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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-03-21 06:02:12 | 移动端:外交部洪磊经典语言



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on April 27, 2015


Nepal was struck by an 8.1 magnitude earthquake on April 25 and suffered from heavy casualties and property damages. Nepal is a friendly neighbor of China, and the Chinese

government and people express sympathies to the Nepali government and people for their ordeals. President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and Foreign Minister Wang Yi immediately sent messages of condolences to their Nepali counterparts separately, saying that the Chinese

government and people would always stand by the Nepali government and people at this trying time, and that the Chinese side is willing to provide all kinds of disaster relief assistance to Nepal to the best of its capacity. The Foreign Ministry took the lead to establish an emergency response

mechanism, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi convened an inter-ministerial emergency coordination meeting. Departments concerned took instant actions to organize disaster relief staff and supplies, make the good use of the “golden 72 hours” and offer emergency disaster relief support to Nepal.


China’s International Rescue Team consisting of 62 people arrived in Kathmandu on the

morning of April 26 local time. Rescue work was carried out upon their arrival, and one person was successfully rescued in the afternoon the same day. The 58-people medical team sent by the Chinese government arrived in Nepal on the morning of April 27 for treatment and rescue. The Chinese medical team assisting Nepal which contains 17 people also threw themselves into the local rescue work. The rescue team and medical team sent by the Chinese military with a total number of 170 people will set off for Kathmandu today in different batches. The first 186 tons of emergency supplies from the Chinese government, which contain tents, blankets and etc., will be delivered to

Nepal on four different flights today and tomorrow. Some provinces, districts, cities, civil groups and individuals from China also reached out to Nepal, with some sending rescue personnel and some donating money and goods.


The Chinese side will try its best to provide Nepal with various kinds of assistance in light of the situation in the earthquake-hit areas and the actual needs of the Nepali side. We believe that under the leadership of the Nepali government and with the tremendous help of the international community, the Nepali government and people will definitely tide over the difficulties and survive the disaster.


The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the security of Chinese citizens in Nepal, and has made instructions to verify the casualties of Chinese citizens and damages suffered by Chinese institutions in Nepal. With the coordination of the Foreign Ministry and the Civil Aviation Administration of China, domestic airlines such as Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines and Sichuan Airlines dispatched extra flights to pick up Chinese citizens stranded at Kathmandu airport in addition to the 7 Nepal-bound flights every day. The Chinese Embassy in Nepal also sent staff to the airport, coordinating flights and helping passengers board the plane. Up to 8 a.m. today, over a thousand stranded passengers have returned to China on 7 civil flights. Another 8 flights are expected to pick up Chinese citizens in Nepal today.


The earthquake triggered an avalanche in Mount Qomolangma, causing 1 missing, 1 death and 8 injuries to a Chinese mountaineering team on the southern route of the mountain. Thanks to the

joint efforts of all parties, all the injured and some of the climbers have been transferred to a safe area and properly settled there, while others are still on their way of evacuation.


The earthquake also left 2 dead and 10 injured in a Chinese company undertaking projects in Nepal. The Foreign Ministry is going all out to coordinate helicopters from the military for the rescue work.


The Center for Consular Assistance and Protection of the Chinese Foreign Ministry has issued a safety warning, advising Chinese citizens not to visit Nepal for the time being. The Foreign

Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in Nepal will further check on how Chinese citizens in Nepal are affected and offer all necessary assistance.


Q: How many Chinese citizens are killed by the Nepali earthquake? According to Xinhua’s report, the death toll is 4. Has it changed now? There is also media report saying that around 2,000 to 3,000 Chinese citizens are still in Nepal. Can you give us the specific number?


A: The earthquake caused the death of 4 Chinese citizens in Nepal, including 1 tourist, 1

mountaineer on the southern route of Mount Qomolangma and 2 employees of a Chinese company undertaking projects in Nepal. It is known that before the earthquake, there were around 4,000 Chinese tourists in Nepal, including about 1,000 traveling in groups and about 3,000 traveling on their own. We are sending extra flights to Nepal, trying to take back Chinese citizens there as soon

as possible. 1,000-odd tourists have now returned to China, and more efforts will be made and resources be mobilized as long as there is a need in this regard.


Meanwhile, the Chinese Embassy in Nepal and the “12308” consular protection hotline of the Foreign Ministry have been answering phone calls from Chinese citizens in Nepal, learning about their situation, clarifying their location, offering assistance and organizing them to return to China at their will.


Q: According to media report, the presidential election in Kazakhstan was held smoothly, and incumbent President Nazarbayev was re-elected. What is China’s comment on this?


A: The presidential election of Kazakhstan was concluded successfully with sitting President Nursultan Nazarbayev being re-elected. President Xi Jinping has sent a message of congratulations to Mr. Nazarbayev.


The Chinese side respects the choice made by the Kazakh people, and supports Kazakhstan in pursuing a development path that suits its national conditions. It is believed that Kazakhstan will maintain political stability and economic development, and play a bigger role in international affairs.


As comprehensive strategic partners, China and Kazakhstan always enjoy a good momentum driving the sound and rapid development of bilateral relations. China stands ready to work with the

Kazakh side to implement the various consensus reached by the leadership of the two countries and bring Sino-Kazakh relations to a new level.


Q: The statement to be released by the ASEAN Summit today will voice concerns about China’s reclamation in the South China Sea, saying that relevant activities may undermine peace, security and stability in the region. What is China’s comment on that?


A: The Chinese side has a clear and long-standing stance on the issue of the South China Sea. We have gone into details on the purposes and functions of the construction work on the islands and reefs of Nansha. What must be stressed is that relevant construction which is reasonable, justified and lawful, is well within China’s sovereignty. It does not impact or target any country, and is thus beyond reproach. It is unjustifiable for a few countries to hype up this issue on relevant ASEAN conference. The Chinese side is firmly opposed to a few countries’ oblique charges against China as well as the pursuit of their private ends at the expense of the overall China-ASEAN relations.


China is a staunch force upholding regional peace and stability. We will continue to support and advocate that the South China Sea issue be addressed with the “dual-track” approach. It is hoped that relevant countries will meet China halfway to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability as well as the overall interests of China-ASEAN relations.




Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on September 29, 2015


Q: While attending the UN summits for its 70th anniversary, President Xi Jinping announced a series of major measures in support of UN peacekeeping operations. What is the consideration behind these measures? Can you give us more details on China’s participation in UN peacekeeping missions?


A: On September 28, at the UN summits for its 70th anniversary, President Xi Jinping announced a range of major initiatives aimed at improving and strengthening UN peacekeeping operations. As President Xi said, China will join the new UN Peacekeeping Capability Readiness System, and has decided to take the lead in setting up a permanent peacekeeping police squad and build a peacekeeping standby force of 8,000 troops. China will give favorable consideration to future UN requests for more Chinese engineering, transport and medical staff. In the next five years, China will train 2,000 peacekeepers from other countries and carry out 10 de-mining assistance programs that will include training and equipment provisions. China will also provide US$100 million worth of free military assistance to the African Union in the next five years to support the establishment of an African Standby Force and the African Capability for Immediate Response to Crisis. China will send the first peacekeeping helicopter squad to UN peacekeeping operations in Africa, and part of its pledge in the China-UN peace and development fund will be used to support UN peacekeeping operations.


All these measures demonstrate that China is taking on greater international responsibility to safeguard international peace and security. They showcase China’s determination to maintain world peace and staunch support for UN peacekeeping operations.



Since its first-ever sending of military observers to UN peacekeeping operations in 1990, China has

dispatched a total of over 30,000 peacekeepers and joined 29 peacekeeping missions. As we speak, over 3,100 Chinese soldiers and police are performing their duty in 10 peacekeeping mission areas, making China the top contributor of troops among the five permanent members of the Security Council. They have done an

outstanding job of resuming peace and stability to their stationed areas and protecting local people’s life and property, and won acclamation from the UN and relevant countries. Going forward, China will continue to practice multilateralism, support and expand its participation in UN peacekeeping operations, and make more positive and greater contributions to international peace and security.


Q: First, yesterday at the UN, Presidents of the US and France urged Syrian President to step down, saying that Syria would not be stable if he stayed on. How does China respond? Second, Russian President Vladimir Putin called for the creation of a broad coalition against terrorism where Muslim countries shall play a leading role. What is China’s comment on that? Does China believe that such kind of coalition is possible? Does China support Russia’s proposal?


A: On your first question, it is our long-standing belief that the Syrian issue should be politically resolved, the future of Syria should lie in the hands of the Syrian people, an inclusive political process should be moved forward, nation-wide reconciliation and unity should be achieved in Syria, and humanitarian assistance should be provided to Syria and its neighboring countries. The Chinese side will make continuous efforts together with the international community to that end.


On your second question, the Chinese side firmly opposes all forms of terrorism, and believes that the international community should work as one, adopt a holistic approach to address both the symptoms and root causes, deliver on relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and take actions in accordance with the

purposes of the UN Charter and basics norms governing international relations. China is ready to enhance communication and coordination with the international community including Russia on that.


Q: How do you comment on the outcomes of President Xi Jinping’s visit to the US and its possible impact on China-US relations?


A: President Xi Jinping paid a historic state visit to the US at the crucial juncture when China and the US are building the new model of major-country relationship. The two sides’ shared commitment to this new model of major-country relationship has led to a productive visit and major new progress on investment, people-to-people exchanges, climate change and coordination and cooperation on multilateral affairs. It shows once again that China and the US are ready to rise up to challenges through enhanced cooperation. We will work alongside the US to open a new chapter in the bilateral relationship and deliver more benefits to people from the two countries and other parts of the world.


Q: The Indonesian government delegation in Japan said they welcome China’s high-speed railway program. What is China’s comment on that?


A: The Chinese side has a wealth of experience in building and operating high-speed railways and enjoys an edge in terms of cooperation model, financing conditions, technology transfer and construction period. The Chinese government encourages companies with strength to carry out active and fruitful cooperation with the Indonesian side.


Both China and Indonesia are developing countries boasting broad space for cooperation. The Chinese side looks forward to expanding and deepening practical cooperation with Indonesia on infrastructure facilities and production capacity, creating more tangible benefits to the two countries and two peoples.


Q: Vietnam’s President told the media yesterday that China’s island-building in the South China Sea violated international law and endangered maritime security. How does China respond?


A: The Nansha Islands have been part of China’s since ancient times, and we have enough historical jurisprudential evidence to back that up. China’s construction and maintenance work on some stationed islands and reefs in the Nansha Islands is legitimate, justified and reasonable. It affects and targets no one. China’s construction is mainly for the purpose of providing international public goods and services, China’s obligations as a major country and further safeguarding freedom and safety of navigation in the China Sea. We hope that relevant parties will have a right understanding on that.




外交部:中方关注日方“购岛” 采取必要措施

据报道,日本政府5日与钓鱼岛所谓“所有者”达成协议,以20.5亿日元“购岛”,中方对此有何评论?是否将向日方提出交涉?考虑采取哪些应对措施? 转自米尔军情网





洪磊同时重申,日方对钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿采取的任何单方面措施都是非法、无效的,中国政府捍卫钓鱼岛领土主权的决心和意志是坚定不移的,中方正密切关注事态发展,采取必要措施,维护国家领土主权。 米尔网

■ 新闻背景

日本政府20亿日元“购买”钓鱼岛 米尔军事论坛 bbs.miercn.com





内签订价值约20.5亿日元(约合1.66亿人民币)的“购岛”合同。 军情第一站







围绕钓鱼岛问题,中国外交部已多次重申严正立场,强调日本对钓鱼岛采取任何单方面行动都是非法和无效的。中方要求日方停止制造新的事端,以实际行动维护中日关系大局。 爱国交流理性平台



