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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-26 11:52:02 | 移动端:八年级上册英语仁爱第一话题重点句型


Unit1 topic1

1.你打算做什么?What are you going to do?

2.我打算打篮球/乒乓球。I’m going to play basketball/ table tennis.

3.暑假期间我经常看见你打篮球。I often saw you play basketball during the summer holiday.

4.周日我们班和三班要举行一场篮球比赛。We are going to have a basketball game against Class 3 on Sunday.

5.我希望我们队获胜。I hope our team will win.

6.你来为我们加油吗?Would you like to come and cheer us on?

7.你更喜欢哪一种运动,游泳还是划船?Which sport do you prefer, swimming or rowing? 我更喜欢划船。I prefer rowing. I like rowing better.

8.你经常划船吗?do you row much? 是,经常。Yes, quite a lot. 不,很少。No, seldom.

9.你打算加入划船队吗?Are you going to join the school rowing team?

10.你最喜欢的运动时什么?What’s your favorite sport?

我最喜欢足球。My favorite sport is football. I like football best.

11.你知道他的一些情况吗?Do you know anything about him?

12.你长大了想干什么?What are you going to be when you grow up?

我想当一名科学家。I’m going to be a scientist in the future.

13.那是我的梦想。That’s my dream.

14.她每天在体育馆花半个小时来锻炼。She spends half an hour exercising in the gym every day

15.下周末将举行校运动会。There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.

16.因为踢足球使他身体强壮,而且它在全世界都很流行。Because it makes him strong and it’s popular all over the world.

17.跑步是保持身体健康的一种好方法。Running is a good way to keep healthy.

18.明天他们将动身去日本。They are leaving for Japan tomorrow.

19.遗憾的是他们不会停留很长时间。It’s a pity that the team isn’t going to stay for long. Topic2

1.请你帮助我好吗?Could you please give me a hand? --Sure. What is it?

2.你愿意加入我们吗?Will you join us? 我很乐意。I’d love to.

3.你介意教我吗?Would you mind teaching me? 一点也不介意。Not at all.

当然不介意。Certainly not.Of course not.

4.我把球踢给你,你像这样把球传给我。I kick the ball to you. And you pass me the ball like this.

5.对不起,我没接住。Sorry, I missed it. 没关系。继续努力。 Never mind. Keep trying.

6.你介意我再试试吗?Would you mind if I try it again?

7.请你不要到处扔瓶子好吗?Would you mind not throwing bottles around?

很抱歉,我不会这样做了。Sorry, I won’t do it again.

8.不要像那样对我大喊。Don’t shout at me like that.

9.不要互相生气了。Don’t be angry with each other.

10.向他道歉怎么样呢?what about saying sorry to him?

11.我为我所说过的话感到抱歉。I’m sorry for what I said.

12.你一定会获得更多的乐趣。You are sure to have more fun.

13.足球既是室内运动也是室外运动。Basketball is both an indoor and outdoor game.

14.对于你来说,更重要的是作为一个团队打球。It’s more important for you to play as a team.

15.他们使大多数的主力队员成为了名人。They turned most of their main players into famous persons.









8. 学校运动会快要到来了。The school sports meet is coming. 你参加吗?Will you take part in it? 我当然参加。Of course I will. 你将参加哪项运动?Which sport will you take part in? 男子800米赛跑。The boys’ 800-meter race. 我将参加跳远和跳高。I’ll be in the long jump and the high jump. 我相信你会赢的。I believe you’ll win. 我相信这次运动会将令人很兴奋。I’m sure the sports meet will be exciting. 这是我第一次参加跳高,我想我会从中获得很多乐趣。

It’s my first time to take part in the high jump. I think I’ll have lots of fun.

9. 我正在为跳远做准备。I’m preparing for the relay race.

10. 我不会输的。I won’t lose.

11. 在运动会期间我会结交很多朋友的。I’ll make many friends during the sports meet.

12. 我听说你将参加… I hear you will take part in…

13. 我带上相机好吗?Shall I take my camera?

14. 我们带些什么呢?What shall we take?

15. 我们什么时候在哪儿见面啊?When and where shall we meet?

就定在6点半在我家见吧。Let’s make it half past six at my house.

16. 奥运会变得越来越受欢迎。The Olympics are becoming more and more popular.

17. 在将来,更多的城市将会有机会主办奥运会,奥运会将会更激动人心。In the future, more

cities will have the chance to hold the Olympics and the Olympic Games will be more exciting.

18. 奥运会的环是奥运会的象征。The Olympic rings are a symbol of the Olympic Games.

19. 我希望有一天能够参加奥运会。I hope some day I’ll take part in the Olympic Games.

20. 每个人都感到很兴奋,因为我们赢了。Everyone felt excited because we won.

21. 孙杨打破了世界纪录。Sun Yang breaks the world record.

Unit 2 topic 1

1.你看起来气色不好。You don’t look well.

2.你怎么了?What’s wrong with you? / What’s the matter with you?

3.我牙痛/咳嗽/发烧/头痛/胃痛/背痛/(重)感冒。I have a toothache/ cough/ fever/ headache/ stomache/ backache/ (bad/ terrible)cold.

4.我得了流感。I have the flu.

5.听到这个消息我很难过。I’m sorry to hear that.

6.你应该去看牙科医生。You should see a dentist.

7.我想我会去的。I think I will.

8.我希望你快点儿好起来。I hope you will get well soon.

9.我晚上睡不好。I can’t sleep well at night.

10.喝足够的开水。drink enough boiled water

11.提/搬重物。lift heavy things

12.卧床睡个好觉。stay in bed and have a good sleep

13.你现在感觉怎么样?How are you feeling?

14.很不舒服。Not so well. 不是很糟糕。Not too bad.

15.我感觉很糟糕。I’m feeling terrible.

16.你想这样多久了?How long have you been like this? Two days

17.要不要我带你去医院?Shall I take you to the hospital?

18.我日夜咳嗽。I cough day and night.

19.你为什么不好好休息一下?Why don’t you have a good rest?

20.我不想吃东西。I don’t feel like eating.

21.你不应该吃太多糖果。You shouldn’t eat too much candy.

22.你最好不要上网工作太久。You had better not work on the Internet too long.

23.叫喊着跌倒了。Fall down with a cry

24.发生事故。Have an accident

25.我的左腿在移动时仍然痛。My left leg still hurts when I move it.

26.你的X片显示没什么大碍。Your X-ray shows it’s nothing serious.

27.遵从医嘱,你很快就会康复的。Follow the doctor’s advice, you will get well soon. Topic 2

1.你看上去很累。You look tired.

2.是什么事引起的?What caused it?

3熬夜对你的身体有害。Staying up late is bad for your health.

4.你应该早点睡觉,明天就会感觉好点。You should go to bed early and you will feel better tomorrow.

5你不许在太阳底下读书。You mustn’t read in the sun.

1. 不要乱扔垃圾。Don’t throw litter around.

2. 晚起床对我们的健康有益还是有害呢?Is getting up late good or bad for our health?

3. 我正在看一篇关于吸烟的文章。I’m reading an article about smoking.

4. 这篇文章说吸烟甚至可能致癌。The article says smoking can even cause cancer.

5. 太糟糕了。How terrible!

6. 我一定要让他戒烟。I must ask him to give up smoking.

7. 早餐为你上午提供所需的能量。Breakfast gives you energy for the morning.

8. 这样会使你白天保持活力。It will keep you active during the day.

9. 早睡早起。Go to bed early and get up early. Early to bed, early to rise.

10. 养成好习惯使人健康的。Having good habits makes a man healthy.

11. 注意不要吃太多的盐或糖。Be careful not to eat too much salt or sugar.

12. 它可能会导致疾病。It might cause illness.

13. 我总是强迫她喝牛奶。I always force her to drink milk.

14. 迈克一看到它就很生气。As soon as Michael saw it, he got mad.

15. 他的妈妈要他尝一尝。His mother made him taste it.

16. 他很惊讶地发现白菜很美味。He was surprised to find that it was delicious.

17. 偶然地。By chance

18. 我们应该经常洗澡。We should take showers often.

19. 吸烟不仅伤害吸烟者,而且还有其他人。Smoking harms not only smokers but also other


20. 它们必须尽快戒烟。They must give up smoking as soon as possible.

Topic 3

1. 我可以问你一些问题吗?当然可以,说吧。May I ask you some questions? Sure, go ahead.

2. 我们应该做什么来预防流感?What should we do to prevent the flu?

3. 当我们得了流感我们必须立即去看医生吗?Must we go to see a doctor at once when we

have the flu?

4. 是的,必须。Yes, we must. 不,不必,没必要。No. we don’t have to. No. we needn’t.

5. 我们应该经常锻炼来增强我们的体质。We should exercise often to build us up.

6. 我们应该远离拥挤的地方。We should keep away from crowded places.

7. 我们会采纳你的建议的。We’ll take your advice.

8. 我恐怕他现在正忙。I’m afraid he is busy now.

9. 我稍后再给他打电话。I’ll ring him up later.

10. 我可以给他留个口信吗?Can I leave a message to him?

11. 请告诉我父亲别忘了报告会。Please tell my father not to forget the talk.

12. 我会亲自告诉他的。I’ll give him the message myself.

13. 作报告 give a talk

14. 对你来说学习急救方面的知识是很必要的It’s necessary for you to learn about first aid.

15. 快乐对你们的健康很重要。Happiness is important for your health.

16. 你们应该对烟酒说不。You should say no to smoking and drinking.

17. 但是有时可能会发生事故,因此当你们做运动时,要确保安全。But sometimes accidents

can happen, try to stay safe when you play them.

18. 为了保持健康,你们应该…In order to keep health, we should …

19. 健康的生活习惯。healthy living habits.

20. 简自学英语。Jane teaches herself English.

21. 奥运会持续了一个月。The Olympics last for one month.

22. 我可以请两天假吗?May I ask for two days’ leave?

23. 刘翔被看作是中国最快的人。person in China.

24. 认真阅读说明书。Read the instructions carefully.



1.概念:表示将来某个时间要发生的动作,或者存在的状态。常与将来的时间状语连用。 2.tommorrow ,the day after tomorrow ,soon ,right now ,next+名 ,in (three)(a few) days几天后. 3.be going to do(动词原型) 计划,打算做某事 预测 4.term → team

5.cheer sb. On 为某人加油 win (the game/match)(gold medal) 6.win/winner—won{one}(过去式)

7.prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某事 = like doing sth. Better 8.quite a bit/lot 许多 大量

9.join+组织(sb.) club/army/party/league take part in+活动 the World Cup 10.see<saw> sb (do 全过程/doing 正在进行) sth. 11.there be there si going to be a?? 12.row much 经常划船 Section B Topic 1 Unit1

1. grow<grew> up What (are you going to do)( do want to be) when you grow up? 2. in the future 今后 in the past 在过去 3. arrive (in大地点/at小地点)(get to)(reach及物动词)+某地 4. play against sb/team

5. excite(动) { excited(sb.) I am excited. exciting(sth.) The film is exciting. } 6. leave for??动身去某地leave??for??离开某地去某地 7. break<broke> the record 打破记录

8. How tall/long/wide/far is he? He is 2.26 metters tall/meters away 9. play for?? 效力于 10. like<介> him/this/that 11. for long 长时间

12. They are leaving(表示位置移动的动词leave,come,go,fly 用现在进行时表将来)for Japan. 13. win a gold medalwin the first place 14. what a shame/pity

Section C Topic 1 Unit1 1. pretty(very) well 2. the high/long jump 3. all over the city/world

4. be good(bed) [for (doing) sth.] [at (doing) sth] Doing eye exercise is good for our eyes. 5. keep fit/healthy

6. keep(make) sb./sth.+adj. 使某人/东西保持怎样(是某人怎样) 7. spend<spent>花(时间、钱)

sb spend some time (in) doing sth 同义 it takes sb some time to do sth sb spend(时间、钱) on sthI spent two yuan on this pen. 8. It is a good way to do sth 这是做什么事的一种好办法

9. sb will(shall→I/we) +do Shall we/I go to the park. be going to do 计划,打算 Section A Topic 2 Unit1

1. do sb a favor = help sb(out) = give sb a hand 2. fall<fell> ill

3. be glad/nice/happy/pleased to do sth.

4. mind doing sth.介意做某事→mind not doing sth.介意别做某事 5. practice(keep) doing sth 练习(一直)做某事 6. right now(away)=at once=in a minute 7. be not far from=be near

8. ①Could/Would you please do me a favor? Sure.What is it? ②Will you join us? I’d be glad to. ③Would you mind teaching me? Not at all.(Of course not.)

9. Would you mind (sb<my/me>)doing sth.你介意(某人)做某事吗? 10.It’s/That’s very nice/kind of you.你这个人太好了。 11.come over to come here 过来

12.somewhere<不定副词>/something<不定代词> else 13.You’d<had> better (not) do sth 做

好(别)做某事 14.need to do sth 需要做某事 Section B Topic 2 Unit1

1. miss a (good) chance 错过良机 miss the eary bus 错过早班车 miss a goal 丢球 2. shout at sb 朝某人大喊

3. be angry with sb对某人生气

4. do one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力做某事 I do my best to study English well. 5. say sorry/hello/goodbye to sb

6. be sorry for sth/what I said 为某事感到遗憾、后悔、抱歉

7. be sure →①+(that)句子 I am sure (that) his dream will come ture. ②to do sth I’m sure to win this time. ③about/of sth I’m sure about/of my answer. 8. lose<lost> the game 输了比赛

9. have a fight<n.> 吵架 fight<v.> with sb 和某人吵架、打架。 10. with one’s help=with the help of sb在某人的帮助下 11. serve the food 上菜

12. turn down/up 调小/大声 turn on/off 打开/关闭 13. keep sb doing sth 让某人一直做某事

14. be late for class/school/work 上课/上学/上班 迟到 15. take(have) a seat=sit down

16. be important to sb对某人很重要

17. 没关系→Never mind It doesn’t matter That’s OK/all right Not at all 18. another(另一,又一+单数名词) other(其余的别的+复数名词) he other(范围内别的其余的+复数名词)另一个:I have two pens.One is red,the other is green. others(其余的别的,不跟名词) the others(范围内的别的其余的,不跟名词) Section C Topic 2 Unit1

1.too,also, either ,as well 也 a. I’m a student.She is a student,too b. My father is also a teacher. c. I don’t like this book,either. d. I’m a boy as well.

2.enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 3.at that time 在那时

4.so that 以便(引导目的状语从句) He gets up early so that he can catch the early bus. 5.how to do sth 怎样做某事

when to do sth 什么时候做某事 what to do sth 做什么事 where to go 去哪里

6.put/throw??into(out of)?? 把??放到/扔到??去(外面去) 7.follow the rules 遵守规则 Section D Topic 2 Unit1 1. feel→felt 区别 fall→fell

2. ,however, 句首/中/末 but 句首

3. a 15-year-old boy 7-day holiday a 2.5-mile run

4. get tired/sound great/look happy<fit>/fell well→联系动词+adj 系表结构 5. start/begin to do sth= doing sth 开始做某事

6. instead(of) I often stay at home instead of going out .

Last night I watched TV,but this eveni→ng I will do my homework instead.

7. have (great) fun doing sth做某事有乐趣 have fun have a good time enjoy oneself Section A Topic 3 Unit1 1. ride in my taxi=take my taxi

2. host<v.> Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics./the 29th Olympic Games. <n.>host男主

人 hostess 女主人

3. Speaking English?? 动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数形式

4. maybe=perhaps<adv.> may be<

动> Maybe he is at home. /He may be at home. 5. make friends with sb和某人交朋友 6. see(+宾语从句 陈述语序:主+谓)

7. places(a place) of interest 多处(一处)名胜古迹

8. fun ①<n.>乐趣,有趣的事 ②have fun with sb/doing sth ③<adj> insteresting a fun child 9. lots of=a lot of many可数 much 不可数 10.be friendly<adj> to sb 对某人友好 Section B Topic 3 Unit1 1. plant trees 种树

2. shall→should can→could will→would 3. ou→enough,touch,young,country

4. fill sth with sthPlease fill the cup with water. 5. the earth地球/sun/moon

6. Let’s make(约定)it half pasr six.make sth/sb+adjmake sb do sth 使某人做某事 7. be afraid→①+句子I’m afraid I can’t.

②to do sthGirs are afraid to meet dogs. ③of sth

8. have to(客观) must(主观)

9. the best season /time to do sth 做某事最好的季节/时间 10.big enough足够大 enough + n. 11.go to the movies/cinema 去看电影

Section C Topic 3 Unit1 1. for the first time 第一次

2. every four years 每四年,每隔三年

3. stand for sth 代表某物/事 They stand for“Welcome to Beijing.” 4. improve the/our environment 改善环境 5. build ourselves up 增强体质 6. lose<lost> the game输了比赛 7. first of all 最重要的事 Section D Topic 3 Unit1

1. least最高级 less 比较级 little 原级 at least 反义 at most 2. be fond/like/love/enjoy of (doing) sth. 3. will<won’t>(shall) do sth

4. It’s adj/n. to do sth.形式主语

5. tell sb (not) to do sth告诉某人(别)做某事 6. Would/Will/Can/Could you please (not) do sth? 7. prefer doing sth/to do sth 8. prefer ??to??

prefer sth(更喜欢的) to sth.I prefer orange to bananas.prefer doing sthe to doing sth I prefer swimming to skating.

9. prefer to do(愿意的) sth rather than do sth 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

10.watch/see<saw>/hear<heard>/find/feel(感官动词) sb do sth(全过程)/doing sth(正在进

篇三:最新版本的仁爱英语八年级上册词组,句型等归纳(2014.12 整理)

Unit 1 Topic 1

I’m going to play basketball.我将打篮球。 词组:

be going to do sth. see sb do sth.

during the summer holidays have a basketball game against … cheer sb on both of them

prefer doing sth./ to do sth. quite a lot play for grow up in the future go + doing 结构

如: go mountain climbing go cycling / swimming in the gym take part in once a week twice a week three times a week how often make sb + adj. 如:make sb strong keep sb +adj.

如:keep ( sb ) healthy / fit help ( sb ) to do sth. be good at be good for all over the world leave for ( 接目的地) arrive at / in the day after tomorrow for the last 20 years

将要做某事 (一般将来时的结构) 看见某人做某事 在暑假期间

与…… 进行一场篮球比赛 为某人加油 他们两者都 更喜欢做某事 相当多

为…… (球队) 效力 成长, 长大 将来 去做某事 去爬山

去骑自行车 / 去游泳 在健身房/ 在体育馆 参加 一周一次 一周两次 一周三次

多久一次( 对频率提问 ) 使某人处于某种状态 使某人强壮 使某人保持某种状态 使(某人) 保持健康 帮助(某人) 做某事 擅长于做某事 对……有益 全世界 动身去某地

到达 ( 大地方用in , 小地方用 at ) 后天 过去20年


1. take part in / join 参加 take part in + 活动 join + 组织,团体 / sb 如: take part in the long jump

join in the English clubjoin us

2. arrive in / arrive at / get to / reach arrive in +大地点 arrive at +小地点 =get to + 地点 = reach + 地点 如: My uncle arrived in Beijing yesterday. I arrived at the Great Wall. = I got to the Great Wall. = I reached the Great Wall. 注意:

reach here/there/home = get here/there/home = arrive here/there/home 3. see sb do sth. / see sb doing sth.

see sb. do sth “看见某人做了某事” 强调动作全过程,常与every day; often等连用. see sb. doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事”



What’s your favorite sport? = What sport do you like best? 你最喜爱的运动是什么? Which sport do you prefer? = Which sport do you like better? 你更喜欢什么运动?

I prefer skating. = I like skating better.


Do you skate much? = Do you often skate?


28. She spends at least half an hour in the

gym every day.

每天她至少花半小时在体育馆. Sb spend ??(时间、钱 ) on sth. Sb spend ??(时间、钱 ) (in) doing sth 30. What kind of sports do you like? = Which sport do you like?


It’s a pity that they are going to stay for 2 days. 遗憾的是他们将只待2天。 It’s a pity + that 从句 . 遗憾的是……


be going to do sth.

表示主语打算、准备、计划将 要做某事,或有迹象表明即将发生某事,也用来表示自然现象。

如: I’m going to play basketball with my classmates . 我打算和我的同学去打篮球。 Look at those clouds ! It’s going to rain. 瞧那些乌云!快要下雨了。

Unit 1 Topic 2

I’ll kick you the ball again.

help sb = give sb a hand = do sb a favor fall ill / be ill one of + 复数 如: one of us / them one of the books be good at =do well in mind doing sth. practice doing sth. keep doing have a try

right away =right now = at once somewhere else throw around / about shout at want sb to do sth. be angry with sb each other

say sorry/ hello / goodbye … to sb have fun doing sth. have a fight

with the help of sb =with one’s help sb be sure to do sth. over a century in bad weather stop sb from doing sth. follow the rulers for example enjoy doing

pass sb sth = pass sth to sb throw sb sth.=throw sth to sb buy sb sth = buy sth for sb. bring sb sth= bring sth for sb. make sb sth = make sth for sb.

be sorry for? “为某事抱歉” 帮助某人 生病 …… 之一

我们/ 他们 当中的一个 其中的一本书 擅长于…… 介意做某事 练习做某事 继续做某事 试一试 立刻、马上 别的地方 乱扔…… 朝…… 大喊大叫 想要某人做某事 生某人的气 互相、彼此

向某人道歉/ 问好/ 告别…… 做某事有乐趣 打架

在某人的帮助下 某人一定…… 一个多世纪 在恶劣的天气 阻止某人做某事 遵守规则 例如 喜欢做某事 把某物传递给某人 把某物扔给某人 买某物给某人 给某人带来某物 为某人制作某物


1. Would / Do you mind doing sth?你介意做某事吗? “不介意”的回答:

Of course not. / Certainly not. / Not at all. “介意”的回答:

You’d better not. / I’m afraid you can’t. Would you mind not doing sth ?别做某事好吗 ?

回答: Sorry./ I’m sorry(about that ).Iwill / I won’t …….. 如:

--- Would you mind not throwing bottles around ?

--- I’---Would you mind doing sth ? --- Certainly not.

== ---Could you please do sth ?--- Certainly. 交际用语 提建议的句型:


和我们一起去远足怎么样? Why don’t 你为什么不和我们一起去远足呢? 为什么不和我们一起去远足呢? Let’s 让我们一起去远足吧! 你介意和我们一起去远足吗? Would you please go hiking with us?和我们一起去远足好吗?

Shall we go hiking? 我们一起去远足好吗?

(shall在疑问句中与I 和we连用,表示提出或征求意见. 意思为 “??好吗?/ 要不要???)

2. be sure to do sth.

= be sure that + 句子 “确定做某事”如: We are sure to win next time. = We are sure that we will win next time. 我们确信下次一定会赢。 3.be sorry for? “为某事抱歉”be sorry (that) + 句子 很抱歉做了某事 如: I am very sorry for what I said.

我为我所说的话感到抱歉. I’m sorry that I lost your book.


4. one of + 复数 ?..之一

one of + 复数做主语时,one表单数,谓语用单数

如: One of my teammates is strong and tall. 其中我的一个队友又高又壮。 5. What do you mean (by saying so) ?你(那样说)是什么意思? 语法:双宾语

sb 间接宾语 sth 直接宾语

主语+ 及物动词 + 间接宾语+ 直接宾语 =主语+ 及物动词 + 直接宾语+ ( to / for)+ 间接宾语

pass sb sth = pass sth to sb throw sb sth.=throw sth to sb buy sb sth = buy sth for sb. bring sb sth= bring sth for sb. make sb sth = make sth for sb. give sb sth = give sth to sb 如.:

I will give you a new book == I will give a new book to you .

Unit 1 Topic 3

词组 talk about

the school sports meet the boys’ 800-meter race be in =take part in

I hope so. 否定: I hope not. prepare for make friends with sb. a pair of running shoes at the school gate go for a picnic a symbol of stand for at least every four years in turn

more and more popular have a chance to do sth. do/ try one’s best to do sth. win the first gold medal win first place be good at =do well in be bad in = do badly in do ( more ) exercise / sports some day / one day It’s my first time to do sth. be able to do sth. 句型:

---When shall we meet ? ---Let’我们将在何时见面? 我们把时间定在6点半吧。

校运动会即将到来。 谈论 校运动会 男子800米塞跑 参加

希望如此。 否定: 但愿不会。 为…… 做准备 与某人交朋友 一双跑鞋 在校门口 去野餐 ……的象征 代表 至少 每四年 依次,轮流 越来越受流行 有一次做某事的机会 尽力做某事 赢得第一枚金牌 获得第一名 擅长于

在…… (方面) 薄弱 (多) 锻炼

(将来的) 某一天 /(过去或将来的) 某一天是我第一次做某事。 能够做某事,有能力做某事 辨析: exciting / excited 某人对某事感到兴奋。

The Olympic Games will be more xciting . 奥运会将会更加激动人心。
