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想说就说(三)01日常用语 Daily Life Expressions

Chapter 5 Getting to know people 结识朋友

Section 1 Introductions Informal 非正式场合介绍

----You are friend of Janet, right? I am Andrew, Andrew Smith

你是Janet的朋友,对吧?我是Andrew, Andrew Smith.

----Nice to meet you, Andrew. I am Noirin, Noirin O'Neil.

很高兴认识你,Andrew. 我是Noirin, Noirin O'Neil.

----I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that对不起,你说什麽,我没听清楚

----Noirin, N-O-I-R-I-N, it's an Irish nameNoirin, N-O-I-R-I-N,爱尔兰名字


1, you are friend of Jennet, right? 你是Jennet的朋友,对吧?


we work in the same building, right? 我们在同一栋大楼工作,对吧

Did't I see you at...? 我好像在...见过你.

You look familiar, have we met? 你很面善,我好像见过你

Do you like the music here? 你觉得这里的音乐怎么样?

Nice tie. 领带真好看

Nice self-fit. 衣服真好看

Can I offer you a drink? 可以请你喝杯酒吗

May I introduce myself? 让我自我介绍

2, I am sorry, I didn't quite catch that. 对不起,你说什麽,我没听清楚

3, Noirin, N-O-I-R-I-N, it's an Irish name. Noirin, N-O-I-R-I-N,爱尔兰名字


You are friend of Janet, right? 你是Janet的朋友,对吧?

Didn't I see you before? 我好像见过你

You look familiar, have we met? 你很面善,我好像见过你

Nice self-fit. 衣服真好看。

Can I offer you a drink? 可以请你喝杯酒吗?

May I introduce myself? 容我自我介绍

I didn't quite catch that. 我没听清楚

It's a Chinese name. 是中文名字

(三)03Section two: introductions formal 1正式场合介绍1

---.Mr.Sherman, may I present Miss Marks?Cherman先生,请允许我介绍Marks小姐

----Nice to meet you Mr. Sherman, I’m Elisabeth Marks.

----Call me Tim, please,Should I call you Elisabeth or--- ?

----Well, You can just call me Lisa.

----Lisa,so how are they treating you so far? 丽萨,那他们有没有好好的照顾你呀

----Oh, Very well,everyone has been really friendly 非常好,每个人都非常的友善

1.May I present Miss Marks? 请允许我介绍 马克小姐

2.Nice to meet you 很高兴认识你

How do you do ? I’m glad to meet you 你好吗 很高兴认识你

How do you do ? I’m glad to meet you,too你好吗 我也很高兴认识你

3. Nice to meet you Mr. Sherman. 很高兴认识你Sherman先生

4. Call me Tim, please 叫我Tim

5.Should I call you Elisabeth or ?我应该叫你Elisabeth还是

6.How are they treating you so far? 到目前为止他们对你怎么样

How is everything so far?到目前为止一切还好吗

Is everything ok?一切都还好吗

7.Everyone has been really friendly. 每个人都很友善

Everyone has been really nice to me. 每个人对我都很好

Everybody has been very helpful.每个人都很友善


May I present Miss Marks?请允许我介绍 马克小姐

Nice to meet you Mr. Sherman很高兴认识你Sherman先生

How do you do你好吗

I’m glad to meet you.Glad to meet you,too

Call me Tim, please.

Should I call you Elisabeth or ?

How is everything so far?

Is everything ok?

Very well.

(三)05 Section two: introductions formal 2 正式场合介绍2

---Hey,Kevin!Can I introduce you to my colleague?Kevin,this is Magee.Magee,Kevin.

嗨,Kevin 我可以介绍你给我同事认识吗

---Hi Magee,I've heard a lot about you。嗨,Magee我听说了很多你的事

---Oh,nothing bad I hope。 希望不是坏事

---En...no.Only good stuff I think,Are you having a good time 没有 我想都是好事 你玩的愉快吗 ---It's been good fun so far.,There are lots of nice people here.目前为止很愉快 这有很多很好的人 ---Yea,there are. So,can I get you a drink?是的 我可以替你拿杯饮料吗

1.Can I introduce you to my colleague? 我可以介绍你给我同事认识吗

I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine. 我想介绍我一个朋友给你认识

Have you guys met?你们见过了吗

Let me introduce my friend,Mr Johnson. 让我介绍我的朋友给你认识

2.Kevin,this is Magee. Magee,Kevin.

3.I've heard a lot about you 我听说了很多你的事

4.Only good stuff I think. 希望都是好事

I don't like that stuff. 我不喜欢那个

Do you wanna any help bring your stuff?需要帮你带你的东西吗

We have heard all of this stuff before. 这些东西我们之前都听过了

5.It's been good fun 很好玩

I'm having a lot fun.很好玩

I'm having a good time.很好玩

I'm enjoying myself.很好玩

I enjoyed outing yesterday.It was good fun. 昨天出去我很开心 很好玩

Have fun. 很好玩

It's no fun having to work on the weekend. 在周末工作不好玩

6.Can I get you a drink? 我可以替你拿杯饮料吗


Can I introduce you to my colleague?我可以介绍你给我同事认识吗?

I'd like to introduce you to Mark.我想介绍马克给你认识

Have you guys met? 你们见过了吗?

Let me introduce my friend ,Mr Jonson. Mr Jonson,让我介绍我朋友给你认识

Carey,this is Maggie Carey,这是Maggie

I've heard a lot about you 希望不是坏事

Can I get you a drink?我可以替你拿杯饮料吗

(三)07SECTION 4:asking about someone else询问有关别人的事

---hi,Emally,do you know that guy over there? 嗨,Emally,你认识那边那个人吗?

---The tall one?Sure,that's Daive,he works with Lily. 那个高个子吗?当然,那是大卫,他是丽丽的同事 ---He is cute.What dose he do? 他好可爱呀,他是做什么的

---I'm not sure,he is a manager I think. 我不确定,我想他是经理吧

---Really?Are you going to introduce us? 真的吗?你要不要介绍我们认识啊

---Well,he has already taken you know,that's his wife over there.



1.Do you know that guy over there? 你认识那边那个人吗?


Do you know what he dose? 你知道他是做什么的吗?

Do you know how old he is? 你知道他几岁吗?

Do you know her name? 你知道他的名字吗

2.The tall one? 那个高个子吗?

补充例句:The handsome one ? 那个帅帅的吗?

The one in black? 那个穿黑衣服的吗?

The one with long hair? 那个长头发的吗?

3.He's cute. 他好可爱。

4.Are you going to introduce us? 你要不要介绍我们认识啊?

5.He's already taken. 他己经私会了


1 Do you know him ?你认识他吗

2 The tall one?那个高个子吗

3 The one in black?那个穿黑衣服的吗

4 The one with long hair ?那个长头发的吗

5 He's cute.他好可爱

6 He works with Lean. 他是Lean的同事

7 What does he do ? 他是做什么的

8 He's a manager ,I think . 我想他是经理吧

9 He's already taken . 他已经辞退了

10 He's married. 他已经结婚了

(四)09 Section5 Inviting 邀请

---Helen , did you heat I'm having a party.Next Saturday in my place.


---I may have something on that day, but thanks for inviting me.


---Well, drop by if you can.这样的话,如果方便就过来看看

---I will, do you want me to bring anything?我会的,需要我带点什么过去吗

---No, just bring yourself. I hope to see you there.不用,带你的人就好,希望到时能见到你


1、Did you hear I’m having a party?你有听说我要办个舞会吗?

I hear you going abroad.我听说你要出国

Have you heard what’s happened?你听说了发生的事吗

2、Did you hear I’m having a party?你有听说我要办个舞会吗


Will you come to my party?请来参加我的舞会好吗

3.Next Saturday in my place.下星期六在我家


Come my place tomorrow.明天来我家

Let’s go to your place. 去你家好了

I’m looking for a place to live. 我正在找房子。

They are trying to buy a new place with more rooms. 他们正试着搬到比较多房间的地方。 进阶用语

After the party, we went home to our apartment. 舞会结束后,我们回到我们的公寓 Our new house doesn’t fell like a home yet.我们的新房子感觉还不像一个家

The family has three homes. 这家人有三个家

The family has three houses. 这家人有三栋房子

4.I may have something on that day. 那天我可能有别的事


I maybe tired up all day that day.那天我可能有别的事。

I’m afraid I can’t make it that day. 那天我不行。

I am not sure if I can make it.我不确定我行不行。

5.Thanks for inviting me. 谢谢你邀请我。

6.Drop by if you can. 如果方便就过来看看。

7.Just bring yourself. 带你的人就好


I'm having a party. 我要办个舞会

Will you come to the party? 你来参加我的舞会好吗

I invited them to the party. 我邀请他们来参加我的舞会

I'm not invited. 我没有被邀请。

I have something on. 我有事

I'm afraid I can't make it. 我恐怕不行。

Thanks for inviting me. 谢谢你邀请我。

Drove by if you can. 如果方便就过来看看。

What need I bring anything? 需要我带点什么过去吗?

Just bring yourself.带你的人就好

(三)11arranging an appointment 安排约会

---Jodge,You must come around sometime, You have to check out my mew stereoJodge,你一定要找个时间过来,看看我买的新音响

---Sure, When is good time for you? 当然可以,你什么时候方便。

---Can you make it on Tuesday?你星期二可以吗?

---What time do you want me there?你希望我几点到

---Anytime after six will be fine 六点以后都可以

---All right, It's a date 好 就这么说

1、 You must come around sometime. 你一定要找个时间过来


He will be around soon他马上过来

Wait around, Don't go away在附近等 不要走远了

See you around改天见

2、 You have to check out my new stereo.你得看看我新买的音响


You have to look at my new stereo.

You have to have a look at my new stereo.

You have to come and see my new stereo.

3 When is good time for you?你什么时候方便


When is good for you ?

What time is good for you?

4 Can you make it on Tuesday? 你星期二可以吗


Can you make it some other time? 可以另订一个时间吗


Setion 5, Making sure you understand.

-Hi,Maggy, Did you hear about David?

-About David, No, I didn’t hear anything.

-You know, about David and new boss.

-Sorry,I don’t quite follow you.

-Well, I hear David have been fired.

-Oh,that is a shame. He is really hard working.


1.I don’t quite follow you.


I am not with you.

I don’t quite understand.

I am not sure understand.


Did you hear about… 你有没有听说……的事?

I didn’t hear anything. 我什么都没听说。

You know… 你知道的嘛……

Sorry, I don’t quite follow you. 对不起,我不懂你的意思。 Sorry, I am not with you. 对不起,我不懂你的意思。

Sorry, I am not truly understand. 对不起,我不懂你的意思。 Sorry, I don’t know what you mean. 对不起,我不懂你的意思。



(一) 01 表达技巧communications strategies

chapter one conversation basics 打开话匣子的要诀

section one meeting someone for the first time 初次见面

A:Excuse me,is this seat taken?对不起,这里有人坐吗?

B:Er...no, go ahead 呃...没有,您请便吧

A:You work upstair,right?I think I have seen you before.I'm Karren,Karren Brown.. 你公司在楼上对吧?我好像见过你,我是凯瑞,凯瑞 布朗

B:Nice to meet you ,Karren.I'm Tim Wang. 很高兴认识你Karren,我是Tim Wang。 A:Happy to know you ,Tim. 很高兴认识你,Tim 详细解说


Excuse me.对不起,借过一下。

Excuse me,does this bus go to the train station? 对不起,请问这班公车有到火车站吗?


Is anybody sitting here? 这里有人坐吗?

Could I sit here? 我可以坐这吗?


Excuse me, have you got the time?对不起 请问你知道现在几点吗?

Er,could you help me ,I'm looking for.. .呃,可以请你帮个忙吗?我在找...

Do you need any help?需要帮忙吗?

Are you new here? 你是新来的吗?


go right ahead.当然

feel free不用客气

not yourself out 请便

Glad to know you很高兴认识你

Good to know you很高兴认识你

Please to meet you很高兴认识你

Happy to know you很高兴认识你


It was nice to see you ,take care.很高兴见到你,保重。


Excuse me. 对不起

Is this seat taken? 这里有人坐吗?

Go ahead. 你请便吧.

Feel free. 不用客气.

Have you got the time? 请问你知道现在几点么?

Could you help me? 可以请你帮个忙么?

Do you need help? 需要帮忙吗?

Are you new here? 你是新来的吗?

Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你.

Happy to know you. 很高兴认识你.

Take care. 保重.

(一)03Section two:Ending a conversation.结束谈话。

A:Oh,it's getting late. I've got to run.It was nice talking to you,karren.


B:Thanks,Tim.Nice meeting you,too.谢谢你,Tim.我也很高兴认识你。

A:I guess we'll see just around.我想我们应该会再碰面吧。

B:Ye,I hope so.well.Take it easy.是啊,希望如此。呃。。那你就保重啦。

A:You too.你也是。 详细解说:

1.Oh,it's getting late.哦,很晚了。


1.Actually.I have another appointment.我还有其它的事。

2.I've got to run. 我得走了。


I'd better go.我得走了。

I'd better be on my way.我得走了。

I've got to get going. 我得走了。

3.It was nice talking to you ,karren.很高兴跟你谈话,凯瑞。

间接用语:Good to have met you.很高兴认识你。

Nice meeting you.很高兴认识你。

4.Take it easy.保重。


Take care.保重。

see you later.改天见


So long.再见。

Stay in touch.保持联络。

Keep in touch.保持联络。

Let's meet at some time.改天再出来聊吧。

(一)05Section 3 starting a conversation with someone you know 与认识的人开始交谈

A:Hey! What's up ? 嘿,怎么样?

B:Hi ,John!I haven't seen you for ages .嗨,John,好久不见了!

A:Yeah,I've been out of town.是啊,我才刚从外地回来.

B:So how have you been?所以呢,你近来还好吗?

A:Great!Work is really busy now,but it's fun .好的很,工作很忙,但我乐在其中 . 详细解说.

1:What's up ? 怎么样?


What's cooking ? 怎么样?

What's going on? 怎么样?

What's happening ? 怎么样?

What's new? 有什么新闻?

How are you doing ? 你好吗?

How are you ? 你好吗?

2:I haven't seen you for ages . 好久不见


I haven't seen you for long time. 好久不见

Long time no see .It's been a long time 好久不见

3:I've been out of town .我才从外地回来


I'll be out of town on business next week .下星期我会去外地出差

She'll be in town on friday then away for the next weekend .


My parents will be in town for a few days .我父母会在这里呆几天

4:How have you been?近来还好吗?


How are things? 一切都好吗?

How are your parents?你父母还好吗?

How is your work? 工作还顺利吗?



Not bad .不错

It couldn't be better.再好不过了

Nothing to complain about.没什么可以抱怨的


Not so good.不太好

6:Work is really busy now,but it's fun.工作很忙,但很有乐趣


I'm really enjoying it. 我很喜欢做这件事

I'm having fun. 我得到很多乐趣

It's really interesting. 很有趣

It's very rewarding. 很有成就感


what's up怎么样

It spent long time 好久不见

How have you been近来还好吗

How are you doing 一切都好吗

Great 好得很

It couldn't be better 再好不过了


Not bad不错

Not so good不太好

It's fine很有乐趣

(一)07Section 4 Showing understanding 表示了解对方的意思So click here,then up to the top. 好,点一下这里,然后到最上面

Er...Hum...Got it. 恩,我知道了

Then open that window.Yeah,that one. 然后,开那个视窗。对了,就是那个

Right! 哦,好!

And that's it. You're done. 就这样,这样就完成了

I see what you mean,That was pretty easy after all。这样我知道你意思了,还蛮容易的

1.Er...Got it. 恩,我知道了

同义词句: Yeah.恩 OK. 好I see. 我知道了

2.Right. 哦,好!

3.You are done. 这样就完成了


You are all set. 这样就可以了

That's all.就这样

You finished. 这样就完成了

4.I see what you mean. 我知道你的意思


I get it. 我知道

I get you. 我知道

I get what you mean. 我知道你的意思

I understand what's you talking about. 我知道你的意思


1.Got it 我知道了。

2. OK 好。

3.Right 好。

4. That's it 就这样。

5.You are done。 你完成了。

6.You are all 你完成了。你准备妥当了。

7.I see what you mean我知道你的意思。

8.I see 我知道了。

9.I get you 我知道了。

10.That was easy 还蛮容易的。

(一)09Setion 5, Making sure you understand.


---Hi,Maggy, Did you hear about David?你有没有听说过戴维的事啊?

---About David, No, I didn?t hear anything.戴维的事,没有,我什么都没听说。

---You know, about David and new boss. 你知道的吗,就是戴维和他新老板的事啊。 ---Sorry,I don?t quite follow you. 对不起,我不太懂你的意思。

---Well, I hear David have been fired.我听说戴维被炒鱿鱼了。

---Oh,that is a shame. He is really hard working.那真是太可惜了,他工作还挺认真的呢! 详细解说

1.Did you hear about David ? 你有没有听说戴维的事?

2.You know, about David and new boss.你知道的吗,就是戴维和他新老板的事啊。

3.I don?t quite follow you.我不懂你的意思


I am not with you 我不懂你的意思

I don?t quite understand. 我不懂你的意思.

I am not sure understand. 我不懂你的意思

4.He is really hard working. 他工作很认真.


Did you hear about… 你有没有听说……的事?

I didn?t hear any thing. 我什么都没听说。

You know… 你知道的嘛……

Sorry, I don?t quite follow you. 对不起,我不懂你的意思

Sorry, I am not with you. 对不起,我不懂你的意思。

Sorry, I am not truly understand. 对不起,我不懂你的意思

Sorry, I don?t know what you mean. 对不起,我不懂你的意思

(一)11Section 6 Double checking 再次确认对方的意思

Did you hear peter just retired? 你有没有听说皮特刚退休了

Are you sure?He is quite young,isn't he? 你确定吗,他还很年轻不是吗

He is not young as he looks.I think he's almost sixty。 他没有外表看起来年轻,我想他快60岁了 Really?He looks so young。 真的吗 他看起来那么年轻 详细解说

1.Are you sure? 你确定吗

Really ?真的吗 Seriously? 说真的吗 Are you serious?你是认真的吗 Do you really think so? 你真的是这么觉得的吗Is that right?真的吗

2.He is quite young,isn't he?他还很年轻不是吗

It is a beautiful day,isn't it? 今天天气真好不是吗

He lives in Taipei,does he? 他住在台北不是吗

That is your car.isn't it? 这是你的车 不是吧

Sally doesn't smoke,does she?莎莉抽烟吗 不是吧

3.He is not young as he looks 他看起来不是那么年轻

I'm not stupid you think.我没有你想的那么笨 She is not prettiest I thought他没有我原本想的那
