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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-30 11:35:30 | 移动端:初三英语上册Module,11同步练习题


初三上Module 11综合练习题

I. 单项选择。(15分)

()1. Email, as well as telephones, _______ an important part in daily communication.

A. is playing B. have played C. are playing

()2. Everything _______ quite dear in this shop.

A. are B. is C. has D. have

()3. So far, the population of China _______ over 1.3 billion.

A. areB. isC. has been D. have been

()4. When I came into the room, his family _______ watching TV.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

()5. It’s a sunny day. There _______ many people here on vacation.

A. beB. was C. is D. are

()6. His trousers _______ worn out.

A. is B. are C. beD. was

()7. Not only you but also I _______ good at English.

A. are B. am C. be D. was

()8. No one _______ the result.

A. know B. knows C. knowed D. known

()9. Ten years _______ really a very long time.

A. has B. haveC. is D. are

()10. The rest of the story _______ too boring.

A. is B. are C. was

A. were B. hadC. have been D. were()11. There great changes in our city in the past 10 years. D. have had

()12. As soon as they arrived in the big city, they found it difficult to find somewhere cheap A. to live B. to live inC. to live on D. living

()13. — Why didn’t you arrive there until three days later?

— Because the heavy rain _____ the difficulties of the journey.

A. addedB. added to C. was added D. was added to

()14. — How was your interview last Monday?

— ____.

A. Not at all B. It was OK C. That’s rightD. Good luck

()15. Five million, five hundred and fifteen thousand, one hundred and fifty-one is ______.

A. 5,515,151 B. 5,151,151 C. 5,151,515 D. 5,551,155

II. 完形填空(10分)

It seems that the cities in the future will have to change. Because the world’s population

people in the cities tomorrow.

It may befor any family to live in a house with land around it. There enough space for them.to solve this problem may be the skyscraper city(摩天城). The highest building in the world today is in Taipei. It’s about 509 metres high. The skyscraper cities in the future will be many D. play

times .

In a skyscraper city about 250,000 people will live. Nearly a million people can in four of these great buildings. Each skyscraper city will have four towns in it and each town will have ten villages. They will live, work and their free time in them. They won’t need to leave the city they want to. They will be able to move about in the city by transport controlled computers. Let’s imagine how the life will be then!

( )1. A. has grown B. is growing C. are growingD. have grown

D. larger D. necessary D. haven’t D. An idea D. higher

D. be

D. take

D. unless

D. in ( )2. A. manyB. muchC. more( )3. A. impossible B. possible C. important ( )4 A. aren’t B. won’t be C. won’t have ( )5. A. A wayB. A road C. An answer( )6. A. lowerB. shorter C. taller ( )7. A. live B. studyC. work ( )8. A. spendB. cost C. pay ( )9. A. until B. whenC. while ( )10. A. byB. atC. with

Ⅲ.阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)



The one-child policy in our country has made most families much smaller than before. That is to say, there are fewer children in a family. But the population of China is still growing faster. Why? In fact, it’s a serious problem not only in China, but also in the whole world. It’s reported that the world population is more babies born every year. Next, people in the world can live much longer than before.

The earth is too tired, but it has to burden(担负) more in the future. Who can save her?


( )1. The passage tells us that the whole world is suffering from(为……苦恼) the

A. pollution

A. 希望 B. populationB. 祝愿 C. flood

D. hunger D. 预测 ( )2. The underlined word “expect” means _______ in the sentence. C. 期待 ( )3. The population of the world will be about ______ by the year 2050.A. 92 million B. 92 billion C. 9.2 billion D. 9.2 million

( )4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The population of China is still growing.

B. The number of women keeps growing these years.

C. It’s difficult for us to control (控制) the population in a few years.

D. One of the reasons for the population problem is that people can live longer than before.

( )5. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. China’s Population

B. The Family Planning D. China’s One-Child Policy C. The Population Problem


How much pocket money do you get from your parents every month? Maybe 200 yuan? But for Li Beibei, 30 yuan each month is enough. The only thing she buys is lunch—1.5 yuan each day. “Meat is too expensive for me,” said Li.

Li, 14, is a Junior 1 student at Beijing’s Xingzhi Experimental School. Her parents are migrant workers(外来务工人员). They came to Beijing from a village in Luohe, He’nan two years ago. Her father now works as a cleaner and gets 500 yuan every month. Her mother has no job.

Li Beibei has 460 friends at Xingzhi. Every day, Li gets up at 5:30 am and rides her bike for 20 minutes to get to school. Like many teens, Li has a lot of homework—usually at least one hour every day. But that is not all her work. During the weekdays she helps her mum cook. On weekends, she helps wash clothes. “I could cook when I was eight. Dad said sometimes I cook better than Mum!”

Li said she wanted to be a doctor. “I watch TV and find out there are many people with AIDS in He’nan. Some are kids. They need help,” said Li.

But she is afraid to leave school. “I hope I will always be in school,” said Li. “Dad works hard to get money. I promise him I will study hard to be a good student and a good doctor in the future.”

( )6. Li Beibei came from ______.

A. BeijingB. Liaoning C. He’nan

D. Xingzhi ( )7. Which of the following sentences is TRUE? ______. A. The girl’s parents are both cleaners

B. Her parents gave her 30 yuan to buy books

C. The girl often helps her mother do some housework

D. She studies hardest in her class

( )8. She spends ______ on her homework everyday.

A. 20 minutes B. over one hour

C. half an hour D. two hours

( )9. Her wish is to be a doctor because she wants to ______.

A. help poor farmers

B. help the people with AIDS

C. make her parents healthier

D. help poor kids

( )10. The best title of the passage should be ______.

A. A City GirlB. Hard But Happy Life

C. A Village Girl’s Hope

D. A Girl’s School Life

IV. 词汇。(15分 )

A) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. It usually takes me half an hour __________ (walk) to school.

2. The government should pay much attention to the __________ (increase) population.

3. The grand piano takes up too much __________ (room).

4. I think Beijing is one of the ___________ (beautiful) places in the world.

5. No one __________ (know) when he will be back.

B) 根据句意和首字母提示填词。

6. There are sixty m__________ in an hour.

7. Today we rarely(很少) see s__________ pouring from chimney.

8. Women commit (犯) far fewer c__________ than men.

9. All of us should put r__________ into dustbin (垃圾箱) to protect the environment.

10. It is very impolite for you to fail to keep an a__________

Ⅳ. 根据汉语完成句子。(10分)

1. 这些年来, 许多国家已和中国建立了友好关系。

Over the years many countries ______ ______ friendships ________China.

2. 她在学习上取得了巨大进步。

She ______ _______ ______ with her studies.

3. 在西安有许多名胜古迹等你去参观。

There are so many ________ _______ ________ to visit in Xi’an.

4. 如果你填了这张表,就可以把书带出图书馆。

If you ________ _______ this ________, you can take books out of the library.

5. 夏令营为孩子们组织了大量的活动。

The ________ _______ organized a lot of ________ for the children.

Ⅷ. 书面表达(计15分)



1. 世界人口迅速增长带来了许多问题,如粮食不足、失业率高等。

2. 中国是一个人口大国,也是农业大国,还有人生活在贫困线以下。

3. 中国应坚持独生子女政策,控制人口增长。

参考词汇:农业 agriculture 在贫困线以下 below the poverty line 坚持carry on

参考答案1-5 ABCDD6-10 BBBCA11-15 CABBA

参考答案1-5 BCABA 6-10DAADA

参考答案 1-5 BDCBC 参考答案6-10CCBBB

参考答案 1. to walk 2. increasing 3. room4. most beautiful

5. knows 6. minutes 7. smoke 8. crimes

9. rubbish 10. appointment

参考答案1. have created, with

One possible version:

With the growing population, many problems appear. For example, we haven’t enough food for everyone in the world, many people are out of work, the cities are too crowed, air and water get dirty...

China is a big country of agriculture with the largest popula?鄄tion in the world. There are still many people living below the poverty line. We should carry on the one-child policy to control the growing of the population. If each family has only one healthy child, we can all live a happy life. Do you think so?2. made great progress3. places of interest 4. fill in, form5. summer camp, activities.

篇二:初中三年级上册Module 11同步测试题

初中三年级上册Module 11同步测试题

一、 单项选择(20’)

()1.The people _____ searching the thief in the forest at the moment.

A. isB. areC. wasD. were

()2.Several ______ volunteers in the city are getting ready for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundredD. hundred of

()3.-- _____ the population of China?

? ______ over 1,300,000,000.

A.How many are, They areB. How’s, It’s

C.What’s, It’s D.How much is , It’s

()4.The population of India is larger than ____ of America.

A. that B. ones C. those D. it

()5.We all elected Lin Hui ____ monitor of our class.

A. / B. the C. a D. an

()6.Linda is fond of playing ____ violin while Della is interested in listening to _____ music.

A./,theB. the,aC.a, theD. the,/

()7.—What’s ____ trouble with you?

--- I have ____ trouble with my stomach.

A. /, theB. the;theC. the, a D. the, /

()8.About 40 percent of the doctors _____ women in the hospital.

A. is B. wasC. areD. have

()9.______ the teacher’s help, we all passed the final exams.

A. Thanks forB. Thanks toC. Because D. Under

()10.There are _____ students playing on the playground. The number of students _______ over three hundred.

A. the number of, are B. a number of, isC. a number of, are

D. number of, is

()11.Thanks to the growing population, government need ____ more homes.

A. to buildB. to buildingC.buildD. built

()12.There is no _____ in our flat for another person.

A.placeB. roomsC. spaceD. places

()13.There are always _____ of people in the city.

A.crowds B, lotC. crowded D.a bit

()14.My father has a very interesting _____.

A.service B. jobC. work

()15.We must protect him from ______things.

A. stealB. to stealC. stealing D. steals

()16.20 percent of my hair_____ blank.

A. is B. areC. are

()17.You know the school prize-giving’s_______ next week.

A. come upB. came upC. coming up

()18.It was expensive for him _____ that gloves.

A. buyB. buyingC. to buy

()19.Do you like _____ in the mountains again?

A. go skiingB. going skiingC. to go skiing

()20.Beijing is _____capital ofChina.

A. aB. anC. the D. /


Do you hear of Taihu Lake? The third largest freshwater lake in China_______ once its natural beauty and fish. But the lake ______ dirty and smell bad recently.

There was an outbreak of blue algae.(蓝藻). Much of the water was covered ________ a thick green blanket, which _____ a strong smell like bad meat. The algae blanket also left many people in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, with no drinking water. “The tap-water(自来水) was black and smelly. Nobody used it,” says Gu Zhaodi, a resident(居民) of Wuxi.

Algae are our small plants _____ live in the water. They grow fast when the water is hot and rich in chemicals. Algae poison(使中毒) the lake and make the water smell bad. This is dangerous for fish and for people who drink the water.

There has been an algae outbreak in Taihu almost every summer in______ years. But this year the temperatures is higher and there has been little rain. This has made it ____.

Experts say, “It is mostly because of man. If the water _____ less, the algae could not grow.” People have built many small factories around the Taihui. They throw their chemical waste into it. Although Wuxi ____ one of the richest citiest cities in China, the environment has been seriously destroyed. It’s time to clean up the lake, ____ our lives will be in danger.

()1. A.is famous forB. was famous forC. was famous at D. was known

()2.A.became B.has turnedC. has becomeD. has gone

()3.A.offB. by C. on D. in

()4.A.gave outB. went offC.gave away D. gave off

()5.A.who B. whose C. that D. where

()6.A.recentlyB. recentC. last D. next

()7.A.badly B. more badlyC. worseD.better

()8.A. pollutedB. polluting C. was pollutedD. pollute

()9.A. has become into B. grew into C. has grown intoD. grew

()10.A.thenB. andC. unless D. or

三、 阅读理解(30’)


Buying green

When you are in the supermarket with your parents shopping for an oven or a washing machine, keep your eyes open. There are labels (标签)that tell which machines save energy. They may be a little more expensive but they use less power.

Make yourself an expert

Learning about the environment is very important. There are good books that will help you. To get started, ask a teacher for some suggestions. You can also surf the Internet to find websites with information about the environment and climate change.

Open the window

A large part of the carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) comes from our homes. But there are easy ways of cutting the amount down. Open a window rather turning on the air-conditioner. If you have to use it, put the temperature setting 2 degrees higher in the summer and 2 degrees lower in the winter.

Save paper

When it’s time of your family to pay telephone or credit cards bills, help your parents to do it online. By not using paper, you are saving trees. It also helps cut the amount of fuel(燃料) used by the trucks and planes that transport paper bills. Be careful with the personal information and report problems at once. What’s more, paying online is convenient and quick.

Let the sun dry them

A recent study found that 60 percent of the energy used in cleaning a piece of clothing is spent in washing and drying. Over it’s lifetime, a T-shirt can send up to 4 kilograms of carbon dioxide into the air. Use the energy-saving machine you can find. Some new ones can use as little as a quarter of the energy of older machines. When they are clean, dry your clothes the natural way, by hanging them on a line rather than in a dryer.


()1.If you want to buy a washing machine, you had better ______.

A. talk with the assistant. B. buy a cheap one

C.tead labels that tell which machines save energy

D.buy a expensive one

()2.when it is in winter and it’s rather cold in the room, how should you put your air-conditioner?

A. You should put the temperature setting two degrees higher.

B. You should put the temperature setting two degrees lower.

C. You should close your window

D. You should keep your room warmer

()3.which of the following statements is NOT right?

A. Paying online is inconvenientB. Paying online is very quick

C.Paying online is convenient D. Paying online is saving paper

()4.Usually we ____ on a piece of clothing in washing and drying it.

A. spend forty kilograms of carbon dioxide into the air

B. spend fifty kilograms of carbon dioxide into the air

C. spend fourteen percent of the energy

D. spend sixty percent of the energy

()5.What do you know about the earth from the passage?

A. Global warming may bring changes in rainfall and a rise in sea levels

B. Global warming may put human beings in serous danger

C. The earth is in trouble now

D. All above are right


What’s recycling? It is to reuse anything that can be used again. Also important, recycling can save our world, too. But how do we do that? Here are some ways:

1. If you bring your own bags with you to the shop,you won’t need to use the bags at the shop. This will save the bags before they need to be recycled.

2. Don’t buy things that can be only used once. For example, use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins.

3. Use things that can last a long time. For example, use batteries that can be reuses or “long life” light bulbs. This will make less trash. There are many simple ways to save our energy and our world.

4. Dress warm in the cold season and use less heat. Dress cool during the warm season to use less air conditioning.

5. Be sure all windows and doors are closed tight. This keeps the heat of air-conditioner in the room and will save a lot of money.

6. Don’t keep the fridge door open for a long time!

7. Turn things off after you use them.

And childhood is an important time to learn healthy patterns(模式) for the whole life.

(2)_______Children are overweight because they eat food high in calories and fat, and don’t take enough exercise. Eating habits can be affected by their families. However , they can also get their body type and shape from their parents.

(3)_______ Overweight children are not be very confident. And they may not have many friends.

There are some health problems that overweight children might develop.

These are: Heart disease; High blood pressure(高血压); stroke (抽风); Breathing problems(呼吸疾病); Cancer.

(4)_______ All friends and families could learn new habits. This helps everybody! Don’t forget to show overweight children that they are loved and important/

(5) ________

Children should change their eating and lifestyle habits.

Don’t watch TV or play computer games for more than 2 hours a day. Don’t eat while watching TV.

Play sports you enjoy.

Don’t eat fatty and processed food.

Eat fruit and vegetables.

Don’t drink fizzy drinks.

四、 根据首字母或汉语意思完成单词(10’)

1.A l__________is a man who knows the l__________ and will speak for us in a court of law.

2. I have an a________ with my dentist at three in the afternoon.

3.s___________ isn’t allowed in the cinema ,bus,school and some other public places.

4.How far is it from your school to your home? It’s about ten m__________


Module 11

Unit 1 It may be cold tomorrow.



1. Do you know the _____________(温度) in Nanning now ?

2. There was a _____________(阵雨) on m way home yesterday .

3. It’s snowing, so it’s a s_____________ day today.

4. Our teacher told us a j __________ , and we all laughed loudly.

5. It’s s___________ today, let’s have a picnic.


1. Excuse me, can I _____________(borrow ) your pen?

2. Thank you for _________(look) after my dog.

3. He needs _____(study) hard.

4. Do you have to __________(go ) now?

5. P lease tell me the best time ___________(visit) Shanghai.


1. It’s cold in winter in Beijing. (对画线部分提问)

________the weather ______ in winter in Beijing?

2. Maybe it’s windy this afternoon. (改成同义句)

It ______ _____windy this afternoon.

3. We might go to England in July. (改成否定句)

We ____ ________ go to England in July.

4. To see the sun in winter is nice. (改成同义句)

________ nice _______ see the sun in winter.

5. I’m going to buy a sweater for my mother. (对画线部分提问)

___________are you going to buy for __________ mother?

Unit 2 When’s the best time to visit your town or country?



1. Please take a c_____ to take photos.

2. It’s rainy. Don’t forget the u______.

3. The leaves will fall in f______.

4. Tom is taller, _______(和……相比) to Peter.

5. It’s _______(令人愉快的) to visit Alaska in July and August.


() 1.The USA is a very big country__________.

A. to visit B. to visit it C. visiting it D. visiting

( ) 2. The film star got a warm welcome when she ________ the small village.

A. arrived B. arrived in C. got D. arrived at

( ) 3. Girls like to _____ skirts in summer.

A. wear B. put on C. dressD. pull on

( ) 4. I ______ my book at home yesterday.

A. forgot B. leftC. have lost D. missed

( ) 5.Because he was ill, ____________ didn’t go to work yesterday. ’

A. so he B. and he C. he D. since he

( ) 6._______this with that and you’ll find this one is much more beautiful.

A. Compared B. Comparing C. To compare D. Compare

() 7.My father __________ goes to work by bus.

A. from time to time B. from times to times C. at time D. some times

( ) 8.It’s______to visit Beijing in fall.

A. pleased B. pleasant C. excitedD. pleasure

( ) 9.There’s a lot of ______ in summer in my hometown. It’s summer now, so it’s_______.

A. rain; rainy B. rains; rainy C. raining; raining D. rainy; raining

( ) 10. It’s cold. Better ___________ more clothes.

A. put on B. take off C. to put on D. putting on

2. It’s important ____________ the weather before you go travelling.

3. It was __________ yesterday.

4. I think this is a ___________ visit.

5. I couldn’t _____________ my book on the desk.

6. --- Where was Sally yesterday? --- She _____________ go shopping.

Unit 3 Language in use



1. Try to guess the meanings of the new words. Don’t d_________ on the dictionary all the time.

2. What a fine day it was! The sun s_________ in a blue sky.

3. I love him t___________ like a brother.

4. My hometown is in the ____________(东南) of Guangxi Province.

5. He was used to sailing even in ____________(暴风雨的) weather.


( ) 1. John __________ come to see US tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.

A. mayB. canC. must

( ) 2. That boy _________ be Peter. He has gone back to England.

A. mustn’tB. can’tC. needn't

( ) 3. --- May I take this book out?---No, you_________.

A. can’t B. may notC. needn’t

( ) 4.You__________go and see a doctor at once because you’ve got a fever.

A. canB. mustC. would

( ) 5. --- Can you speak Japanese? ---No, I ____________.

A. mustn’tB. can’tC. needn’t

( ) 6.We need ___________ our classroom every day.

A. to cleanB. cleanedC. cleaning

( ) 7. We must __________ on the pavement(人行道).

A. walkingB. to walk C. walk

( ) 8.We must __________ with these questions.

A. careful B. carefully C. be careful

( ) 9. It is polite _________ “thank you”.

A. to say B. sayC. saying

( ) 10. He isn’t at school. I think he ________ be ill.

A. canB. willC. must


1. How about going skating now? (改成同义句)

_____ ________ go skating now? (对画线部分提问)

_______ ______ it be very hot? (对画线部分提问)

__________ will the weather _________ like next week?

4. I must bring my camera because I want to take photos. (对画线部分提问)

_______ must __________bring your camera?

5. Sometimes there are storms here. (改为同义句)

There are storms____ ____ ____ here.

Module 11 模块热身测


( ) 1. Oh dear! It is very hot today, ____________?

A. is itB. isn’t it C. does it D. doesn’t it

( ) 2. ---Can you speak Japanese? ---Yes, l__________.

A. amB. canC. doD. is

( ) 3.--__________do you get to school late? --Never.

A. How B. How long C. Why D. How often

( ) 4. --- What ______ the weather ______ tomorrow? --- Sorry, I don’t know.

A. is; like B. will; like C. will; beD. will; be like

( ) 5. --- When did you __________ Nanning?

--- I __________ in Nanning at five o’clock

A. reached; arrived B. get; reached C. reach; arrive D. get to; arrived in

( ) 6.--Whose is that watch? Is it Bill’s? --- I’m not sure. It _______ his.

A. maybe B. can be C. must beD. may be

( ) 7. --- __________does your father go to work every day?

--- Usually on foot.

A. How B. WhyC. Where D. When

( ) 8. --- I don’t like pork _________ chicken. What about you?

--- I don’t like pork, ________ I like chicken.

A. and; but B. and; or C. or; but D. or; and

( ) 9. --- What do you think of the weather?

--- I think it is going to ___________.

A. rainB. rainy C. rainsD. is rainy

( ) 10. --- What’s the weather like in Australia?

--- Well, when it is spring in China. It’s _________ in Australia.

A. autumn B. winter C. springD. summer


1. The best season____________________(plant) trees is spring.

2. Remember____________________(turn) off the TV before you go to bed.

3. What __________the weather__________(be) like next Friday?

4. It might____________________(rain) tomorrow.

5. It’s nice _________(see) you again.



B: Yes. Have you got a book on Chinese history.'?

C: I want to borrow a book about music.

A: Oh, you are lucky. We have just got a new one. I think you will be pleased with it.

C: Thank you very much.

A: Two weeks.

B: 5.( )

(续借) it if you can’t finish it on time.

1. How about going skating now? (改为同义句)

_______________ going skating now?

2. It will be very hot tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)

________ it be very hot?

3. It will be freezing cold next week. (对画线部分提问)

________ will the weather ________ like next week?

4. I must bring my camera because l want to take photos. (对画线部分提问)

_________ must _________ bring your camera?

5. Sometimes there are storms here. (改为同义句)

There are storms __________ here.


The USA is a very big country to visit, so choose carefully the places to see and the time travel around.

New York and Washington D. C. are good places to visit May or October. It’s not too hot then. In winter there’s snow.

The best plan is to arrive in New England in September. The weather starts to get cooler and the trees start to change colour. It’s a good idea your camera because you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves.

4,000 kilometres away in Los Angeles, Califorrfia, the weather is fine all year. It’s nice to see the sun in December! your swimsuit because you might want to swim in the sea. In the northwest, it isn’t very cold, but there’s a lot of It’s

pleasant to visit Alaska in July and August but it cool in the evening. So remember to wear some warm clothes. But don’t come in winter. It’ll be dark all day and freezing cold.

In Texas and the southeast, there are storms in summer and fall. It’s usually very hot and sunny to many other places.

So when’s the best time the USA? Any time you like.

( ) 1. A. goB. goesC. to goD. going

( ) 2. A. inB. onC. toD. of

( ) 3. A. lot of B. lots of C. a lotD. a lots of

( ) 4. A. bring B. brings C. to brings D. to bring

( ) 5. A. Takes B. Brings C. To bringD. Bring

( ) 6. A. rainB. rainyC. rainsD. raining

( ) 7. A. might B. be C. might be D. might is

( ) 8. A. some times B. sometime C. from time to time D. from time and time

( ) 9. A. compare B. compared C. comparing D. compares

( ) 10. A. visit B. to visit C. visitingD. visits


An artist(画家) went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with his paints and brushes(颜料和画笔) and painted until evening. When it got dark he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed.

At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I don’t want money. But give me one of your pictures. What’s money? In a week it will all be finished, but your picture will still be here.’’

The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his pictures. The farmer smiled and answered, “It’s not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he comes home next month, I’ll show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”


( ) 1. The artist went to the countryside to____________

A. visit his old friendB. spend his holiday

C. visit the farmerD. thank the farmer

( ) 2. Every day, the artist ____________.

A. went out to help the farmer to do some farming B. went out to visit his friends

C. enjoyed the beautiful sceneryD. painted pictures

( ) 3.The artist wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer___________.

A. wanted much more moneyB. wanted nothing
