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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-20 16:38:56 | 移动端:关于谈论旅游的情景会话



here is the tourist information center?


A:Excuse me. Could you tell me where the tourist information center is?打扰一下,你能告诉我旅游咨询处在哪儿吗?

B:I'm new here. You had better ask the policeman over there.


A:Thank you all the same.


Is there a tourist information center in this city?


A:Is there a tourist information center is this city?


B:Yes, there is one near the airport.


Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?


A:Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?


B:Well, there is Youth Hotel which costs under 20 dollars a night. Is that OK?有一家青年旅馆,一晚上不到20美元,您觉得如何?

A:OK! Thank you!


I'd like to stay at a hotel near the beach.


A:May I help you?


B:Yes, I'd like to stay at a hotel near the beach. Would you recommend one?是的,我想要住在一间靠在海滩的旅馆。你能为我推荐一个吗?

A:Well, there is a Moonlight Hotel with excellent service near the beach.嗯,有个月光宾馆,离海滩不远,而且服务是一流的。

B:Thank you!




Do you have a hotel list? 这儿有旅馆目录吗?

Is there a hotel which costs under 50 dollars a night? 是否有每晚花费在50美元以下的旅馆?

Could you recommend a hotel in the city center? 是否可推荐一家位于市中心的旅馆?

Please tell me about some interesting places in this city.


A: Please tell me about some interesting places in this city.


B: OK, what are you interested in?


A: I want to visit some historic sites.


What are the places of special interest here?


A: What are the places of special interest here?


B: Why don't you go to the Disneyland? I'm sure you'll have fun here.何不去迪斯尼乐园玩玩呢?我相信你在那儿肯定会玩得很开心。

A: Thank you!


初到异地旅游若是不熟悉该国的旅游景点可以向别人询问,其他类似的表达法还有:Could you recommend some interesting places to visit in the city?你能为我介绍一些这座城市有趣的可供参观的地方吗?

What are the best places to visit here, please?


Which places are the most-sees?


第一句:May I have a free city map?


A:Excuse me. May I have a free city map?


B:Sure, here you are.


A:Thank you very much. That's very nice of you.


B:Not at all.


第二句:Do you have a sightseeing brochure for the city?


A:Do you have a sightseeing brochure for the city?


B:Yes, but I'm afraid it's not free.


A:All right! I'll take one. Here is the money.


B:Here is your change. Have a nice trip!




Please give me a sightseer's pamphlet.


Where can I get a tourist handbook?


第一句:I'd like to know the route of the streetcar.


A: I'd like to know the route of the streetcar.


B: It's shown on this map.


第二句:Is there a bus to go to there?


A: Is there a bus to go to the Star Hotel?


B: Yes, the bus runs every hour.


A: By the way, could you tell me which bus to take to go there?顺便问一下,能告诉我乘哪路公交去吗?

B: No. 12.


A: Thank you.



Is it far to walk?


Should I take a bus?


Should I go this way or that way?


Is there any landmark there?


第一句:How much dose it cost if I stay there for two weeks?


A:How much dose it cost if I stay there for two weeks?


B:It doesn't cost much, because it's far from the downtown area.不会花费太多,因为那儿离市中心远。

A:That's good.


How much is the Shangri-La tour for 7 days?


A:Hello, CITS? How much is the Shangri-La tour for 7 days?


B:The winter program is 650 dollars.


A:For each person?


B:Yes, including meals.



Is the ticket included? 含机票吗?

Do you give a discount? 你们打折吗?

第一句:Do you have any tour including all these places?


A: What places do you prefer to go?


B: We particularly want to visit Beijing, Xi'an and Shanghai. Do you have any tour including all these places?

我们特别想去北京、西安和上海。你们有没有包含所有这些地方的旅游路线?A: Yes, we do. But it is a little bit expensive!


How much do you usually charge for a tour to China?


A: Here are the brochures that describe various tour routes in China. You can choose anyone you like.

这些是介绍到中国旅行各种路线的小册子。您可以选择您喜欢的任意一种。B: How much do you usually charge for a tour to China?




Do you have discount for air tickets?


第一句:Room service, please.


A:Room service, please.


B:What can I help you?


A:Please change our sheets and pillow cases.


第二句:Please come to room No. 312.


A:Room service. What can I do for you?


B:Please come to room No. 312 and bring me bath towels.


A:OK, we'll send a waiter soon.


B:Thank you.




Housekeeping, may I come in?


Room service. What can I do for you?


第一句:I have some laundry to do.



Theory of the social culture background

and learning tourism English

姓 名:陈永婷

班 级:旅游管理1101

学 院:文法学院

授课教师:张 娜

Abstract: English learning must attach much importance to the social and cultural background knowledge, finally realizes the culture communication in English.Social cultural background knowledge learning and mastering needs to go deep into the actual study, need more learners long-term observation and thinking.Tourism English learning needs various measure, also is not only a social, cultural, social and cultural background knowledge of customs, it is embodied in all aspects of people's life.Therefore, social cultural background knowledge and tourism is closely related to English learning, and reflected in all aspects of tourism English learning. Keywords: Tourism English Culture background Thinking

The current English learning, although its grammar learning is important, but not all of the English learning, some social cultural background is important content of the English learning.English learners a few grammar mistakes are not very serious, but if the social and cultural knowledge related mistakes will appear quite a big problem.Language learning should first pay attention to the use of the real world and the objective conditions, the connotation of a nation's language is quite widespread, not only reflects the social life of the nation and the value system, but also its social economic and cultural characteristics are the important performance.

(1) The necessity of tourism of social and cultural background in English study

English language is on the basis of certain social cultural background, language and its corresponding culture are closely related, language is not only the important carrier of social culture, but also an important part of this.Social and cultural background is a very broad concept, it can include all aspects of social life.Tourism English involves many aspects of social and cultural knowledge, which requires the learners to understand all aspects of knowledge, and improve or develop learners of English in real communicative competence of cultural communication occasions. The characteristics of the English language is derived from the social and cultural background of the nation, its founder is thought to be derived from the Nordic Anglo Saxon, they were led to agriculture, fishery and animal husbandry production and living, therefore, their language is in many ways reflects the related features.English social and cultural background of the study will help to improve learners' English

ability, but also better able to enhance learners' English understanding and expression ability.In tourism English teaching, teachers often only according to the requirements of the syllabus for teaching, at the same time, as a result of students' autonomous learning ability is not strong, eventually making its neglect in learning English the language of the most substantial things --, social and cultural background, and makes the learners can't really understand the connotation of the English language, also hindering the exchange and the actual operation ability of English.English is the language of the world today, and gradually to the attention of the countries and learning.China as the world has the most population and for more than half a century English learning English teaching history.At the same time, with the development of the cause of China's English education and people's deep understanding of English language and culture, the majority of English learners and workers get to know the English language and the integral and relevance of social and cultural background, and the important role of social and cultural factors of English communication, which requires in usually pay attention to their social and cultural background knowledge in English learning. In the study of tourism English, language and social and cultural background of the study is the development trend of the future English learning.For college English learners, they can better stimulate their interest in learning English and master the university English learning skills.To arouse the students' interest in learning English will need to make it a better understanding of the English language cultural and social background.In this way can make students better understand English this language carries culture, from the learner's heart to understand, understanding and learning it, rather than spend a lot of time to rote memorization, derivative, eventually achieve the real purpose of learning English and realm.Current tourism English learning and teaching, have many reading materials and training topic involves various aspects of life and culture, it is also an important part of students lose points, which requires students to the English national humanities, history, geography, politics, and people's understanding and understand the personality traits and habits.Understanding of the social culture background can not only improve English reading ability, but also can help students to understand and master the knowledge of English, thus improve their learning efficiency.

(2). Tourism English learning social and cultural background to import

The current college English teaching, many English teachers are still will give priority

to English language teaching, they think that English teaching key is to learn the language, grammar and vocabulary, and in the master a large vocabulary, to understand and read on the basis of the language can learn English well.For the introduction of the social culture background and has no real value, or is due to the limitation of teaching hours, English teacher is very difficult to find enough time for the teaching of social culture and background.At the same time, English teachers only pay attention to grammar and the interpretation of the text knowledge, this also objectively make the enthusiasm of students learning English to improve up, further loss of the subjective initiative of learning.Students in the process of English learning is always in a passive position, the lack of an active consciousness and spirit.Most college students believe that college English don't have any fun, so as to make them form the inertia of studying and boredom.Tourism, therefore, in the process of English teaching, English teachers should change the concept of English teaching and the method, cultivate the students' enthusiasm and subjective initiative, and appropriately in English teaching is introduced into the social cultural background knowledge, to further improve the students' learning interest and learning efficiency.

The introduction of the social cultural background knowledge is an important part of the foreign language teaching, as well as further requirements for teachers of English level.Tourism English teachers should take various methods and measures to improve students' sensitivity to the English social and cultural background, develop social cultural consciousness, finally make them actively and consciously into English learning environment.First of all, from the content of the English text as the starting point for social cultural background knowledge input.In the process of classroom teaching, English teachers must be good at guide and inspire the student to carry on the moral culture and the social background of penetration.For example: in the introduction to body language in different countries and regions, many countries have default to nod for sure, shook his head as negative, but in countries such as Greece, Bulgaria, and Iran has said the opposite meaning.This requires English teachers to lead to these differences in interpretation of the social cultural background, at the same time also want to introduce some more body and sign language so that students can more understanding of the connotation of this article.In addition, you also need to design special introduce English social and cultural background of the related class, it is more targeted.These courses teaching can make students' interest in learning English has improved, but also can increase students' knowledge.E.g., British and American national customs Open University English class, it is convenient for

students to understand the local conditions and customs and history of British and American countries.Open English slang and proverbs class, cultivate the students' English comprehension, as in "where is John?"Meaning interpretation, the average person in the case of don't understand the English proverb, will be misinterpreted as "where is John?"But it is not the right meaning of it is "where is the toilet?"Here in the sentence "John specifically to the toilet.At the same time, also can undertake the corresponding music teaching, and through a variety of English song appreciation to cultivate students' interest in learning English, also can do it by all kinds of interesting games to stimulate the enthusiasm of students learning. Introduced the method of the social cultural background knowledge in English study a lot, you also need to cultivate students contact the British and American national culture, cultivating their language competence.Can be in contact with nature sublimation to the understanding of the English language, and master the relevant language background and social knowledge.Social and cultural knowledge is human beings in the social and historical practice created the material and spiritual wealth, tourism English teachers and students need a lot of reading of college English learning related social and cultural background knowledge and materials, from classical found the fun of learning English.At the same time, to master the language knowledge of intercultural communication, so as to further improve the learners' own cultural conservation, and at the same time in the teaching of English teachers to compare Chinese and western cultural and historical background.This is even more deeply to let the students understand the differences between Chinese and western culture, can more fully understand and master English this language.Tourism is the main material of English learning materials, therefore, in the English classroom teaching, should make full use of the content of the English textbooks, in the understanding and translation of the text at the same time, pay attention to the introduction to its social and cultural background.At the same time, in the classroom teaching can be appropriately increased interaction between teachers and students, so it can let the students to thinking, and further realize the importance of social and cultural background knowledge to master English.English teachers in the teaching process, in addition to the social and cultural background of English introduction at the same time, also for the comparison of social and cultural aspects, and guide students' perceptions of the problem from multiple perspectives analysis and exercise, in different social and cultural background to compare improved and sublimation.





Character :A ,Linda .B, Alice .C,D

A: Hi,C and D ,nice to see you ,how are you doing? Do you want to have a seat?

C:Yes. We just to go shopping.

D: I haven’t seen you for a long time.What are you doing ?

A:I’ve just finished a long trip .This is my buddy,we went there together to Mount Emei .

C:Nice to meet you ,did you have a good time ?

B:Nice to meet you,too.Yes,I think we did ,The scenery there is beautiful,what makes me most impressive is that the sky where is very clear ,and looks far from us.

D:Really ? That sounds wonderful.It must be a pleasent trip.

A:Actually it is.Those monkeys there are so hospitality ,lovely that I am not willing to leave.How is everything with you?

C:How hard to imagine.Oh ,maybe you could help me with this. B:What can we do for you ?

C:I’m planing to Guangzhou for my graduation trip,but I found that the weather is very hot ,now I can’t make up with my mind as to which city should I go ,it’s very difficult to decide.

A:Ham,that sounds terrible,

D:Why don’t you go to Beijing with me , I am dreaming to go to Beijing for a long time.

A:That is s great idea.You’ve known that Beijing has many delicious food and there are many places of interest which are worth for you to take pictures.

B:I spent four years in Beijing during my university. You can go to the Great Wall,visit The Palace Museum ,enjoy Beijing Roast Duck(北京烤鸭).In a word ,the city is really beautiful in different seasons.

C:Beijing,oh no .there are too many people ,and the air in Beijing is badly polluted.

D:Which kind scenic spot do you prefer,natural scenery,historical sites or adventure?Maybe I could give you another advice.

C:Frankly I have no idea where to go ,I juat want have a relax.

B:Maybe Lijiang is the most suitable for you ,which is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau(滇西北高原 ).You can breath the fresh air and take a raft to appreciate the beauty.

A:Yes,I’ve been there last summer.Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain,Lijiang Town.Do you hear about Tiger Leaping Gorge,the world - famous grand canyon. C:My boyfriend went there this winter,he had a bad experience.The taxi drivers were rude,the hotel service was lousy and the expense was a bit big .

B:All right ,forget Lijiang then .How about Hangzhou and Yangzhou? D:I have never been there,I can’t make any comments on that,Let’s check out information from travel network and it will tell us all the necessary. C:Great.

So they check out the information on net.

B:C,you can see that the airlines,hotels are not offering any discount if you want to go to Hangzhou as it is the peak season in summer.But if Yangzhou ,you can get big discount on the hotels.

A:Right,I think you should take it into consideration.

C:Oooh,sounds perfect,I really hate to go to a scenery packed with people.We can always pick a better time to Yangzhou,right,D? D:Absolutely.

C:So I will book the ticket and the hotel right now.Let’s fly to Yangzhou next week.

D:Good idea,that’s settled.Thank you so much, A,B

A:You are welcome,May you have a good time.
