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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-30 11:36:49 | 移动端:九年级英语上册Unit,5同步练习题



Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。

1. — The animal has a long __________ (尾巴). It looks very cute, doesn’t it?

— Yes, it does.

2. Let’s go __________ (往楼下) and have a rest in the small café.

3. In Mr Black’s opinion, it’s not a good idea to __________ (惩罚) kids every time they make mistakes.

4. Mike always uses a __________ (绳索) when he goes rock climbing.5. Mary __________ (发现) a fine restaurant in Peace Street last weekend.6. Celia, don’t be so __________ (粗鲁的) to your grandma. Ⅱ. 从方框中选择合适的单词或短语并用其适当形式完成句子。

1. The day before yesterday, Dad went to a car __________ with Mum. 2. — I’ll go to ask Tom not to speak so loudly.

— It’s __________ talking to him! He is a difficult child. 3. The lake is too deep. It’s impossible for us __________ it. 4. Look at the sign — “No __________”. We’d better not get in there. 5. — Look at the girl __________! Do you know who she is?

— Sure, she’s my big sister.

6. Bill’s office is on the __________ floor. Ⅲ. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

1. In the end, Lily found the __________ (miss) keys under the sofa.

2. — Tina, may I use your camera tomorrow? I want to take some __________ (photo) of the Great Wall.

— Sure, here you are.

— He has gone to the __________ (lose) and found office. 3. — Luke, where is Tom?

4. I didn’t buy anything because the shop was __________ (close) then. 5. __________ (not make) so much noise! The baby is sleeping. 6. Daming said he __________ (plan) to do the dishes later.Ⅳ. 根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)。1. 这是阅览室。禁止喧哗!

This is the reading room. __________ __________!

If you are __________ __________, please call me at once. 2. 如果你遇到麻烦,请立刻给我打电话。

3. 难怪格林先生想换工作。

__________ __________ Mr Green is thinking about changing his job.It’s __________ __________ __________. We’d better not do that.

__________ __________ __________ with your sister? She looks very unhappy. 4. 这是违反规定的,我们最好别那样做。5. 你的妹妹怎么了?她看起来很不开心。


Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示写出正确的单词。

1. As everyone knows, people can use coal to create e__________. 2. Mike and Jack d__________ a hole in the garden and put some stones in it.3. We just had the chemistry lesson and did some interesting e__________ in the lab.4. Mrs Lin looks tired because she has spent the w__________ day cleaning and tidying. 5. Look! The children are playing happily in the s__________ on the beach.6. — What’s Mr Wang doing?

— He’s t__________ about our exam results with Mrs White. Ⅱ. 从方框中选择适当的单词填空。

1. Be careful! A __________ is coming!

2. As __________ as I invited Maria to go shopping, she always refused.3. — __________ is more difficult than maths. — I don’t agree with you.

4. Although the model plane was not easy to __________, Mike won the game.

5. The guide said, “Boys and girls, __________ to the UK’s largest Angry Birds Activity Park. Enjoy yourselves.”

6. — How do you like your new job?

— I like it very much. The working __________ is very comfortable. Ⅲ.


1. No one knows what our life will be __________ in the future. 2. That cup is empty. Please fill it __________ tea, Tina. 3. I’m so sorry to learn __________ your illness.

4. Who can tell me the answer __________ the question?

5. Mr Wang has decided to remain here __________ two more days.

6. — Oh, there aren’t enough chairs. Do you mind sitting __________ the floor?

— Not at all.

Ⅳ. 根据汉语意思及括号里的英语提示翻译句子。

1. 所有年龄段的人都可以加入这个足球俱乐部。(of all ages)

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

2. 当我把贝蒂和他的报告一比较,发现他的更好。(compare…with)3. 从前,这个历史博物馆要小些。(in the past)4. 你能帮我查下这本英语词典多少钱吗?(find out)5. 这个教堂不同于别的教堂。(be different from)


Ⅰ. 写出下列标识所对应的英语。

1. _________2. _________3. _________ 4. _________5. _________

2. Jack didn’t go to school because he _________ this morning.

3. It’s windy today. You’d better _________ your coat when you go out.

4. Before Amy opened the present box, she looked around to _________ that she was alone. 5. Danny, please _________ what I am saying. It’s very important. Ⅲ. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

1. If you _________ (not feel) well, _________ (stop) to have a rest.

2. Li Lei advised me to put up a “No _________ (litter)” sign on the wall. 3. The boy is looking forward to _________ (see) the sights of Las Vegas. 4. Ross needs _________ (go) over the lessons at home this weekend.

5. Amanda _________ (change) a lot since I last saw her.Ⅳ. 按要求改写句子(每空一词)。

1. Susan, please lay the table for five. Tommy is coming too.(改为同义句) Susan, please lay the table for five. Tommy is coming _________ _________.2. Xu Kai took the lift to the eighth floor of the tower.(对划线部分提问) _________ did Xu Kai _________ to the eighth floor of the tower? 3. Alice, you can’t cross the river.(改为祈使句)Alice, _________ _________ the river.

4. Hey is interested in ancient technology.(改 为一般疑问句并作否定回答) — _________ Hey interested in ancient technology? — _________, _________ _________.

5. Toby reached the bus station at half past ten.(改为同义句)Toby _________ _________ the bus station at half past ten.


Key: Ⅰ. 1. tail 4. ropeⅡ. 1. exhibition 4. entryⅢ. 1. missing4. closed

2. downstairs

3. punish 6. rude 3. to cross 6. second 3. lost6. planned 3. No wonder

5. discovered / found 2. no good5. over there 2. photos

5. Don’t make 2. in trouble

Ⅳ. 1. No shouting4. against the rules

5. What’s the matter


Key: Ⅰ. 1. energy4. whole Ⅱ. 1. truck4. control4. to

2. dug 5. sand 2. often 5. welcome 5. for

3. experiments 6. talking 3. Physics

6. environment 3. about6. on

Ⅲ. 1. like 2. with

Ⅳ. 1. People of all ages can join the football club.

2. When I compared Betty’s report with his, I found his report was better. 3. The History Museum was smaller in the past.

4. Can you help me find out how much this English dictionary costs?5. This church is different from other churches.



Ⅰ. 1. No running 2. No fishing 3. No phones4. No left turn 5. Quiet please / No shouting Ⅱ. 1. is waiting for 2. had a fever 3. put on4. make sure5. pay attention to Ⅲ. 1. don’t feel; stop 2. littering 3. seeing4. to go 5. has changed Ⅳ. 1. as well2. How; get 3. don’t cross 4. Is; No; he isn’t 5. arrived at / got to


A. aB. an C. the D. 不填

( )12. Mike wants to fill the bowl ________ hot water. But his mother says it’s


A. to B. with C. from D. off

( )13. —How is Peter doing at school?

—Well, he does well in maths, but he is always weak in ________.

A. tasteB. advice C. chemistry D. tradition

( )14. The island is far away from the city and there are no ________ on it. So we

can’t find anyone.

A. communications B. choices C. differencesD. competitions

( )15. Tom is ________. The policemen are searching for him everywhere.

A. busy B. lovely C. missingD. exciting

( )16. I like this programme, and my mother likes it ________.

A. at last B. as wellC. at first D. as a result

( )17. ________ you can’t find anybody here; they’re all away at a meeting.

A. In the future B. In the end

C. No problem D. No wonder

( )18. Tim did something wrong. His parents ________ him by not letting him watch


A. encouragedB. refused C. punished D. interviewed

( )19. If the traffic light is red, you ________ cross the street. It’s very dangerous.

A. can B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. might

( )20. —We’ve got a new machine. But I don’t know how to use it.

—Don’t worry. Let me show you how to ________ it.

A. touch B. control C. clean D. invent

( )21. —How do you ________ the new computer ________ the old one?

—The new one is quicker.

A. put; intoB. treat; like C. think of; as D. compare; with

( )22. The doctor took an X-ray to ________ if there was something wrong with his


A. point out B. worry about C. find out D. write about

( )23. The workers ________ for coal but found nothing.

A. dig B. dugC. will dig D. are digging

( )24. —Can I park the car here?

—Sorry, you can’t. Look at the sign ________.



Ⅰ. 根据所给的英语解释或汉语意思填入恰当的单词。

1. The most important award, Best Picture, was (given to someone, especially at an important event) to 12 Years a Slave.

2. It’s very (not special) for teens to be crazy about superhero films like Transformers and Captain America.

3. As a born football player, Messi has amazing skills to (make something work in the way someone wants) the football.

4. Listen to the music and guess what (乐器) is being played.

5. UFO stands for Unidentified (不明的) Flying 东西).

Ⅱ. 根据句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. Wuhan is an important city in (center) China.

2. All The Voice of China became famous all over the world.

3. Beethoven is thought to be one of the greatest (music) in history.

4. There used to be a5. Wushu has a long history and is part of Chinese

Ⅲ. 从方框里选择合适的词(组),并用其正确形式完成短文。

Jay Chou is one of the greatest Chinese singers. He has millions of fans around the world. Not many people knew that Jay (1) with his mother. His mother played an important part in Jay’s life. Jay (2) music when he was 3. And his mother encouraged him a lot. Jay admired his mother so much that he even named one of his album after her. That is “Yehuimei”. Another important person in Jay’s life is Fang Wenshan. Most of the lyrics (歌词) of Jay’s famous songs (3)Fang Wenshan. Jay Chou and Fang Wenshan (4)

each other in Wu Zongxian’s music company. And since then, they have worked together well.

In Jay’s songs, Western music and Chinese music mix well. He shows the world that music has no

(5). Good music always has something in common.

Ⅳ. 单项选择

() 1. — Is Lin Xi the of Faye Wong’s famous song The Butterfly?

— No. The music is written by Adrian Chan. A. singerB. composer D. actor C. writer

() 2. — What a silent place!

A. flow C. flows B. flowed D. flowing

() 3. — Kristen Anderson-Lopez and her husband won an Oscar their song Let It Go from the movie Frozen.

— Yes. The song has become the hottest one. A. withC. forB. as D. about () 4. — Han Han is really a good writer. — Yes. But now I think he is best known _______ people a director (导演) A. for; asB. by; as C. as; forD. by; for because of his film Continent. () 5. — The second YOG was held in Nanjing this summer. — Yes. Nanjing really surprised the world. A. success B. successful

D. successfully C. succeed

() 6. — Does your American friend Jack like Pu Shu’s new song Ordinary Road? — He likes it a lot, he can’t understand what Pu Shu is singing. A. though B. since D. because C. as() 7. — Since we ran out of money, we some noodles for lunch. — Poor thing! You should have spent your money wisely. A. cooked B. are cookingC. have cooked D. cook— By listening to the sounds of nature, I think. A. When C. How B. Where D. What () 8. — does Tan Dun come up with so many amazing ideas about making music? () 9. — music it sounds! It’s like the sound from the heaven (天堂). — I can’t agree more. A. What a beautiful B. How beautiful C. What beautiful piece of D. What a beautiful piece of

()10. — Tan Dun’s success in music shows that Western music and Chinese music can so well.

— That’s because music is the language of the whole world.

C. createD. write

Ⅴ. 根据所给汉语完成英语句子。

1. 那个女孩高中毕业之后,继续到上海的一所大学学习表演。

After the girl left high school, she acting in a college in Shanghai.

2. 好的音乐在不同人的头脑里面会呈现不同的画面。

Good music can create different pictures .

3. 周杰伦把中文歌词用西洋方式唱出来,真是令人着迷(fascinating)。

It’s really fascinating that Jay Chou sings Chinese lyrics .

4. 中国古钟的声音在这首乐曲里面被用得很多。

are used a lot in the music.

5. 胡同不仅连接了北京的街道社区,而且连接了过去和现在。

The Hutongs connect not only Beijing’s streets and communities, but



Ⅰ. 1. presented

2. common3. control 4. instrument 5. Object 2. winners 3. musicians 5. traditional4. dividing Ⅱ. 1. central Ⅲ. 1. grew up 2. showed an interest in 3. were written by 4. got to know 5. boundaries/boundary 6-10 AACDB 2. in different minds 3. in a Western style 4. The sounds of ancient Chinese bells 5. the past and the present Ⅳ. 1-5 BDCBD Ⅴ. 1. went on to study / continued to study
