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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-24 12:17:30 | 移动端:冀教版八年级上册英语课本




Unit1(L1)Back to School

? How do you like the first day of a new term/ school year?

? Do you have any new subjects? Do you think you will like them?

Yay! I am in Grade 8!

Li Ming: Hi Danny! How are you? How was your first day of Grade 8?

Danny: Great! I was happy to see my classmates after such a long holiday. I have two new classmates this term. One is Sandra and the other is Mary. We also have a new English teacher. Her name is Ms. Cox. Li Ming: That’s exciting! You always like to make new friends. Where are Sandra and Mary from?

Danny: I don’t know. I wanted to talk to Sandra, but I didn’t know how to begin.

Li Ming: Well, you can introduce yourself to her. You can also ask her questions.

Danny: Good idea, Li Ming! Thank you. What about you? How is Grade 8 for you?

Li Ming: Good. It’s almost the same as Grade 7. We have a new subject this term----physics. It looks interesting. Tomorrow we will make a class picture, but I don’t have any good recent pictures of myself.

Danny: You have a lot of good pictures, Li Ming. We took many on the Silk Road. I like the one of you on the camel.

Li Ming: Yes. I like those pictures, too. I will look for one. See you later!

Danny: See you! Good luck!

第 1 页 共 1 页 ——学生一生的学习规划师


Unit 1 Me and My Class

Lesson 1 Back to School


How do you like the first day of news term/school year?

Do you have any new subjects? Do you think you will like them?

Hay! I am in Grade 8 !

Li Ming: Hi , Dany ! How are you? How was your first day of Grade 8 ? Danny: Great ! I was happy to see my classmates after such a long holiday . I have two new classmates this term . One is Sandra and the other is Mary . We also have a new English teacher .Her name is Ms Cox .

Li Ming:That’s exciting ! You always like to make new friend. Where are Sandra and Mary from ?

Danny: I don’t know. I wanted to talk to Sandra, but I didn’t know how to begin.

Li Ming: Well, you can introduce yourself to her .You can also ask her questions.

Danny: Good idea. Li Ming! Thank you . What about you? How is Grade 8 for you ?

Li Ming: Good . It’s almost the same as Grade 7. We have a new subject this term—physics. It looks interesting. Tomorrow we will make a class picture, but I don’t have any good recent picture of myself.

Danny: You have a lot of good picture, Li Ming. We took many on the Silk Road. I like the one of you on the camel.

Li Ming: Yes . I like those picture, too. I will look for one . See you later! Danny: See you ! Good luck!


Lesson 1

1.be happy/sorry/glad to do sth. 意思是“做某事很……” 2.the other 另一个 两者之间

another另一个 三者或三者以上 The other + 名词复数 = the others 表示其余的所有人或物。

3. make friends (with) … 与……交朋友 We have been friends for ten years.

表达一段时间所以此句中用be friends 当然要注意时态变化 4. I don’t know what to say at the meeting. = I don’t know what I will say at the meeting. 我不知道在会议上说什么。

5. introduce…to…“把……介绍给 / 到……”, introduce oneself(to…)“自我介绍 ”。 6. What / How about…? “……怎么样? ”其中 about 是介词,后加名词、代词或doing. 7. the same as…“ 和……一样 ” the 不可省略。 反义词组 different from “和……不同”. Lesson 2

1.wear 动词,“ 穿着(衣服等),戴着(首 饰等)”, 强调状态;

put on “穿上,戴上”, 强调动作; in + 表示颜色或者服装名称的词 = 2. the Spring Festival = the Lunar New Year 3. play + the + 乐器演奏某种乐器 注意:play和乐器间一定要有the play + 棋类 play chess 下象棋 play + 球类 play basketball 打篮球 注意:棋类、球类前一般不加 the

play 踢足球 play拉小提琴 play 弹钢琴 play弹吉他 play 打篮球 play打乒乓球

4.advise sb. (not) to do sth. “建议某人(不要)做某事”, 其中sb.为宾语, (not) to do sth 为宾语补足语。 5. It’s up to…“由……决定,由……负责” 6.

① agree + with + 人或说的话 ② agree + to + 计划;提议;安排

③ agree + on + 日期等表示 “就…….达成协议”。 I agree with them. 我同意他们的意见。

I agree with what you said. 我同意你所说的。 I agree to his plan.我同意他的计划。 They agreed on the time and date at last.

他们最后终于在时间和地点上达成了一致。 agree to do sth.

Mum agreed to get some help from others. 妈妈同意请求他人的帮助。

7. look like … “ 看起来像,长得像 ” look 作系动词 “ 看起来 ” + 形容词 Lesson 3

1.go ahead 是口语中一个十分有用的表达。

表示同意对方的请求,根据情况可译为: “说吧,做吧,开始吧,进行吧”。

(2)表示“请对方继续说或做”等,通常可译为: “继续??吧”。

(3)请对方先走或先做某事,可译为“你先走一 步,你先请”。

2.write down 写下,记下。动副结构

+ down +名词

write +

名词 + down

+ 代词 + down

注意: 如果宾语是名词可以放在副词前后都可

以, 如果是代词只能放在动词和副词之间 3.like…best 意为“最喜欢…”like…better 意为“较喜欢…”like…very much意为“很喜欢…”

like…a little 意为“有点喜欢…” don’t (doesn’t) like…at all




also 用于肯定句,句中(be动词后 实意动词前) 也 too either



我是司机,她也是I’m a driver. She is also a driver. 司机。

Or: She is a driver, too.

丹尼不喜欢蓝色,Danny doesn’t like blue and I 我也不喜欢蓝色。 don’t like blue either. 我也不喜欢下雨。 I don’t like rain, _____.either 我也是个司机。

I’m ___ a driver. also I’m a driver, ___.too

either 还可以作代词 表示 “ (两者中)任何一个 ” You can park on either side of the street.

either…or… 要么……要么,或者……或者 5. go (out) for a walk/walks “去散步”。 6. one more = another.另一个

数字 + more = another + 数字 还有几个 Lesson 4

1. two peas in a pod “一个豆荚里的两颗豆”.课 文句中意为“一模一样,形影不离”。 2. stop doing sth. 停止做某事

指停止正在做的事情, doing是stop的宾语,是 要停止的动作。

stop to do sth. 停下来开始做某事

指停下来去做另一件事情,to do是stop的状语,表示目的, 是要开始做的事情。

3. spend 表示“花费”,主语为人 常用句型为: sb. spend + 时间 / 金钱 + on sth. sb. spend + 时间 + (in)doing sth.

cost 花费 主语为物 sth. cost sb. + 金钱

4 ①surprise 可以是名词,“意想不到的事”。 常见词组:

in surprise 吃惊地

to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊的是 5 lend 借给(某人钱或东西);借出

lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb. 借给某人某物 borrow sth. from sb.从某人那借来某物 6. at the end of 在……末端 / 尽头 7 ⑴ immediately = at once 立即,立刻

⑵ come over 过来;从远处来;顺便来访I guess I could come over. 我想我能来。

⑶ hold out 伸出;拿出;提出;抱有(希望等);坚持8 make a deal (with) 达成交易, 达成协议 Lesson 5

1. be ready to 准备做某事,愿意做某事 2. Mrs.已婚女子,Miss未婚女子 Ms. 不知已婚未婚(女士)

Miss有时还可作为对某行业年轻女子(如计 程车 司机 旅店服务员等)的尊称。 3. feel lucky to do sth. 做……感到很幸运lucky adj. luck n. 4.start to do sth. =start doing sth.


5. encourage 动词 “ 鼓励 ”

encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 6.

名 词 病人



be patient with对……有耐心 Lesson 6

1. on one team 指一个球队中的一员。 on 表示“为某团体或组织的一员”。 2. fair adj.公平地;晴朗的;美丽的fair adv.公正地,公平合理地unfair adj.不公平的

3. score 既可以作名词,分数 又可以作动词,意思“得分”。

4. win the game / match赢得了比赛 lose the game / match输掉了比赛 beat sb. 击败了某人

5. pleasure n. 愉快;快乐;满足 have the pleasure of doing sth. = have fun doing sth.


----Could you help me open the window?

请帮忙打开窗户好吗? ----With pleasure.很乐意。 ----Thank you. 谢谢。

---- It’s my pleasure. 不客气。 6.

动词形式 please



pleased 高兴的;满意的

pleasant 令人满意的

7. go to the movies = go to see a film 去看电影go to the theater 去看戏剧 Lesson 7

1. be late for sth. 干某事迟到 / 晚了 2. have a class 有……课,听……课

3. favourite 最喜欢的;最喜欢的人或事物

4. sometime 某时(指一个不确切的时间点) sometimes有时 some time 一段时间 some times 几次

5. be good at sth. 擅长 be good at doing sth. do well in sth.

do well in doing sth.

6. in the future 在将来,未来

7. time当倍数,次数讲时是可数名词 8. be better at 是 be good at 的比较级

much + 比较级 更……; ……得多 9.

还可以修饰比较级的词: a little

a bit



10. What time is it? 用来询问时间 “几点了?”Or: What is the time?

Or: What is the time by your watch? 11.

in + 一段时间


12.表示再见的单词和短语: Goodbye / Bye bye. 再见。

See you after school! 放学后见! See you tomorrow. 明天见。

See you soon. 一会儿见。So long. 再见。 See you next Monday.下周一见。 Catch you later. 我得走了。 Lesson 8

1. make /let/have sb. do 使某人做某事

2. except 除……之外 不含except之后内容

besides 除……之外 (尚有…) 包含besides之后内容


hear/ sb. do sth. 做了某事

see/ watch

listen to/ feel/ sb. doing sth. 正在做某事

notice 4.

help sb. (to) do sth.


help sb. with sth.

Lesson 9

What’s the matter (with you)?

是表示询问某人情况的话,类似表达: What’s wrong (with you)? What’s the trouble (with you)?

Is there anything wrong with your…? What’s up?

What happened ( to you )? 2.

miss动词 ①错过 ④未见到②未击中 ⑤发觉丢失

③未得到 ⑥想念

3. have a cough 咳嗽 = have got a cough 类似说法:

have a cold 感冒 have a flu 患流感 have a headache 头疼

4. ask sb. (not) to do sth. 让某人(不要)做某事 tell

want + sb. (not) to do sth.


8.not at all

⑴用于回答感谢 (不用谢;不客气) ⑵用于回答道歉 (没关系) ⑶一点儿也不;完全不 6. learn about 了解,学习 7. Good for you.你真棒

Lesson 10

1. work on 从事, 继续做 2.

some more 可修饰 可数名词 不可数名词


① rush into + 建筑物 冲进;匆忙进入 ② rush to + 某物/某人冲向某物 4. No noise, please!禁止喧哗! 5.


⑴ 钟点+分钟

eight twenty ( 8:20 )eleven fifty (11:50)

twelve thirty (12:30)

⑵ 分钟数 + past / after (过了) + 钟点数

分钟数 + to / of (差) + 下一个钟点数


分钟数+ to +下一个钟点数 ①分钟数>30

分钟数+ of +下一个钟点数 分钟数 + past + 钟点数


分钟数 + after + 钟点数


half + past / after + 钟点数



7. She’s half an hour late! 她迟到半小时了! Lesson 11

1. learn 动词 (学习,学会,了解)learn about (通过某种途径)得知,获知(有关的信息)。

2. northern 北方的 western西方的eastern 东方的southern 在南方的 3. I think so. 我想是的。 否定句:I don’t think so. I hope so.我希望如此

I hope not.我希望不是这样

4. take sb. to… 带领某人去……

5. say thank you to 向……道谢 say no to 拒绝某人 say sorry to 向……道歉 say yes to 答应某人

say hello to向……问好say goodbye to 向……道别

Lesson 12

1. talk to sb. about sth. 和某人谈论某事 2. Each student has his own dictionary. = Every student has his own dictionary.

= Each of the students has his own dictionary. 每一个学生都有自己的字典。 3. remind sb. of sth.

使某人想起某事,提醒某人某事。 Lesson 13 1.

watch 动词 观看,注视 3

+ 名词(作宾语)

would like 想要 愿意

+ 代词(作宾语) + 动词不定式

4. size

① 身材


see 看到



2. tell sb. a story 给某人讲故事

3. We will have a seven-day (不能用复数形式)holiday!我们将有七天的假期。

4. however 表示转折 (可是;仍然)

通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开,用的场合比 较正式,多用于书面语,而but常用于口语。 Lesson 14

1.表示列举, 诸如此类的, 像…… such as likefor example 2. too…to…太……以致不能…… One is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

3. get together 聚会,聚集 4. make a slide show 做幻灯片

5. point of view = view point 观点,视角,立场 6. add(…)to … 增加,把……加到…… 7. worry about 担心,担忧 8. face to face 面对面;相对

9. forget to do 忘了做某事(该做却没做)forget doing 忘记做过某事(实际上做了) 10 stay in touch = keep in touch 保持联系 Lesson 15

1. buy sth for sb. = buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物 间接宾语前加介词to的动词有:

bring hand lend mail pass post send sell serve show take teach tell throw write等 间接宾语前加介词for的动词有:

choose cook draw find fix get make order pick prepare save sing play等 2.

What can I do for you? 要我帮忙吗?

Can I help you? 我可以帮你吗? May I help you?我可以帮你吗? Is there anything I can do for you? 我能替你做点什么吗?

5. the same … as 和……一样

She is the same age as you. 她和你同岁 6.

try + 名词 + on 类似用法短语: try + on + 名词 put on , take off try + 代词 + on

wake up等

7. another 再一,另一 the other 两个中的另一个

others作代词,表泛指。指“另外一些的,还有 的”。指余下当中的一部分,而非全部。后面 不接任何名词或代词。

8. the others 指整体中除去一部分之后的全体。 Lesson 16 1.

+ at

到达具体的处所 arrive

+ in


2. let sb. do sth.让某人做某事 let为使役动词,后加宾语再加宾语补足语时,若宾补为不定式时省略to。 3. give thanks to sb. for sth. 因为某事而感谢某人 4. feel at home 感觉很自在,宾至如归 5. as usual 像往常一样, 照例 Lesson 17

1. send sth. to some place 把某物送或寄到某地 send sth. to sb. 给某人送或寄某物 send sb. sth. 给某人送或寄某物

2. give/send one’s best wishes to sb. 向某人致意,祝愿 I wish you a long life. 我祝你长寿。

3. mean 动词 意思是;打算;导致;意味 mean to do sth. 打算;意欲做某事 4. All ready! 都准备好了!

5. put… into 把……放入;使……进入 6. on the top of 在…….顶上 Lesson 18

1. many thanks for 因……而非常感谢 2.

be in fashion be out of fashion

流行的,时髦的,时尚的 过时的,不流行的

must + domust + have done


3. be lost in 沉浸在……, 全神贯注于…… 3. It is time for…= It is time to do sth. 是该做……的时间了

4. turn off 关上关掉 反义词 turn on turn up turn down 5. make a wish 许愿

6. take a deep breath 深呼吸,深吸一口气 7. blow out 吹灭 Lesson 19

1. both…and…两个都,即……又……

一般指两者,连接两个并列部分作主语时谓语用复数。 2. because 和 so不能同时连用 though和 but不能同时连用

3. have to不得不,必须,后加动词原形, 否定句为:don’t have to 4. take… to…带……去…… Lesson20 1

on one’s way to

on the way to 在去某地的路上

on his way home home是副词,前面的to 应该省略


take a bus 乘公共汽车 动词作谓语 by bus 乘公共汽车


3.point to 指向远处 都有指…的含义,一 point at 指着近处


point out 意为“指出”


可作介词 过…..

past 不能作谓语

可作形容词 过去的,刚过去的

pass 经过


可以做谓语 = go past / walk past 类似的用法: cross 穿过;越过 动词 = go across / walk across

Lesson 21 1.

write out 写出;写完


4. Go down this street until you see…… 沿着这条路走直到你看见…….

turn right/left at the first/second crossing/corner. 在第一/二个十字路口/转角向右/左转。 It’s about…metres/kilometres from here. 从这里大约有……米 /千米。 You can take a bus/taxi/train…


Lesson 22 1.

at the weekend 在周末,指周六 at weekends 周日两天

on weekends(美)


whole全部的;所有的;完整的all 全部的;所有的;完整的



all 用于冠词、所有格、其他限定词之前 whole 用于冠词等词之后

all the time = the whole time 全部时间 all this afternoon = the whole afternoon all my life = my whole life 我的一生 all the class = the whole class 整个班级

Lesson 23

1. be busy doing sth. 忙着做…..;忙于…… 2.

learn about

learn of 听说,了解



常用短语:be friendly to 对……友好

Lesson 24 1.do well in


2. have the flu 患流感 have a cold 得感冒 have a headache 头疼have a cough 咳嗽

3. get to know 强调从不认识(了解)到认识(了解)的渐进过程

know认识,了解,知道 4. across from 在……对过 5. get lost 迷路 表动作be lost迷路 表状态
