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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-26 17:02:46 | 移动端:格列佛游记英文读后感



Gulliver’s Travel is a fairy tale written by Jonathan Swift. It’s a very interesting story full of imagination. Besides, the description is vivid and appealing, when I read it I feel like I’m traveling with the hero in the story.

Jonathan Swift was born in Ireland, but his parents are English. He has written many books such as A Tale of A Tub and The Battle of Books, respectively criticizes and attacks the corruption of religion and prejudice of scholar authority. His Drapier’s letters reveals the attempt of England to destroy the economy of Ireland. For this reason, English government awarded 300pounds for catching Swift. However, nobody in Ireland betrayed him. Swift died in 1745, and he said in his testament that he would give all his property to the charity.

Gulliver’s Travels tells a story of Captain Gulliver’s unique experience. Gulliver has a strong desire of traveling around the world since he grew up. However, when he became a captain, he travels not between different countries but between strange places we never imagine.

The first time, his boat encountered a storm and he swan to the shore. When he woke up he found himself surrounded by small men later he realized he had come to the country “Liliput”, which was a country of small men. In the country, the people treated him very friendly, they gave him food and drink and wine. He? lived happily and he was nice to them as well. Later, the king asked him to help fight the other country Blefuscu for a very amusing reason: people there break their eggs at the big end while people in Liliput break eggs on the small end. Gulliver helped the king win the battle and soon after that he went home.The second time, he set sail and met a fierce storm again. This time he found a land which was a country named Broadingnag. It was a country of giants. You can guess his whereabouts. The huge people treated him as a pet. They put him on show, give speech and do sword drill, till he was tired out. Later he was sent to the Queen, the Queen liked him very much and had him dine with her everyday. But life was not easy for him. Nevertheless, something interesting happened. When he wanted to read, he had to climb up on the book and walk from left to right to read a line. Imagine that scene I couldn’t help laughing. Another story is playing the piano. He had to strike the keys hard with his first.

People comment the book as a satire to England even to the whole Europe. In detail, that is, the first experience use the amusing reason of war to criticize th

e parties and religion of England, the second experience satirizes the boast and conceit of the whole Europeans. Nevertheless, in my opinion, I only see the vivid portrayal and the interesting imagination. Maybe it’s because it’s the first time I read the story and know not so much about the background and situation of the author and his society, but the story really impresses me. I like the exotic experience of Gulliver, and I like Swifer’s imagination. A masterpiece which can influence generation after generation surely has its reason, maybe for the profound understanding of history, maybe for the description of people’s life. This novel may have something to do with sarcasm, but to me, at least by now, is a pure fantasy and a wonderful fairy tale.


My Opinions on Gulliver’s Travels

Jonathan Swift

Recently I read a novel called “Gulliver’s Travels’. As far as I am concerned, it is a very fantastic book and it gives people an adventurous feeling to read the novel. Before I read the novel, I really didn’t know anything about the author of this novel. But after I have read the novel, I learned that the author of this novel is Jonathan Swift, who was born in 1667. According to what I learned from the book,I know the novel through spicy Satires and Humors, quirky imagination and exaggeration, describes the passion for Gulliver’s sailing adventure.

In my opinion, there is a certain connection between the background of the novel and the social conditions. Take this novel ,for example, the background of the novel is based on the social reality in England of that time.If I have the chance, I would like to be a man like Gulliver, because I am greatly inspired by his courage .Gulliver is the person, who travels several lands .Today I will share one of his voyages with you.

The voyage is to Lilliput. People of the lands of Lilliput

are very small, it seems like the ant to us, and so Gulliver in the place is very big. The local people regard him as a monster. From the chapter of the novel, we can learn that people of Lilliput are of great kindness in giving Gulliver food and drink. While he was eating, they had prepared a platform to carry him to the capital city. Five hundred men built a special wooden platform with twenty-two wheels.Nine hundred of the strongest men worked for about three hours to lift him on to the platform.But he has experienced much, not only happy things but also unhappy things. As a reader of this novel, I can imagine how exciting the voyage was through the words written by the author.

At last ,I hope I could have the chance to travel the world like Gulliver. I eagerly want to live in a magic land ,I think it must be exciting .In fact ,I more hope our classmates can help and understand each other like characters of the novel .And make our class more harmony ,make us more happy . Thank you !


My Opinions on Gulliver’s Travels

Recently I read a novel called “Gulliver’s Travels’. As far as I am concerned, it is a very fantastic book and it gives people an adventurous feeling to read the novel. Before I read the novel, I really didn’t know anything about the author of this novel. But after I have read the novel, I learned that the author of this novel is Jonathan Swift, who was born in 1667. According to what I learned from the book, Jonathan Swift was brought up by his uncle.

In my opinion, there is a certain connection between the background of the novel and the social conditions. Take this novel for example; the background of the novel is based on the social reality in England of that time.

If I have the chance, I would like to be a man like Gulliver, because I am greatly inspired by his couragement and brave. Gulliver is the person, who travels the lands of Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa and the country of the Houyhnhnms. I think he must have experienced much during the voyages. These four voyages brought new future to Gulliver’s life.

The first voyage is to Lilliput. People of the lands of Lilliput are very small, it seems like the ant to us, and so Gulliver in the place is very big. The local people regard him as a monster. From the chapter of the novel, we can learn that people of Lilliput are of great kindness in giving Gulliver food and drink. While he was eating, they had prepared a platform to carry him to the capital city. The people of Lilliput,known as the Lilliputians,are very intelligent and clever with their hands.Five hundred men built a special wooden platform with twenty-two wheels.Nine hundred of the strongest men worked for about three hours to lift him on to the platform,and one thousand five hundred o f the King's largest horses(each eleven and a half centimeters high)pulled him to the capital.But he has experienced much, not only happy things but also unhappy things. As a reader of this novel, I can imagine how exciting how exciting the voyage was through the words written by the author. The next voyage is to Brobdingnag, which is completely different from Lilliput. Gulliver is like a small man in Lilliput, because people in Brobdingnag are very big,

all of them are giants. Gulliver is clever to e please the king and the queen with his intelligence in music. In my opinion, Gulliver is patriotic for he argued with the king, because the king laughed at his country. In Gulliver’s mind, his country is very harmonious, people are honest and brave. No one can criticize his country. I admire him for this characteristic.

The third voyage is to Laputa. From the chapter, I can learn Laputans are certainly strange people. Their heads always turn either to right or left:one of their eyes turns in-wards,the other upwards.Their main interests are music and mathematics.They spend so much time thinking abut mathematical problems that they do not notice what is happening around them.As far as I am concerned, their life must be very boring, because they have nothing to do except thinking about mathematical problems.

The last voyage is to Houyhnhnme.I think the country is very interesting, because it is controlled by horses. At first, the two horses helped Gulliver to drive away animals. Then, the horses led Gulliver to their house. Their house is very different from

Gulliver’s house; it has no furniture and is very low. Unlike previous experience, this time Gulliver had to learn how to learn their language. It is very difficult to learn another language in a short time. So Gulliver only had learned a little of their

language. Honestly speaking, I want to live in Houyhnhnme, because in this country which had no disease, no crime, and no wars.

When Gulliver returned to England, he was disappointed by people, because they cannot learn from the Houys. At first ,he was hoping that perhaps human beings

would change their ways after reading the stories of his life with the Houys.But they accuse him of lying in his book.And then he realized that people still lie,steal,and fight,just as they have always done,and probably will always do.He felt he was stupid to think that he could bring reason and truth into their lives and thoughts Humans are all Yahoos

I hope I could have the chance to travel the world like Gulliver. I eagerly want to live in Houyhnhnme. Its society is very harmonious, I hope our society could become like that one day in the future. What we can do is to learn to help everyone around us

who needs help, and try to understand others.
