adjusted for the impact of the economic cycle.


In China, however, even this would understate the true stimulus, because some public-infrastructure investment will be done by state-owned firms or local governments and financed by banks. Tao Wang of UBS estimates that new infrastructure investment, tax cuts, consumer subsidies and increased spending on health care will amount to a stimulus by the central government of about 3% of GDP in 2009. Adding in bank-financed infrastructure spending might lift the total to 4% of GDP.


Chinese investment in railways, roads and power grids is already booming. In the first two months of this year, total fixed investment was 30% higher in real terms than a year earlier, and investment in railways tripled. China has been much criticised
