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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-27 19:41:21 | 移动端:VOA常速英语:美国各党派就巴黎气候协议的反应


VOA常速英语:机场狗狗治愈旅客及飞行员疲惫心灵缓解压力 2016-4-14

They came big and small, both dogs and people to Dulles International Airport in Virginia during a busy travel weekend. The pups in their pet parents are volunteers with a Washington therapy group called People Animals Love (PAL). The friendly-behaved canines are cooking up some passengers' days.

“We had a rough morning here in the airport for about, I don't know, five and six hours this morning with a delay, so this is great.” This blonde guy is called Labrador.“It's so big and so gentle and it always draws a crowd.”“Especially parents are always excited to see the dogs because it struck kids a little.”

Like little Aria whose parents are heading to Germany, her dad's station at military base. “When you are traveling, it's very stressful and I think that just sitting here and petting a dog so that we can relieve the stress.”

This woman just arrived from England. “It's a very stressful environment, you're running from gate you know, from one place to another, I think it's quite nice to be able to stop on the way, pet a dog.”

A quick stop to visit the dogs is also helpful to United Airline staff. “This therapeutic is pleasing. It's a great way to brighten your day.” Including for some pilots who got a surprise visit at the office. “It's a boy. I was really stressed until these dogs showed up like the day that right now.”“There's nothing better than having a friendly face, four legs flopping around the office.”

This volunteer says she and her pup also helped provide emotional support for a dog lover. “She had the same kind of dog, a golden doodle, that she lost last month, and she started to cry. And we sat and we chatted a while about her dog and how much she loved her dog, and I think it was a nice moment.” So for people who are being anxiety of hectic travel, the friendly warm from a comforting dog make them stop and smile.

New Words:

1. therapy治疗,疗法

2. therapeutic 治疗的

3. cook up the days 缓解疲劳

4. canine 犬;犬齿的

5. military base 军事基地

6. flop around 扑通落下

7. doodle涂鸦;蠢人

a golden doodle 金贵犬

8. hectic travel忙碌的旅行


1. What’s the name of this Washington therapy group with dogs?

2. Why are the dogs so much welcomed at the airport?

3. In what way are the dogs also helpful to United Airline staff?

4. According to a volunteer, what other support do they also provide to dog lovers?


Joe DeCapua

July 28,2014

This week, a U.N. panel opens a three-day meeting on the ageing of the global population. It’s part of a process that could lead to a new international treaty to protect the rights of older persons.

This is the fifth session of the Open-ended Working Group on Aging. Its focus is on human rights, the care of older persons, violence, abuse and legal and financial issues. Its work could lead to a U.N. Convention on the Rights of Older People.

One of the groups driving the process is HelpAge International, which began its Age Demands Action Campaign in 2007.

HelpAge Chief Executive Toby Porter explained why he believes a convention is needed for those 60 years of age and older.

“Elder people around the world still suffer a lot of discrimination, a lot of abuse. There really is a sort of feeling that there have been decades of various commitments, plans of action on ageing, international agreements that more needed to be done for the world’s older people, but it hasn’t really delivered enough change.”

He said when such a U.N. convention was approved for the disabled it brought dramatic changes for the better.

HelpAge has collected nearly 300,000 petition signatures – from 112 countries – in support of a convention for older people. The movement has gained the support of Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu of South Africa. In a statement, Tutu said, “This is not a minority issue. We are all growing older.”

Porter said it’s important that people’s rights are protected as they age.

“By protecting people’s rights and ensuring they’re not discriminated against in health

services, in the work place, holding property, et cetera, by law, it’s going to benefit society as a whole. Because it’s going to make sure that the contribution of older people can be maximized and to make sure that older people aren’t ignored,” he said.

Porter called the campaign a “real grassroots movement” that includes many people “who’ve suffered a lifetime of poverty, exclusion and discrimination.”

“The world is rapidly ageing. It’s a triumph. It’s an unconditional triumph of international and national development that people are living longer lives. The average age of the population is rising significantly and this is a trend that will increase. It won’t decrease. Older age is hopefully everybody’s future,” he said.

The HelpAge chief executive said society faces the challenge of moving beyond negative stereotypes of aging.

“Older people are actually massive contributors to society, massively contributing to their families. And so I really do feel that population aging is going to become one of the most important themes in the world,” he said.

The U.N. Open-ended Working Group on Aging meets in New York from July 30 through August 1.

Reasey Poch July 28,2014

HANOI — China recently pulled an oil rig from an area of the disputed South China Sea that Vietnam also claims. Despite the action, the incident has had a lingering effect on consumers in Vietnam.

The shelves in this Vietnamese store, like most stores around the country, are filled with Chinese-made products; but, much of it may go unsold, for now, with many Vietnamese consumers still angry over the recent oil rig dispute.

Like she does every year, Phu Lang Huong is taking her children to purchase school supplies.

This time, she says, she will only purchase Vietnamese products.

“China has already withdrawn its oil rig, but my initial thought is, we are Vietnamese. We have to buy Vietnamese," said Huong.

'Vietnamese People Give Priority to Vietnamese Goods' is part of an ongoing nationwide campaign to promote nationalism.

In May, China placed the drilling platform in disputed waters near the Paracel islands. The location for the oil exploration led to clashes between Chinese ships and Vietnamese fishing boats.

Mai Mai, a college student in Hanoi, says she still uses products made in China, but won't buy new ones.

“After this incident, there are so many slogans on the Internet such as 'stop using Chinese goods.' So many people did try to put their Chinese things away," said Mai.

China was Vietnam's largest trade partner in 2013, with bilateral trade worth $50.21 billion, according to the government in Hanoi.



This is the VOA Special English Health Report.


Wednesday is December first, World AIDS Day. This year, experts are reporting more signs of success in halting the AIDS epidemic. The number of AIDS-related deaths and the number of new infections are both decreasing.


Michel Sidibe is the executive director of the joint United Nations program known as UNAIDS. 米歇尔·西迪贝是联合国艾滋病规划署执行干事。

MICHEL SIDIBE: "Today we can say with confidence and conviction that we have broken the trajectory of the AIDS pandemic."


The latest UNAIDS report says new HIV infections have fallen almost twenty percent in the last ten years. And there has been a similar drop in the last five years in the number of AIDS-related deaths.


An estimated thirty-three million people worldwide were living with HIV last year. Two and a half million were children. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

据估计,去年全球有3300万人携带艾滋病毒,其中250万是儿童。艾滋病毒是导致艾滋病的病毒。 Africa south of the Sahara has the most deaths and new infections. But many of those countries have made important progress.


Worldwide estimates show that more than two and a half million people became newly

infected with HIV in two thousand nine. At the same time, about one million eight hundred thousand people died from AIDS-related sicknesses.


Drug treatment to suppress the virus has expanded. One result has been fewer babies born infected by their mothers. Still, the report says ten million people are waiting for treatment. 抑制病毒的药物疗法已取得突破,结果之一就是,由母体传染的新生儿数量减少。然后,报告显示,仍有1000万人正等待治疗。

UNAIDS officials also say not enough is being spent for prevention. They say prevention efforts are responsible for much of the progress.

联合国艾滋病规划署官员也表示,用于预防的投入不够,而预防工作是取得这些重要进展的重要原因。 More and more young people say they are following safer practices. Surveys find greater use of condoms and people in many countries say they have fewer sexual partners.


World Health Organization chief Margaret Chan called this year's AIDS report encouraging. But she noted that the populations most at risk are also those who have the least access to services. These populations include sex workers, drug users and homosexual men.


In other health news, a new study has found that one in every one hundred deaths in the world is caused by other people smoking.


Researchers found that more than six hundred thousand non-smokers died in two thousand four. They say the deaths were from diseases and infections caused by secondhand smoke,

also known as passive smoking.


The study in the journal Lancet says one hundred sixty-five thousand of those tobacco victims were children.

