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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-10-08 22:30:30 | 移动端:studying,abroad

篇一:英语作文Studying Abroad

Studying Abroad

In recent years, studying abroad has became popular. Thousands of students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no effort in applying for going abroad.

Studying abroad has many advantages.Firstly, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture.

However, studying abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. In spite of these, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to attend schools abroad.

篇二:Studying abroad or not

Studying abroad or not

Nowadays,studying abroad has been an increasingly common phenomenon in most countries.Many students go abroad to study in secondary school,universities or to get higher diplomas.Studying abroad is studying in education institutions in foreign countries and getting corresponding diplomas.People may think the quality of education in their own countries is not high enough,want to experience cultures that are different from their host cultures,or have advantage in finding a job with the experience of studying abroad.Studying abroad has significant benefits for the students,because it gives the chance to broaden their horizon,experience different cultures,be more independent and have better development.This essay explains the benefits of studying abroad.

Studying abroad provides an opportunity to experience different cultures and broaden one’s horizon.Every country has its own culture:social norms and roles,social values,the way people behave and communicate etc.As studying abroad needs a period of time,students can experience the culture of the country they study in,and learn from people of different social values.These experience will also let students behave properly when they come across people of different culture.Studying abroad has good cultural influence on students.

Apart from cultural influence,by studying abroad ,students can be more independent,which is very important in their daily life.When studying abroad,students can not rely on their parents,so that they have to learn to take care of themselves and manage their time efficiently.Students have to keep a healthy lifestyle or they might be ill,which leads to physical uncomfort and high medical expense.So they have to manage their time for playing,exercising and studying efficiently,and this is an important skill in their lives and work.These will let students be more independent,so tat they can face challenges alone and live well in the rest of their lives.Studying abroad can let students be more independent and form good habit of managing time as well as healthy lifestyle.

Besides,studying abroad provides opportunities for students to experience different cultures,to be more independent,so that they can develop better personality.Personality results from cultural factor,environmental influence and people’s inner experience.So if students have the experience of studying abroad,they are able to develop better personality.Cultural diversity gives the chance of being more generous and being more independent gives the chance of being more extravert and creative.Studying abroad can let students develop better personality ,which is beneficial for them in working and communicating with other people in their following lives.

There are some disagreement about studying abroad.Some say that it presents the danger of negative influence from the host culture.But actually, the influence from the host culture can be changed by new environment,and this is the reason for people to experience cultural diversity.Others argues that higher crime rate in foreign countries may cause danger for students.In fact,everywhere is dangerous if one cannot try his best to protect himself.So that by studying abroad,students can have a stronger sense of self defense,and it lets them try to protect themselves every time there is potential or real danger,which benefits them for life-long time.So studying abroad is much more beneficial.

Studying abroad has its benefits for students,that is broadening their horizon,experiencing different cultures,becoming more independent and having better development of personality.And some disagreement is overestimating the potential danger.So to draw a conclusion,studying abroad has significant benefits for students.After all,how to appreciate cultural diversity and to develop better is something we should think about.

篇三:Studying Abroad

Studying Abroad: Hardships and Rewards. You should write at least 150 words:

1. 出国留学有很多好处

2. 出国留学也会遇到很多难题

3. 你的选择

Studying Abroad: Hardships and Rewards

There is no denying the fact that studying abroad is a hotly debated topic today. Obviously, studying abroad has a number of rewards/advantages. In the first place, a student can have access to advanced science and technology as well as desirable working conditions which might not be available at home. In the second place, he can be exposed to entirely new ideas and trends. Last but not least, by living and studying in a foreign country, one can improve his foreign language much faster than at home.

Nevertheless, as every coin has two sides, studying abroad also confronts one with a series of hardships. For one thing, learning a foreign language is far from an easy thing at the beginning for most people. For another, a completely new environment with different customs and habits may also be a barrier to overseas students, especially to the young. An added difficulty lies with finance: it can cost a lot to study abroad.

From my point of view, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh its disadvantages. But it is a big decision to go abroad to study and one should take into consideration his financial conditions and his ability to adapt to new surrounding. Personally, I choose to go abroad and study if I find it necessary.

(Therefore, studying abroad should be viewed as a two-edged sword, which presents us with both benefits and troubles. The best policy, as I see it, is to take into consideration his financial conditions and his ability to adapt to new surrounding. Personally, I choose to go abroad and study if I find it necessary.)

Economic Development and Environmental Protection

Economic development and environmental protection are a pressing issue primarily for developing countries where, in trying to catch up with developed countries, they have to consume natural resources on an unprecedented scale. This has seriously polluted our environment and, with the global environmental campaign gaining momentum, many people in China call for the precedence of environmental protection over economic development.

Any attempt to pose economic development and environmental protection as diametrically contradictory is simple-minded. Since no country is willing to stop its economic development, the best way is to strike a balance between the two and

to heighten the environmental awareness of those solely concerned with economic development.

European countries both economically developed and environmentally friendly can serve as perfect examples for China. Their success story in both undertakings illustrates that environmental protection does not mean a complete standstill of economic activities or exploitation of natural resources, but rather an active development and application of effective technologies to minimize environmental consequences. In Germany, environmental protection has become part of economic development as it boasts the world’s most successful environmental industry. With a developed economy, we are well equipped to develop sophisticated technologies that can effectively safeguard our environment.

The relationship between economic development and environment protection is a complex one. For modern men, neither a primitive society which is perfectly ecologically friendly nor an industrial civilization which is ecologically hostile is what we want. Environmental problems arise as a result of industrialization and only technologies can deliver solutions to those problems. Rather than simply returning to the past of non-human activity, we can seek active technological solutions in solar energy and wind energy to replace fossil fuels. By the time this key contributor to environmental deterioration is eradicated, man will achieve a win-win result between economic development and environmental protection

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled College Students on the Job Market. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 目前考研正在形成热潮;

2. 这股热潮产生的原因

My View on the Postgraduate Craze

There is a growing tendency nowadays that undergraduates (研究生考试) . taking a look around, we can find numerous examples with ease: some students reject (拒绝) the chance of working for a (知名公司) but continue to pursue a master degree. While still others resign from their current position and then go back to school, they regarded the pursuit of a master degree as an indispensible part of their education and even a chance to change their life.

What is to account for their enthusiasm for a postgraduate diploma? Firstly, it is the demand of knowledge. In 知识和信息爆炸时代), what you have learned in college can hardly(与…同步) the (日益增长的需求) in society. Talents who are (有) the latest knowledge and skills are highly needed than ever before. Secondly, it is well-know that . Compared with those without a master degree, masters will enjoy more (优先待遇), for example, better salaries, more opportunities for promotion and training. A postgraduate degree can guarantee a more (有希望的)career.

As far as I am concerned, this trend is reasonable and understandable(合理的,能理解的). with the graduation of a larger number of college students, competition for jobs becomes increasingly fierce. One way to others is to acquire a higher degree. Therefore, no wonder millions of students consider pursuing a postgraduate degree as .
