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篇一:牛津英语8A_Unit7_Seasons练习题 免费

牛津英语8A Unit7 Seasons 基础巩固和单元检测

一 基础巩固

1 把我的衣服拿来给我________________________ 2 看起来酷的_______________ 3 忘记做某事_____________ 4 飞的很远________________________ 5 做某事的最好时节_____________________ 6 充满_________________ 7 在花丛中嬉戏____________________ 8 变成棕色________________________ 9 落在地上一堆_____________ 10 再一次______________________ 11 收割庄稼__________________ 12 发烧 ___________________

二 语法复习


2 句子结构的划分

1).根据结构划分:① S+V(主+谓)② S+V+P(主+谓+表) ③S+V+O(主+谓+宾)

④ S+V+IO+DO(主+谓+间宾+直宾)⑤ S+V+O+C(主+谓+宾+宾补)

2)“七给”(give, pass, lend, write, show, send, hand)和“带”(bring)8个及物动词,在直接宾语前置时,必须在后面加上“to”。即“vt. + sth. + to + sb.”

3) 经常会有学生问“啥是表语呀?”答曰:表语有两个特征:一从位置上来讲,它总是在系动词后面(系动词和表语关系甚为紧密,没有系动词,就没有表语

4) 注意哪些可以跟动词不定式作宾补,我们可以按照语气的强弱来记忆这几个单词:命令>要求>告诉>邀请>请求>乞求 order want tell ask beg invite


一感二听三让五看半帮助 :一感(feel)二听(hear\listen to )三让(let \make\have)五看

(see\watch\notice\observe\look at)半帮助(help).


1. The flower smells good. 2. My good friend told me a story

3. Tom lent me a pencil.4. LiLi noticed two dogs fight .

5. He is working now 6 . She wanted some help



1 You can?t see stars on c_______ nights.

2 It is easy to fly kite on a _______ day.

3 London has more f_______than any city in the world.

4 Our garden is full of bees and _________(蝴蝶) in spring.

5 Amy didn?t go to school yesterday because she c_______ a cold.

6 My grandpa can remember all of his old friends, so he has a good m_______.

7 Let me i________ Mr Green to you, Mum.

8 Jack did his homework c_______, so there were lots of mistakes.

9 We should face the _________(事实) when we have difficulty in our daily life.

10 Everyone should take part in p________ the wild animals.

二, 用所给词的正确形式填空

1 The sun shines __________(bright). It is a _______(sun) day.

2 It was _______(fog) today.

3 The wind will blow __________(strong ) and _________(strong).

4 They had a hard time _________(work) in that village.

5 You should read at _______(little) ten pages of the book every day.

6 Winter is perfect for __________(skate) for children.

7 Please cut out the ___________(necessary) words.

8 _______(keep) healthy, I decide ________(exercise) half an hour a day.

9 We just saw some boys ________(get) out of the subway. 10 Look, the teenagers are making cards _________(show) love for their mothers.

11.The __________(travel) are planning to go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

12. This pen looks ___________ (shine) and beautiful, I think it must be more expensive than mine.

13. Please answer the ___________(follow) questions.

14. Jane, don?t forget ____________(turn) off the TV before going out.

15. The boy is too poor to go to school. He has to teach______________(he) at home.


( ) 1. The winter comes, it is ________ snow everywhere, and the big tree is ________ deep white snow now.

A. full with, covered with B. fill with, covered in C. full of, covered in D. fill to, covered with

( )2 ---Was there much ______ in Nanjing last week? ---- Yes, it snowed a lot.

A. snowB .snowy C. snowed D. snowing

( )3 This is _______ terrible weather.A. a B. an C. /D. the

( )4 It is ______ hotter today than it was yesterday. A. quiteB. very C. a littleD. little

( )5 Tom?s mother is busy ______ breakfast for Tom. A. cooksB. to cookC. cook D. cooking

( )6 __________ fine day it is! Let?s go and fly kites. A. What B .What a C. How D. How a

( )7 Eddie asks Hobo ________ him his money. A. to takeB .to bringC. take D. bring

( )8 The girl looks pretty _______ a red dress ___________.A .wears, inB. with, onC. has, onD. with, in

( )9.Sorry, sir. I ______ my homework at home. A. forgetB. leave C. forgotD .left

( )10 _________was the temperature yesterday? A. What?s B. How much C. HowD. What

( )11 In winter, birds fly away ________ a warm place. A. findB. findsC .to find D. found

( )12 We find it _____ to play snowball fights.A. excite B. be excited C. excitingD. excited

( )13 “The children are playing in the park now.” belongs to ______________.


( )14 _________the weather like today? ---- It?s rainy and cold.A .HowB. What C. What?s D. How?s

( )15 The school is ________ Sunshine Town.

A. far away B. far C. far from D. away from

( )16 What?s the difference __________ the two words? A. amongB. betweenC. of D. from

( )17. ---Let?s ask him to _____ us to play a game. ---Ok. Pass the coin from one of the students to _______.

A. join, anotherB. join, the otherC. join in, another

( ) 18. Don?t ______ until the bus stops. Or it?s too dangerous.

A. get it on B. get into itC. get off it


Hey was a boy of nine. He was born in a __1__ family. His father was often ill and couldn?t go to work. __2__ his

mother worked in a factory. She worked hard and hoped to give her four children and husband(丈夫) __3__ food and clothes. But she failed. Her family was sometimes __4__. Of course, she couldn?t send Hey to school. She was __5__ it but she didn?t know what to do. The boy was very clever and taught himself to read and write and __6_ at home in the evening. And in the daytime he was polishing(擦)shoes in the street, so he could make some __7__ for his family.

One afternoon the boy saw a young man?s shoes were __8__, so he said to him, “ Let me polish your shoes.”

“No, thank you,” the young man said and walked __9__.

“You may pay me only one dollar, sir,” the boy shouted __10__ him. But the young man said no again. Then the boy

__11__ for a while and told him that he would polish his shoes for nothing. The young man __12__ to this, and soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. The man __13__ the other shoe to the boy, but the boy said no to polish it if he wasn?t paid two dollars for his work. The young man refused(拒绝)to __14__ anything on it and went away.

But his shoes were so different that he had to __15__. He turned back and gave the boy two dollars. In a very short

time the shoe was as bright as the other one.

( ) 1. A. happy

( ) 2. A. Only

( ) 3. A. much

( ) 4. A. full

( ) 5. A. afraid of B. luckyC. richB. Except(除了) C. Or B. hungry C. happy B. sorry for D. poor D. Because D. pleased D. get it off D. join in, the other B. littleC. enough D. no C. useful toD. friendly to

C. shoes D. money ( ) 6. A. playB. swim C. count D. sleep ( ) 7. A. books B. clothes

( ) 8. A. dirtyB. clean C. old D. new

( ) 9. A. over B. away C. out D. in

( ) 10. A. underB. above C. in front of D. behind

( ) 11. A. thought B. readC. wroteD. saw

( ) 12. A. likedB. agreed C. worried D. surprised

( ) 13. A. threwB. passed C. kicked

( ) 15. A. stop B. run


【 A 】 D. showed ( ) 14. A. pay B. costC. spend D. give C. hurry offD. fly away

We surveyed(调查)300 young people on what they like to do at weekends. One hundred people are from the ages of

11-18, one hundred 19-26 and one hundred 27-35. The following shows their answers:

( ) 1. How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 11-18 group?

A. 20 B. 50 C. 75 D. 80

( ) 2. The people of 19- 26 likes ______ best.

A. watching TV B. going to the movies C. playing computer games

( ) 3. Which two activities do most of the people doing?

A.Playing computer games and watching TV B.Playing computer games and taking a walk.

C.Watching TV and going to the movies. D.Playing computer games and going to the movies.

( ) 4. We know young people don?t like______.

A. watching TV B. taking a walkC. going to the moviesD. playing computer games

( ) 5. Which of the following is true?

A.The people between 11-18 don?t like taking a walk. B.The people of 27-35 like watching TV best.

C.People between 19-26 don?t like playing computer games at all.

D.The people between 11-18 like watching TV best.

【 B 】

One Sunday, Joe went to town to buy new clothes. First he tried on a sweater. He didn?t like it, so he returned it to the

shopkeeper. Then he tried on a T-shirt that had the same price as the sweater. Joe was happy with the T-shirt, and he left the shop with it. Before he climbed on his horse to ride home, the shopkeeper and the assistant (营业员) ran out at the same time.

“You didn?t pay for the T-shirt!” said the shopkeeper.

“But I gave the sweater in exchange for (交换) the T-shirt, didn?t I?” replied Joe.

“Yes, but you didn?t pay for the sweater, either!” said the shopkeeper.

“But I didn?t buy the sweater.” Said Joe. “I?m not so stupid(愚蠢)as to pay for something that I have never bought.”

( ) 6. How did Joe get to the shop?

A. On footB. The story doesn?t tell usC. On a horse

( ) 7. How many people were working in the shop?

D. taking a walk D. By bus

A. Two B. Three

( ) 8. How much was the T-shirt? C. Four D. Five

A. $ 35B. The sweater?s priceC. Neither of the two.

( ) 9. In fact ,what did Joe actually pay for?

A. The sweater.B. The T-shirt. C. Nothing

( ) 10. Can you guess what Joe was like from the passage? D. Higher than the sweater. D. The sweater and the T-shirt

A. He was stupid B. He was greedy(贪婪的) C. He was honest


Here?s a story of Little Betty.D. He was kind.

Little Betty is in Grade Two now. Her school is not (1) ______ from her home, but she is often _______ for school.

She likes watching TV, listening to popular songs in the evening and goes to bed late. So she can?t get up on time in the morning.

This term Mr. White teaches Grade 2 history. He is very strict(严格)with the students, of course with Betty, too. He

often tells Betty to come to school on time.

Today Betty gets up late again. When she runs to school, it?s a quarter past eight. Mr. White is waiting for her at the

school gate. “ Mr. white says angrily, “Why are you often late for class?”

“Every time when I get up the street corner. I always see a guide post(标志牌). It says ?SCHOOL GO SLOW!?” says


1. 在(1)句空白处填入适当的单词使句意完整,上下文通顺。________________________________

2. 在(2)句译成中文。_______________________________

3. 回答问题:Why can?t Betty get up on time in the morning?______________________________________

4. 在文中找出与Mr. White is a history teacher of Grade 2 this term. 意思相同的句子。


5. 在文中找出最能表达该短文主题的句子。____________________________________


Do you live in a big city? Do you like the traffic in your city?

There are too m___1___ accidents(事故)in big cities. Accidents often h__2__ when people are not careful, especially

(特别,尤其)when they want to c__3__ the road. Why does it happen sometimes? Let me tell you.

When it rains, people are in a h__4__ because they don?t want to get w__5__. They often go across the road q__6__.

Often they can?t see c__7__ because they hold umbrellas in front of them. Then accidents may happen at that time. Everyone knows that cars take l__8__ time to stop when it?s raining. So we must be more c__9__ if we want to be safe. Remember everyone has only one l__10__ and we must protect ourselves well.


篇二:最新牛津苏教版英语四下《Unit 5 Seasons》练习题



( ) 1.like kite ( ) 2.cool nice

( ) 3.it sit( ) 4.fat car

( ) 5.climbinghi ( ) 6.sixfive

( ) 7.black cap ( ) 8.skate cat

( ) 9.winter white ( ) 10.coldhome


1.在冬天 _______________2.去溜冰 _______________

3.吃个冰淇淋 ________________ 4.喜欢夏天 _______________

5.堆雪人 ____________________ 6.谁的包 _________________

7.很热 ___________________8.放风筝 _________________

9.a sunny day ___________________ 10.four seasons _________________


()1.In____________,it’s cool.

A . autumnB. winter C. summer ()2.We usually go ___________ in summer.

篇三:牛津英语unit7 seasons复习试题

牛津英语8A Unit7 Seasons单元检测


1 You can’t see stars on c_______ nights. 2 It is easy to fly kite on a _______ day.

3 London has more f_______than any city in the world. 4 Our garden is full of bees and _________(蝴蝶) in spring. 5 Amy didn’t go to school yesterday because she c_______ a cold.

6 My grandpa can remember all of his old friends, so he has a good m_______. 7 Let me i________ Mr Green to you, Mum.

8 Jack did his homework c_______, so there were lots of mistakes.

9 We should face the _________(事实) when we have difficulty in our daily life. 10 Everyone should take part in p________ the wild animals. 二, 用所给词的正确形式填空

1 The sun shines __________(bright). It is a _______(sun) day. 2 It was _______(fog) today.

3 The wind will blow __________(strong ) and _________(strong). 4 They had a hard time _________(work) in that village.

5 You should read at _______(little) ten pages of the book every day. 6 Winter is perfect for __________(skate) for children. 7 Please cut out the ___________(necessary) words.

8 _______(keep) healthy, I decide ________(exercise) half an hour a day.

9 We just saw some boys ________(get) out of the subway. 10 Look, the teenagers are making cards _________(show) love for their mothers. 11.The __________(travel) are planning to go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

12. This pen looks ___________ (shine) and beautiful, I think it must be more expensive than mine.

13. Please answer the ___________(follow) questions.

14. Jane, don’t forget ____________(turn) off the TV before going out.

15. The boy is too poor to go to school. He has to teach______________(he) at home.


( ) 1. The winter comes, it is ________ snow everywhere, and the big tree is ________ deep white snow now.

A. full with, covered with B. fill with, covered in C. full of, covered in D. fill to, covered with

( )2 ---Was there much ______ in Nanjing last week? ---- Yes, it snowed a lot.

A. snowB .snowy C. snowed D. snowing

( )3 This is _______ terrible weather.A. a B. an C. /D. the ( )4 It is ______ hotter today than it was yesterday. A. quiteB. very C. a littleD. little

( )5 Tom’s mother is busy ______ breakfast for Tom. A. cooksB. to cookC. cook D. cooking

( )6 __________ fine day it is! Let’s go and fly kites. A. What B .What a C. How D. How a

( )7 Eddie asks Hobo ________ him his money. A. to takeB .to bringC. take D. bring

( )8 The girl looks pretty _______ a red dress ___________.A .wears, inB. with, onC. has, onD. with, in

( )9.Sorry, sir. I ______ my homework at home. A. forget B. leave


forgotD .left ( )10 _________was the temperature yesterday? A. What’s B. How much C. HowD. What

( )11 In winter, birds fly away ________ a warm place. A. findB. findsC .to find D. found

( )12 We find it _____ to play snowball fights.A. excite B. be excited C. excitingD. excited

( )13 “The children are playing in the park now.” belongs to ______________.


nothing. The young man __12__ to this, and soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. The man __13__ the other shoe to the boy, but the boy said no to polish it if he wasn’t paid two

( )14 _________the weather like today? ---- It’s rainy and cold.A .HowB. What dollars for his work. The young man refused(拒绝)to __14__ anything on it and went away. C. What’s D. How’s

( )15 The school is ________ Sunshine Town.

A. far away B. far C. far from D. away from

( )16 What’s the difference __________ the two words? A. amongB. between C. of D. from

( )17. ---Let’s ask him to _____ us to play a game. ---Ok. Pass the coin from one of the students to _______.

A. join, anotherB. join, the otherC. join in, another D. join in, the


( ) 18. Don’t ______ until the bus stops. Or it’s too dangerous. A. get it on B. get into itC. get off it D. get it off


Hey was a boy of nine. He was born in a __1__ family. His father was often ill and couldn’t go to work. __2__ his mother worked in a factory. She worked hard and hoped to give her four children and husband(丈夫) __3__ food and clothes. But she failed. Her family was sometimes __4__. Of course, she couldn’t send Hey to school. She was __5__ it but she didn’t know what to do. The boy was very clever and taught himself to read and write and __6_ at home in the evening. And in the daytime he was polishing(擦)shoes in the street, so he could make some __7__ for his family.

One afternoon the boy saw a young man’s shoes were __8__, so he said to him, “ Let me polish your shoes.”

“No, thank you,” the young man said and walked __9__.

“You may pay me only one dollar, sir,” the boy shouted __10__ him. But the young man said no again. Then the boy __11__ for a while and told him that he would polish his shoes for

But his shoes were so different that he had to __15__. He turned back and gave the boy two dollars. In a very short time the shoe was as bright as the other one. ( ) 1. A. happy B. luckyC. richD. poor ( ) 2. A. Only B. Except(除了) C. Or D. Because ( ) 3. A. much B. littleC. enough D. no

( ) 4. A. fullB. hungry C. happy D. pleased

( ) 5. A. afraid of

B. sorry for

C. useful toD. friendly to ( ) 6. A. playB. swim C. count D. sleep ( ) 7. A. books B. clothes

C. shoes D. money

( ) 8. A. dirtyB. clean C. old D. new ( ) 9. A. over B. away C. out D. in ( ) 10. A. underB. above C. in front of D. behind ( ) 11. A. thought B. readC. wroteD. saw ( ) 12. A. likedB. agreed C. worried D. surprised ( ) 13. A. threwB. passed C. kickedD. showed

( ) 14. A. pay B. costC. spend D. give

( ) 15. A. stop B. runC. hurry offD. fly away


【 A 】

We surveyed(调查)300 young people on what they like to do at weekends. One hundred people are from the ages of 11-18, one hundred 19-26 and one hundred 27-35. The following shows their answers:

( ) 1. How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 11-18 group?A. 20

B. 50 C. 75 D. 80

that I have never bought.”

( ) 6. How did Joe get to the shop?

A. On footB. The story doesn’t tell usC. On a horse

D. By bus

( ) 2. The people of 19- 26 likes ______ best.

A. watching TV B. going to the movies C. playing computer games( ) 7. How many people were working in the shop?

D. taking a walk ( ) 3. Which two activities do most of the people doing?

A.Playing computer games and watching TV B.Playing computer games

and taking a walk.

C.Watching TV and going to the movies. D.Playing computer games and going to the movies.

( ) 4. We know young people don’t like______.

A. watching TV B. taking a walkC. going to the moviesD. playing computer games

( ) 5. Which of the following is true?

A.The people between 11-18 don’t like taking a walk. B.The people of

27-35 like watching TV best.

C.People between 19-26 don’t like playing computer games at all. D.The people between 11-18 like watching TV best.

【 B 】

One Sunday, Joe went to town to buy new clothes. First he tried on a sweater. He didn’t like it, so he returned it to the shopkeeper. Then he tried on a T-shirt that had the same price as the sweater. Joe was happy with the T-shirt, and he left the shop with it. Before he climbed on his horse to ride home, the shopkeeper and the assistant (营业员) ran out at the same time.

“You didn’t pay for the T-shirt!” said the shopkeeper.

“But I gave the sweater in exchange for (交换) the T-shirt, didn’t I?” replied Joe. “Yes, but you didn’t pay for the sweater, either!” said the shopkeeper.

“But I didn’t buy the sweater.” Said Joe. “I’m not so stupid(愚蠢)as to pay for something

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five

( ) 8. How much was the T-shirt?

A. $ 35B. The sweater’s priceC. Neither of the two. D. Higher than

the sweater.

( ) 9. In fact ,what did Joe actually pay for?

A. The sweater.B. The T-shirt. C. Nothing

D. The

sweater and the T-shirt

( ) 10. Can you guess what Joe was like from the passage?

A. He was stupid B. He was greedy(贪婪的) C. He was honest

D. He was kind. 七、首字母填空

Do you live in a big city? Do you like the traffic in your city?

There are too m___1___ accidents(事故)in big cities. Accidents often h__2__ when people are not careful, especially(特别,尤其)when they want to c__3__ the road. Why does it happen sometimes? Let me tell you.

When it rains, people are in a h__4__ because they don’t want to get w__5__. They often go across the road q__6__. Often they can’t see c__7__ because they hold umbrellas in front of them. Then accidents may happen at that time. Everyone knows that cars take l__8__ time to stop when it’s raining. So we must be more c__9__ if we want to be safe. Remember everyone has only one l__10__ and we must protect ourselves well.
