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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-23 14:02:01 | 移动端:初中英语电子课本冀教版



Student Book 1

Unit 1 School and numbers 1. hello!

2. how are you?

3. Boy, Girl and teacher 4. Where? 5. What’s this? 6. My friend

7. 8. Unit review

Unit 2 colours and clothes 9. Red, yellow,blue

10. Pink,Orange,Purple,Green 11. Black,White,Brown 12. How many 13. Skirt and shirt 14. Dress and hat

15. Shorts,pant,shoes,socks 16. Unit review

Unit 3 Body and Feelings 17. Happy, sad 18. Hot,cold 19. In,out 20. Body

21. We look different! 22. How tall are you? 23. It hurts? 24. Unit review

Unit 4 Food and Restaurants 25. Meat and fish

26. Breakfast,lunch and supper 27. Vegetables and fruit 28. What’s for breakfast? 29. Let’s eat! Let’s drink! 30. Pizza and hamburgers 31. .In the restaurant 32. Unit review

Unit 5 Family and home 33. Li ming’s family 34. Jenny’s family 35. Happy birthday!

36. Families play and work 37. In the bedroom 38. Jenny is at home 39. Let’s count! 40. Unit review

Unit 6 Let’s go 41. Go to school

42. Let’s go to the city 43. Let’s go shopping

44. In the department store 45. Expensive or on sale? 46. Let’s go to the zoo 47. Where do they live? 48. Unit review

Unit 7 Days and Months 49. Seasons and Months 50. What’s the date

51. When is your birthday 52. How is the weather today 53. Happy new year 54. What do they play 55. Li ming’s day 56. Unit review

Unit 8 My country and

English_speaking countries 57. Where are they from 58. Let’s look at a map 59. China 60. Canada 61. The U.S. 62. The U.K. 63. Australia 64. Unit review

Student Book 2

Unit 1 A trip to Beijing 1. May I go to Beijing

2. May I invite danny and Jenny 3. How far is Beijing

4. How can we go to Beijing 5. Planning a trip

6. Li Ming packs his suitcase 7. At the train station 8. Uint review Unit 2 On the train 9. Getting on the train

10. What are they looking at 11. Danny’s new friend 12. Lunch on the train 13. What are you doing 14. What is he selling 15. Arriving in BeiJing

16. Unit review

Unit 3 Having fun in BeiJing 17. A taxi to the hotel 18. Tian’anmen square 19. The Place Museum 20. Let’s write home 21. Sending an E-mail 22. The Great wall

23. Shopping in BeiJing 24. Unit review

Unit 4 Did you have a nice trip 25. Good-bye,BeiJing 26. Li Ming comes home 27. Jenny comes home 28. Danny comes home 29. Pictures and gifts

30. Li Ming asks for permission 31. An E-mail from Li Ming 32. Unit review

Unit 5 Li Ming goes to Canada 33. Arriving in Canada 34. Making Breakfast

35. Li Ming goes to school in Canada 36. Li Ming meets Jenny’s class 37. Mr.Wood’s lesson 38. Always or never

39. Home for the evening 40. Unit review

Unit 6 Winter in Canada 41. Snow! It’s winter! 42. Winter fun

43. What’s your favourite holiday 44. Christmas with Jenny

45. Li Ming’s favourite festival 46. Change of season 47. Two seasons or four? 48. Unit review

Unit 7 Sports and good health 49. At the sports store 50. Playing at the Gym 51. Where did they go 52. Bob’s basketball game 53. This is good for you 54. Get some exercise 55. Work hard 56. Unit review

Unit 8 Li Ming goes home

57. summer is here 58. Let’s go to the park

59. Today,work-Tomorrow,Play 60. Summer holiday

61. Getting ready to leave 62. A partyfor Li Ming 63. Good-bye,Li Ming 64. Unit review

Student book 3

Unit 1 Me and My Class 1. Li Ming is back to school 2. Many faces, One picture 3. Getting to know you 4. On a school Day 5. The best clothes 6. Meet Ms.Liu 7. Jenny’s Week 8. Unit review

Unit 2 My Favourite School Subject 9. Don’t be late for class 10. E-mail

11. What’s your favourite subject 12. Tick-tock

13. Looking for Lisa 14. Irfan studied China 15. Karen’s hair stood up 16. Unit review

Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together 17. I love autumn

18. Get ready for turkey

19. Get a present for Li Ming 20. Celebrate

21. Happy thanksgiving 22. Presents from Canada 23. Li Ming’s happy birthday 24. Unit review

Unit 4 My neighbourhood 25. No stopping

26. The best neighbourhood

27. My map, Your map, Our map 28. Turn right,Turn left 29. My neighbourhood

30. Eat a donut and turn right 31. I need a map 32. Unit review Unit 5 My future

33. Maybe you’ll be a teacher 34. What do you hope

35. What’s your advice 36. No matter what

37. Rich or poor? It doesn’t matter 38. Dear Diary

39. A famous friend 40. Unit review

Unit 6 I love learning English 41. A phone frend

42. Welcome to the world of English 43. Write a letter in English 44. Say the word 45. Keep trying

46. Your future and English 47. Some news about English 48. Unit review

Unit 7 Enjoy your hobby 49. Hobbies are fun 50. Danny’s hobby 51. Different hobbies 52. A moment just for me 53. What’s Paul’s hobby 54. Show and tell 55. The new club 56. Unit review

Unit 8 Celebranting me 57. Help

58. Georgia plays basketball 59. Who are you 60. You are you

61. I am good person\ 62. Confidence

63. Christmas is coming 64. Unit review

Student book 4

Unit 1 Spring is coming 1. what’s the weather like 2. It’s getting warmer 3. Postcards 4. Sun is rising 5. Fun in the sun

6. Danny the babysitter 7. Danny’s Debbie Day 8. Unit review Unit 2 Plant a plant

9. How does a plant grow 10. plant parts

11. Look after your plant 12. Pretty little plant

13. Why are plants important 14. Perple and plant 15. Danny Grows grain 16. Unit review

Unit 3 Amazing animals 17. People love pets 18. Brandy hates cats 19. The zoo is open 20. Stand so still 21. fun at the zoo 22. April fools 23. Famous zoos 24. Unit review

Unit 4 Look into science 25. Let’s do an experiment 26. One wet Danny

27. Danny the Dry-o-saur 28. Fill my plate

29. An easter egg hunt

30. Keep the Candle burning 31. Surprise your friends 32. Unit review

Unit 5 Go with transportation 33. How can you go 34. Trains go on rails 35. Future transportation 36. Let’s take a drive 37. Flying donuts

38. Let’s invent hoverboards 39. Clean cars 40. Unit review Unit 6 Commect 41. www.go

42. It only takes a moment 43. Books for computers 44. Everybody!Hear this 45. Wang Mei’s first E-mail

46. Mothers and fathers are special 47. I’m connected 48. Unit review

Unit 7 Know our world 49. Let’s learn Geography 50. The world is a big place 51. Asia

52. East we go

53. Ringing up Li Ming 54. Europe

55. Report on the report 56. Unit review

Unit 8 Save our world 57. Let’s clean up 58. Stop pollution

59. Let’s look at Garbage 60. Fix and mend

61. What was in the bags 62. Take short showers 63. Garbage is interesting 64. Unit review Student book 5

Unit 1 The Olympics

1. Higher,Faster,Stronger 2. Swimming for gold 3. Are you an athlete 4. Good luck to you

5. Danny’s very special guest 6. Diving “Dream team” 7. Don’t fall off the pizzas 8. Unit review

Unit 2 Biggest,Longest,Widest 9. Be a champion

10. Where’s the highest hotel 11. Don’t fall, Danny 12. Let’s go the farthest 13. Who’s the Champ 14. So many records 15. My favourite record 16. Unit review

Unit 3 Buying and selling 17. Who will buy it 18. Two hours too early 19. Know business lingo 20. I’ll buy it

21. Cookies,Please 22. A cookie sale 23. Push that product 24. Unit review Unit 4 Stay healthy

25. What’s wrong with Danny 26. Where is Danny

27. Good food, Good health 28. Move your whole body 29. Don’t smoke, Please 30. Jane’s lucky life 31. Danny tells all 32. Unit review Unit 5 Great People 33. What does life mean 34. A universe of thought

35. China’s most famous “Farmer” 36. Make the world a better place 37. Touch the world 38. To China, with love 39. Guess my hero,Danny 40. Unit review Unit 6 Accidents 41. After an accident 42. Be careful, Danny 43. Brian’s injury 44. Please Take care

45. How safe is your home 46. Help people

47. Never catch a dinosaur 48. Unit review

Student book 6

Unit 1 You can write poetry 1. Poetry, please

2. Poems about nature 3. Say it in three 4. The Wish

5. That’s a Funny limerick 6. Say it in five 7. Trading poems 8. Unit review Unit 2 DNA

9. What’s a “horkey” 10. What is DNA 11. Cloning people

12. Did you ever see a “chores” 13. Clones are the same 14. A clone of my own 15. Cloning question 16. Unit review Unit 3 Pardon me

17. Do mistakes matter 18. Wait! Don’t eat yet 19. Sayings

20. Where I come from 21. What’s in a name 22. Do Manners matter

23. Supper with the bradshaws 24. Unit review

Unit 4 Work for peace 25. Talk! Don’t fight

26. Good friends shouldn’t fight 27. The dove and the Olive Branch 28. Please let there be peace

29. Jenny’s good advice 30. Let’s work for peace 31. Peace at last 32. Unit review

Unit 5 Culture shapes us 33. Welcome, Guest

34. Danny’s dinosaur dinner 35. Keeping culture alive 36. So we can be friends 37. The fox and the stork\

38. One country, Many cultures 39. Memiries of Canada 40. Unit review

Unit 6 Get ready for Jobs 41. When are you free

42. What do you want to do 43. Let me check my calendar 44. Keep your choices open 45. Planet Danny

46. Get a good education 47. The scholarship 48. Unit Review


龙源期刊网 .cn

浅谈冀教版初中英语新教材的使用心得 作者:田星艳





比如,七年级下册Unit 1 The Silk Road向学生系统介绍丝绸之路的起点——中国西安的一些著名的建筑物:Big Wild Goose Pagoda大雁塔、Terra Cotta Warrior 兵马俑、Drum Tower 鼓楼、Bell Tower钟楼,接着以人物活动游历主要站点,Mogao Caves敦煌莫高窟、黄河第一桥兰州中山大桥、黄河母亲像等以及中国源远流长的历史文化,激发了学生的表达需求和爱国情操。

初二的课本新添且改编了部分课文,比如,lesson 14,Happy Memories讲家庭聚会的幸福时光,教育孩子从内心体会家庭生活的幸福。lesson 32和lesson 33讲到了火车的发展史和蒸汽机促进车轮的使用等方面内容,对拓展学生眼见,丰富英语课程分支提供了更广泛的内容。Lesson 45 Be Yourself!对解决当前学生心理困惑,培养自信心有着实实在在的指导作用。比如,“Nobody is perfect in this world.Look in the mirror and smile at yourself every day !Don’t be too hard on yourself for making mistakes.The important thing is to learn from your mistakes.”这些句子都是励志书里最常见的句子。








Unit1(L1)Back to School

? How do you like the first day of a new term/ school year?

? Do you have any new subjects? Do you think you will like them?

Yay! I am in Grade 8!

Li Ming: Hi Danny! How are you? How was your first day of Grade 8?

Danny: Great! I was happy to see my classmates after such a long holiday. I have two new classmates this term. One is Sandra and the other is Mary. We also have a new English teacher. Her name is Ms. Cox. Li Ming: That’s exciting! You always like to make new friends. Where are Sandra and Mary from?

Danny: I don’t know. I wanted to talk to Sandra, but I didn’t know how to begin.

Li Ming: Well, you can introduce yourself to her. You can also ask her questions.

Danny: Good idea, Li Ming! Thank you. What about you? How is Grade 8 for you?

Li Ming: Good. It’s almost the same as Grade 7. We have a new subject this term----physics. It looks interesting. Tomorrow we will make a class picture, but I don’t have any good recent pictures of myself.

Danny: You have a lot of good pictures, Li Ming. We took many on the Silk Road. I like the one of you on the camel.

Li Ming: Yes. I like those pictures, too. I will look for one. See you later!

Danny: See you! Good luck!

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