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篇一:unit 22 Lesson 3Natural disasters 教学设计

Lesson 3 Natural disasters



本节课是一节培养学生技能训练的课,课文较长,生词较多。主要分为三个课时来完成,第一课时掌握阅读技能,并能用阅读技能完成课本上的习题,再者还要掌握本课的大意完成课本上设计的对于理解课文的习题。第二课时主要是针对本节课中的语言现象进行讲授,拓展词汇练习。第三个课时完成词汇学习部分,弄清楚名词和动词的区别,以及他们的用法。本节课主要是一片报道,内容都是有关自然灾害的叙述,学完本课后学生能从中了解更多有关环境的问题。 第一课时 The first period



1. Complete the text with sentence gaps by using reading strategies. 2. Get the general idea of the text. 过程与方法:

1. 三勤四环节教学法:定向诱导;自学探究;讨论解疑;反馈小节

2. students—centered class teaching, task reading approach; pair work and group work. 情感态度:



重点:学习七选五的阅读策略,通过学生自学,老师点拨。 难点:运用学的阅读策略完成本课的习题,通过学生的答案对比进行引导讲解达到学生对解题方法的掌握。




Unit 22 Lesson 3 Natural Disasters 崇世界 I. Teaching Aims

1. To practise reading strategies to complete texts with sentence gaps.

2. To practise using the vocabulary of natural disasters.

3. To do exercises about the text.

4. To talk about disasters and aid.

II. Teaching Important Points and Difficult Points

1. Some students may have problems with the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

2. How to read the text and grasp the main idea of it.

3. To help the students improve their ability to express English and to be creative.

III. Teaching Methods

1. Multimedia computer assisted instruction

2. Communicative teaching method

3. Student-centered teaching method

4.Activity-based teaching methods (Question-and-answer; Free discussion; individual work, pair work, group work)

IV. Teaching Aids

Multi-media computer, the blackboard

V. Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Greeting

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2 Warm up

Show them some pictures of the disasters. Look at the following pictures and point out what kind of disasters they are? ? Are they caused by people?

? Are they made worse by people?

? Are they natural?

And then lead in new subject: Natural Disasters.

Step3 Read to learn

Ask Ss to read the text and check their answers to Exercise1.Tell Ss to read through the sentences first before they go back to the text and study each paragraph, and then ask them to complete exercise3 individually, check their answers.

Use the Strategies to complete the gaps in the text (1-5) with these sentences (a-g). There are two extra sentences you do not need:

a) But evidence shows that 73,000 years ago there was a much

greater eruption.

b) Even Europe has suffered and large areas have been underwater. c) That is probably not the most important factor either.

d) Third, the other bits of land you might have been able to farm are

now useless.

e) On top of that add global warming.

f) For example, the Yellow River, once famous for flooding, failed to

reach the sea at all for 226 days in 1997.

g) One answer is overpopulation.

Step 4. Listening

Play the cassette, while they are listening, ask them to pay attention to the pronunciation of the speaker and check the answers in exercise 3. Step 5. Intensive reading

Ask students to read the text again and answer the questions. Read the passage carefully again and fill in the following blanks on the screen.

1. what is the attitude of the journalist towards the future?

2. Who are the most likely to be victims of natural disasters?

3. Why are there now more hurricanes, floods and droughts?

4. Why are volcanoes and earthquakes more dangerous now?

5. What could be the biggest threat to the planet in the future?

6. What effects might this threat have?

Step 6. Post-reading

Read the text carefully and fill in the following blanks.

Step 7. Discussion

Work in pairs. Discuss these questions:

1. What natural disaster has happened in the last year?

2. What were the results of the disaster?

3. What do you think governments can do to help prevent natural disasters?

3. What can we do to improve the environment and help victims of natural disasters?

Step 8. Homework

ask students to do the exercise5 and 6 as homework.

2nd Period

Teaching objectives

In this lesson, we will:

1. Learn and practise vocabulary about natural disasters,esp collocations.

2. Practise identifying nouns and verbs.

Step 1 Guessing the new vocabulary turn on sb. : attack 攻击, 变得与……敌对

e.g. The dog turned on me and bit me in the leg.

Erlang turned on Lisa, who, he thought, had deceived him. 1)

armed conflict over water/land 因水/土地而引起的武装冲突

3.The tsunami killed 132,000 Indonesians and another 100,000 people of other nationalities. This is still very fresh in the minds of people worldwide who have not get over their separation from loved ones lost in the tsunami. (L7, Para 2)

catastrophe -- a great, often sudden disaster

4. …had to flee as they thought it was about to erupt.

flee--to run away, as from trouble or danger

Step 2. Learn Collocations

1. reduced rainfall 减少了的降雨量

2. irrigation canals 灌溉渠道

3. be in armed conflict over water 因水而引起的武装冲突

4. volcanic eruption 火山爆发

5. be a threat to sb/sth对…构成威胁

6. recover from a tsunami 从海啸(的灾难)中恢复过来

7. be fresh in the minds of people 在人们的心目中记忆犹新

8. get over their separation from loved ones lost in the tsunami


9. construct shabby homes搭建破烂的房屋

10. slip and slide downhill in the landslides在山体滑坡时滑下山坡

11.howling winds with speeds of 300 km/h 每小时300公里(咆哮)的大风

12. live within the range of a volcanic eruptions 生活在火山喷发的范围内

13. occur at random times 不定时发生

14.to some degree 在某种程度上

15.The earthquake claimed 1.6 million lives.地震夺取了160万人的生命。

16.Dust rolled across the skies. 灰尘席卷天空。

17. It reduced temperatures by 6°C. 它使天气降低6摄氏度。

Step 3: Output

Task : Tell a natural disaster to your foreign English teacher with the help of the given


Topic 1: The 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake

Topic 2: The 1998 Flood in South China

Topic 3: An imaginary disaster in 20XX

Step 4 Vocabulary learning strategy ----enlarge your vocabulary via learning homograph

eg flood n洪水v淹没, 使泛滥(L1)

fire n 火 v 开除 (L2)

armn胳膊 v 武装(L8)

watern水 v 浇水 (L9)

-----Can you find more just in the passage?

Practise Ex5: Decide if the underlined words in the sentences below are nouns or

verbs. Then write down their Chinese meanings.

Ex 6: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words above


1. Write a short passage about a natural disaster. 5-8 sentences will be enough.

2. P56 EX 1—3

Ex 4, 5 are more challenging.

篇三:课堂学案设计--Unit22 Lesson3 Natural Disasters

Learning Plan for Unit22 Lesson3 Natural Disaster

Tips: I hear, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand !


Learning content(学习内容):

本课时学习内容是:Unit22 Lesson3 Natural Disaster Learning objectives(学习目标):

1. 理解并掌握以下词汇:tsunami, forest fires, drought, flood, earthquake, hurricane, volcanic eruption, earthquake, thunderstorm;

2. 学会利用上下文语境补全文章空缺句子,利用精读和略读策略理解文章大意;

3. 进一步对自然灾害的认识并学会预防和应对自然灾害的举措。

Pre-learning tasks(课前学习任务):

1. Write down as many words about natural disasters as possible.

2. Find out the topic sentence for each paragraph

Para. A Causes of natural disasters.

Para. B Examples to show disasters become common.

Para. C Experts predict that natural disasters will get worse.

Para. D Overpopulation in cities makes more people in danger.

Para. E Examples of volcanic eruption and earthquake showing their threat to our world.

3. Read through the following sentences first before going back to the text and use the Strategies to complete the gaps in the text (1-5) with these sentences (a-g). There are two extra sentences you do not need .

a) But evidence shows that 73,000 years ago there was a much greater eruption.

b) Even Europe has suffered and large areas have been under water.

c) That is probably not the most important factor either .

d) Third , the other bits of land you might have been able to farm are now useless.

e) On top of that add global warming. f) For example , the Yellow River, once famous for flooding, failed to reach the sea at all for 226 days in 1997.

g) One answer is overpopulation.

1. 2. 4. 5.

4. Choose the correct answers.

1). What is the attitude of the journalist towards the future?

A. positive\ optimisticB. neutral (中立的)

C. negative\ pessimistic D. indifferent

2). Who are most likely to be the victims of natural disasters?

A. Poor people B. Rich people

3). Why are there now more hurricanes, floods and droughts?

A. Overpopulation.B. Industrialization.

C. Global warming.D. All of the above.

5. Answer questions.

1). Why are volcanoes and earthquakes more dangerous now ?

2). What could be the biggest threat to the planet in the future?

3). What effects might this threat have?

6. Complete the structure of the text.

7. Do a self-assessment(自我评价).


请结合以上内容,以“Natural disaster”为题,写一篇100词左右的短文。
