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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-19 11:50:45 | 移动端:《走遍美国》教师讲解版,英语视频

篇一:《走遍美国》龚亚夫老师讲解版 简介

中文名: 走遍美国

英文名: Family Album U.S.A

资源格式: RMVB

版本: 教师讲解版(26章全)

地区: 大陆

对白语言: 普通话,英语


看到已经有不少"走遍美国"的版本了,但都是video版的。这个版本由英语教学专家龚亚夫老师与北京外国语大学的Mary Ann Hurst老师讲解,幽默风趣,重点突出,并且包括了Family Album U.S.A的全部内容。相信在老师的步步辅导下一定可以让骡友们少走弯路,学出自信。

全世界英语教学中的“第一大片”!全球35个国家同步使用的生活化美语教材。“电视影集”式的亲善形式,全球105个国家英语教学专家的一致推荐。曾多次荣获美国电视界最高荣誉奖——艾美奖的编剧兼导演WILLIAM GREEVES,以及动画制作群DOVETAIL GROUP,加上表演经验丰富的专业舞台剧演员;绝对纯正、清晰的美语发音,生动丰富的体态语言,让你从此与枯燥、乏味的英语学习Say Good-Bey Forever!



Teaching Plan for Family Album USA 视听说课程(《走遍美国》)教学方案






教材:(新版)走遍美国学习版(1) 书 1本;VCD光盘 13张 录音带 13盒

《走遍美国》(Family Album U.S.A.)是一套在国内畅销数百万册、在全球35个国家同步使用的生活化美语教材。它由美国新闻总署赞助,美国麦克米伦公司制作。该教材所采用的“电视影集”式的组织形式,是在向全球105个国家的英语教学者广泛咨询后才决定的,所有被调查者都认为电视剧情节感人,能吸引学习者的兴趣。《走遍美国》电视影集代表了国际最高制作水平,它的编剧兼导演William Greeves,以及动画制作群Dovetail Group都曾几度荣获美国电视界最高荣誉的艾美奖,所有演员都是优秀的专业演员,他们美语发音清晰、体态语言丰富,口语原汁原味,配备大量的练习、注释和背景知识。每一课有三幕,每幕中有preview、text、activities等六项内容。而activities中又有三景。其中教学的重点是text、activities、focus in /重点聚焦的内容。



首先,视听说课不一味追求学生掌握词汇的多少或是语法的精准使用并不意味着它们不重要。掌握一定的词汇和语法对提高口语水平有很大的帮助。同学们应当通过本专业其他课程的学习来实现词汇的积累与语法的提高。其次,了解教材的特点及课程的结构,弄清楚学习的重点所在,应重点学习text ,focus in /重点聚焦以及在老师的组织下积极参加activities锻炼自己的口语。再次,学习制度化,保证上课的出勤率,定时定量的完成预习、复习和作业。

EPISODE 1 46 Linden Street 第1集 “林登大街46号”

Aims and demands 教学目的与要求

? 认识Stewart一家人

? 同陌生人见面时,怎样自我介绍,互相询问个人及家庭情况,主动提出给人以帮助、道谢、告

别,等等。详见课本 p.1, Useful Language。

? 如何问路指路,选购商品,打听电话号码,读出电话号码(同一号码可以有不同读法),以及


? 有关打电话,应门,欢迎,致谢,选择食品,邀请进食,婉拒等等的礼貌用语。详见课本 p.19,

Useful Language。

Contents and Procedure 教学内容和教学步骤

Act I 第一幕: Preview; Activiteis; Focus in

Act II 第二幕 Preview; Activiteis; Focus in

Act III第三幕 Preview; Activiteis; Focus in

Language Points 教学重点和内容赏析

Guide for the book:

Family Album, U.S.A. is an album of pictures of the United States. Richard takes many pictures for his album.He photographs the cities like New York... and other special places.He photographs people working: police, ambulance drivers, steel workers, doctors. Philip Stewart, Richard's father, is a doctor. He's a pediatrician, a children's doctor. And Richard's mother, Ellen Stewart, is a home maker. His brother Robbie, is a student of Riverdale High School. He's 17. Richard has one sister. Her name is Susan. She works for a toy company in New York City. Malcolm Stewart is Richard's grandfather. He's 72 years old and lives in Florida. And this is Richard's wife, Marilyn Stewart. She is a fashion designer and a sales clerk in a boutique in New York City. You'll meet Marilyn Stewart and all of the other Stewarts in Family Album, U.S.A.


题解:美国东北部纽约州的里弗代尔镇,在纽约市的郊区。镇上的林登大街 46号一所住宅里,住着中年医生菲利普·斯图尔特一家人。这个幸福温馨的家庭是千百万美国白人中产者家庭的缩影。《走遍美国》这一26集英语教学电视连续剧将围绕斯图尔特家展开。一家人的生活、工作与事业将紧紧揪住读者的心。


Language Points 教学重点和内容赏析


Wonderful. Please.

My younger brother, Robbie.

With a Greek-American family?

No. Hispanic.


The number, please, of the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office.

Me, too.

And what about your family?

And good stuff, too.

Nice to meet you, Alexandra. 等等。

* 书中有些幽默的地方,你注意到了吗?




亚历山德拉来访,罗比眼前一亮,竟致语无伦次。他哥哥对他说:“沉住气。” 亚历山德拉助人为乐,送回了理查德的挎包,却把自己的挎包遗留在斯图尔特家里。


* 将来进行时的构成是: will(shall)be doing”,在第一幕中“We'll be looking for your book”句里表示较强的感情,即盼望将来能做到某事。类似的例子如:

I'll be seeing you. 我会见到你的。(表信念或期望)

He'll be looking forward to the birthday party. 他将期待这次生日聚会。


The car will be waiting for us when we alight from the plane. 我们下飞机时,汽车将在等我们。 * 从第一集中我们看到斯图尔特一家人的和睦互爱。理查德和妻子玛丽琳仍住在父母家里。他的妹妹苏姗住在外面。家里的晚饭是轮流做的,连小弟弟罗比也有一手好活,就是有点粗心。母亲埃伦显然是一家的“主心骨”,但是却非常慈爱容忍。

Useful Expressions

Excuse me. My name is Richard Stewart. 对不起,我叫Richarrd Stewart

I'm a photographer. 我是一位摄影师。

May I take a picture of you and your little boy? 我可以替 和 的小小男孩拍一张照

What's it for? 是做什麽用的

It's for a book. 是为一本书拍的。

You're writing a book? 你在写一本书吗?

It's a book of pictures. 这是一本摄影集。

I call it Family Album, U.S.A. 我称之为 美国写真真

Oh, that's a nice idea. 噢 这想法不错。

Well, it's fine if you take our picture. 你想拍我们的照 就就请吧

I'm Martha Vann. 我叫Martha Vann。

Thank you. I appreciate your help. 谢谢 很感谢 的帮帮助

I'm Richard. What's your name? 我是Richard 你叫适谗

Gerald. Gerald。

How old are you, Gerald? Gerald 你今年多大大

Five. 五岁。

And where do you live? 你们住在哪

We live in California. 我们住在Californiaa 。

Well, welcome to New York. 噢 欢迎你们到纽约约来

OK, just a second. 好了 请稍等一下。

I'm almost ready here. 我快要准备就绪了。

Can I help you? 我能帮你忙吗

Oh, please. 噢 太好了。

Hold Gerald's hand, please. Great! 请握住Gerald的手。。很

Now point to the buildings. 现在请指著那些建筑筑物

Terrific! 好极了

Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! Gerald 亲一亲妈妈妈 很

Thank you, Gerald. 谢谢你 Gerald。

And thank you, Mrs. Vann. 谢谢 Vann太太

Oh, my pleasure. 噢 不客气。

We'll be looking for your book. 我们会去买你的书。

Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald. 谢谢。再见。Geraldd 再见。

Thanks again. 再次谢谢 。

Oh, you're welcome. 噢 请别客气。

Hey, let me take your picture! 嘿 让我给 拍一张张

Wonderful. Please. 好啊 请。

Are you from New York? 是从纽约来的吗

No, I'm from Greece. 不是 我是从希腊来来的

I'm an exchange student. 我是一名交换学生。

When did you come here? 是什麽时候来这 的

Three months ago. 三个月之前。

Your English is very good. 的英语说得很好。

Thanks. 谢谢你。

I studied English in school. 我是在学校 学的英英语

Would you like some coffee? 要不要来点咖啡

No, thank you. 不要 谢谢。

Tell me about your book. 谈谈你的书吧。

Oh, it's not finished yet, 噢 它尚未完成

but I have some of the pictures. 但我手头有一些照片片

Would you like to see them? 要不要看一看

Yes. I'd like that. 要啊 我想看一看。

Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A. 就在这 。 美国写写

It's an album of pictures of the United States: 是关於美国的

the cities, the special places, and the people. 一些城市 一些特别别的地方以及人们的摄影选辑 And these are pictures of people working: 这是工作中人们的照照

steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, 钢架工人 银行职员员 警察 街头小

ambulance drivers, doctors.... 救护车驾驶 医生等等等…

Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. 噢 这是我父亲 他他是一名医生

This is my mother. 这是我母亲。

This is my mother. 这是我母亲。

What's her name? 她叫什麽名字

Ellen. Ellen。

My younger brother, Robbie. 这是我弟弟Robbie

He goes to high school. 他在上高中。

This is my sister Susan. 这是我妹妹Susan

She works for a toy company. 她在一家玩具公司工工作

Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. 这是我祖父 他住在在Florida

And this is my wife Marilyn. 这是我太太Marilyn

Oh, she's very pretty. 噢 她很漂亮。

Thanks. And what about your family? 谢谢。那 的家庭呢

They are in Thessaloniki. 他们住在Thessaloniiki

That's a large city in northern Greece. 那是希腊北部的一个个大城市

But now I'm living in the Bronx. 但现在我住在Bronx乔?

With a Greek-American family? 跟希裔美国家庭住吗

No. Hispanic. 不是 是西语裔家庭庭

Oh no! It's five thirty. 哎呀 已经五点半了了

Will you excuse me? 我失陪了

I have to meet my wife. 我得去接我太太。

It was nice meeting you. 非常高兴遇见你。

It was a pleasure meeting you, too. 我也很高兴碰到 。

Thanks for your help. 谢谢 的帮助。

And good luck! I've got to go. 祝 好运 我得走了了

By the way, I'm Richard. 噢 我忘了说 我叫叫Richar

What's your name? 呢

Alexandra. Alexandra。

Bye-bye, Alexandra. Thanks. 再见 Alexandra 行 谢。

Bye-bye. Richard! Richard! You left your bag! 再见。Richard Ricchard 你掉了一个旅行袋。

Formulaic Expressions

Excuse me 对不起,请原谅


Excuse me, officer, can you help me? 对不起,警官先生,你能帮助我吗?





Family Album U. S. A.


学号: 姓名:张文凯 任课教师:李洪辉



An Analysis of the Different Wedding Customs

Between China and America

Ⅰ. Introduction

Historically, marriage is vital for people, the wedding is a marriage of two people Type, so every country has the custom of the wedding. However, due to different RACES, different skin color, different place to live, life style of different reasons, each country wedding customs are different, so the wedding customs of China and the United States also exist differences. [1] This article from the bride's dowry, the wedding held in place, the wedding dress, wedding custom, these four aspects to introduce the difference of wedding customs between China and America. Ⅱ. Contrast

1. The bride's dowry

Dowry isthe important part of the wedding, meaning is very rich. Because in the United States have different culture origin, customs and etiquette, also formed their own unique wedding dowry. Dowry of different objects, representing different meaning, contains a couple of infinite blessings

2. The wedding held in place

For our Chinese wedding to do the grand lively, inviting many relatives and friends, so the wedding place generally chosen in the transportation is convenient, spacious yard or hotel. Western wedding outstanding grave and holy, weddings are generally held in the church or other relatively quiet place, wedding ceremony in perfect order, but relatively is not as good as Chinese wedding so busy

3. The wedding dress

Wedding is one of the most important thing in people life, each couple to wear their most beautiful marriage Yarn and a suit. Have a camera at the wedding, wedding, the bride hope all this can like his dream scene without blemish. Wedding day is their most happy, the most unforgettable day. [2] Then, in the different wedding dress, jewelry is likely to represent different cultures.

4. The wedding custom

Chinese couple will have a meeting the bride in the wedding ceremony: a BaiTianDe, two worshipped a hall with high ceiling, couples to worship. And the western countries is under the witness of the priest of love promises. Chinese and western wedding has a chair, in western countries is usually the priest or pastor, while China is a special wedding emcee, its main task is to make the wedding more lively, friends and relatives more happy.

Ⅲ. Analysis

Wedding customs comes into being with the generation of marriage, is one of the common system of human society, a wedding is in the public the marital relationship between husband and wife publicly identified ceremony. So in each kind of social culture has the custom of the wedding, the wedding is an important part of each country. [3] For wedding different parts have different marriage customs in different region, but in each pair of couple follow the traditional customs and show their own special way, thus formed the different wedding customs, the two sides also is such.

Wedding is the embodiment of marriage relationship, is one of the common human system, is very important to every person, is a person in one of the most important period. Wedding is like every one of us, all is not the same, in everyone's life there are always a day with your lover to love each other in public, vows of eternal love. This is the wedding. Marriage customs of China and the United States have many differences, these differences rooted in different Chinese culture and American culture. On the one hand, as a big Oriental country, China has a long history, in addition to the picturesque scenery and profound history, rich cultural industry should be people's appreciation, which will contribute to English speaking people to understand the big Oriental country, on the other hand, with advanced technology, the United States, we can understand it, wedding ceremonies of the reaction of different cultures, and the same place should be respected and learning, and the couple at the same time of following

traditional customs and habits, and show their own unique way, through the different, based on the dowry venue is different, the wedding dress and wedding process different introduction, hope to understand the two sides of different wedding customs.

Ⅳ. Results

The marriage customs have all of the above differences between Chinese and western, westerners in this and in ideological thinking differences have a direct link. The Chinese people more conservative, like lively, so in Chinese history for thousands of years the whole wedding customs and there is not much change. After the modern western culture into China's traditional culture began to the west, but to a large extent, still has Chinese traditional marriage customs etiquette.

Ⅴ. Conclusion

Marriage is one of the human society common system. Historically, marriage is very important to anybody. A wedding is in the public the marital relationship between husband and wife publicly identified ceremony. In almost every kind of social culture, therefore, have the custom of the wedding. Below we together to understand the differences and similarities between Chinese and western wedding.



[3]吴国华.蒲军.中西方婚礼服饰文化研究[J ] .美与时代,2006(12)
