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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-21 13:54:56 | 移动端:雅思写作范文:儿童教育应群教还是因材施教



some people think educate children of different abilities together will benefit them. others think intelligent children should be taught separately and give special courses, discuss both side and give own opinion!

Endowed by different talents, every individual is contributing to our society in different ways. Therefore, to treat every student equally is a common practice at existent schools; however, there is a tendency of growing popularity that schools are oriented by producing "elite students". It has aroused fierce controversies, for which reason I suggest that schools should keep their traditional strategy unchanged.

To begin with, to separate students according to their individual competence can injure their personality development. Some seemingly intelligent students are instilled with a sense of superiority. Consequently, they place themselves over the rest of the class, but some findings have indicated that those are of great wise are not necessarily of great use.

Secondly, to categorise students with a rigid rule can spur the rivalry between students, which is harmful for the academic atmosphere of a school. Schools are prestigious because of their inborn ability to provide children a relaxing and cooperative environment to study. To treat gifted children different would inescapably upgrade the competition between children. Arguments or infightings thus escalate.

Admittedly, to devise particular courses for a certain group of students can find their way to benefit students' future. Some students have advanced their special interests in some subjects, such as philosophy, astronomy, and geography, to mention but a few. Those subjects, in general, demand fewer practitioners, compared with other profitable subjects, e.g., business, computer, and graphic design, etc. However, as emphasised before, it is rational to leave students options to choose, instead of forcing an inflexible rule

In brief, to train students for specific purpose might be beneficial in some sense, but to coach them together is more favourable a strategy.

Endowed=gifted 被赋予..(一般接天赋,能力一类的词)

Environment-friendly (adj.) 有利环境的

Profit-oriented=profit-driven (adj.) 以盈利为目的的

Environment-interested (adj.) 对环境感兴趣的

Environment-conscious (adj.) 具备环境意识的

Rigid=inflexible=strict=rigorous=relentless: 严厉的,没有任何余地的, (一般形容法律,秩序)




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some people think educate children of different abilities together will benefit them. others think intelligent children should be taught separately and give special courses, discuss both side and give own opinion!

Endowed by different talents, every individual is contributing to our society in different ways. Therefore, to treat every student equally is a common practice at existent schools; however, there is a tendency of growing popularity that schools are oriented by producing "elite students". It has aroused fierce controversies, for which reason I suggest that schools should keep their traditional strategy unchanged.

To begin with, to separate students according to their individual competence can injure their personality development. Some seemingly intelligent students are instilled with a sense of superiority. Consequently,

资料来源:教育优选 /retype/zoom/bc4113647c1cfad6185fa739?pn=1&x=0&y=0&raww=630&rawh=42&o=jpg_6_0_______&type=pic&aimh=32&md5sum=c9bcbc44ba9389db335e4623c4648008&sign=d121e486dd&zoom=&png=0-10134&jpg=0-1156" target="_blank">点此查看

they place themselves over the rest of the class, but some findings have indicated that those are of great wise are not necessarily of great use.Secondly, to categorise students with a rigid rule can spur the rivalry between students, which is harmful for the academic atmosphere of a school. Schools are prestigious because of their inborn ability to provide children a relaxing and cooperative environment to study. To treat gifted children different would inescapably upgrade the competition between children. Arguments or infightings thus escalate.

Admittedly, to devise particular courses for a certain group of students can find their way to benefit students' future. Some students have advanced their special interests in some subjects, such as philosophy, astronomy, and geography, to mention but a few. Those subjects, in general, demand fewer practitioners, compared with other profitable subjects, e.g., business, computer, and graphic design, etc. However, as emphasised before, it is rational to leave students options to choose, instead of forcing an inflexible rule

In brief, to train students for specific purpose might be beneficial in some sense, but to coach them together is more favourable a strategy.Endowed=gifted 被赋予..(一般接天赋,能力一类的词)

资料来源:教育优选 http:///

Environment-friendly (adj.) 有利环境的

Profit-oriented=profit-driven (adj.) 以盈利为目的的

Environment-interested (adj.) 对环境感兴趣的

Environment-conscious (adj.) 具备环境意识的

Rigid=inflexible=strict=rigorous=relentless: 严厉的,没有任何余地的, (一般形容法律,秩序)

资料来源:教育优选 http:///




摘要: 2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:群教还是因材施教,下面,下马专家团队就为大家对这个题目进行深度解析,希望大家可以从中受益。

2014年8月 雅思 写作预测题目:群教还是因材施教。Some people think educate children of different abilities together will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and give special courses. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Putting students of different abilities together makes it possible for them to help and encourage each other, and even have cooperation, which can do justice to their respective potentials.

To separate students according to their scores, on one hand, inject a sense of superiority into the minds of those who stand out, and, on the other hand, make those who are ordinary feel self-‐abased. It is known to all that pride makes people weak in front of frustration and inconfident students dare not to face various challenges when they grow up. It furthure causes a hostile and discriminating atmosphere which should not be allowed in the school by any means.


When the class is a blend of students who widely different on academic performance, it is highly unlikely that the teachers can successfully choose the difficulty which suits all students, and during this dilemma, it become hardly possible for them to ensure the teaching efficiency.

Pooling intelligent students can help improve the competition in the class, and in the most ideal case, teachers simply can let peer pressure play the role when classmates’ high marks become the impetus for more painstaking study.

Students’ under-‐performance on one kind of subjects, e.g. math and physics does not mean that they are

incompetent on other ones. Education is more a matter of finding out what students are good at but not of how to make them become excellent on subjects we believe they should do well, e.g. in the current modern society, even playing computer games can be one’s promising career. 教育应该泛还是专(兴趣爱好不同,没有必要逼迫)



Some people believe teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. But, others believe they should focus on the subject that they are best at or that they find the most interesting. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

以上就是 雅思写作 解题思路:群教还是因材施教的全部内容,相信这篇解题思路将对于你在以后的雅思写作当中带来很大的帮助。





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