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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-24 17:00:07 | 移动端:听力教程


Unit 1

Section OneTactics for Listening

Part 1 Phonetics-Stress, Intonation and Accent

1. We haven’t got any in dark blue.

2. We can’t make it at nine tomorrow.

3. My telephone number is not 65031609.

4. I don’t like the black jumper.

5. He won’t come by the 7:30 train.

(The word or digit in bold has the most stress)


1. a2. b3. a4. b5. b

Part2 Listening and Note-talking

Driving Carefully

Drive carefully and slowly when pedestrians are about, particularly in crowded

shopping streets, when you see a bus stopped, or near a parked mobile shop. Watch

out for pedestrians coming from behind parked or stopped vehicles, or from other

places where you might not be able to see them.

Three out of four pedestrians killed or seriously injured are either under fifteen or

over sixty. The young and elderly may not judge speeds very well, and may step into

the road when you do not expect them. Give them, and the infirm, or blind, or

disabled people, plenty of time to cross the road.

Drive slowly near schools, and look out for children getting on or off school buses.

Stop when signalled to do so by a school crossing patrol showing a Stop-Children

sign. Be careful near a parked ice-cream van—children are more interested in

ice-cream then in traffic.

When coming to a zebra crossing. be ready to slow down or stop to let people

cross. You must give way once they have stepped onto a crossing. Signal to other

drivers that you mean to slow down or stop. Give yourself more time to slow down or

stop on wet or icy roads. Never overtake just before a zebra crossing.

Exercise A:

1. 2. 3. —4. When coming to a be ready to or stop to let people 5.

Exercise B:

Driving Carefully

I. Look out for pedestrians

A. B. C. II. Look out for the young, the old and the disabled

A. pedestrians killed or seriously injured are either under B. C. Give them, and the infirm, or or people, plenty of to III. Look out for children

A. B. IV. Coming to a zebra crossing

A. B. C.

Section TwoListening Comprehension

Part 1 Dialogues Mum: Hello.

Tessa: Hi, Mum. It’s me. How are you?

Mum: Oh, I’m fine, Tessa. I except you’re phoning to find out how the arrangements

for your party are going?

Tessa: Yes. That’s right. You know, it’s really good of you and Dad to make all the

arrangements while I’m away. I really don’t know what I’d do without you!

Mum: Oh, there is not that much to do really. In fact, your father and I are quite

enjoying it

Tessa: Good. So how are thing going?

Mum: Well, let’s see. I’ve already hired the hall, so that’s OK.

Tessa: Have you found anyone to do the disco yet?

Mum: No, not yet, dear.

Tessa: Well, do you think you could do that soon, Mum? It might not be easy. What

about the equipment?

Mum: Well, we’re having the sound system and records delivered by a local

company next week.

Tessa: Good. That should be all right. What about the bar?

Mum: That’s all under control. We’re having the drinks delivered next week.

Tessa: Great! Have you organised the food? Are you cooking it?

Mum: What, for 70 people? You must be joking! No, I think I’ll have it done by the

caterers* in the village.

Tessa: You’ll do that soon, won’t you? They’ll need a bit of notice.

Mum: Mmm. Of course. Now, I had the invitations printed last week. The

stationer’s did them, but I haven’t had time to send them yet…

Tessa: Oh, Mum, but the party’s in ten days! Send them soon, will you, or we’ll

have no guests!

Mum: Yes, I’m sorry, dear. Look, I’ll phone everyone too. I’ve been so busy with all

the arrangements…

A: Excuse me, do you mind answering a few questions?

B: No.

A: Um firstly, do you ever eat fast food.

B: Yes, yes, I do.

A: What kind of fast food do you normally eat?

B: Oh, er you know, burgers, sandwiches, well sometimes like a pizza or, you know,


A: Oh, right. And how often do you eat fast food? Every day, more than once a

week or less than once a week?

B: Er, well Monday to Friday when I’m working er, yeah every day, um but

not…not usually at the weekends.

A: And what time of day do you eat fast food?

B: Well, at work as I said, you know at lunchtime, um you know, I sort of go out

and get a burger or sandwich. Sometimes, you know, if, if I’m going out and I’ve

no time to cook in the evenings then I’ll, I’ll send out for a pizza.

A: Oh, right. Do you only eat it as a main meal or do you snack between meals?

B: No, only as a main meal, you know lunch or, or in the evening.

A: And what do you think of fast food? Which statements do you think are true?

Um, either“It’s convenient”

B: Oh, definitely. I mean, that’s sort of the main reason that I eat it.

A: Right. How about “It tastes good”?

B: Yeah. Um, I mean, not as good as food like in a, in a good restaurant, but it’s not


A: “It’s good for you”?

B: No. Sort of eating quickly and standing up. It’s sort of bad for you. The food

itself isn’t very good for you, you know there’s not enough greens, um you know, vegetables or salad.

A: Mm. How about “It’s an expensive way of eating”? What do you think of that? B: Oh, yes it is, er but you’re paying for the convenience, you know the speed of it.

Er, well, I certainly think that it’s cheaper than you know cooking your own food.

A: Er, and what about lastly “It creates litter.” Do you think that’s true?

B: Yes, yes, it does. Only I, I always put mine in a you know in a litter bin, but er

unfortunately a lot of people don’t, um but in the packaging there is a lot of paper involved and plastic and sometimes polystyrene*.

Exercise B:

It is convenient and fast, thought it doesn’t taste as good as food in good a restaurant. However it is bad to one’s health because there are not enough vegetables. It is also quite an expensive way of eating, but you’re paying for the convenience. And it creates litter because in the packaging there is a lot of paper, plastic and sometimes polystyrene involved.

Part 2 Passages

It’s 3:15 in the afternoon and half the office just stepped out* for a coffee break. Your eyelids are starting to close and 7-11 is just around the corner. A soda or a bag of chips would be just the thing to perk you up*. So you, too, go out for an afternoon snack.

Sometimes we eat simply because everyone else is doing it. Other times we eat

when we feel tired, bored or depressed. Snacking for the wrong reasons can lead to overeating and unhealthy diet.

Of course, there are times when our bodies really need extra energy. Here are four tips to keep your snacking on the right track.

1. Know why you’re eating. Using food to change your feelings can be a dangerous habit. An order of French fries might distract* you from feeling sad for a while, but it’s only a temporary cure. Once the fries are gone, the problem is still there. If you’re feeling lonely, don’t reach into the refrigerator. Call a friend. If you’re feeling stressed, take a 10-minute walk.

2. Find a healthy pick-me-up*. If you’re truly hungry, a healthy snack can give you the boost of energy you need. If you like fresh foods, bring a small bag of tomatoes or apples slices to work whit you. To tame your sweet tooth, try a handful of dried fruit. A serving of nuts can be a perfect pick-me-up. They have the right combination of nutrients to give you the energy you need. But wait until you’re hungry to find something to eat. Plan ahead and bring something healthy whit you.

3. Eat just one serving. Don’t open up a whole box of crackers and start munching away. Instead, pull out just one serving and put away the box.

4. Think of snacks as mini-meals. Eating small, healthy snack can keep you from stuffing yourself at the next meal. Instead of eating three big meals each day, split them into four or five mini-meals. You may actually eat less food overall.

Use these tips to help you plan snacks ahead of time. The next time you have a snack attack, tame your hunger the healthy way.

Exercise A:

a soda or a bag of chips; a piece of cake; a sandwich; a small bag of tomatoes; a small bag of apple slices; a serving of nuts; a glass of low-fat-milk; a serving of crackers, etc.

Exercise B:

1. A2. D3. B4. C5. D6. B7. C8. A

Exercise C:

1. A soda or a bag of chips would be just the thing to perk you up.

2. Using food to change your feeling can be a dangerous habit.

3. If you’re feeling lonely, don’t reach into the refrigerator. Call a friend.

4. A serving of nuts can be a perfect pick- me-up.

5. Eating small, healthy snacks can keep you from stuffing yourself at the next meal. Breakfast fills your “empty tank”to get you going after a long night without food. And it can help you do better in school. Easy-to-prepare breakfasts include cold cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt *with fruit, whole-grain waffles or even last night’s pizza!

It’s easy to fit physical activities into your daily routine. Walk, bike or jog to see


UNIT 1 Section One Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics Exercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape. Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions. Woman 1: I've got good news (1) for you! Woman 2: Oh, yes? Woman 1: I'm getting married.

Man: Well, well! (2) Who's the lucky man? Do we know him?

Woman 1: Of course you (3) know him! It's David!

Woman 2: (4) That's wonderful news!

Man: I'm sure (5) you'll be very happy. Woman 2: (6) When's the wedding? Woman 1: Next June. (7)we're going to have a big June wedding! Woman 2: Are we invited? Woman 1: Of course! I hope you (8) can all come. Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Telephone rings for a long time. Operator: Redman Electronics. Can I help you? Voice: At last! Why don't you answer the phone? Operator: I'm sorry. I was downstairs. Voice: Well, can I speak

to Mr. Redman please?

Operator: I'm afraid he isn't here at the moment. He's on holiday. He's in the South of France.

Voice: What about Mr. Gray — extension 322. Operator: Mr. Gray's at home. Voice: Well, may I speak to Mr. Redman's secretary? Operator: She isn't in today. She's at her sister's. Voice: I see. Then I'd like to speak to Mr. Gray's secretary. Operator: Miss Jones? Voice: That's right. Operator: Sorry. She isn't in. She's gone to the hairdresser's. Voice: Who is in today?

Operator: Well, I am. But I'm going home soon. Who is it please?

Exercise A: Listen to the conversation and take notes. Exercise B: Complete the following sentences. Where are they?

Mr. Redman is on holiday in the South of France. Mr. Gray is at home. Mr. Redman's secretary is at her sister's.

Mr. Gray's secretary, Miss Jones, is at the hairdresser's. Section Two Listening Comprehension

Part 1 Dialogue

Dialogue 1 Hello Woman 1 : Professor Andrews, this is Dr. Baxter. Woman 2: How do you do? Man: How do you do? Man l: Hello, Al. How are you? Man 2: Fine, thanks, Eric. Nice to see you again. Woman I: Sally, do you know Steve? Woman 2: No, how do you do? Man: Hello, Sally. I'm glad to meet you. Man l: Tony, I'd like to introduce lny friend Mary Parker. Man 2: Oh, hello. I've heard so much about you. Woman: Hello. Woman: May I introduce myself? My name is Susan Roper. Man: Oh, hello. I'm John Lee. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Exercise: Listen to some people talking at a party. Who is talking to whom? Who has known whom before? Complete the following sentences. Names in the box are for your reference.

1. Professor Andrews is talking to Dr. Baxter.

2. A1 is talking to Eric.

3. Sally is talking to Steve.

4. Tony is talking to Maw Parker.

5. Susan Rotter is talking to John Lee.

6. A/and EL have known each other before.

7. Tony has known Mary Parker before.

Dialogue 2 welcome to Bristol Etienne has just arrived in England, Etienne: Hello, Are you Mrs. Baker? I'm Etienne Bertrand, from Switzerland. Mrs. Baker: Hello, Etienne. Come in. Welcome to Bristol. Etienne: Hello. Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Baker: Oh, call me Nicola. And this is my husband, Nigel. Mr. Baker: How was your trip? No hijacks? Etienne: No, it was all right, thank you. But the plane was late and theairport was crowded Mr. Baker: Well, it's the holiday season. You expect it at this time of the year. Here, let me take your bags upstairs. Etienne: Oh, that's all right. I'll take this one. it's heavy. Mr. Baker: Well. Here's your room. I hope it's big enough for you and not too cold. We do have central heating but it doesn't work very well There are extra blankets in the cupboard, I think. Oh, well ??? Nicola, where are the blankets? Let's go down and meet the rest of the family.

Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T or F in the space provided. Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.

T 1. Etienne Bertrand is from Switzerland. (I'm Etienne Bertrand, from Switzerland.) T 2. The Bakers are expecting Mr. Bertrand. (Mrs. Baker says "Hello, Etienne. Come in. Welcome to Bristol.") T 3. There have probably been hijacks in recent days. (Mr. Baker says "How was your trip? No hijacks?" and Etienne answers "No, it was all fight, thank you/" We may draw a conclusion that they were serious.) F 4. the plane was late because there had been a hijack attempt. (The plane was late probably because it was the holiday season.) T 5. The airport is usually crowded at this time of the year. (It is the holiday season.) T 6. It is probably still cold. (Mr. Baker mentions central heating and tells Etienne to use extra blankets if he feels too cold.) F 7. The central heating doesn't work. (It doesn't work very well.) T 8. Mr. Baker can't find the blankets. (Mr. Baker asks Mrs. Baker where the blankets are.)


Unit Two

Section 1 Tactics for Listening

Part 1Phonetics

Exercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape~ Pay special

attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions.

Woman: Good evening.

Man: Woman: Woman: All right, sir,

Man: (6) Shall I pay now or later?

Part 2 Listening and Note-taking

Man:Excuse me. How can I get to the station please?

Woman: The station, the station, the station ...let me see. Ah, yes. You can

go down ... no. Go

Let's see now-- that's the second turn on your right. The

cinema's on the corner. Turn right at the cinema and you'll be in

Bridge Street. I think it's Bridge Street. Go along Bridge

Street for a few minutes and then take the second -- no, not the

second, the first, that's fight, the first turning. On your left. The

station is straight ahead, right in front of you.

Man:So that's second right and first left. Thank you very much.

That's very kind of you.

Woman: Don't mention it.

Exercise A: Listen to the conversation and take notes.

Exercise B: Use the information from your notes to mark the places and

streets mentioned in the conversation on the sketch map.

Section 2 Listening Comprehension

Part 1 Dialogue

Dialogue 1 where did you living now?

Interviewer: You say you moved out of London five years ago?

Alistair: Yes, I did. I lived in Hampstead*.

Interviewer: That's very close to the centre, isn't it?

Alistair: Yes, quite close. 1 went to work by bicycle -- I worked in Oxford

Street. It took about half an hour.

Interviewer: And why did you move? Did you change jobs?

Alistair: Well, yes, I did. I worked for an then. Now I But that isn't the reason. I moved because London is so

Interviewer: And now you live in -.

Alistair: Oh, right in the country. The nearest station is rather far, about 15

miles away, but the village is fairly close to London, about 40

miles. I still work in London.

Interviewer: So how long does it take you to get to work?

Alistair: Oh, less than an hour and a half, door to door.

Exercise A: Listen o the interview and decide whether the following

statements are true or false. Write T or F in the space provided.

Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is

true or false.

F1. The man lives in Hampstead now. (The man used to live in


T2. The man has changed his job. (He worked for an advertising

agency five years ago but now he works for a newspaper.)

F3. The place where the man lives now is about 15 miles away from

London. (The nearest station is rather far about 15 miles away,

but the village is fairly close to London, about 40 miles.)

Exercise B: Listen to the interview again and answer the following


1. Why did the man move out of London?

(Because he finds that London is so dirty and there's so much stress.)

2. Where does he live now?

(He lives in a village in the country, about 40 miles away from


3. How did he use to go to work?

(He used to go to work by bicycle.)

4. How does he go to work now?

(Most likely he goes to work by car now because he said that it takes

him less than an hour and

a half, door to door, to get to work.)

5. Where does he work now?

(He works for a newspaper now.)

Dialogue 2 Have you ever lived abroad

Interviewer: Have you ever lived abroad, Phyllis?

Phyllis: Yes, I have actually. What about you?

Interviewer: No, unfortunately I haven't.

Phyllis: Oh, what a shame!

Interviewer: Where did you live when you were abroad?

Phyllis: I lived in Australia.

Interviewer: Really? That's a long way away.

Phyllis: Uhm, uhm, yes!

Interviewer: How long were you there for?

Phyllis: I was there for twelve years

Interviewer: Oh! What a long time!

Phyllis: Yes. Rather,

Interviewer: Erin. So how long have you been back in the UK?

Phyllis: I've been back about, erm. ten years now,

Interviewer: Uhm, uhm, When you were in Australia, did you think of it

as your home?

Phyllis: Well, it depends on what, you mean by home. When 1 was...

Interviewer: Uhm. uhm. yeah. So does that mean that your family were

with you in Australia?

Phyllis: Yes, they were there with me.

Interviewer: And presumably they've ... they came back to the UK?
