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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-24 16:59:37 | 移动端:儿童学英文数来宝,少儿英语






游戏是幼儿生命中的一项重要内容,他们的想象活动异常活跃,因而他们的游戏也非常有趣。他们可以给任何一样东西加上他们所想象的象征性意义,例如,一片树叶在过家家时可以当作菜,在买东西时可以当作钱。他们在一起游戏时,一个玩具娃娃掉到地毯的大海里,马上会有一辆玩具急救车开去救援。每一种游戏都有孩子自命的意义,任何一个游戏里都藏有打开孩子心灵大门的钥匙。我将英语教学融入到游戏之中,体现了施教者所确立的以幼儿为主体的教育观。例如:在学完小动物的英文名字cat、 dog、 duck、 chicken后,老师找四名小朋友戴上这四种动物的头饰,玩“动物蹲、蹲、蹲”的游戏,戴着小猫头饰的可以自由选择让其他的小朋友蹲,这个小朋友双手叉腰边蹲边说:“cat 蹲 ,cat 蹲,cat 蹲完了duck 蹲。”戴着小鸭头饰的小朋友听到之后双手叉腰边蹲边说:“duck 蹲,duck 蹲,duck 蹲完了dog 蹲。”依此循环往复,这个游戏不仅可以巩固学过的单词,而且极大地调动了孩子的学习积极性,每个孩子都能够积极主动参与游戏,培养了孩子学习英语的兴趣。





好动好玩是孩子的天性,在教学中根据幼儿这一特点,设计幼儿又唱又跳的环节,就能充分调动孩子的积极性,使幼儿身心愉悦地在轻松的环境中学习英语。如在学完hand、 head 、arm、 figer、 shoulder、 leg、 toe、 foot等单词后,我们把这些有难度的英语单词编成数来宝:Clap your hands. Shake your head. Raise your arms. Wiggle your fingers . Twist your shoulders. Bend your legs .Touch your toes . Stamp your foot . And sit down ,please .中文大意为:拍拍手。摇摇头。举举手臂。扭动手指。扭扭肩。弯弯腿。碰碰脚趾。跺跺脚。请坐下。小朋友边说边做动作,使课堂气氛变得生机勃勃,达到了幼儿能用英文思维作出反应的效果。再如:学习用英语表述颜色时,除了采用直观教学法出示各种颜色图片外,还教幼儿唱Colour Song。使幼儿既学会了口语,又受到了音乐的熏陶。


幼儿学习英语大都存在好奇心理,他们对新事物、新知识开始表现出很浓厚的兴趣,可以说只有“三分钟热气”,因此我在字母教学中联系生活实际,创设生活情境调动幼儿的积极性,收到良好的效果。如:在学字母“O”时,老师提问幼儿:“你们看?O?像什么?”小朋友有的说像手镯,有的说像救生圈,还有的说像太阳。这样所有的孩子都参与到活动中来了。再如:幼儿早上入园见到老师,老师主动用英语向幼儿问好“Good morning”,幼儿也向老师问好“Good morning Ms Zhang”,此种活动提高了幼儿利用英语交往的能力,培养了幼儿学习英语的兴趣,使他们由“要我学”向“我要学”、“我想学”发展。


愉快的情绪是有效学习的基础,运用玩具创设出学习英语的氛围,诱导幼儿想亲自去试一试,使句型的掌握处于以有生活经验自然提取的状态,符合幼儿的心理特征,也就增强了学习效果。如在教句子“Its time to get up ”时,我在一张玩具小床上,放一只小熊玩具,小熊躺在小床上,枕着小枕头盖着小被子睡觉。我戴上大熊的头饰,身上系着围裙,扮演熊妈妈。熊妈妈走到小熊的床前,柔声细语地对小熊说:"Bear. Its time to get up."这时小熊没有动,他不想起床,我接着温柔地说:"Bear. It?s time to get up."小熊还是不起床,于是,我着急地说:"Bear , bear ,It?s time to get up ."小熊还是不起床,我就一边用手摇着小熊一边大声说:"Bear , bear It?s time to get up !"小熊还是不起床,熊妈妈对小朋友说:“叫小熊起床,他就是不起床,小朋友们,你们谁来把小熊叫醒?”幼儿看到熊妈妈叫小熊起床,小熊就是不起床,也都想来叫醒小熊,纷纷举手,争先恐后地抢着要到前面来叫醒小熊。这样,为幼儿创设了用英语表达的环境,使教学由原来幼儿被动地跟着老师重复句子变为幼儿主动地积极地表达,使学习内容在幼儿头脑中留下深刻的印象,收到了事半功倍的效果。




英语口语培训 /


Hello, hello, how are you?

Fine, fine, fine, thank you.

Hello, hello, how are you?

Oh, oh, just so, so.

Hello, hello, how are you?

No, no ,I?am so bad.

Spring is gay with flowers and song. Summer is hot and the days are long. Autumn is rich fruit and grain . Winter brings snow and new year again

1 2 3 4 5, Once I caught a fish alive. 6 7 8 9 10, then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go? Cause it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the right.

Rainbow purple, rainbow blue, rainbow green and yellow too. Rainbow orange .rainbow red, rainbow shinning ova.

If you understand, say ??understand |” If you don?t understand, say “don? understand; But if you understand and say “don?t understand; How do Understand that you understand . Understand?

Two little eyes, that open and close. Two little ears and one little nose. Two little cheeks and one little chin. Two little lips with teeth closed in.

Ask Mummy Ask Daddy When I ask Daddy .Daddy says ask Mummy. When I ask Mummy .Mummy says ask Daddy.

This is my mother .This my father. This is my brother .strong and tall. And beside them stands my sister. And the baby last of all.Come and eat. Follow me. Sing the vegetable song with me. Eat the carrot .eat the beans, Eat the tomato .eat the peas. Eat the turnip .eat the corn. Eat the cabbage .and the potato.

Colors here. Colors there. Colors, colors every where.

Eeny meany meny mo. Catch a tiger by the toe If he hollers let him go .

One potato ,two potato ,three potato, Four ,five potato, six potato, seven potato, more.

I like coffee. I like tea. I like the boys and the boys like me. Yes, no, may be so. I love coffee .I love tea. I want to sb to come in with me.

Trick or treat. Trick or treat. Give me sth good to eat. Trick or treat .I am a ghost. Trick or treat .Give me toast.

Trick or treat, smell my feet. Give me sth good to eat.

Numbers numbers one two three. Numbers count for you and me. Numbers numbers one two three. One two three four.

Good morning , when it?s morning . Good night, when it?s night. Good evening, when it?s dark. Good day, when it?s light.

Good morning to the sunshing. Good evening to the sky. And when it?s time to go away. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

The little duckling Paddlepaddle paddle .off they go Three little ducklings all in a row . Paddle paddle paddle ,quack quack quack . Off to the pond, around and back .

Come here , come here . here here here . Go back , go back . back back back .

Mummy finger and baby finger are making a telephone . Hello hello hello . Forefinger and middle finger are making a rabbit . Jump jump jumpMummy finger and forefinger are making a gun .

I say one ,you say one ,look at the teacher .run run run . I say two ,you say two .look at the teacher .tie a shoe . I say there .you say there ,look at the monkey ,Climb the tree . I say four , you say four ,look at the teacher ,close the door . I say fine ,you say fine , look at the teacher .

I help you, you help me. Thank you, thank you, not at all.

Ring ring go away, come come another day . One two, how do you do?

Three four open the door. Five six, pick up sticks, seven eight, sit up straight. Nine ten, say it again.

A B C has some tea. D E F, have some bread. G HI have some rice, J k l help you. Head shoulder arm and knee, every body follow me. Eye ear nose and mouth, everybody touch your toes.

Up up up, touch your head , down down down , Touch your toes . Touch your hip, turn around, touch the ground.

Clap clap . clap your hands ,as slowly as you can. Clap clap .clap your hands, as quickly as you can.

Nod your head, yes yes yes, Shake your head .no no no Raise your hand 1 2 3 . Clap your hands, da da da.

One two, red and blue, Up and down, orange and brown, Kites in the sky, flying very high.

Thin pig, fat pig one and two. Thin pig, fat pig, I see you. Fat cat up, thin cat down, they like to play, round round round. Stop stop stop, stop on the road, cars wait to go, hello hello hello. Go go go, cross the road, cars go poast all very fast.

A yellow star, I can see, up so high, on the tree. A pink present, I can see, on the floor, under the tree.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You never know, dear. How much I love you, Please don?t take my sunshine away.

A aa for ant – move move move, B bb for bee – buzz buzz buzz, C cc for cat – meow meow meow, D dd for dog –woof woofwoof, Ee for elephant – stomp stomp stomp, F ff for fish - swim swim swim, G gg for goat - go go go, H hh for house - trot trot trot, I ii for ink - print print print, J jj for juice - drink drink drink , K kk for kangaroo - jiumjium jium , L l l for lion -run run run , M m m for monkey – climp climp climp , N nn for nest - make make make, O oo for octopus - dance dance dance , R r r for rabbit –hop hop hop S s s for snail-slide slide slide T tt for tiger roar roar roar roar

U uu for umbrella- open open open V vv for vampire- go go away W ww for witch-hee hee hee X x x for box –Jack in the box Y y y for yo-yo – up and down Z z z for zipper –zip zip zipper

hands hands up hands hands down clap clap clap now sit down legs legs up legs legs down clap clap clap now stand up

look look look look at me open open open open your mouth listen listen listen listen to me close close close close your mouth

red red point to your head yellow yellow touch your toe blue blue show me two green green bow the queen

In in in the ball is in in the box On on on the ball is on on the box Over over over the ball is over over the box Under under under the ball is under under the box











YY拉链Y ZZ吊床HII长手宝宝KLL滑滑梯N OO糖Q RR竹蜻蜓T UU好朋友W XX 瞌睡虫Z 柱子I 尺子L 鸭蛋O 云霄飞车R 脸蛋U 叉叉X
