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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-28 08:11:54 | 移动端:英语单词训练



1. My English teacher has a good sense of幽默)

2. Kate plans to become a _____________(社会的) worker in the future.

3. Lei Fen is one of the greatest __________(英雄) I like.

4.English is an important foreign ___________(语言).

5.In Mr. Sun’s class, we enjoy____________(讨论) the problems with each other.


6.---What’s the _________ (high) of the Great Pyramid?---More than 100 meters.

7.Today James played even __________ (badly) than the day before yesterday.

8.I think Tom is __________________(generous) in this team.

9.Does he keep (exercise) for an hour every day?

10.We all know Shakespeare was, of course, a ___________(Britain) writer.

11.Mary is _______________(slim)of the two girls.

12.I invite him

13.Which city is ___________ (far)to the sea, Beijing or Tainjin?

14. 15.I hope my cousin ___________________ (become) a famous singer in the future. 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)

66. He likes looking __________ all the questions in English exams. ( 从头到尾)

67. Alice keeps every ____________ she used in parks, cinemas or theatres. (票)

68. __________ the 2015 Women's Volleyball World Cup in Japan makes all the Chinese happy. (赢)

69. I __________ a beautiful hat when I went shopping.(选择)

70. He can speak both English and _____________. (法语)

71. _____________, he found his lost book on the way home. (luck)

72. Jim and I enjoyed _______________ during our stay in Yangzhou. (we)

73. Cars have come into most people's _____________ lives in China. (day)

74. --- Who jumped ____________, David or Philip?--- David did. (far)

75. I know all the ______________ names in this match. (swim)

A. 根据句意,中文提示或英文释义,写出所缺单词,使句子通顺。

1.He is reading some ____________ ( 广告 ) to find a job.

2.Though he is not as f________ as a superstar , many people know his name.

3. My grandpa is (几乎) 90 years old now. He is in good health.

4.Of all the subjects, I like ________ ( 科学 ) best .

5.People in Britain say “ film ” while people in the USA say “________ ”.


46. I felt even ______(渴) after drinking that kind of juice, there must be too much sugar in it.

47. He is a (an) __________ (诚实) boy, none of us trust him.

48. Who did ________ (糟糕) in the test in your class? Tony did, he is lazy.

49. Whose seats are these? They are the ________ (win), they are coming.

50. Our Maths teacher often tells us funny jokes, all of us think that he is _________(humour).


51. The boy _______(choose) a nice gift for his mother last Saturday.

52. Millie is a true friend, when something ________ (worry) me, I can always go to her.

53. They spent a lot of time ________ (plan) the trip to Nanjing before leaving.

54. My mother is patient enough _________ (clean) the house twice a day.

55. The teacher often makes one of the students ________(help) him.

A) 根据句意及所给中文提示,写出句中所缺单词,每空限填一词。

56. We should ___________________(信任) good friends believe they never tell lies.

57. It’s a _____________________(秘密) between Mary and me.

58. Most of the Chinese students study at _________(混合的) schools.

59. 84. He can speak ________________(法语) very well.

60. I made friends with a Japanese girl 在……期间) my stay in Tokyo.

61. It’s really fun to learn foreign ______________________(语言).

62. I borrowed a __________________(杂志) from the library.

63.She hopes to be an _______ (杰出的,极好的) dancer like Yang Liping.

64.The ___________(总统) of the USA lives in the White House

65.I’m interested in learning a lot about different _________ (文化).

B) 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

66.It is said that the_______(high)of mount Fuji in Japan is 12389 feet.

67.That boy often listens to the teacher _________(care), so the teacher is very angry.

68.“You are old enough to look after _________ (you) now.” the mother said to the twins.

69. Betty wants to be a __________________(climb) when she grows up.

70. Max is very good at ______________ (tell) stories.

71.. Sandy can sing as ______ (good) as Wendy.

72._________ (watch) TV is better than doing housework.

73. She is very (help) and is ready to help people any time .

74. He is the________ ________________(slim) student in our class.

75.Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are famous players.They are our _____________(hero).



1. Her hair is _____________(笔直的) than mine, so she looks much prettier than me.

2. I can read the monthly ___________(杂志) in the library any time after school. I’m crazy about them.

3. Why not try your best to get to the _____________(决赛)of the basketball competition?

4. I need some paper and a pair of ___________(剪刀)to make red roses with.

5. The firemen put out the fire soon after they ____________(到达). How lucky!

B. 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)

1. We should remember all the _____________(hero) names till the end.

2. I’m sorry to tell you your answer is ____________(correct), you need to think about it more carefully.

3. He cut out a picture of colourful balloons and ___________(stick) it on the cover.

4. The doctor advised her uncle ___________(not smoke) any more because he had a terrible cold.

5. It’s dangerous for the children to pull ____________(they) up the rocks without any help.


1.______(混合) with 5 kinds of fruits, the dish tastes very special.

2.After the travellers drank a bottle of cola,they felt even___(口渴).

3.After reading this article, we learnt a lot about different___ (文化).

4.-Do you like the hat over there?

---Do you mean one of the _______(歌手) ?

5.Tom is so clever that he teaches himself a foreign________(语言)

6.What a good time they had________(讨论)their future plan.

7.Thank you so much for ____(提供)so much wonderful advice to us.

8---Hi, Jack, What do you think of the film?

---I don’t think the actors play very well. However, the story_____ is really fun.

9.--How do you like the maths exam, Tom?.

---Terrible. ____nobody could get a high score..

10.---Mr Black, I worry about the exam so much, What can I do?

---Don’t worry. Before handing in your test paper, remember to look ______ your answers as carefully as possible.

A. 根据汉语提示完成句子。(5分)

56.The girl with long hair is the ___________ of all her classmates(苗条) .

57. It’s said that we will have two and a half days _________ at weekends.(休息) .

58. She ___________ her friend help when he cut his finger (主动提出).

59. As teenagers, wherever we are, (礼貌).

60. In the programme “Running man”, I like Deng Chao best. Can you tell me his ______ (身高)?


61. He is a (an) __________ (honest) boy, none of us trust him.

62. Tom has nothing to do. How ___________ he is (bore)!

63. Which is __________ (far) from the earth, the sun or the moon?

C.根据句意用所给动词的适当形式填空 (2分)

64.----Do you remember our first game of the season? ---- We _________ (win) 3:1.

65. We spent as much time as we could _________(discuss) problems with each other.


1. The more exercise you take, the____________ (slim) you will be.

2. He is even___________ (ill) today.

3. You must write down the words on the blackboard _____________ (correct).

4. The girls finished their work all by____________ (them).

5. The dishes today are much____________ (taste). We like them very much..

6. Jim is_______________ (health) in our class because he takes much exercise every day.

7. Which subject is (interesting), History or Geography?

8.. Are there any hats on those _________________ (monkey) heads?

9. look, she is looking_________________(happy) at the me.

10. The sad news made me _________________(happy).

五. 动词填空(10%)

1. Thank you for ______________(agree) to let me join in the party.

2. Did you have a nice time _________________(dance) at the party yesterday? 3.---________they _________________(have) a test next week?---Yes, they are.

4.Listen!How beautifully the birds ________________(sing)!

5. Nancy ______________(join) fewer clubs than John did.

6.I don’t think ______________(climb) is interesting.

7.We have no time _______________(watch) TV on Mondays.

8.I will meet my cousin ______________(talk ) about the fashion show tomorrow.

9.He hopes he_______________(win) the basketball game next week.

10.Tom _______________(think)of his best friend when he sees the film.

A. 根据句意和中文提示完成单词。

1. There is a lot of ________________ (交通) on the highway during the national holiday.

2. His ________________ (主要的) task (任务) is to help me with my Maths.

3. Simon doesn’t know anything about American ________________ (文化).

4. Of all the subjects, I like ________________ (物理) best.

5. Reader is a popular ________________ (杂志) in China. Many people like reading it.

6. You should be ________________ (耐心的) with those little children.

7. What are you going to do ________________ (在……期间) the summer holiday?

8. Sandy’s drawing is the best in the drawing ________________ (比赛).

9. The bridge is 90 feet ________________ (宽的).

10. Chinese ________________ (主席) Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan visited the USA on September 22, 2015.

B. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

11. I kept writing in English about my ________________ (day) life.

12. You can see many ________________ (foreign) in Beijing.

13. I love basketball very much, Michael Jordan and Yao Ming are my ________________ (hero).

14. The Yellow River is the second ________________ (long) river in our country.

15. The story ________________ (it) is interesting, but my sister doesn’t like it.

16. The two boys are about the same ________________ (weigh) and age.

17. It takes me half an hour ________________ (walk) to school every day.

18. The girl’s ________________ (smile) eyes make her look really pretty.

19. My friend Tony often listens ________________ (care) to my problems and gives me help.

20. He goes to see his grandparents ________________ (two) a month.


(A) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。


2. It’s of great help to speak more than one语言) when you travel abroad.

3. He always takes an ___________ (主动的) part in class activities.

(英国)school, but I study in an American school

5. Don’t feel(无助). All of us will help you when you have problems.

(B) 根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。

6. Almost all the schools in China are _______(mix) schools.

7. Do you think the bag is one of those__________ (climb)?

8. What’s DIY _______(exact),Suzy? --It stands for “do-it-yourself”..

9. If you want to lose__________ (weigh), you’d better do more exercise and eat less meat. 10. Before you take the medicine, please read these__________ (instruct) first.


1. The people in the northern part of China often make fires ________ (keep) warm.

2. If you ________(not be ) careful, you will make mistakes.

3. He cut it out and _________(stick) it on the cover

4. Jay Chou not only writes the music well, but also_________(play) nunchakus (双节棍)well.

5. You looked unhappy .Can you tell me what _________ (worry) you ?

6. The air is fresh here . I _________(stay )here for another two weeks .

7. Simon, you’d better _______( not talk )in class .You should listen carefully.

8. Everything seemed ___________(go) wrong . What a bad day yesterday !

9.I’m sure that China Dream __________(come) true some day.

10.Now the boy, like his parents, __________(not like) fast food at all.


51.He likes to tell _______ (谎言),no one believes him.

52. John’s school ___________(结束) at 6 p.m.

53.There are many _________(广告) in today’s newspaper.

54.Do you know where the _______ (总统)of the USA live ?

55.David’学科) are Maths, Chinese and History.


58.During the lunchtime ,we always have a great time 60.The ________(high) of Millie is 135cm.


1.humor 2. social 3. heroes4. language5. discussing

B词形变化 (每空1分,共10分)

6. height 7.worse 8.the most generous9.exercising 10.British,

11.the slimmer 12.to join 13.farther14.finishes15.will become


66 through67.ticket 68.Winning 69.chose 70.French

71.Luckily 72.ourselves 73.daily74.farther/further 75.swimmers’

1. advertisements2.famous 3. almost4. science 5. movie


A、46-50 thirstier dishonest worst winners’ humorous

B、51-55 chose worriesplanning to clean help


56.trust57.secret 58.mixed 59.French60.during

61.languages 62.magazine 63.excellent 64.president 10.cultures

66.height 67.carelessly 68.yourselves69.climber 70. telling




1.You should improve the _________(能力) in listening.

2. After graduation, he went ________ (国外)for further study.

3. Please take care of my house during my ____________.(缺席)

4. I've received a gift from him, but I'm not going to a_________ (接受)it.

5. I met Tom by __________ (偶然)in the cinema.

6. Too many ________(活动) take up too much of our precious time for study.

7. In ___________ to (除……之外)hard work, he attributed his success to good opportunities.

8. At last she was ___________ (录取)into the famous university.

9. The foreign ministers handle the international __________(事务).

10.The company could not __________(承担的起) to pay such large salaries.

11. The headmaster's opinion doesn’t ________ (和……一致)with mine.

12. Early in the 6th century B. C., farmers in China developed the science of ____________.(农业)

13. Jack finished his task two hours _________ of time. (提前)

14. The film had _________ (已经)finished when I got to the cinema. It was too late.

15. The teacher was _________(吃惊的) at his rapid progress in English.

16. He _________(调整) himself quickly to the heat of the county.

17. You are my teacher, so you have the ____________ (优势)over me in experience.

18. You won’t get well unless you follow your doctor’s _________.(建议)

19. Han Mei was reading _________ (独自)when the teacher came into the classroom.

20. My teacher was very ___________ (生气)with me for coming late again.

21. It was ____________ (宣布)that celebration would be held on Sunday.

22. I think he’s just going to deal with this problem _________ (另外的)day.

23. My mother always gets a bit _____________(焦虑的) if we don’t arrive when we say we will.

24. I _____________(道歉) to him for stepping on his foot.

25. It’s no use _______________ (争论)with him about the matter. He won’t listen to you.

26. On his ____________ (到达)at the station, he saw his friend waiting for him.

27. He was ______________ (吃惊的)when he heard the unexpected news.

28. I passed the drive test at my first _____________.(尝试)

29. __________ (依据)to your description, he is a person who is easy to get on with.

30. It was a remarkable(显著的) __________ (成就)for such a young player.

31. They aren’t American, __________,(实际上) they are Canadian.

32. I will give you my ________ (地址)and telephone number if you want to know.

33. We’d like as many people as possible to _________(参加) the party.

34. An article in today’s newspaper caught my _____________.(注意力)

35. If you want to get a good mark, you’d better change your_________(态度) towards study.

36. The 8th month of the year is __________.(八月)

37. 400 people a year die of this kind of disease on _________.(平均)

38. Everyone should be __________(清楚) of the importance to protect the environment.

39. If you want to ____________ (吸引)more customers, try advertising in the local paper.

40. Egypt is an _____________ (非洲的)country.


1. There is a big tree in the __________ (背景)of the picture.

2. Jinggang Shan was the __________ (基地)of Red Army.

3. All this was very interesting, but it was against the _______ (信仰)of some scientists of that day.

4. I don't like the suit, _________(况且), it is too expensive. 5. Whoever breaks the window is to __________.(负责)

6. There is some sand at the __________ (底部)of the tank.

7. The human ___________(大脑) is the center of higher nervous activity.

8. English is a _________ (分支)of the Germanic family of language.

9. He was out of ___________ (呼吸)after running.

10. They ________ (突然)out crying when they heard the bad news.

11. Many workers were __________ (埋葬)underground when there was an accident at the mine.

12. China is a country ____________(属于) to the third world.

13. The lecture is so _________(枯燥的0 that I won’t to listen to it again.

14. Try to keep the ____________ (平衡)between work and relaxation, or your body may break down.

15. He fell in love with the _____________(漂亮的) girl at the sight of her.

16. We usually go back to school at the _____________ (开始)of September.

17. Doing morning exercise every day is of _________(好处) to your health.

18. Judging form his access, he is from ___________.(英国)

19. Members can ___________(借) up to ten books form the library at any one time.

20. There are plenty of houses ___________ (建造)of bamboo in this area.


1. The __________ (原因)of the fire was carelessness.

2. For a ____________ (某种0reason she began to cry.

3. I accepted his ___________ (挑战)to run the race.

4.Tom will take ___________ (管理)of the company during the boss' absence.

5. It's too hard to make a ___________(选择) between the two dresses.

6. The two companies ____________ (联合)to make a large one.

7. He took an active part in the workers' struggle for better pay and better ___________.(条件)

8. We _______________(祝贺) him on having passed the examination.

9. The bridge ____________(连接) the island with the mainland.

10. Now that she is out of a job. Lucy ____________ (考虑)going back to school, but she hasn't decided yet.

11. The United Kingdom ____________ (包括)of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

12. John lost ___________ of the car and crashed into a shop.

13. Cairo is the c_________ of the Egypt.

14. My sister and her husband are a happy c____________.

15. The soldier was awarded for his great c____________ in the battle.

16. If you commit the c___________, you must expect to be punished.

17. It is a Chinese c_______________ to eat Jiaozi on New Year's Eve.

18. All construction work for the Beijing Olympics had been c___________ by 2006.

19. Peter is c____________ of winning the post as the assistant of the managing director.

20. There is a statue(雕像) in the c________ part of the square.

21. He c___________ to live with his parents after his marriage.

22. Charlie Chaplin made great c_____________ to film industry.

23. If it is quite c____________ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday.

24. In the end, he found the book in the c________ of the room.

25. Foreigners usually spend C_____________ with their family.

26. After graduating from c___________, he went into a big company.

27. C_________ with elderly teachers, young teachers are more energetic and creative.

28. My sister and I have a lot in c___________. We have the same hobbies.

29. She always makes a lot of mistake, so I come to a c__________ that she’s not the right person for the job.

30.The bed must be c_____________ because it’s soft and big.


1. The bad weather did a lot of d____________ to the crops.

2. That man who has killed a lot of people is a d___________ to society.

3. The roof of the house has damaged. It is d___________.

4. She was shocked by the sudden d___________ of her father.

into the night.

6. Some countries may be d_________ but can never be conquered.

7. The football match was d_________ three days because of bad weather.

8. The boss didn't listen to the workers' d____________ for more money.

9. When asked about what had happened, he gave a d______________ of what he had seen.

10. He has a strong d__________ for wealth and decides to be a rich man in the future.

11. I am d___________ to finish the work ahead of time so I can have a good rest.

12. He has d______________ his whole life to benefiting mankind.

13. There was no d______________ solving the problem. It is just a piece of cake.

14. He was d____________ in the war and his disability prevented him from holding any job.

15.To their d_______________, the result was contrary to their expectation.

16. In order to discuss the problem, the teacher d______________ the students into four groups.

17. There’s no d___________ that he can pass the exam because of his hard work.

18. The girl never d____________ that such a thing could happen!

19. The child fell into the river and d____________!

20. He dived from the bridge and rescued the d_____________ child.

21. D___________ is the twelfth month of the year.

22. Jane is honest and she is a person to be d______________ on.

23. Because of a certain reason, they d____________ to put off the meeting.

24. The building was completely d__________ by fire.

25. Can I borrow you d_____________? I want to pick up the word.

26. I didn’t know which way to go, in other word, I lost all sense of d__________.

27. He saw a house in the d___________. Jim's parents lived in the house.

28. With the d_______ of economy, it’s more and more important to have a good command of English.

29. The plan hasn’t been decided, that is, it is still under d____________.

30. She was so angry that she rushed d____________ and burst into the kitchen.


1. He is e______ for his parents to send him a new bicycle on his birthday.

2. In the e__________ part of China, summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures.

3. Such a book will have a bad e__________ upon young people.

4. He e_____________ his brother to have a speech at the meeting.

5. Everyone should enjoy e_____________ rights.

6. The soldiers were e___________ with the latest weapons.

7.He became a brilliant scholar(学者), but only at the e____________ of his health.

8. Please e_____________ to me where to begin and how to do it.

9. The twin brothers always e__________ going to the concert.

10. Pleas write the name and address on the e______________, so I can help you send it.

11. It’s a useful piece of e_______________ and I want to have it repaired.

12. This time I came back to see my family, e____________ my little daughter who was ill.

13. E________ speaking, I don’t know him, I only know he is a student of Class 21.

14. We parents should set a good e___________ to our children.

15. He is an e__________ at solving people’s mental problems.

16. France is an E_____________ country, full of romance.

17. The news that he has passed the exam makes him e__________.

18. All of the students went home after school e_________ Jack

19. Our parents e___________ high standards from us, so we should work hard to enter a good college.

20. Living in Africa was very different from home so it was an unusual e______________.

21. We make an e__________ to finish what our teacher tells us to.

22. The e______________ had been cut off because of the flood.

23. There’re so much work to do, so the boss e___________ a number f people to deal with it.

24. He is always full of e__________ and never know when he is tired.

25. All of us will attend the college e_____________ examination in two months.

26. An unhappy family e______________ can affect a child’s behavior.

27. She managed to e_________ from the burning car.

28. Last week I went to see the Picasso e___________ which was very successful.

29. Children often have difficulty e__________ themselves in their teens.

30. In modern country, it’s e___________ difficult for a person who don’t get much education to get a good job.


1. F_______ with a difficult situation ,Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

2. F_______ is the mother of success.

3. The bark of the dog f_________ the thief away.

4. The song is f___________ to us and the moment I heard it, I know its name. 5. Will you do me a f_________? I’m too busy to finish so much work.

7. If you f__________ my advice, you will pass the exam.

8. The robber f__________ the old man to hand over the money.

9. Please f__________ me. I won't make such mistakes.

10. The tall man is the f_________ president and now he is retired.

11. He put f___________ a new proposal(提议) at the meeting.

12. The boy was called out to stand in the f__________ of the class.

13. I like singing most, and it’s my f_____________.

14. No one can tell what will happen in the f__________.

15. This old Chinese square table is a very valuable piece of f___________.

16. I heard such a f_________ joke last night.

17. Everyone in the class is very f____________ towards me. I feel very happy.

18. He’s f____________ in having a good job, since business is bad nowadays.

19. I f___________ to tell her the good news. Now I will tell her at once.

20. Most of the parents agree to f__________ their children to smoke.

21. Please f_________ the instructions on the packet when you take the medicine.

22. He f___________ a book yesterday, and today he will read another.

23. He’s an expert in the f_________ of medicine.

24. The baby has got a f___________. Let’s take it to the nearest hospital.

25. The Spring F___________ is one of the most important holidays.

26. It was not he but I that broke the window, so it’s my f__________.

27. Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang, is __________ (著名) for its West Lake.

28. The activity helped to ___________ (集中) people’s attention on the poor area.


高校の英語の語彙をABCの(2年) A

approach v.接近;与…打交道;着手处理

attitude n.态度;看法;姿态

available adj.可利用的;有空的;有效的

absord adj.荒谬的;荒唐的;不合理的

ambulance 救护车

access n.接近;进入;到达

advise v.建议;劝告;商量


affect v.影响;感动;疾病侵袭

ash 灰烬

aloud adv.大声地

arrival n.到达

astronomer 天文学家


aid n.援助;救助;助手 v.资助;援助

1.Soon an a_________ came and took the injured passenger to the hospital as soon as poosible.

2.He was taken by an a_______ to the nearest hospital.

3.The cars slowed down as they ________ (接近)the crossroads.

4.When he was told that he should take responsibility ,his _______(态度) changed.

5.The shoes in my sise are not ________(可得到的)in the shop.

6.Such an ______(荒谬的) suggestion is not worth discussing at the meeting.

7.There is no a_______ to the house from the maioad.

8.The teacher asked me to read the poem a_____to the whole class.

9.He used all a________ means.

10.On his _______(到达) ,he was eager to ell them all about it.

11.I’m a________ in the afternoon,so I can go with you to see a film.

12.A_________ observe the sky through powerful telescopes.

13.He often helps his fellow villages design their houses, just like an ________(建筑师).

14.One of the station staff saw he was in difficulty and came to his a___.

15.The ________ (到达) of the train from Shanghai to Beijing was delayed because of the heavy snow.

16.She didn’t set her heart at rest unilt she was informed of his safe a________ at the station.

17.This was the only a________ room () I can live.

18.The doctor has ________ (建议) me to give up smoking but I just can’t stop.

19.I’m sorry that there are no cars a________ within the price range you have specified

20.Here are _________(可供选择的) routes;you can choose one from them.

21.The books are easily ______ to the readers as all the shelves are open.

22.Because of his poor health, he was a______ with the seasonal fiu.

23.The a____ from his cigarette dropped into my tea.

24.If you don’t like the school lunch;you have the a________ of bringing your own.


basis 基础;根据

bleed v.流血

bandage 绷带

board n.船舷;木板;边缘

blanket 毛毯;毯状物(比喻)

bury 掩藏;埋葬

1.Years of research into DNA formed the _______(基础) of his newly-published book.

2.After snowing all night ,the valley was covered with a b_______ of snow.

3.As soon as I’m on b______,I always feel sick.

4.A dog bit him on his left leg yesterday.It was still b______.

5.The ______ (根据) of her oppinion is something that she read in a magaine. We shouldn't judge a person of his appearance.

6.The dog gave me a playful b______.

7.He is crying sadly, with his face b______ in his hands.

8.When the nurse came out carrying the baby wrapped up in a warm _______ (毛毯),the father was overjoyed.

9.He got a first-aid b______ to cover his wound.

10.She wants to be b_____ in the village graveyard after lunch.


contemporary 当代的;现代的

crowded adj.拥挤的;密集的;装满的


cheer 使振奋

choke v.窒息;呛住(水、烟);哽住

circulate v.循环;流通;环流

calm adj.平静的;镇静的 v.使平静∕镇静 ~ness

coal 煤

content n.目录(复数);内容;容量



crash 破裂声;崩溃

consist 由……组成


conquer v.征服;克服;得胜


contrary 对抗的;相对的

consumer 消费者;客户


curious 好奇的;爱打听隐私的

convenient 方便的

1.Han Han is a c____________ writer, who is popular with many teenagers.

2.What the teacher said c_____ him up and he decided to try a second time.

3.We admired his c________ under pressure.

4.The pole fell with a great c_______ .

5.Although ,the American troops c_______ Irap,there is still uest now and then.

6.The c________ who care for food dafety want more information about the food they buy.

7.The boy wanted to buy this book, but he didn’t have any ____ (现金) on him.

8.He has devoted his whole life to the study of __________ (当代) literature.

9.The use of the device helps prevent students c__________ in the exams.

_______ (呛) by the heavy smoke from the factory , I could hardly breathe.

10.The law to protect the rights and interests of ________ (消费者) will be introduced next year.

11.A medical team c________ of 15 doctors and 20 nurses set out to the badly damaged earthquake-striken areas.

12.When I left the hospital, I was completely c______ of my disease.

13.They need a lot of c____ to warm up their room.

14.On Sundays,the park is usually c_______ with visitors.

15.A serious lack of _______ (流通) funds forced the company to close down.

16.We are not allowede to smoke so I don't have any _______ (香烟)。

17.The little boy showed great ________ (胆量) to admit it’s his fault.

18.A coin went down his throat and he started to c_______.

19.Please open a window to allow the air to c__________.

20.I am wondering whether he has known the c______ of my text message.

21.They showed great c______ in the face of difficulty.

22.All the passengers were in the plane ________ (坠毁).

23.It doesn't seem ugly to me ; on the c_______ ,I think it’s rather beautiful.


diversity n.(diverse adj.) 差异;多样性


defenceless adj.无防备的

discourage v.使失去信心

drawn v.淹没;溺死

defend 防卫;为……辩护

distance(a distant[遥远的] memory)

1.With people all over the world settling in Canada, it has become a country with d______ culture.

2.Baidu.com is a useful wedsite, which offers all kinds of items for users to d_______ for free.

3.Normally, people and animals that are d_________ are weak and unable to protect themselves from attack.

4.Tom felt d_________ when he failed the exam again.

5.Don’t jump into a river to save a d_______ person unless you are a trained lifesaver.

6.A long fence is built across the plain to _______ (保护) sheep from wolves.

7.To ______ (保卫) the motherland is every soldier’s duty.

8.You can always communiciate with your friends ,wherever they are ,because d______ is on longer an issue in online communciation.


exact adj.正确的;精确地;严谨的

ensure 保护;担保;确保

exlanation n.解释;说明;阐述

put an end to

ecology 生态(学)

equality n.相等;平等

erupt v.火山喷发;战争爆发;疾病发作


editor 编辑

1.To be e_____,it is 5:10 now.

2.In some countries there is still no e_______ between black and white people.

3.Have you ever seen a volcano e_______ or an earthquake strike?

4.Britain and France are both great E________ countries.

5.The doctor examines the patients every day to e______ that they are recovering soon.

6.I did’t believe his e__________ for being late.

7.You are supposed to put an e___ to the quarrel..

8.Oil pollution has damaged the e______ of the area.

9.He gave me amap showing e_______ where the post office was

10.Few pleasures can e______ that of a cold drink on a hot summer day.


forecast v.预测;预报

false 错误的;不良的;伪造的

fairness 公平;公正

fresh 新鲜的;刚经历的

frighten v.使害怕 frightening adj.惊恐的

flee (fled,fled)v.逃走;逃避

flashlight 手电筒

fierce 激烈的;凶猛的;强烈的

form v. 养成

1.Have you listened ti the weather f_______ ?

2.He opened the window to let the f_____ air in.

3.Before the hunter fired the gun ,thedeer turned and f_____.

4.It’s useful to carry a f_______, when you walk in the dark.

5.Students should ________ (养成) a habit of taking notes while reading

6.It’s not f______ to students to keep changing the timetable.

7.He is a f______ friend .You shouldn’t trust hom.

8.If a film is f__________, it could f_______ children.

9.All the villagers f_____ from the village becase of the floods.

10.It is a pleasant thing to ______(沐浴) in hot water after a hard day’s work.

11.The tiger is a f_______ animal which eat smaller animals.


glimpse (catch∕have glimpse of)

general adj.一般的

1.Flying over the bay in a plane,you will have a g______ of the city.

2.In g______ (一般地),he will do whatever he can to help you.


harmony 协调(in harmony with);和谐,和睦

hurricane 飓风

1.People’s life has become happy and h________.

2.When the h_________ came, they were still at sea ,and their families were very worried about them.


introduction n.序言

indicate v.表明;象征;预示

imitate v.模仿

indentify v.认出;鉴别;使等同于

issue n.问题,争议;发行 v.发行;分配

immedicate 直接地;立刻;马上


incorrect adj.不正确的;不妥当的;不真实的

influence n.v.影响;势力;作用

1.Although Tom ha retired,his ideas are still i__________ the company.

2.The boy is so smart that he i______ everything vividly.

3.The great i______ dicussed today is the prices of the houses.

4.It is a pity that your answer to this question is _______ (错误的).

5.This first paragraph serves as the ________ (序言) to this article.

6.Only when workers realize the ________ (重要性) of cooperation can a company develop quickly.

7.The appearance of wild aninals in the forest i_________ that she environment here has greatly improved.

8.Scientists have i________ the gene that causes the disease.

9.I got to know him ________ (一…就) I came to the school for the first time.


Judge v.判断;评价 n.法官

J_______ from his accent,he comes from south Africa.


loose adj.松散的

lack v.短少;没有

lifelike adj.栩栩如生的

1.The charcters are described so l________ as if they are living among us.

2.The office has to be closed for l_____ of money.
