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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-25 12:55:35 | 移动端:英语诗歌朗诵稿



Bring It all Back 找回自己 Don't stop, never give up, Hold your head high Reach the top.

Let the world see what you have got, Bring it all back to you. Hold on what you try to be, Your individuality.

When the world is on your shoulders, Just smile and let it go. If people try to put you down, Just walk on by, don't turn around, You only have to answer to yourself. Don't you know it's true what they say, That life, it isn't easy,

But your time's coming around, So don't you stop trying. Dream of falling in love, Anything you've been thinking of, When the world seems to get too tough, Bring it all back to you. Try not to worry 'bout a thing. Enjoy the times life can bring. Keep it all inside you, Gotta let the feelings show. Imagination is the key,

'Cause you are your own destiny. You never should be lonely, When time is on your side.

Don't you know it's true what they say, Things are sent to try you. But your time's coming around, So don't you stop trying.

Don't you know it's true what they say, Things happen for a reason. But your time's coming around, So don't you stop trying.


不要停顿,永不放弃, 高昂起头 到达顶峰。

让世界看见你的收获, 找回自己。

坚持自己想达到的境地, 坚持自我。

当世界的重担压到了你的肩头时,笑一笑,让它去。 如果有人打击你, 走过去,不要回头, 你只须负责自己。

难道你不知道他们说的是真的, 生活,不容易, 但你的时机将会来到, 千万别停滞不进取。 梦想自己坠入了情网, 自己想过的任何事情, 当世界仿佛变得太艰难时, 找回自己。

努力不为任何事担忧, 享受生活能带来的好时光。 让这一切留在你心里, 得让自己的感情流露。 幻想就是答案, 因为你就是自己的命运。 你永远不必孤独, 当时间支持着你。

难道你不知道他们说的是真的, 这些事都是为了考验你。 但你的时机将会来到, 千万别停滞不进取。

难道你不知道他们说的是真的, 事情发生都有道理。 但你的时机将会来到, 千万别停滞不进取。


Dreams 梦想

Langston Hughes 兰斯顿·休斯

Hold fast to dreams千万不能丢掉梦想, For if dreams die因为假如梦想破灭

Life is a broken-winged bird生活就像小鸟断了翅膀, That cannot fly. 再也不能展翅飞翔。

Hold fast to dreams千万不能丢掉梦想, For when dreams go因为梦想一旦离去

Life is a barren field生活就像冬天的田野那样荒凉, Frozen with snow. 冰封大地白雪茫茫。



No matter how busy you are ,you could spend five minutes:

无论你有多忙,你都可以抽出5分钟 To answer the telephone 听一听电话

To read the morning paper 读一读早报

To talk with a neighbor 跟邻居谈一谈

To dispute with the laundryman about a mistake 跟洗衣工为一个错误争议一番

To watch new furniture being unloaded next door 看一看隔壁扔掉的新家具 To chat with a salesman 与推销员聊聊天 To read a trivial letter 阅读一封微不足道的信 Or to write one 或者写一封信

To say a prayer for the suffering friend 为受苦的朋友祈祷

To stop and think of Gods daily gift of mercy 停下来想想神的恩赐 To remember the cross 记住你彷徨的时候


To make an act of faith ,hope, and love 做一件充满信念、希望和爱的事情

To whisper an “Our Father” or “Hail Mary” for someone in need


To say a decade of the Rosary for the pour souls 为那些失意的灵魂念无数遍玫瑰经

To visit the little statue or picture on the mantle place and tell the Savior

how much you love Him


To make a spiritual communion 进行一次思想交流

Which is the better way to spend five minutes? 哪种是更好的五分钟消遣方法呢?




bring it all back 找回自己 dont stop, never give up, hold your head high reach the top.

let the world see what you have got, bring it all back to you. hold on what you try to be, your individuality.

when the world is on your shoulders, just smile and let it go. if people try to put you down, just walk on by, dont turn around, you only have to answer to yourself. dont you know its true what they say, that life, it isnt easy,

cause you are your own destiny. you never should be lonely, when time is on your side.


不要停顿,永不放弃, 高昂起头 到达顶峰。

让世界看见你的收获, 找回自己。

坚持自己想达到的境地, 坚持自我。

当世界的重担压到了你的肩头时,笑一笑,让它去。 如果有人打击你, 走过去,不要回头, 你只须负责自己。

难道你不知道他们说的是真的, 生活,不容易, 但你的时机将会来到, 千万别停滞不进取。 梦想自己坠入了情网, 自己想过的任何事情, 当世界仿佛变得太艰难时, 找回自己。

努力不为任何事担忧, 享受生活能带来的好时光。 让这一切留在你心里, 得让自己的感情流露。 幻想就是答案, 因为你就是自己的命运。 你永远不必孤独, 当时间支持着你。

难道你不知道他们说的是真的, 这些事都是为了考验你。 但你的时机将会来到, 千万别停滞不进取。

难道你不知道他们说的是真的, 事情发生都有道理。 但你的时机将会来到, 千万别停滞不进取。


dreams 梦想

langston hughes 兰斯顿·休斯

hold fast to dreams千万不能丢掉梦想, for if dreams die因为假如梦想破灭

life is a broken-winged bird生活就像小鸟断了翅膀, that cannot fly. 再也不能展翅飞翔。

hold fast to dreams千万不能丢掉梦想, for when dreams go因为梦想一旦离去

life is a barren field生活就像冬天的田野那样荒凉, frozen with snow. 冰封大地白雪茫茫。

capture your soul

——five minutes to spare 心灵捕手——抽出5分钟

no matter how busy you are ,you could spend five minutes:

无论你有多忙,你都可以抽出5分钟 to answer the telephone 听一听电话

to read the morning paper 读一读早报

to talk with a neighbor 跟邻居谈一谈

to dispute with the laundryman about a mistake 跟洗衣工为一个错误争议一番

to watch new furniture being unloaded next door 看一看隔壁扔掉的新家具 to chat with

a salesman 与推销员聊聊天 to read a trivial letter 阅读一封微不足道的信 or to write one 或者写一封信

to say a prayer for the suffering friend 为受苦的朋友祈祷

to stop and think of gods daily gift of mercy 停下来想想神的恩赐 to remember the cross 记住你彷徨的时候


to make an act of faith ,hope, and love 做一件充满信念、希望和爱的事情 to whisper an “our father” or “hail mary” for someone in need


to say a decade of the rosary for the pour souls 为那些失意的灵魂念无数遍玫瑰经 to visit the little statue or picture on the mantle place and tell the savior how much you love him


which is the better way to spend five minutes? 哪种是更好的五分钟消遣方法呢?篇二:英语诗歌朗诵稿

the rose in the wind james stephens

dip and swing, lift and sway; dream a life, in a dream,away.

like a dream in a sleep is the rose in the wind;

and a fish in the deep; and a man in the mind;

dreaming to lack all that is his; dreaming to gain all that he is.

dreaming a life, in a dream,away dip and swing, lift and sway.



颤颤巍巍, 颉之顽之; 睡梦生涯, 抑之扬之。

梦中之梦, 风中之花, 蔷薇颠倒, 睡梦生涯。

水中有鱼, 心中有君; 鱼难离水, 君是我心。

梦有所丧, 丧其所有; 梦其所得, 得其自由。

睡梦生涯, 抑之扬之, 颤颤巍巍, 颉之顽之。trees

joyce kilmer

i think that i shall never see a poem lovely as a tree.

a tree whose hungry mouth is prest agai the earths sweet flowing breast; a tree that looks at god all day, and lifts her leafy arms to pry;

a tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair;

upon whose bosom snow has lain; who intimately lives with rain.

poems are made by fools like me, but only god can make a tree. rain

rain is falling all around, it falls on field and tree, it rains on the umbrella here, and on the ships at sea.

never give up


我向,永远不会看到一首诗, 可爱的如同一株树一样。

一株树,他的饥渴的嘴 吮吸着大地的甘露。

一株树,他整日望着天 高擎着叶臂,祈祷无语。

一株树,夏天在他的发间 会有知更鸟砌巢居住。

一株树,白雪躺在他胸上, 他和雨是亲密的伴侣。

诗是我辈愚人所吟, 树只有上帝才能赋。 雨

雨儿在到处降落, 它落在田野和树梢, 它落在这边的雨伞上, 又落在航行海上的 船只。 永不放弃

永 不 放 弃 , 永 不 心 灰 意 冷 。 永存 信 念 , 它 会 使 你 应 付 自 如 。难 捱 的 时 光 终 将 过 去 , 一 如 既往 。 只 要 有 耐 心 , 梦 想 就 会 成真 。 露 出 微 笑 , 你 会 走 出 痛苦 。 相 信 苦 难 定 会 过 去 , 你 将重 获 力 量 。篇三:英语诗歌朗诵稿


lake of autumn

i remember quite clearly now when the story happened. the autumn leaves were floating in measure down to the ground, recovering the lake, where we used to swim like children, under the sun was there to shire. that time we used to be happy. well, i thought we were. but the truth was that you had been longing to leave me, not daring to tell me. on that precious night, watching the lake, vaguely conscious. you said: our story is ending.

the rain was killing the last days of summer, you had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago. i still dont think im gonna make it through another love story. you took it all away from me. and there i stand, i knew i was going to be the one left behind. but still im watching the lake, vaguely conscious, and i know my life is ending.


these things shall never die 这些美好不会消逝

by --charles dickens/查尔斯.狄更斯

the pure.the bright,the beautiful, 一切纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的,that stirred our hearts in youth, 强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵的, the impulses to wordless prayer, 推动着我们做无言的祷告的, the dreams of love and truth; 让我们梦想着爱与真理的;

the longing after somethings lost, 在失去后为之感到珍惜的, the spirits yearning cry, 使灵魂深切地呼喊着的,

the striving after better hopes- 为了更美好的梦想而奋斗着的- these things can never die. 这些美好不会消逝。

the timid hand stretched forth to aid 羞怯地伸出援助的手,

a brother in his need, 在你的弟兄需要的时候,

a kindly word in griefs dark hour 伤恸、困难的时候,一句亲切的话

that proves a friend indeed ; 就足以证明朋友的真心;

the plea for mercy softly breathed, 轻声地乞求怜悯,

when justice threatens nigh, 在审判临近的时候,

the sorrow of a contrite heart- 懊悔的心有一种伤感--

these things shall never die. 这些美好不会消逝。

let nothing pass for every hand 在人间传递温情

must find some work to do ; 尽你所能地去做;

lose not a chance to waken love- 别错失去了唤醒爱的良机----- be firm,and just ,and true; 为人要坚定,正直,忠诚;

so shall a light that cannot fade 因此上方照耀着你的那道光芒 beam on thee from on high. 就不会消失。and angel voices say to thee---你将听到天使的声音在说----- these

things shall never die. 这些美好不会消逝。


少儿英语诗歌朗诵稿: [ 参考译文 ] Bring It all BackDon't stop, never give up, Hold your head high Reach the top. Let the world see what you have got, Bring it all back to you. Hold on what you try to be, Your individuality. When the world is on your shoulders, Just smile and let it go. If people try to put you down, Just walk on by, don't turn around, You only have to answer to yourself. Don't you know it's true what they say, That life, it isn't easy, But your time's coming around, So don't you stop trying. Dream of falling in love, Anything you've been thinking of, When the world seems to get too tough, Bring it all back to you. Try not to worry 'bout a thing. Enjoy the times life can bring. Keep it all inside you, Gotta let the feelings show. Imagination is the key, 'Cause you are your own destiny. You never should be lonely, When time is on your side. Don't you know it's true what they say, Things are sent to try you. But your time's coming around, So don't you stop trying. Don't you know it's true what they say, Things happen for a reason. But your time's coming around, So don't you stop trying. 找回自己 不要停顿,永不放弃, 高昂起头 到达顶峰。 让世界看见你的收获, 找回自己。 坚持自己想达到的境地, 坚持自我。 当世界的重担压到了你的肩头时,笑一笑,让它去。 如果有人打击你, 走过去,不要回头, 你只须负责自己。 难道你不知道他们说的是真的, 生活,不容易, 但你的时机将会来到, 千万别停滞不进取。 梦想自己坠入了情网, 自己想过的任何事情, 当世界仿佛变得太艰难时, 找回自己。 努力不为任何事担忧, 享受生活能带来的好时光。 让这一切留在你心里, 得让自己的感情流露。 幻想就是答案, 因为你就是自己的命运。 你永远不必孤独, 当时间支持着你。 难道你不知道他们说的是真的, 这些事都是为了考验你。 但你的时机将会来到, 千万别停滞不进取。 难道你不知道他们说的是真的, 事情发生都有道理。 但你的时机将会来到, 千万别停滞不进取。

the rose in the wind james stephens

dip and swing, lift and sway; dream a life, in a dream,away.

like a dream in a sleep is the rose in the wind;

and a fish in the deep; and a man in the mind;

dreaming to lack all that is his; dreaming to gain all that he is.

dreaming a life, in a dream,away dip and swing, lift and sway.



颤颤巍巍, 颉之顽之; 睡梦生涯, 抑之扬之。

梦中之梦, 风中之花, 蔷薇颠倒, 睡梦生涯。

水中有鱼, 心中有君; 鱼难离水, 君是我心。

梦有所丧, 丧其所有; 梦其所得, 得其自由。

睡梦生涯, 抑之扬之, 颤颤巍巍, 颉之顽之。


joyce kilmer

i think that i shall never see a poem lovely as a tree.

a tree whose hungry mouth is prest agai the earth's sweet flowing breast;

a tree that looks at god all day, and lifts her leafy arms to pry;

a tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair;

upon whose bosom snow has lain; who intimately lives with rain.

poems are made by fools like me, but only god can make a tree. Rain

Rain is falling all around, It falls on field and tree, It rains on the umbrella here, And on the ships at sea.

Never give up

Never give up, Never lose hope. Always have faith, It allows you to cope. Trying times will pass, As they always do. Just have patience, Your dreams will come true. So put on a smile, You'll live through your pain. Know it will pass, And strength you will gain. 树


我向,永远不会看到一首诗, 可爱的如同一株树一样。

一株树,他的饥渴的嘴 吮吸着大地的甘露。

一株树,他整日望着天 高擎着叶臂,祈祷无语。

一株树,夏天在他的发间 会有知更鸟砌巢居住。

一株树,白雪躺在他胸上, 他和雨是亲密的伴侣。

诗是我辈愚人所吟, 树只有上帝才能赋。 雨

雨儿在到处降落, 它落在田野和树梢, 它落在这边的雨伞上, 又落在航行海上的 船只。


永 不 放 弃 , 永 不 心 灰 意 冷 。 永存 信 念 , 它 会 使 你 应 付 自 如 。难 捱 的 时 光 终 将 过 去 , 一 如 既往 。 只 要 有 耐 心 , 梦 想 就 会 成真 。 露 出 微 笑 , 你 会 走 出 痛苦 。 相 信 苦 难 定 会 过 去 , 你 将重 获 力 量 。
