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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-03-22 06:05:01 | 移动端:小学生寒假英语日记



January 30. 2012

today, i still went to my mother s office. my mother was very busy, so was my father. they always live in beijing. they must get up early. because they will manage the factory. so i know they are very laborious. so i should save my money. also i should help them. although i can t do something useful, but i think i should share the work with them. i am one of my family member. in the future,

i will take a job and work. it time for me to begin to learn how to work.


寒假英语日记200字 日记是把自己在当天生活中经历的有意义的事以及所见所闻所感记载下来的一种文体。它是以第一人称按日加以记写的。要写好英文日记,要注意以下几个方面:



1.书端(Heading) 英语日记的书端,是专门记载日期、星期和天气的,这一点与汉语日记相同,但在排列上有所不同。英语日记的书端在正文上边的左边(顶格),从左向右推进。


(1)先写某日,次写月份,最后写年份。某日用序数词的缩写形式;除May , June和July三个月份外,其余各月份均可缩写;年份均用阿拉伯数字书写,但不能把“1991”缩写成“91”等。例如:

15th August 1989


August 15,1989

August 15th,1989


Saturday,October 22nd,1983

October 22nd ,1983,Saturday


如果书端里还要记载那天的天气,只需用少数的词,如“Fin e”“Cloud y”等形容词表示。天气写在日期之后,须用逗号隔开。如果第一行内写不完,也可以移到第二行去写,但第一行内前边要空格,不可与第二行平头。例如:

Saturday,March 4,1988,Fine but windy in the afternoon ?????????? 常见的天气用语有:

fine 晴天的 rainy 下雨的 cloudy 阴天的,多云的

hot炎热的 shiny 晴朗的 cold寒冷的

snowy 下雪的 freezing冰冻的foggy 雾的

showery 阵雨的 sunshining 晴的,温暖的

sunny 阳光充足的,阳光明媚的 warm 暖和的

windy 刮风的 stormy暴风的 breezy 微风的

cloudy,then rainy 多云转雨的 rainy,fine later雨转晴的

2.正文(Body) 日记是每日生活的记载。生活的内容广泛,但写作时应有所选择,最好是记下当天有意义,感受最深的东西、不可巨细不分地记流水帐。 记日记的手法灵活,形式多样,它常用叙述的方法,可议论、也可抒情和描写;有话则长,无话则短,甚至于三言两语亦可。


I went to school at seven this morning.When I got to the classroom,the class had begun .

When I got home,my mother was cooking.


All roads lead to Rome.(条条道路通罗马。)

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

She is from Beijing.

The cow eats grass but gives milk.——Lu Xun(牛吃的是草,挤出来的是奶。——鲁迅)


1.今天是假期的第一天,我感到非常高兴,我们有很多作业但我们可以完成的。 我们一直很疲倦经过艰难学习。在冬季假期,我将有一个良好的休息。我相信我在这个假期中一定会过的很开心

Today is the first day of the holiday, I feel very happy, we have a lot of homework but we can finish.We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I will have a good rest.I believe that I am in this holiday must be very happy


Today is the second day of the holiday. After dinner, and in the evening I wrote a little homework, read a book, I and my brother play computer games, it is very interesting. Play for three hours of the game, my mother let us go to bed. I feel this time really fast

3.Today is the third day of the holiday.Ah ha, when I get up, it was time for lunch. But I really have a lot of work to do, I must write words English dairy, then learned “Li yang” English, then …… .Oh, my god, if I do it in the afternoon, I will ready to dead. So I wrote words, now I’m writing my English dairy. Wish I could finish these works today. Bye!

今天是假期的第三天。哈哈,当我起床的时候,刚好到了午餐时间。但我真的有很多工作要做,我必须写单词,然后学习"李阳疯狂英语",然后……哦,我的上帝,如果我要一直做到下午,我真的快死了。因此我在写单词,写我的英文日记。希望我能完成今天这些任务。再见了! 4.

Hello, everyone! I’m so pleased to tell you: I have finished my web today.. It took me more than two days to do. I have a English pen friend now. I want to get pen friend more. So welcome write to me. My E-mail is:8ttt8@126 I’m so tired when I wrote this message, I must go to bed quickly.Good bye. 7月26日 星期一 阳光 嗨,大家好!我很高兴地告诉大家:我今天已经完成了我的网站. .我花了两天时间。我现在有一个英语笔友了。我想要得到更多的笔友。所以欢迎写信给我。我的电子邮箱是:8 ttt8@126当我写此消息我已经很累了,我必须很快上床睡觉。再见。


Every day or every time many people was failed in something. They usually said that it was bad lucky. But the teacher of “Liyang” said:” you should do a little more then you will won.” Remember this word. Then don’t be shy,try. If some laugh at you, you can say go yourself. If you can do it, that means you are a strong man. 7月31号 星期六 下雨



Today I’m very tried for I made my homepage from 10:00 yesterday to 5:00 today. Seven hours nearly let me dead. But I’m pleased to see my homepage has been changed more more beautiful full with web.so I am veru happy,I can"t do this night .I"m ready to go to bed ,goodbye,every friends continue to write tomorrow.



7.我有多么的高兴。昨天我很快完成了一些作业,所以我有很多时间用来自己分配。有时提前完成学习任务是件好事,我们会有更多的兴趣去做下一件事情。正因为如此,我写英语日记都是在早上八点。但在过去我是在晚上写的。无论任何人,如果你想很快的完成这项工作,就不要偷懒,尽自己最大的努力,便可以成功 How happy I am. Yesterday I quickly finished some homework, so I have a lot of time to their distribution. Sometimes finish work early is a good thing, we will have more interest to do a thing. Because of this, I write English diary is at eight in the morning. But in the I write is in the evening. No one else, if you want to finish the job quickly, don't be lazy, try your best, and then can be successful

8. 舞蹈大家都很熟悉把!我的妹妹就会跳舞——拉丁舞。今天,我和我的妈妈我的姑姑和我的来到了“新红”艺术培训中心。妹妹开始跳舞表演了,拉丁舞有五个品种:伦巴、恰恰、牛仔、桑巴。拉丁舞真是多字多彩各种各样 We are very familiar with the dance! My sister will dance - Latin. Today, I and my mother my aunt and I came to the "new red" art training center. Sister began to dance performances, Latin dance has five varieties: rumba, cha cha, cowboy, samba. Latin dance is more various and colorful words



This morning, snow, I was very excited. Long time no see snow, first for a while, and then under the ice pellets slowly began to snow. At noon, I went down to see a piece of white snow. On behalf of the pure snow elves, we should cherish her love her. Hope next year can see them. Snow, I love you



Today is the first day of the lunar year, also is the first day of the New Year, New Year began. This morning my family and I get up early, and then go to my grandma pay New Year call, then we went to a one to give our loved ones happy New Year, we all look very happy. In the evening, we are together for the family reunion dinner
