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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-27 16:12:22 | 移动端:voa,standard,english,经济报道

篇一:VOA standard English VOA英语

US Students Design Robot to Locate Unexploded Underwater Mines George Putic October 15,2014

Many educators believe that hands-on experience is the best way to learn.

A project developed by a group of students at the Stevens Institute of Technology, in Hoboken, New Jersey is proving that method works. The group took on a

challenge posted by the U.S. Department of Defense and successfully designed and built an underwater robot for locating submerged unexploded ordnance.

In the 95-meter-long marine research tank at Stevens Institute of Technology, a group of students are able to test their underwater vehicle called Perseus II.

Remotely guided by a computer game controller, the robot dives and gracefully swims back and forth exploring the tank’s bottom with its high-definition video cameras.

Over the course of two semesters, five undergraduate students majoring in different engineering areas combined their talents, working between 15 and 20 hours a week, to design and build Perseus II.

Project supervisor, Research Associate Michael DeLorne, says the technical requirements were challenging.

“Their goal was to go down and find this unexploded ordnance and not only just find them but provide information to an expert on the surface so he or she could make a decision whether it was something dangerous or not," he said.

DeLorne says the students came up with some ingenious solutions for complicated problems, such as underwater vehicle positioning.

"One unique thing they did, they developed an algorithm that allowed them to autonomously control the vehicle's depth," he saidDeLorne says the students came up with some ingenious solutions for complicated problems, such as underwater vehicle positioning.

"One unique thing they did, they developed an algorithm that allowed them to autonomously control the vehicle's depth," he said. Team member Mark Siembab, now a graduate student, says they also came up with an inexpensive way to mark the location of whatever object they found. “One component sank to the bottom and anchored itself while the other component had a brightly-colored orange ball which would float to the surface and provide a positive

identification to the passerby or the authorities to let them know there's an object down there and we'd marked it," he said.

Perseus II was successfully tested at a naval facility in Florida, together with similar robots built at other engineering schools. In the meantime, new students at the Stevens Institute of Technology have already started on the next project, an unmanned aerial vehicle called Perseus III.

TechShop Puts High-tech Dreams Within Reach

Liu Enming

October 15,2014

Square, a business app and card reader, makes it possible to do credit card transactions through cell phones. But what made Square possible?

Retired lawyer Maurice Mountain uses a CNC Router to produce a prototype of his Presto Emergency Boat Ladder. He's planning to mass produce his invention, a small folding ladder that can be clipped on the side of a boat to assist people who fall into the water.

“I think it encourages innovation," he said.

"I think people who probably have had ideas rolling around in the back of their minds for years but have never had the opportunity to actually put them into production or even experiment with them would find this place wonderful." The place that Mountain is referring to is TechShop, a studio that makes high-tech equipment available to its members.

“TechShop is a do-it-yourself maker space and fabrication studio," said TechShop's General Manager Isabella Musachio. "When you come in we have all these different areas of the shop, and we have a metal shop, wood shop, plastic slab, lasers, 3-D printers, electronics, textiles. I mean we have so many different areas and we have all this equipment that is available to anybody above the age of 12 and up."

At TechShop, with membership fees starting at just over $100 per month, members have access to million-dollar equipment, 3-D modeling, laser cutters, and water jets - all at their fingertips.

“Our motto is 'build your dreams here' because you can really come in with just an idea, and then with the help of TechShop take that from an idea to building your project or your prototype or even your business," said Musachio.

One example is Square, which came out of the TechShop facility in San Francisco. Now Square is used to charge about $8.8 billion in transactions every year.

The consumers of products that were created at TechShop even include President Obama, who thinks innovation is the first step to the future and that TechShop is giving ordinary people the tools they need to turn their ideas into reality.

“Because of advances of technology, the opportunity now is to make the tools that are needed for production and prototypes are now democratized. They are in the hands of anybody who’s got good idea," Obama said.

Jim Newton, the founder of TechShop, first introduced the idea at Maker Faire in San Mateo, California, in 2006. This idea attracted hundreds of members the first day. Now, there are eight U.S. TechShop facilities with more than 6,000 members.

In addition to TechShop, Fab Lab and GE Garages are also helping inventors and

entrepreneurs to discover modern manufacturing processes.

篇二:VOA Standard English 原文

1 American teenagers

Dozing at their desks

Sixteen-year-old Danny is a typically active teenager. He plays lacrosse and football and likes listening to rock music. But Danny is also part of a growing number of teenagers who are sleep deprived.


"Getting up in the morning is pretty terrible," he says. "I'm just very out of it and tired. And then, going to school, I'm out of it. And through first and second period [classes], I can barely stay awake."


Danny is not alone. Surveys show that half of all teenagers in the country are missing an average of one to 1? hours of sleep every school night, and that's having negative consequences on their performance - in and out of the classroom.

丹尼并不孤单。调查显示,一半的青少年失踪全国平均一个1 ?每小时的睡眠时间晚上要去学校,这是有负面影响,其表现在教室里。

While some believe that a teenager's reluctance to get up in the morning is sheer laziness, sleep experts say that's not necessarily the case. Michael

Breus, a clinical psychologist who specializes in sleep disorders, says kids like Danny aren't just a bunch of lazy kids.


"These are children whose biological rhythms, more times than not, are off," says Breus.


Negative consequences

Teenager's biological rhythms - often referred to as their circadian rhythms - favor later bedtimes and later wake-up times.

青少年的生物节律,通常称为他们的生理节奏——忙推迟睡觉,后来叫醒次。 But, with many school systems starting classes as early as seven a.m.,

teenagers like Danny often come to school half asleep. And that, says Breus, has consequences.


"We have long known that the more sleep deprived you are, the more cranky you are. So when your child, who really needs eight or nine hours, is only

sleeping for seven hours a night, they are going to experience a form of

depression that could be significant and could have some pretty major effects on their overall well-being."

“我们很长时间以来已经知道更多的睡眠剥夺了,你就越偏执的你。所以,当你的孩子,谁会真的需要8 - 9个小时,只是睡7个小时的晚上,他们将要领略到的一种抑郁,可能是有意义的,可能会有一些相当主要影响他们的整体状态。”

According to Breus, that mood-altering deficit can affect a teen's academic performance, their athletic ability and even their performance behind the wheel of a car.


"We know that drowsy driving is of utmost concern because these are kids who haven't had a tremendous amount of experience in driving to begin with." Any drowsy driver is dangerous, says Breus, but a teenager with a lack of experience can be even more dangerous.


He acknowledges that there are other factors that contribute to a teenager's sleep loss. Twenty-four-hour access to the Internet and fast-paced video games are tempting products in the digital age. And the proliferation of caffeinated drinks is also wreaking havoc with our children's natural body rhythms. But school, says Breus, is one area where small changes can bring about dramatic results.


"There've been multiple research studies that now show that in fact when you change the school start time, allowing children to start later in the morning, their grades go up by almost a full letter grade in their first- and second-period (classes)," he says.


Headmaster Eric Peterson of St. George's School in Newport, Rhode Island, saw positive results after changing his school start time from 8:00 to 8:30 am. 埃里克的彼得森校长至乔治的学校,在罗得岛纽波特,看到积极的结果后,改变他的学校开始时间8点到上午8:30。

Later school start time equals happier, healthier teens

Dozens of school districts around the country have been looking at these studies and are considering ways to adjust their class schedules.

几十个学区全国各地一直看着这些研究,并考虑在调整自己的方式课等事宜。 Eric Peterson is head of St. George's School, a private boarding school for grades 9-12 in the northeastern state of Rhode Island.

埃里克·彼得森是头乔治的学校,至的私立寄宿学校在东北月历罗得岛州。 After looking at the medical research on adolescent sleep needs and

observing students in his own school, Peterson consulted with Dr. Judy Owen, a renowned pediatrician and sleep expert.


Armed with what he considered to be compelling data, Peterson decided to change his school's start time from 8:00 am to 8:30 am on a trial basis to see if a 30-minute change would make a difference. He was surprised by the results. 带着他认为是令人信服的数据,皮特森决定改变他学校的开始时间从上午8点至上午8:30试点看30分钟的变化将会有很大的影响。调查结果让他大为吃惊。 "What was really astonishing was how many benefits and how significant the benefits were," he says. "In the research itself, we saw just over a 50 decrease in health-center admissions for fatigue, or fatigue-related illness, or rest requests. We saw almost 35 percent decrease in first-period tardiness.

Students reported that they were more alert. They were less sleepy during the day."


And, according to Dr. Patricia Moss, assistant dean for Academic Affairs at St. George's School, students weren't the only ones reporting better results in the classroom. She says virtually all the teachers almost immediately noticed much more alertness in the classroom, and there was definitely a more positive mood all around.


"Kids were happier to be there at 8:30 than they were at 8:00," she says. "So our experience across the total spectrum was, universally, extremely positive and surprisingly so."


Headmaster Peterson says there was another unexpected area of change when the school changed its start time.


"We saw probably a greater than 30 percent increase in student attendance at breakfast, and of the food that they were eating. We more than doubled the amount of milk, eggs, fruit and cereal. So it was quality breakfast foods that the kids were eating. So they were better fueled as well as better rested."


Ross and Peterson acknowledge that making schedule changes has been easier at a small, private boarding school than it might be for the larger U.S. public school system. But they are hopeful that others will find a way.


"In the end," says Peterson, "schools ought to do what's the right thing for their students, first and foremost, and this element of the program is very clear - certainly for us as a school - but I think as a general example to other schools, is pretty compelling, and so I would argue that it's worth doing."


Whether or how a school or a school district is able to do it, he says, or finds the will and skill to accomplish it, "that's the job of talented, smart school administrators," he says.


In the meantime, experts say that - as we learn more about adolescent sleep patterns and exactly why they need those nine hours of sleep - it is up to families and individual students like Danny to take personal responsibility for paying more attention to sleep as an essential element of a healthy life. 与此同时,专家说,正如我们所了解更多的是对青少年的睡眠模式,到底为什么他们需要那些9个小时的睡眠——这是由家庭和个人学生喜欢的丹尼承担个人责任,为更加注重的一项重要内容的睡眠健康生活。

2 Grey Fox

Each year, the International Bluegrass Music Association honors a festival with their prestigious Bluegrass Event of the Year award. Last year, the honor went to the Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival, held each July in a tiny town in upstate New York.


The lineup at this year's Grey Fox Bluegrass festival reads like a "who's who" of modern bluegrass. It included Grammy nominees The Greencards, David Grisman and Sarah Jarosz, heard there performing her nominated song

"Mansineedof [Man's In Need Of]." In 2009, Sarah played her first main stage set at Grey Fox, and proved to be such a hit that she was invited back again this year.


Sam Bush was back, too. The multi-instrumentalist

singer-songwriter-bandleader appeared at his first Grey Fox in several years. 山姆布什回来了,真是太好了。multi-instrumentalist


"Glad to be back at Grey Fox. It's been a couple of years," he said. "Boy, the people are all out here. It's a hot steamy day. It rained just enough to almost settle the dust. But yes, it's great to be back."

“愉快地回到灰狐狸。这是一个几年,"他说。“孩子,众人都来这里的。这是一个热热气腾腾的一天。下雨刚好够几乎解决尘土。但当然,实在是太棒了,我回来了。” When asked why Grey Fox is so special, Bush said, "For me, it's seeing a lot of old pals. And this audience reminds me somewhat of the audience that goes to the Telluride Bluegrass Festival, in that they're up for anything. That means weather-wise or musically speaking. And we feel welcome here, as do old time musicians, and straight bluegrass bands, progressive bluegrass bands, what have you. We all feel at home here."


Sam was only at Grey Fox one day, but it was a busy one. Not only did he close out the Saturday night show, Sam also presided over a

standing-room-only workshop in the afternoon. The event was more like a master class, with Sam singing a few songs, teaching a few techniques and answering a lot of questions. Sam works hard to make his workshops a mix of fun and teaching because he remembers how important festival workshops were to his musical education.




第一系列 VOA英语节目收听指南

VOA——Voice Of America,作为世界上最大的新闻广播机构之一,多年来,它的英 语节目如“一部活的教科书”,帮助全球各地的英语学习者掌握现代英语的发展动向,

培养准确连贯的英语语感,学习地道的英语语言。从今天起,EES将陆续将VOA的英文广 播的精彩时空展现在你面前,领你进入“原汁原味”美语世界。

一、VOA Special English (特别英语)节目评价

1.1. 背景提示:

Special English又叫“慢速英语”,是VOA电台专为全世界非英语国家的初学英语的

听众安排的一种简易、规范的英语广播节目。它始于50年代末,是VOA电台的专家们研究 如何与世界各地的英语学习者时行交际的产物,开播之后迅速覆盖全球,在世界广泛内 产生了广泛影响。

30多年来,VOA对Special English作了大量研究,目前,它的播音速度、内容及用 词范围都有规定,达到了既能为听众提供信息又不损害英语本身风格的目的,使之成为 VOA独具特色,拥有最大量听众的节目。

概括起来, Special English 特别于以下三点。



☆语速约为90 words/min,即2/3的Standard English速度。

1.2 Special English两大营地

1.2.1 新闻节目 News Programs 1.2.2专题节目Feature Programs

1.2.1. Special English的新闻广播向听众提供全球的政治、经济、军事、外交、国际 关系、宗教、天气以及各种重大事件和珍闻奇事等各个方面的信息。每次节目长约十分 钟,播十条左右的新闻,总词汇1000左右,新闻单长1~2分钟。除头条新闻外,每条新 闻都由一个电头引导,结构分明,条理清晰,适宜初学者。节目结束之前,播音员常常 用三、四句话重播其中三条新闻的提要,以加深听众印象。慢速新闻每天向东南亚地区 广播五次,朝二暮三,每逢半点准时派送。


具体又可分A:每五种一次的专题 B:每十五分钟一次的专题

A档的具体内容安排在Special English新闻节目之后或B档节目之前,每周七次,其 中:

A-1. Science Report(科学报道)逢Mon. Wen. Fri.播出,每天六遍;A-2. Agricu lture Report逢Tue. Thu. 播出,每天六遍;A-3.Words And Their Stories逢Sat. Su n.播出,每天五遍。

A-1. Science Report(科学报告)

这一专题节目每周向听众介绍三篇有关现代科学技术最新发展情况的报道,涉及Ph ysics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geography, Biology, Environmental Science, Phil

osophy, Medicine, Computer等方面,适宜理工科大学生和科技工作者收集信息,积累 资料,学习科技英语。

A-2. Agriculture Report(农业报道)

这是一个为农业科技工作者和生产者安排的一个专题。它专门报道世界各国,尤其 是美国现代化农业生产的最新成就,报道科学家对农业生产某一方面的研究进展,以及 他们对影响农业生产的某一自然现象进行分析和研究的近况。

A-3.Words And Their Stories(词语掌故)

这一专题节目旨在向学习英语的听众介绍美国英语中生动有趣的词语和惯用法,并 从科学研究和通俗词源学的角度来解释它们的含义、产生的背景以及在使用过程中的演 变情况等,以讲故事的形式讲解每一个词语,这是VOA的一个金牌节目,是学习英语的极 好材料。通过收听,你不仅可以学到娓娓动听的掌故和地道的美语,还能增加对美国的 社会文化背景知识、历史传统与现状的了解。



B-1. People in America(美国人物志) 一人每逢Sun.播出的有关美国历史名人的节 目,向您介绍在美国历史上产生过重大影响的各界人物。形式一般为生平事迹的简述, 对个人贡献的评价,十分类似于人物小传,对于特别重要的人,有时需用几期节目才能 概览其一生,因此需坚持收听,才能形成完整印象。

B-2. This is America(今日美国)向您介绍美国人的学习、生活、工作、娱乐情况 是英语学习者了解美国社会的一个窗口。每逢Mon.播出。

B-3. Science in the News(科学新闻)这一专题主要对新近的科技新闻进行综述或摘 要广播,向您介绍世界各国在自然、医学、疾病、原子能、航天等方面的科研动态成果 ,突破性进展,涉及到当今世界人们普遍关心的各大问题。每逢Tue.播出。

B-4. Space and Man(太空与人)该专题涉及人类遨游太空、探索原子、研究自身、改 造自然的现代科技,也报道发展中国家开发新资源、利用新工艺等方面的成就。该节目 一般安排一段时间播一个系列,每次播一个主题,以便将某项新技术的研究及应用的全 过程介绍给听众,逢Wen.播出。

B-5. The Making of a Nation(建国史话)这一专题向听众介绍USA从十三个殖民地区 域到现代工业国的孕育、诞生以及形成超级大国的历史过程,并以历史为线索,特定的 历史时期为单位,以重大的历史事件为主题来叙述各个党派、各届总统和政府的历史作 用与贡献,坚持收听这个系列节目,十分有助于你了解美国历史,逢Thur.播出。

B-6.American Mosaic(美国万花筒)这是一个典型的radio magazine节目,题材广 泛,内容丰富,展示着美国社会轻松愉快的生活画面。每次有三到五个小节目,涉及音 乐、图书、技术和教育等方面的内容,即有优美的歌曲,又有丰富有趣的美国社会生活 常识。

B-7. American Stories(美国故事)每星期六晚上播出,是个美国文学的“窗口”,

让你接触到各种流派,各类名家的文学作品,了解美国英语的时代特色,欣赏、学习美 国人民学习语言的技巧,并从佳作名篇中获得艺术享受。短篇故事一次播一篇,对中、 长篇则先进行简写加工,再分几次播出全文。

二、VOA Standard English(标准英语)


2.1. 背景提示:

Standard English是美国人日常使用的规范用语,其播音速度不低于140 words/mi n.词汇量4000以上,句子较长、结构复杂、内容详实。因此,收听难度明显高于specia l English.

VOA的环球英语广播主要是标准英语节目,我国广大地区每日均可收到近十二小时的 节目,与special English一样,Standard English也分为News和Feature Programs两大 类。

2.2. Standard English两大营地

2.2.1. News Program 2.2.2. Feature Programs

2.2.1. News Program

VOA的“标准英语”新闻按其题材范围和播出顺序分为国际新闻(The Latest worl d News)、经济金融新闻(Economic And Financial News)、体育新闻(Sports News)、 要闻选播(Top News Stories Of The Hour)等。

A. The Latest World News

这是Standard English中最为重要的节目,每逢整点都要播出,每次约10分种,词汇 量1500左右,播出约12条新闻,语言结构比Special English的新闻更为固定,首先播音 员以报时和报节目开头:It’s (how many) hours of Greenwich Mean Time and here is the news from the Voice Of America.接着是一小段固定音乐,其后播音员自报姓 名,“This is (who) reporting from Washington.”往下便是新闻正文,正文播完后

,用“These are the hour’s news headlines.”这句话引播3至4条一句话新闻后。用 “That’s the news from the Voice Of America. I am (who).”结尾。一般新闻播至

一半时,播音员总要用“You are listening to the Voice Of America”来报台名,提 醒刚刚打开的radio的听众。

B. Economic And Financial News

常将商业新闻包括在内,大都紧接某些专题节目之后播出,约2分钟。该节目报道世 界各大股票交易市场的主要指数行情,股票交易额,各主要货币对美元的买卖价格及黄 金市场情况等。

C. Sport News

亦是新闻广播中不可缺少的经典元素,通常在B之后播出,每次约1~2分钟。主要报 道世界各种大型体育赛事,包括冠军、团体总分以及运动员之间、代表队之间具体比分 等。

D. Top News Stories of the Hour

在C之后播出,长约2分钟,播出3~5条在当时被编辑确定为最重要的新闻,涉及到事 件的最新发展与动态。

E. One-sentence News.

VOA电台一种见缝插针的播音方法,单刀直入,简明扼要,通常一句话一条新闻,平 均下来每条新闻也就几秒钟。

2.2.2. Feature Programs

Standard English中的专题节目也叫定期专题节目Regular Features.顾名思义,它 们在固定的时间内播出。与新闻相比较,各类专题节目的选题较为固定,但内容更为生 动详尽,剖析更为深刻。多采用播放现场录音或直播的方式进行,播音间歇毫无限制, 而是由总的意念带动说话,随着情感的起伏自由处理,甚至有时急不择言,一气呵成, 有的地方边说边想,似断似续,有的地方则畅如行云流水,轻声慢语,使听众感到十分 亲切。在报道中,各地记者的电话录音和发音都不如播音员清晰纯正,被采访者大都能 说英语,不乏南腔北调,这样也就增加了初学者的收听难度,但也正是因为该原因,VO A的Regular Features成为不可多得的听力训练材料。

A. Daily Features 每日专题

A-1. VOA Morning.

在每小时的广播中,这是个收尾节目。由于每小时中其它节目时间长短不一,因此本 节目有长有短,可分为十五、二十、三十和五十分钟一次的四种,内容极为丰富,涉及 社会生活的方方面面。另外,这一节目统称“VOA Morning”,但每天的实际广播中,播

音员都在VOA与Morning之间加上星期几这样的单词,因此,你实际听到的是VOA Saturd

ay Morning之类的节目名。

A-2. VOA Editorial(电台社论)

每天一次,是VOA每天对东亚区广播的最后一个节目,每天22:55(Beijing Standard Time-BST)播出,每次三至五分钟,每篇社论都以“An Editorial reflecting the vi ews of the United States Government.”这句话开始,通常是对当天某一重大事件表 态或提出问题,或号召对某事采取行动或对某一新闻人物进行褒贬。

B. Weekdays Features 周日专题


B-1. News line时事经纬

播出次数最多的一栏节目,早上六次,晚上三次,每次二十分钟,特点在于充实, 深入地提供新闻的背景资料,便于听众了解事件的原委。

B-2. Focus焦点

每晚播三次,每次二十分钟,主要对当时的重要新闻和有争议的关键问题进行介绍 和讨论,向听众介绍某一新闻人物和事件另一侧面的情况。

B-3. Magazine Show广播杂志

每晚两次,每次三十分钟。报道美国的文化艺术,科学技术,体育运动和医学成就 等方面的情况。

B-4. Music USA美国音乐

每晚30分钟×2次,主要播出最新、最受欢迎的热门音乐、标准音乐和乡村音乐,还 播放采访演员和音乐界人士的实况录音。

B-5. Asia Report亚洲报道

每晚在VOA Editorial前播一次,时间长达45分钟,信息巨大,播放VOA驻亚洲各国 记者的报道和采访实况,对亚洲时事分析评论。

C. Weekends Features(周末专题)


C-1. New Horizons新天地

一个不断用新知识开阔听众视野的天地,逢每个Sun播20min×2次,继“标准英语” 新闻之后播出。

C-2. Issiues in the News新闻热点

每个Sun.晚上,30min×2次,主要播出华盛顿报界讨论一些重大时事问题的情况。节 目中,各个报团的成员将代表各自的势力和派别发表各自的观点与看法。

C-3. Encounter交流


C-4. Studio One一号播音室

专门为听众播送一星期内各种主题的记录影片,录音剪辑和纪实小说,Sun.晚上30m in×2次。

C-5. Critic’s Choice评论精选

一个有关文学艺术方面的专门节目,是听众了解和欣赏美国文学艺术的一条渠道, Sun.晚上,20min×2次,一般在整点新闻后播出。

C-6. Concert Hall音乐厅

专门播颂著名古典音乐曲目及记者的采访录音,还向听众介绍美国音乐界著名人物 ,每个星期天晚上播出1次,约45分钟。

C-7. Press Conference USA美国记者招特会



C-8. American Viewpoint美国人看天下

本节目中,听众可以听到美国各方面的专家学者讨论报刊杂志中一些有争议性的问 题和文章的实况,Sat. 20min×2次,整点新闻后播出。

C-9. Music USA (Jass)爵士音乐

一个专门播送音乐的长达45分钟的专题节目,其中伴有必要的讲解和介绍。 C-10. Close-up特写

对世界上的关键问题,重大事件,名人轶事和风光名胜等进行一次仔细的考察,广 涉政治风云、经济动态、历史未来、人类自然等方面,包罗万象,雅俗共赏。

三. VOA英语广播节目时间表

看了前面的介绍你也许自己都能总结出来,VOA英语广节目多达三十几种,每天广播 所用的频率也有十五个,为了便于大家根据不同的听力水平,兴趣爱好有目的、有选择 的准时收听自己喜爱的节目,特提供以下时间频率表。

<<mail to ebrother to get it since the timetable is built into 3 picture

s and can't be pasted here>>


(1)BST 代表Beijng Standard Time 即北京时间。

(2)1730 代表北京时间17点30分,其它类推。

(3)上表是当年10月到次年3月的时频表,每年4月到9月是另一个季度,播音时间 会做整体调整,但相对的先后顺序不会有变。

(4)同一个节目的频率有5-8个,应结合天气状况选择合适频率收听,但同时对于 下个特定地区(如一个城市),收听效果最好的往往是一至两个频段,大家要不断比较 ,选定这个“最佳收听位”。
