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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-09-02 14:32:39 | 移动端:材料科学与工程专业英语



交叉学科 interdiscipline 力学性质 mechanical property介电常数 dielectric constant电磁辐射 electro-magnetic radiation 固体性质 solid materials 材料加工 processing of materials热容 heat capacity弹性模量(模数)elastic coefficient

1.直到最近,科学家才终于了解材料的结构要素与其特性之间的关系。It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationship between the structural elements of materials and their properties .

2.材料工程学主要解决材料的制造问题和材料的应用问题。Material engineering mainly to solve the problem and create material application.

3.材料的加工过程不但决定了材料的结构,同时决定了材料的特征和性能。Materials processing process is not only to de structure and decided that the material characteristic and performance.

4.材料的力学性能与其所受外力或负荷而导致的形变有关。Material mechanical properties with the extemal force or in de deformation of the load.


先进材料 advanced material合金 metal alloys

陶瓷材料 ceramic material移植 implant to

粘土矿物 clay minerals 玻璃纤维 glass fiber

高性能材料 high performance material碳纳米管 carbon nanotub

1、金属元素有许多有利电子,金属材料的许多性质可直接归功于这些电子。Metallic materials have large numbers of nonlocalized electrons,many properties of metals are directly attributable to these electrons.

2、许多聚合物材料是有机化合物,并具有大的分子结构。Many of polymers are organic compounds,and they have very large molecular structures.

3、半导体材料的典型特征介于导体材料(如金属、金属合金)与绝缘体(陶瓷材料和聚合体材料)之间。Semiconductors have electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical conductors ( viz. metals and metal alloys ) and insulators ( viz. ceramics and polymers ).

4、生物材料不能产生毒性,并且不许与人体组织互相兼容。Biomaterials must not produce toxic substances and must be compatible with body tissues.


微观结构 microstructure 电荷平衡 balanced electrical charge 宏观结构 macrostructure 带正电子的原子核 positively charge 化学反应 chemical reaction nucleu

原子量 atomic

1、从我们呼吸的空气到各种各样性质迥异的金属,成千上完中物质均是由100多种院子组成的。These same 100 atoms form thousands of different substances ranging from the air we breathe to the metal used to support tall buildings.


The strength of metals suggests that these atoms are held together by strong bonds.


Microstructure, which includes features that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but using a microscope. Macrostructure includes features that can be seen with the naked eye.


The atomic weight of an atom indicates how many protons and neutrons in the nucleus.


相转变温度 重力加速度

phase transformation temperatures the acceleration of gravity

比重specific gravity 磁导率magnetic permeability

熔点the melting point 热导率thermal conductivity

1. 化学性质是用来描述一种物质是怎样变成另外一种完全不同的物质的性质。Physical properties are those that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance.

2. 相变是一种物理性质,并且物质存在四种相:固相、液相、气相和等离子体。Phase is a physical property of matter and matter can exist in four phases : solid , liquid , gas and plasma .

3. 当温度低于熔点时,聚合物的晶体结构破坏,但其分子任然连接在分子链上,从而形成一种柔软和柔顺性材料。Instead , at some temperature below the melting point , they start to lose their crystalline structure but the molecules remain linked in chains , which results in a soft and pliable material.

4. 在工程应用中,渗透率通常用相对值而不是绝对值表示。In engineering applications , permeability is often expressed in relative , rather than in absolute , terms .


实验样品 test specimen 临界应力 critical stress

静负荷 static loading 屈服强度 yield strength

作用力 applied force 应力面积 stress area

垂直轴 normal axis 应力-应变曲线 stress-strain curve 工程应变 engineering strain

1. 通常,温度低于室温时,金属合金的强度性质降低,而延展性、破碎韧度和拉伸性能增强。Temperature above room temperature usually cause a decrease in the strength properties of metallic alloys.

2. 从材料的角度来说,盈利是一种在材料内部所分布的力,他可以平衡所施加的负荷并与其发生相互作用。From the perspective of what is happening within a material , stress is the internal distribution of forces within a body that balance and

react to the loads applied to it.

3. 工程应变可定义为:所施加立方向上的材料的改变量与材料原始长度的比值。Engineering strain is defined as the amount of deformation in the direction of the applied force divided by the initial length of the material .

4. 高强度和高延展性的材料比低强度和地延展性的材料的韧性高。A material with high stress and high ductility will have more toughness than a material with low strength and low ductility


国内生产总值GDP 卫生保健health cane

市场经济market economies 材料科学与工程MSE

社会问题societal issues 国民生产总值GNP

经济指数economic index 人口增长率population grouth rate

1、然而,随着时间的变化,人类的革新与创造力,工程师满足社会需求的能力和建立工程企业的精神是永恒不变的。However,some things that have been constant over time are human innovation and creativity, the engineer’s ability to address societal needs , and the entrepreneurial spirit of engineering.

2、我们可以看到医学、通信学和运输工业的革命给我们生活带来的变化。 We have witnessed the re-shaping of our lives through revolution that have taken place in medicine, telecommunications, and transportation industries.

3、18%的世界人口缺少安全饮用水,几乎40%缺少环境卫生设施。 Eighteen percent of the world’s population lacks access to safe drinking water and nearly 40% has no access to sanitation.

4、材料与社会是相互联系的,并且我们应当认为材料科学工程的发展与影响人类生存条件的全球社会问题存在密切的关系,这是唯一理性的看法。 Materials and society are interlinked, and it is only rational that we should see a close relation between the MSE research agenda and societal issues that affect the human condition on the globe.


离域电子 delocalized electrons核电荷 nuclear charge

电子结构 e lectrical structure 导电性 e lectrical conductivity

碱土金属a lkali-earth metals 价带 valence bands

核电荷 nuclear charge 离子晶格 the ion latti

化学电池 electrochemical cell

1、金属有时被描述为由游离电子团包围的正离子晶格。Metals are sometimes described as a lattice of positive ions surrounded by a cloud of delocalized electrons.

2、通常地,金属具有良好的导电性和导热性,具有金属光泽,密度较大,并且具有在压力下变形而不会断裂的能力。Metals in general have superior electric and thermal conductivity, high luster and density and the ability to be deformed under stress without cleaving.


An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements in solid solution in which the major component is a metal.


Combining different ratios of metals as alloys modifies the properties of pure metals to produe desirable characteristics.


United 1 材料科学与工程

材料在我们的文化中比我们认识到的还要根深蒂固。如交通、房子、衣物,通讯、娱乐和食物的生产,实际上,我们日常生活中的每一部分都或多或少地受到材料的影响。历史上社会的发展、先进与那些能满足社会需要的材料的生产及操作能力密切相关。实际上,早期的文明就以材料的发展程度来命名,如石器时代,铜器时代。早期人们能得到的只有一些很有限的天然材料,如石头、木材、粘土等。渐渐地,他们通过技术来生产优于自然材料的新材料,这些新材料包括陶器和金属。进一步地,人们发现材料的性质可以通过加热或加入其他物质来改变。 在这点上, 材料的应用完全是一个选择的过程。也就是说,在一系列非常有限的材料中,根据材料的优点选择一种最适合某种应用的材料。直到最近,科学家才终于了解材料的结构要素与其特性之间的关系。这个大约是过去的 60年中获得的认识使得材料的性质研究成为时髦。 因此, 成千上万的材料通过其特殊的性质得以发展来满足我们现代及复杂的社会需要。很多使我们生活舒适的技术的发展与适宜材料的获得密切相关。 一种材料的先进程度通常是一种技术进步的先兆。比如,没有便宜的钢制品或其他替代品就没有汽车。在现代,复杂的电子器件取决于所谓的半导体零件。

材料科学与工程有时把材料科学与工程细分成材料科学和材料工程学科是有用的。 严格地说, 材料科学涉及材料到研究材料的结构和性质的关系。 相反, 材料工程是根据材料的结构和性质的关系来设计或操纵材料的结构以求制造出一系列可预定的性质。 从功能方面来说, 材料科学家的作用是发展或合成新的材料,而材料工程师是利用已有的材料创造新的产品或体系,和/或发展材料加工新技术。多数材料专业的本科毕业生被同时训练成材料科学家和材料工程师。“structure”一词是个模糊的术语值得解释。简单地说,材料的结构通常与其内在成分的排列有关。原子内的结构包括介于单个原子间的电子和原子核的相互作用。在原子水平上,结构包括原子或分子与其他相关的原子或分子的组织。 在更大的结构领域上, 其包括大的原子团,这些原子团通常聚集在一起,称为“微观”结构,意思是可以使用某种显微镜直接观察

得到的结构。最后,结构单元可以通过肉眼看到的称为宏观结构。“Property” 一词的概念值得详细阐述。在使用中,所有材料对外部的刺激都表现出某种反应。比如,材料受到力作用会引起形变,或者抛光金属表面会反射光。材料的特征取决于其对外部刺激的反应程度。通常,材料的性质与其形状及大小无关。

实际上,所有固体材料的重要性质可以概括分为六类:机械、电学、热学、磁学、光学和腐蚀性。对于每一种性质,其都有一种对特定刺激引起反应的能力。如机械性能与施加压力引起的形变有关, 包括弹性和强度。 对于电性能, 如电导性和介电系数, 特定的刺激物是电场。固体的热学行为则可用热容和热导率来表示。 磁学性质表示一种材料对施加的电场的感应能力。对于光学性质,刺激物是电磁或光照。用折射和反射来表示光学性质。最后,腐蚀性质表示材料的化学反应能力。除了结构和性质,材料科学和工程还有其他两个重要的组成部分,即加工和性能。如果考虑这四个要素的关系,材料的结构取决于其如何加工。另外,材料的性能是其性质的功能。因此,材料的加工、结构、性质和功能的关系可以用以下线性关系来表示:加工——结构——性质——性能。为什么研究材料科学与工程?为什么研究材料科学与工程?许多应用科学家或工程师,不管他们是机械的、民事的、化学的或电子的领域的, 都将在某个时候面临材料的设计问题。 如用具的运输、 建筑的超级结构、油的精炼成分、 或集成电路芯片。 当然, 材料科学家和工程师是从事材料研究和设计的专家。很多时候, 材料的问题就是从上千个材料中选择出一个合适的材料。 对材料的最终选择有几个原则。首先,现场工作条件必须进行表征。只有在少数情况下材料在具有最优或理想的综合性质。 因此, 有必要对材料的性质进行平衡。 典型的例子是当考虑材料的强度和延展性时,而通常材料具有高强度但却具有低的延展性。这时对这两种性质进行折中考虑很有必要。其次, 选择的原则是要考虑材料的性质在使用中的磨损问题。 如材料的机械性能在高温或腐蚀环境中会下降。最后, 也许是最重要的原则是经济问题。 最终产品的成本是多少?一种材料的可以有多种理想的优越性质,但不能太昂贵。这里对材料的价格进行折中选择也是可以的。产品的成本还包括组装中的费用。工程师与科学家越熟悉材料的各种性质、结构、功能之间的关系以及材料的加工技术,根据以上的几个原则,他或她对材料的明智选择将越来越熟练和精确。

Unit 2 Classification of Materials is based primarily on chemical makeup and atomic structure, and most materials fall into one distinct grouping or another, although there are some intermediates. In addition, there are three other groups of important engineering materials—

composites, semiconductors, and biomaterials.

译文:固体材料被便利的分为三个基本的类型:金属,陶瓷和聚合物。这个分类是首先基于化学组成和原子结构来分的,大多数材料落在明显的一个类别里面,尽管有许多中间品。除此之外, 有三类其他重要的工程材料-复合材料,半导体材料和生物材料。

representative characteristics is offered next.



Metallic materials are normally combinations of metallic elements. They have large numbers of nonlocalized electrons; that is, these electrons are not bound to particular

atoms. Many properties of metals are directly able to these electrons.

be bound to 被约束于。。

be attribute to 归属于。。归因于。。

译文:金属材料通常由金属元素组成。它们有大量无规则运动的电子。也就是说,这些电子不是被约束于某个特定的原子。金属的许多性质直接归属这些不规则运动的电子。 has a lustrous appearance. Furthermore, metals are quite strong, yet deformable, 科技英语在讲述科学真理的时候通常用主动语态。如: Metals are extremely good conductors of electricity

Deformable ?



Ceramics are compounds between metallic and nonmetallic elements; they are most frequently oxides, nitrides, and carbides. that引导的定语从句

译文:陶瓷是介于金属和非金属元素之间的化合物;它们通常是氧化物,氮化物和碳化物。落在这个分类种类中的宽的材料范围包括陶瓷,它们由粘土矿物,水泥和玻璃组成。 more?. Than?..

with regard to….


POLYMERS furthermore, they have very large molecular structures. These materials typically have low densities and may be extremely flexible.



COMPOSITES more than…


A composite is designed to display a combination of the best characteristics of each of the component materials. Fiberglass acquires strength from the glass and flexibility from the polymer. Many of the recent material developments have involved composite materials.


SEMICONDUCTORS the electrical characteristics of these materials are extremely sensitive to the presence of minute concentrations of impurity be sensitive to 对…敏感的


The semiconductors have made possible the advent of integrated circuitry lives) over the past two decades.


BIOMATERIALS These materials must not produce toxic substances and must be compatible with body tissues (i.e., must not cause adverse biological reactions).


All of the above materials—metals, ceramics, polymers,

composites, and semiconductors—may be used as biomaterials. For example, some of the biomaterials such as CF/C (carbon fibers/carbon) and CF/PS (polysulfone) are utilized in artificial hip replacements.



advanced materials. By high technology we mean a device or product that operates or functions using relatively intricate and sophisticated principles; examples include electronic equipment (VCRs, CD players, etc.), computers, fiberoptic systems, spacecraft, aircraft, and military rocketry.

译文:用在高科技中的材料有时被称作先进材料。借助于高科技,我们预定一个装置或者产品,这些产品用相对复杂和熟练的原理运转或者起作用;这些例子包括电子设备( VCRs, CD 播放器),计算机,光纤系统,宇宙飞船,航天飞机和军事火箭。

Furthermore, they may material types (e.g., metals, ceramics, polymers), 译文:这些高级材料或是典型的传统材料,它们的性质被提高,最近开发出来的,高性能材料。除此之外,它们可能是所有材料类型(比如,金属、陶瓷和聚合物),通常相对较贵。

In subsequent chapters are discussed the properties and applications of a number of advanced materials—for example, materials that are used for lasers, integrated circuits, magnetic information storage, liquid crystal displays (LCDs),

fiber optics, and the thermal protection system for the Space Shuttle Orbiter.

译文: 在下面的章节将讨论众多先进材料的性质和应用-比如被用作激光,集成电路,磁信息存储,液晶显示器,光纤和空间舱轨道的热保护系统的材料。


In spite of the tremendous progress that has been made in the discipline of materials science and engineering within the past few years, there still remain technological challenges, including the development of even more sophisticated and specialized materials, as well as consideration of the environmental impact of materials production. Some comment is appropriate relative to these issues so as to round out

this perspective.


Nuclear energy holds some promise, but the solutions to the many problems that remain will necessarily involve materials, from fuels to containment structures to facilities for the disposal of radioactive waste.


Significant quantities of energy are involved in transportation. Reducing the weight of transportation vehicles (automobiles, aircraft, trains, etc.), as well as increasing engine operating temperatures, will enhance fuel efficiency. New high strength,

low-density structural materials remain to be developed, as well as materials that have higher-temperature capabilities, for use in engine components.


Furthermore, there is a recognized need to find new,economical sources of energy, and to use the present resources more efficiently. Materials will undoubtedly play a significant role in these developments.


For example, the direct conversion of solar into electrical energy has been demonstrated. Solar cells employ some rather 译文:比如,太阳能直接转化为电能已经被证实了。太阳能电池使用相当复杂并且昂贵的材料。为了保证技术的可行,在这个转化过程中的高效但不贵的材料必须被发展。

Furthermore, environmental quality depends on our ability to control air and water pollution. Pollution control techniques pollution and less despoilage of the landscape from the mining of raw materials.


Also, in some materials manufacturing processes, toxic substances are produced, and the ecological impact of their

disposal must be considered.

gradually becoming depleted.



which necessitates: 1) the discovery of additional reserves, 2) the development of new materials having comparable properties with less adverse environmental impact, and/or 3) increased recycling efforts and the development of new recycling technologies.


As a consequence of the economics of not only production but also environmental impact and ecological factors, it is

becoming increasingly important to consider the ‘‘cradle-to-grave’’ life cycle of materials relative to the overall manufacturing process.


Unit3 Atomic Structure of Materials

1. 众所周知 所有的物质都是由原子组成的。在下面周期表中我们可以知道仅仅大约有100多种不同种类的原子存在于整个宇宙中

与陶瓷有不同表现行为,陶瓷又与聚合物有所差异。物质的性能取决于组成他们的原子类型以及原子的结合方式。材料的结构可以根据我们所认为的各种特性的的数量级来分类,三种最常见的主要结构上的分类通常按尺寸的增大列出它们是,原子的结构是指不可见的结构例如原子间的结合方式以及原子的排布。微观结构是指不能同肉眼观察到而能用显微镜观察到的结构。宏观结构是指可以用肉眼直接观察到的结构。 2. 原子结构主要影响物质的化学性质、物理性质、耐热性、电性、磁性、光学性质。微观结构和宏观结构也能影响这些性质但它们通常在力学性质和化学反应速率方面的影响更大。材料的性能为材料的结构提供了一定的线索。金属的具有的强度就说明构成他的原子是通过很强的成健能力结合在一起的.然而由于金属经常成型,这些结合力必须允许原子运动。为了了解材料的结构,我们必须知道原子所呈现的类型,原子是如何排布的、如何结合的。 3. 从基础化学我们知道任何元素的原子结构都是有被电子围绕的带正电的原子核组成。一个元素的原子数目显示了原子核中带正电的质子数。为了确定在一个原子里有多少中子,只需要把原子的数目从原子的重量中减去。4. 原子具有平衡的电荷。因此,通常有和质子数目相同的带负电荷的电子围绕在原子核周围。我们都知道电子以不同的能量存在,那些围绕在原子核周围的电子可以方便的认为是一个能源层。例如。镁原子序数是12 最内层有两个电子 8个电子,最外层有两个电子。 所有的化学键都包含电子。如果原子共用一个或多个电子时他们会保持很紧密。当原子没有部分填充的电子层时,它们会处于最稳定的状态。如果一个原子在电子层上仅有几个电子那么它就趋向于失去电子使电子层变空。这些即是金属元素。


Unit10 Introduction to Ceramic Materials

The word "ceramic" is derived from the Greek keramos, which means "potter's clay" or "pottery." Its origin is a Sanskrit term meaning "to burn." So the early Greeks used "keramous" when describing products obtained by heating clay-containing materials. The term has long included all products made from fired clay, for example, bricks, fireclay refractories, sanitaryware, and tableware.



材料的类型Types of materials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, elastomer

部分材料性质复习Review of selected properties of materials,

电导率和电阻率conductivity and resistivity, 热导率thermal conductivity, 应力和应变stress and strain, 弹性应变elastic strain, 塑性应变plastic strain, 屈服强度yield strength,

最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength, 最大强度ultimate strength, 延展性ductility, 伸长率elongation,

断面收缩率reduction of area, 颈缩necking,

断裂强度breaking strength, 韧性toughness, 硬度hardness,

疲劳强度fatigue strength, 蜂窝honeycomb, 热脆性heat shortness,

晶胞中的原子数atoms per cell, 点阵lattice, 阵点lattice point, 点阵参数lattice parameter,

密排六方hexagonal close-packed, 六方晶胞hexagonal unit cell, 体心立方body-centered cubic, 面心立方face-centered cubic, 弥勒指数Miller indices, 晶面crystal plane, 晶系crystal system, 晶向crystal direction,

相变机理Phase transformation mechanism: 成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition, 斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition, 有序无序转变disordered-order transition, 马氏体相变martensite phase transformation, 成核nucleation,

成核机理nucleation mechanism, 成核势垒nucleation barrier, 晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal, 金属组织的)基体quay,

基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix, 子晶,雏晶matted crystal, 耔晶,晶种seed crystal, 耔晶取向seed orientation, 籽晶生长seeded growth,

均质核化homogeneous nucleation,

异质核化heterogeneous nucleation,

均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment, 熟料grog,

自恰场self-consistent field 固溶体Solid solution:

有序固溶体ordered solid solution, 无序固溶体disordered solid solution, 有序合金ordered alloy, 无序合金disordered alloy. 无序点阵disordered lattice, 分散,扩散,弥散dispersal, 分散剂dispersant,

分散剂,添加剂dispersant additive, 分散剂, 弥散剂dispersant agent 缺陷defect, imperfection, 点缺陷point defect,

线缺陷 line defect, dislocation,

面缺陷interface defect, surface defect, 体缺陷volume defect,

位错排列dislocation arrangement, 位错阵列dislocation array, 位错气团dislocation atmosphere, 位错轴dislocation axis, 位错胞dislocation cell, 位错爬移dislocation climb,

位错滑移dislocation slip, dislocation movement by slip,

位错聚结dislocation coalescence, 位错核心能量dislocation core energy, 位错裂纹dislocation crack, 位错阻尼dislocation damping, 位错密度dislocation density, 体积膨胀volume dilation, 体积收缩volume shrinkage, 回火tempering, 退火annealing,


软化退火,软化(处理)softening, 淬火quenching,

淬火硬化quenching hardening, 正火normalizing, normalization, 退火织构annealing texture, 人工时效artificial aging, 细长比aspect ratio,

形变热处理ausforming, 等温退火austempering, 奥氏体austenite,

奥氏体化austenitizing, 贝氏体bainite, 马氏体martensite, 马氏体淬火marquench, 马氏体退火martemper, 马氏体时效钢maraging steel, 渗碳体cementite,

固溶强化solid solution strengthening, 钢屑混凝土steel chips concrete, 水玻璃,硅酸钠sodium silicate, 水玻璃粘结剂sodium silicate binder,

硅酸钠类防水剂sodium silicate waterproofing agent,


扩散系数diffusivity, 相变phase transition, 烧结sintering,

固相反应solid-phase reaction,

相图与相结构phase diagrams and phase structures , 相phase, 组分component, 自由度freedom,

相平衡phase equilibrium, 吉布斯相律Gibbs phase rule, 吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy, 吉布斯混合能Gibbs energy of mixing, 吉布斯熵Gibbs entropy, 吉布斯函数Gibbs function, 相平衡phase balance, 相界phase boundary,

相界线 phase boundary line,

相界交联 phase boundary crosslinking, 相界有限交联phase boundary crosslinking, 相界反应phase boundary reaction, 相变phase change,

相组成phase composition,

共格相 phase-coherent,

金相相组织 phase constentuent, 相衬phase contrast,

相衬显微镜phase contrast microscope, 相衬显微术phase contrast microscopy, 相分布phase distribution,

相平衡常数phase equilibrium constant, 相平衡图phase equilibrium diagram, 相变滞后phase transition lag, Al-Si-O-N 系统相关系phase relationships in the Al-Si-O-N system,

相分离phase segregation, phase separation, 玻璃分相phase separation in glasses, 相序phase order, phase sequence, 相稳定性phase stability, 相态phase state,

相稳定区phase stabile range, 相变温度phase transition temperature, 相变压力phase transition pressure, 同质多晶转变polymorphic transformation, 相平衡条件phase equilibrium conditions, 显微结构microstructures,

不混溶固溶体immiscible solid solution, 转熔型固溶体peritectic solid solution, 低共熔体eutectoid,crystallization, 不混溶性immiscibility, 固态反应solid state reaction, 烧结sintering,

相变机理Phase transformation mechanism: 成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition, 斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition, 有序无序转变disordered-order transition, 马氏体相变martensite phase transformation, 成核nucleation,

成核机理nucleation mechanism, 成核势垒nucleation barrier,

晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal, (金属组织的)基体quay,

基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix, 子晶,雏晶matted crystal, 耔晶,晶种seed crystal, 耔晶取向seed orientation, 籽晶生长seeded growth,

均质核化homogeneous nucleation,

异质核化heterogeneous nucleation,

均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment,
