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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-27 12:04:09 | 移动端:大一新生入学英语欢迎辞




I take great pleasure to preside at tonight`s welcome evening party and deliver an opening speech. On behalf of the Students’ Union, I wish to convey the most gracious greeting and thank you all for your attendance.

It is a delight to have friends coming from afar. Meeting freshmen is one of the most exhilarating moments for our university in a year, as well as a new beginning for seniors. Dear freshmen, the moment you step into the gate of university you look back upon the past and into the future, you must have the sense that your life could be amazingly different. As the saying goes, “Distance separates no bosom friends.” This new big family will give you a big hug with all its warmth and enthusiasm.

Hope the evening party will leave you a deep impression. Hope you all can get on with your new classmates harmoniously, adapt to your college life soon and make the coming semester a more fruitful semester!

Thank you!


Dear freshmen,

Good evening!

I take great pleasure to preside at tonight`s welcome evening party and deliver an opening speech. On behalf of the Students’ Union, I wish to convey the most gracious greeting and thank you all for your attendance.

It is a delight to have friends coming from afar. Meeting freshmen is one of the most exhilarating moments for our university in a year, as well as a new beginning for seniors. Dear freshmen, the moment you step into the gate of university you look back upon the past and into the future, you must have the sense that your life could be amazingly different. As the saying goes, “Distance separates no bosom friends.” This new big family will give you a big hug with all its warmth and enthusiasm.

Hope the evening party will leave you a deep impression. Hope you all can get on with your new classmates harmoniously, adapt to your college life soon and make the coming semester a more fruitful semester!




你们好!安徽师范大学欢迎各位学子的的到来! 花津河碧波荡漾欢歌相拥书香圣地,九月风徐徐送爽桂香弥漫美丽校园。

悄然流转的 2012好时序牵聚了又一批洗礼后的新学子,在美丽的金秋里,在丰收的喜悦中,伴随着勤学苦读后的疲惫,掩抑不住高考成功后的欣喜,怀揣着人生新程的憧憬,从四面八方来到了拥有“徽风皖韵、千湖之城”美誉的安徽芜湖,来到了长江旁,来到了赭山下,来 到了充满生机和活力安徽师范大学!校园盛装,碧水含笑,百鸟和鸣!南区的大家庭热烈欢迎你们的到来!

亲爱的同学们,你们踏入的是山水灵动之城、美丽时尚之都,是扬子江畔生生不息、蓬勃向上、正在崛起的魅力热土,是一个人文鼎盛、繁花似锦、环境优美的滨水校园。当你们跨进这所美丽的校园,你们就成为了我们大家庭的一员。在这个大家庭里,充满着真情,充满着友爱,充满着对一切美好事物的追求。在这个大家庭里,你们可以在优美 的环境中陶冶你的情操,在真诚的帮助中破解你的难题,在和谐的氛围里发挥你的特长, 在探索的艰辛里丰富你的学识,立志攀登科学高峰,努力实现远大抱负。


就新的年轮,早成参天大树。你们青春时尚,思想前卫,沐浴着 西雨东风。你们面对市场经济大潮的洗礼,面临诸多激烈的挑战竞争,应以智慧 理性的思考、与时俱进的观念、艰苦奋斗的精神,知难而上,奋发有为,力拒诱 惑,抵抗扰侵,坚定理想信念,发扬优良学风,倾情友谊,倾力学业,追求真理,自我超越,不断演绎大学生活的灿烂精彩。



