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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-24 16:14:30 | 移动端:山西中考英语,word



第Ⅰ卷 (共70分)

Ⅰ. 第一题 情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)


答案:1.B 2.C 3.C4、A 5.B

Ⅱ. 对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)


6. A. Sally. B. Linda. C. Nobody.

7. A. Lovely. B. Colorful.C. expensive

8. A. Watching TV.B. Writing a report. C. Reading a newapaper.

9. A. In the restaurant. B.On the bus. C. At the market.

10. A. Singing is more important.

B. Cool singers must sing better.

C. She doesn’t mind the singers’ looks at all.

答案:6.B 7.C 8.B 9. C 10. A

Ⅲ. 语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)


11. Why did Susie want to learn to play the piano?

A. Because she liked to do something difficult.

B. Because she wanted to play it with her sister.

C. Because she thought the piano music was beautiful.

12.How did Susie show her mom that she was ready for piano lessons?

A. By helping her mom do housework.

B. By reading a piano book every day.

C. By hearing her sister play the piano.

13.How did Susie feel in her first piano lesson?

A. Excited and tired.

B. Happy and nervous.

C. Surprised and sad.

14.What was Susie going to do after school the next day?

A. To do her homework.

B. To play balls outside.

C. To practice the piano.

15.What did Susie’s mom want to tell Susie?

A. She should keep her promise.

B. She must learn from her elder sister.

C. She could have fun before doing her work.

答案:11. C 12.A 13.C 14. B 15. A

Ⅳ. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共10分)


16. During the next few days, I decide to have a good _______ by taking a walk or seeing a movie. I really need to relax.

A. meal B. sleep C. rest


解析:考察名词词义辨析。根据by taking a walk or seeing a movie,通过散步或者看电影,二者都是放松的方式,所以正确答案为have a good rest 好好休息。A吃饭,B睡觉,均不符合。故选C。

17. Confucius (孔子) is also very famous in many Western countries because he taught people to be _______ to others first.

A. similar B. kind C. important


解析:考察形容词义辨。 孔子在很多西方国家也著名,因为他教人们首先要对友好A相似的, C重要 的,均不符合。故选 B。

18. In our life, we need to _______ those people who help us, such as our parents, teachers and friends.

A. thank B. remind C. teach


解析:考察动词义辨。 在生活中,我们需要感谢那些帮助的人B提醒, 提醒, C教,均不符合。故选 教,均不符合。故选 A。

19. I am really proud of my group _______ we’re always discussing and sharing study secrets together. How important the group work is!

A. because B. thoughC. unless


解析: 考察连词。我非常为的组 感到骄傲,我们通常一起讨论和分享学习的秘密前后两句表示因果关系故 选 because becausebecause because ,B尽管, C除非,均不符合。故选 除非,均不符合。故选 A。

20. —Many people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books.

—That’s too bad. Everyone _______ be a book lover. Reading is more enjoyable.

A. may B. shouldC. would


解析:考察情态动词。 每个人应该成为一读书爱好者A可能, C将要,均不符合。故选 B。

21. The earth is the planet _______ provides us with everything we need, fresh air, clean water and so on. It’s our duty to protect it.

A. who B. that C. where


解析:考察定语从句的关系词。地球是提供给我们所需要一切星先行为 planet ,在从句中作主语又是 ,在从句中作主语又是 物,所以关系词应用 物,所以关系词应用 that thatthat。A whoA who 的关系词必须为人, C where C where 是关系副词,在从句中不能作主语或宾均符 是关系副词,在从句中不能作主语或宾均符 是关系副词,在从句中不能作主语或宾均符 合。故选 B。

22. Pandas are much-loved around the world. Unluckily, there aren’t many pandas left and they’re _______ now. So we must save them.

A. in order B. in danger C. in need


解析:考察短语辨。 熊猫是世界上倍受喜爱的动物不幸,他们所剩无几现在处于危险A为了, C处 于需要,均不符合。故选 B。

23. —Song Joong-ki is a movie star in Asia now.

—That’s true. He was once an excellent skater but had to _______ skating because of an accident.

A. give upB. go onC. take up


解析:考察动词短语,他曾经是一个优秀的滑冰运员但不得因为场事故放弃。 B继续, C从事, 均不符合。故选 A。

24. —How was your life in England?

—Quite different from here. _______, people there drink tea with milk.

A. In my opinionB. To my surprise C. At the beginning


解析:考察短语辨。问你在英国的生活如何?答跟这里大不相同令我惊讶是,那人们把茶泡牛奶里一起喝。 A在我看来, C一开始,均不符合。故选 一开始,均不符合。故选 B。

25. —I just came back from Shanghai Disneyland. Can you guess _______?

—I’ve no idea. But it can’t be cheap. I’ve heard everything is very expensive.

A. how I came back home

B. how many days I stayed there

C. how much I paid for the Micky Mouse toy


解析:考察宾语从句的引导词。问你能猜到我买米老鼠玩具花了多少钱吗 ? 答:我 不知道。但是便宜了答:我不知道。但是便宜了

已经听说了,那里所有的东西都很贵。 A我怎么回家的? B我在那里待了多久?均不符合。故选 我在那里待了多久?均不符合。故选 C。

Ⅴ. 补全对话 (每小题1分,共5分)


(Jack and Tom are talking at break.)

Jack: Hi, Tom Tom: Hi, Jack. 26

Jack: I’m reading an article about Kobe Bryant. You know he has left NBA because of age and injuries. Tom: 27His leaving made all his fans sad, including me. He is one of the greatest players in NBA.

Jack: That’s true. He has won first NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals. Tom: He is a real basketball hero. 28

Jack: Yes. He often started to practice as early as 5 a.m.

Tom: He has a real love for basketball. We should do things like him. Jack: 29 Nobody can succeed easily unless he works hard.

Tom: Bryant can have some time to relax now.

Jack: You’re right. Oh, it’s time for class. 30Bye.


26. E 根据答语“我正在读文章”,可知问题为“你正在做什么”,故选E。

27. A 前句说到“科比离开了”,空后说“粉丝都很难过”,故选A选项“多遗憾”。

28. G 根据答语Yes,故问句为一般疑问句,故选G,“你知道他工作有多努力么”。

29. B 根据前句,“我们应当像他一样做事”及空后“没有人能轻易成功”,可知选B选项,“我十分同意”。

30. D 对话结束,“很高兴和你谈话”,故选D。

Ⅵ. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)


The world needs love and many people need our help. Several years ago, my teachers asked me to take part in a program that helps those who are31 . Each week, I spend an hour in the classroom helping with schoolwork, art project, games and other 32 , including eating. My mother is a teacher, so I am used to helping children; however, I

found that working with children with special needs would 33 my life forever. At first, I thought it would be34 to be with the children who are so different, but gradually I found there’s something special about these students. So there was no need to worry about it. Each Thursday I was welcomed by the smiling faces of Thomas, Joey and Missy. Thomas has to sit on the wheelchair. He communicates with simple words35 yes or no. Joey, a deaf girl, always welcomed me with a big smile. Missy was born with a kind of36 and it makes her really small for her age. In a normal classroom, it would be common to hear a teacher comfort a child who is tapping his pencil, speaking 37 , or making unnecessary noises. However, here, shouts, cries, and other noises are 38 . They’re signs of excitement and different ways of communicating. Working with children with special needs has changed my life. It has made me 39 others’ needs. One of my teachers believes that we should be part of something bigger than 40 . I never realized how true this was until I worked with these children. I believe everyone should get out and do something that makes a difference.

31. A. uneducatedB. homeless C. disabled

32. A. courses B. competitions C. activities

33. A. changeB. waste C. save

34. A. nervous B. relaxing C. lively 35. A. exceptB. likeC. against 36. A. ability B. illness C. habit

37. A. clearly B. politely C. loudly

38. A. mentioned B. stoppedC. encouraged

39. A. refuse B. notice C. influence

40. A. ourselvesB. yourselves C. themselves


31. C 考察形容词词义辨析。几年前,我的老师让我去参加一个帮助残疾人的项目。文章有多处提示,如首段最后一句children with special needs,第二段第四行Thomas has to sit on the wheelchair等,都说明是去帮助残疾的孩子。故选C。

32.C 考察名词词义辨析。每周在教室里用一小时的时间帮助孩子们作业、美术、游戏和其他活动,包活吃饭。作业、美术、游戏、吃饭是包含在生活、学习各领域的不同活动,所以选择activities。A课程,B比赛,均不符合。故选C。

33. A 考察动词词义辨析。我发现和这些有着特殊需求的孩子们在一起会永远地改变我的生活。根据文章末段第一句Working with children with special needs has changed my life,很好地验证了这里要用change。B浪费,C拯救,均不符合。故选A。

34. A 考察形容词词义辨析。一开始,我以为跟这样不同的孩子在一起会紧张。根据第二段第二行没有必要去担心这一点,说明”我”一开始是担心和紧张的。B轻松的,C活跃的,均不符合。故选A。

35. B 考察介词词义辨析。他用简单的单词来交流,比如是和不是。A除了,C与?相反,均不符合。故选B。

36. B 考察名词词义辨析。Missy天生就有一种疾病,使得她在她的年纪看来特别小。A能力,C习惯,均不符合。故选B。

37. C 考察副词词义辨析。在一个正常的教室里,敲笔、讲话大声、制造没有必要的噪音,是要被老师批评的。这里有三个并列的动词短语,故选speaking loudly. A清楚地,B礼貌地,均不符合。故选C。


第Ⅰ卷 (共70分)

Ⅰ. 第一题 情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)


Ⅱ. 对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)


6. A. Sally. B. Linda. C. Nobody.

7. A. Lovely. B. Colorful.C. expensive

8. A. Watching TV.B. Writing a report. C. Reading a newapaper.

9. A. In the restaurant. B.On the bus. C. At the market.

10. A. Singing is more important.

B. Cool singers must sing better.

C. She doesn’t mind the singers’ looks at all.

Ⅲ. 语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)



11. Why did Susie want to learn to play the piano?

A. Because she liked to do something difficult.

B. Because she wanted to play it with her sister.

C. Because she thought the piano music was beautiful.

12.How did Susie show her mom that she was ready for piano lessons?

A. By helping her mom do housework.

B. By reading a piano book every day.

C. By hearing her sister play the piano.

13.How did Susie feel in her first piano lesson?

A. Excited and tired.

B. Happy and nervous.

C. Surprised and sad.

14.What was Susie going to do after school the next day?

A. To do her homework.

B. To play balls outside.

C. To practice the piano.

15.What did Susie’s mom want to tell Susie?

A. She should keep her promise.

B. She must learn from her elder sister.

C. She could have fun before doing her work.

Ⅳ. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共10分)


16. During the next few days, I decide to have a good _______ by taking a walk or seeing a movie. I really need to relax.

A. meal B. sleep C. rest

17. Confucius (孔子) is also very famous in many Western countries because he taught people to be _______ to others first.

A. similar B. kind C. important

18. In our life, we need to _______ those people who help us, such as our parents, teachers and friends.

A. thank B. remind C. teach

19. I am really proud of my group _______ we’re always discussing and sharing study secrets together. How important the group work is!

A. because B. thoughC. unless

20. —Many people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books. —That’s too bad. Everyone _______ be a book lover. Reading is more enjoyable.

A. may B. shouldC. would

21. The earth is the planet _______ provides us with everything we need, fresh air, clean water and so on. It’s our duty to protect it.

A. who B. that C. where

22. Pandas are much-loved around the world. Unluckily, there aren’t many pandas left and they’re _______ now. So we must save them.

A. in order B. in danger C. in need

23. —Song Joong-ki is a movie star in Asia now.

—That’s true. He was once an excellent skater but had to _______ skating because of an accident.

A. give upB. go onC. take up

24. —How was your life in England?

—Quite different from here. _______, people there drink tea with milk.

A. In my opinionB. To my surprise C. At the beginning

25. —I just came back from Shanghai Disneyland. Can you guess _______?

—I’ve no idea. But it can’t be cheap. I’ve heard everything is very expensive.

A. how I came back home

B. how many days I stayed there

C. how much I paid for the Micky Mouse toy

Ⅴ. 补全对话 (每小题1分,共5分)


(Jack and Tom are talking at break.)

Jack: Hi, Tom Tom: Hi, Jack. 26

Jack: I’m reading an article about Kobe Bryant. You know he has left NBA because of age and injuries. Tom: 27His leaving made all his fans sad, including me. He is one of the greatest players in NBA.

Jack: That’s true. He has won first NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals. Tom: He is a real basketball hero. 28

Jack: Yes. He often started to practice as early as 5 a.m.

Tom: He has a real love for basketball. We should do things like him. Jack: 29 Nobody can succeed easily unless he works hard.

Tom: Bryant can have some time to relax now.

Jack: You’re right. Oh, it’s time for class. 30Bye.

Tom: Me too. Bye.

Ⅵ. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The world needs love and many people need our help. Several years ago, my teachers asked me to take part in a program that helps those who are31 . Each week, I spend an hour in the classroom helping with schoolwork, art project, games and other 32 , including eating. My mother is a teacher, so I am used to helping children; however, I found that working with children with special needs would 33 my life forever.

At first, I thought it would be34 to be with the children who are so different, but gradually I found there’s something special about these students. So there was no need to worry about it. Each Thursday I was welcomed by the smiling faces of Thomas, Joey and Missy. Thomas has to sit on the wheelchair. He communicates with simple words35 yes or no. Joey, a deaf girl, always welcomed me with a big smile. Missy was born with a kind of36 and it makes her really small for her age. In a normal classroom, it would be common to hear a teacher comfort a child who is tapping his pencil, speaking 37 , or making unnecessary noises. However, here, shouts, cries, and other noises are 38 . They’re signs of excitement and different ways of communicating.

Working with children with special needs has changed my life. It has made me 39 others’ needs. One of my teachers believes that we should be part of something bigger than 40 . I never realized how true this was until I worked with these children. I believe everyone should get out and do something that makes a difference.

31. A. uneducatedB. homeless C. disabled

32. A. courses B. competitions C. activities

33. A. changeB. waste C. save

34. A. nervous B. relaxing C. lively

35. A. exceptB. likeC. against

36. A. ability B. illness C. habit

37. A. clearly B. politely C. loudly

38. A. mentioned B. stoppedC. encouraged

39. A. refuse B. notice C. influence

40. A. ourselvesB. yourselves C. themselves

Ⅶ.阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共30分)



Emma has just finished travelling alone in Europe. Are you interested in her journey? Let’s read some of her travel diaries.

41. Emma was looking forward to this travel because.

A. she had never taken a train ride before

B. she could do anything she liked on the journey

C. she hoped to keep herself away from the busy life 42. From the passage, we can know Salzburg is a great place for.

A. enjoying classical music

B. buying children’s books

C. visiting history museums 43. In Amsterdam, she.

A. climbed the beautiful mountains

B. traveled along the river in a boat

C. wrote some postcards in her hotel

44. She didn’t need to worry about her safety in Copenhagen because.

A. there was very little crime there

B. the city was full of friendly people

C. she thought she was careful enough



第Ⅰ卷 (共70分)

Ⅰ. 第一题 情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)


Ⅱ. 对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)


6. A. Sally. B. Linda. C. Nobody.

7. A. Lovely. B. Colorful.C. expensive

8. A. Watching TV.B. Writing a report. C. Reading a newapaper.

9. A. In the restaurant. B.On the bus. C. At the market.

10. A. Singing is more important.

B. Cool singers must sing better.

C. She doesn’t mind the singers’ looks at all.

Ⅲ. 语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)



11. Why did Susie want to learn to play the piano?

A. Because she liked to do something difficult.

B. Because she wanted to play it with her sister.

C. Because she thought the piano music was beautiful.

12.How did Susie show her mom that she was ready for piano lessons?

A. By helping her mom do housework.

B. By reading a piano book every day.

C. By hearing her sister play the piano.

13.How did Susie feel in her first piano lesson?

A. Excited and tired.

B. Happy and nervous.

C. Surprised and sad.

14.What was Susie going to do after school the next day?

A. To do her homework.

B. To play balls outside.

C. To practice the piano.

15.What did Susie’s mom want to tell Susie?

A. She should keep her promise.

B. She must learn from her elder sister.

C. She could have fun before doing her work.

Ⅳ. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共10分)


16. During the next few days, I decide to have a good _______ by taking a walk or seeing a movie. I really need to relax.

A. meal B. sleep C. rest

17. Confucius (孔子) is also very famous in many Western countries because he taught people to be _______ to others first.

A. similar B. kind C. important

18. In our life, we need to _______ those people who help us, such as our parents, teachers and friends.

A. thank B. remind C. teach

19. I am really proud of my group _______ we’re always discussing and sharing study secrets together. How important the group work is!

A. because B. thoughC. unless

20. —Many people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books. —That’s too bad. Everyone _______ be a book lover. Reading is more enjoyable.

A. may B. shouldC. would

21. The earth is the planet _______ provides us with everything we need, fresh air, clean water and so on. It’s our duty to protect it.

A. who B. that C. where

22. Pandas are much-loved around the world. Unluckily, there aren’t many pandas left and they’re _______ now. So we must save them.

A. in order B. in danger C. in need

23. —Song Joong-ki is a movie star in Asia now.

—That’s true. He was once an excellent skater but had to _______ skating because of an accident.

A. give upB. go onC. take up

24. —How was your life in England?

—Quite different from here. _______, people there drink tea with milk.

A. In my opinionB. To my surprise C. At the beginning

25. —I just came back from Shanghai Disneyland. Can you guess _______?

—I’ve no idea. But it can’t be cheap. I’ve heard everything is very expensive.

A. how I came back home

B. how many days I stayed there

C. how much I paid for the Micky Mouse toy

Ⅴ. 补全对话 (每小题1分,共5分)


(Jack and Tom are talking at break.)

Jack: Hi, Tom Tom: Hi, Jack. 26

Jack: I’m reading an article about Kobe Bryant. You know he has left NBA because of age and injuries. Tom: 27His leaving made all his fans sad, including me. He is one of the greatest players in NBA.

Jack: That’s true. He has won first NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals. Tom: He is a real basketball hero. 28

Jack: Yes. He often started to practice as early as 5 a.m.

Tom: He has a real love for basketball. We should do things like him. Jack: 29 Nobody can succeed easily unless he works hard.

Tom: Bryant can have some time to relax now.

Jack: You’re right. Oh, it’s time for class. 30Bye.

Tom: Me too. Bye.

Ⅵ. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The world needs love and many people need our help. Several years ago, my teachers asked me to take part in a program that helps those who are31 . Each week, I spend an hour in the classroom helping with schoolwork, art project, games and other 32 , including eating. My mother is a teacher, so I am used to helping children; however, I found that working with children with special needs would 33 my life forever.

At first, I thought it would be34 to be with the children who are so different, but gradually I found there’s something special about these students. So there was no need to worry about it. Each Thursday I was welcomed by the smiling faces of Thomas, Joey and Missy. Thomas has to sit on the wheelchair. He communicates with simple words35 yes or no. Joey, a deaf girl, always welcomed me with a big smile. Missy was born with a kind of36 and it makes her really small for her age. In a normal classroom, it would be common to hear a teacher comfort a child who is tapping his pencil, speaking 37 , or making unnecessary noises. However, here, shouts, cries, and other noises are 38 . They’re signs of excitement and different ways of communicating.

Working with children with special needs has changed my life. It has made me 39 others’ needs. One of my teachers believes that we should be part of something bigger than 40 . I never realized how true this was until I worked with these children. I believe everyone should get out and do something that makes a difference.

31. A. uneducatedB. homeless C. disabled

32. A. courses B. competitions C. activities

33. A. changeB. waste C. save

34. A. nervous B. relaxing C. lively

35. A. exceptB. likeC. against

36. A. ability B. illness C. habit

37. A. clearly B. politely C. loudly

38. A. mentioned B. stoppedC. encouraged

39. A. refuse B. notice C. influence

40. A. ourselvesB. yourselves C. themselves

Ⅶ.阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共30分)



Emma has just finished travelling alone in Europe. Are you interested in her journey? Let’s read some of her travel diaries.

41. Emma was looking forward to this travel because.

A. she had never taken a train ride before

B. she could do anything she liked on the journey

C. she hoped to keep herself away from the busy life 42. From the passage, we can know Salzburg is a great place for.

A. enjoying classical music

B. buying children’s books

C. visiting history museums 43. In Amsterdam, she.

A. climbed the beautiful mountains

B. traveled along the river in a boat

C. wrote some postcards in her hotel

44. She didn’t need to worry about her safety in Copenhagen because.

A. there was very little crime there

B. the city was full of friendly people

C. she thought she was careful enough

