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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-27 19:40:04 | 移动端:奥运英语1000句:奥运会召开期间北京将非常拥挤


What’s your mobile number?


AOK, Paul. Bye. I’ll call you tomorrow. What’s your mobile number?


BMy mobile number? It’s

one-three-five-two-zero-five-three-seven-two-four. (1352053724)

B我的手机号? 是1-3-5-2-0-5-3-7-2-4。

ALet me just check

that. One-three-five-two-zero-five-three-seven-two-four.


BThat’s right.


AOK. Talk to you tomorrow. Have a good evening. Bye.



With telephone and mobile numbers, you usually say each number individually, e.g.One-three-five-two-zero-five-three-seven-two-four.对于电话和手机号码,你通常可以依次说出每位数字,如:


Remember polite ways of wishing someone a pleasant time: Have a nice day or Have a good evening.

记住祝愿某人愉快的礼貌说法:Have a nice day (祝你今天愉快)或者Have a good evening(祝你今晚愉快)。

重要的短语和句子Key phrases & sentences

I’ll call you tomorrow.我明天给你打电话。

What’s your mobile number? 你的手机号是多少?

It’s one-three-five-two-zero-five-three-seven-two-four.是1-3-5-2-0-5-3-7-2-4。

Let me just check that.我来核对一下。

That’s right.对。

Talk to you tomorrow.明天跟你通话。

Have a good evening.祝你今晚愉快。


How about 2 this afternoon?


AShall we meet later?


BYes. When’s the best time for you?


AHow about 2 this afternoon?


BTwo o’clock is fine for me. Where will we meet?


AThe coffee shop in the hotel. Let’s meet there at 2.


BPerfect. I’ll see you there.



To ask someone what is best for them, e.g. about a time or a place, you can say: When’s the best time for you? What’s the best place to meet?要问对某人最合适的时间或者地点是什么,你可以说:When’s the best time for you? What’s the best place to meet?(在哪里见面最合适?)。Remember, you can also make suggestions by using: How about...? e.g. How about 2 in the afternoon? How about meeting at 7 this evening?记住,你也可以这样提出建议:How about...(……怎么样)。例如:How about 2 in the afternoon?(下午2点见面怎么样?);How about meeting 7 this evening? (晚上7点见面怎么样?)。

You can confirm a future arrangement at a place, or time, by saying: I’ll see you there. I’ll see you at 7. I’ll see you on Friday.

你可以这样来确定将来见面的时间或者地点:I’ll see you there(我在那里见你);Ill see you at 7(我7点见你);I’ll see you on Friday(我周五见你)。

重要的短语和句子Key phrases & sentences

Shall we meet later? 我们晚点见面好吗?

When’s the best time for you? 什么时间对你最合适?

How about 2 this afternoon? 今天下午2点行吗?

Two o’clock is fine for me. 我2点行。

Where will we meet? 我们在哪里见面?

The coffee shop in the hotel.在饭店的咖啡厅见。

Let’s meet there at 2. 咱们2点在那里见。

Perfect. 好。

I’ll see you there. 我在那里见你。


GREETINGS: Hello! – 1


A Hello!

A 你好!

B Hello. Good morning!

B 你好! 早上好!

A Good afternoon!

A 下午好!

B Good afternoon!

B 下午好!

A Good evening!

A 晚上好!

B Good evening!

B 晚上好!

Notes 注意

1 These greetings can be used in both formal and informal situations and are simply a friendly and common way to greet both friends and people you meet for the first time.


2 Sometimes they can be shortened to Morning!, Afternoon! and Evening!

有时可以把它们简略说成Morning!, Afternoon! 和 Evening!

3 Good morning is typically said in the morning before midday; Good afternoon is said between midday and around 5pm; Good evening is usually said after 5pm.

Good morning 一般在正午之前使用; Good afternoon 在正午和下午5点之前使用; Good evening 一般在下午5点之后使用。

Key phrases & sentences重要的短语和句子

Hello 你好!

Good morning 早上好!

Good afternoon 下午好!

Good evening 晚上好!

Learning Tip 学习建议

Practise saying Hello, Good morning, Good afternoon and Good evening every day to family, friends or colleagues at work. Make it a habit!

每天用Hello, Good morning, Good afternoon 和 Good evening向家人、朋友和同事问好,并形成习惯。

2-GREETINGS: Hi! Good Morning.

问候语:你好! 早上好!


A Hi! Good morning.

A 嗨!早上好!

B Hi! Good morning.

B 嗨!早上好!


A Hi. How are you?

A 你好,你好吗?

B Fine, thanks.And you?

B 好,谢谢!你呢?

A Fine. Thank you.

A 我也很好,谢谢!


A Hello. How are you this morning?

A 你好!你今天上午感觉怎么样?

B Fine, thanks. How about you?

B 很好,谢谢!你呢?

A I’m ok. Thank you.

A 我也很好。谢谢!

Notes 注意

1 Hi! is an informal way of saying Hello! If someone says Hi! to you when greeting you, you can say Hi! in return.

Hi!是Hello! 的非正式用法。如果某人对你说Hi!,你也可以


2 How are you? is also a way of saying Hello! It can be used formally and informally, when meeting a friend or meeting someone for the first time. The usual response is Fine, thank you.

How are you?也是一种问候方式,相当于说Hello!它即可以用在正式的场合,也可以用在非正式的场合,在见到朋友或者初遇某人时使用。一般用Fine, thank you.来回答。

3 Thanks is a short form of Thank you.

Thanks. 是Thank you.的简略形式。

4 And you? / How about you? are also both used in response to the greeting How are you?And you? / How about you? 也可以用来回答How are you?


How are you?你好吗?

Fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢!

Thank you. 谢谢你!

And you? 你呢?

How about you? 你怎么样?

How are you this morning? 你今天上午感觉怎么样?


GREETINGS: Hello!My name is...


AHello!My name is Gao Yu.

A你好! 我的名字是高雨。

BHi!My name’s Smith, Neil Smith. It’s nice to meet



AHello, Mr. Clark. I’m Sun Wei.

A你好,克拉克先生。 我是孙薇。

BHello, Miss Sun. Its good to meet you.


AMe, too!


AHello, I’m Paul. You must be Ping.


BYes, Paul. Glad to meet you.


注释 Notes

My name is...is often used in introductions to tell someone else your name. You can also use a shorten form—My name’s... .

My name is...(我的名字是……)经常用于向别人介绍你自己。你也可以使用它的简略形式My name’s...(我的名字是……)。

When someone introduces himself or herself to you for the first time and tells you his or her name, you can say: Pleased to meet you / Its good to meet you / Glad to meet you.

当某人初次向你介绍他自己并且告诉你他的名字时,你可以说:Pleased to meet you / It’s good to meet you / Glad to meet you(很高兴认识你)。

If you know the name of the person you are meeting for the first time, you can also say: You must be... .

如果你知道你初次遇到的人的名字,你还可以说:You must be...(你一定是……)。

Western people often introduce themselves formally by saying their family name first, then their whole name, e.g. Smith, Neil Smith.

西方人在介绍自己时经常正式地先说自己的姓,然后再说全名,如Smith, Neil Smith(尼尔·史密斯)。Also many people will use the formal address Mr. or Miss, e.g. Mr. Clark, Miss Sun.

很多人也经常使用正式的称呼如Mr.(先生)或者Miss(小姐),如 Mr. Clark(克拉克先生),Miss Sun(孙小姐)。

If you know the person well, you can be informal and friendly use their first names, e.g. Paul, Ping.


Key phrases & sentences

My name is Gao Yu. 我的名字是高雨。

My name’s Neil Smith.我的名字是尼尔·史密斯。

Pleased to meet you. 很高兴认识你。

It’s good to meet you. 很高兴认识你。

Glad to meet you. 很高兴认识你。

Hello, Mr. Clark. 你好,克拉克先生。

Hello, Miss Sun. 你好,孙小姐。

You must be Ping. 你一定是平。


GREETINGS: It’s a nice day today.


AGood morning, Neil.


BGood morning, Wei.


AIt’s a nice day today.


BYes, it is.


ALet’s take a taxi.


BOK. We can get one here.



People often comment on the weather when they meet, especially if it is fine. It’s really a nice day today.

人们见面时常常谈论天气,尤其当天气好的时候。It’s really a nice day today(今天天气真好)。You can agree with someone’s comment about the weather with a simple response: Yes, it is.你可以简单地回答 Yes, it is (是的),来对某人对天气的评论表示赞同。

If you want to suggest something, you can use Let’s... , e.g. Let’s take a taxi.

如果你要提出建议,你可以用Let’s... (让我们……),如 Let’s take a taxi (我们坐出租车去吧)。To agree with a suggestion, you can say OK.

要表示同意某项建议,你可以说OK (好的)。

Let’s get one here. / Let’s get a taxi here.

Let’s get one here(让我们在这里打一辆/让我们在这里打一辆出租车)。

重要的短语和句子Key phrases & sentences

It’s really a nice day today.今天天气真好。

Yes, it is. 是的。

Let’s take a taxi. 咱们坐出租车去。

OK. We can get one here.好的。咱们在这里可以打到一辆。


GREETINGS: Good to see you again.


AHi, Paul. It’s good to see you again.


BHello, Ping. It’s good to see you, too.


AHello, Yan. Let me introduce you to David. He’s my friend.


BHi, Paul. Hello, David.

B嗨, 保罗。你好, 大卫。

CHello, Yan. Pleased to meet you.


