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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-03-20 06:05:36 | 移动端:九年级英语短文听力




第一部分听力 (共三节, 满分25分)

第一节:情景反应 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


1. Could you please tell me where the restroom is?

2. Do you ever worry about failing a test?

3. Whose book is it?

4. How often does your brother play sports?

5. Who’s your favorite writer, Gina?

第二节:短对话理解 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳答案来回答问题,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话和问题均读两遍。

6. W: Halloween is coming, what are you going to do over it?

M: I’m going to dress up as a ghost.

Q: What festival are they talking about?

7. W: I stayed at home and did my homework last weekend. What about you, Bob? M: I went fishing with my father, we had fun.

Q: What did Bob do last weekend?

8. W: Hey, do you think this earring looks nice?

M : Hmm… Yes. I think it’s quite pretty. Is it made of silver?

W: Yes, and it was made in Thailand.

Q: What is the earring made of?

9. W: Hi, Tom. Have you seen Lucy?

M: No. I haven’t. Linda, don’t worry. You may ask Sue.

Q: Who is looking for Lucy?

10. W: Do you like playing basketball or tennis, Mike?

M: Neither, I’d prefer to spend time listening to songs.

W: What kind of songs do you like best?

M: All of them. I really don’t have a favorite.

Q: What’s Mike’s hobby?

第三节:长对话理解和短文理解 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

听下面五段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有三个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。听每段对话或独白前,各小题均有5秒钟的阅读时间,听完后,各小题均有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白均读两遍。 听第一段材料,完成第11—13小题。

M: Come here! Good news for you!

W: What is it?

M: You won first prize in the writing competition.

W: Really? I’m so happy to hear that. Who told you the news?

M: Our Chinese teacher did.

W: What about you?

M: I got second.

W: Great! It’s a lucky day for us. Let’s go out and relax ourselves, shall we?

M: Good idea! Shall we have a big meal and then go to the cinema?

W: OK. I have to call my mother first before going out.


M: Hello!

W: Hi, Robert. It’s Susan. I’ve got your message.

M: Thanks for calling me back. What were you doing when I called you last night?

W: Oh, I was seeing a film in the cinema. So, what’s up?

M: Well, would you like to climb the mountain tomorrow morning?

W: Tomorrow morning? I am afraid I can’t. I’ll have to stay at home and study.

M: Oh, it’s a pity. How about Sunday morning?

W: Sure, I’d love to. How shall we get there, by bike or by bus?

M: What about taking a bus?

W: OK.


W: What’s the matter, Peter?

M: I think I have to give up running.

W: You are? Why?

M: Well, my father said I needed to think about other possible jobs.

W: Oh, but you are serious about running, aren’t you?

M: Sure. It’s the only thing Iwant to do. I wantto be a professional runner when I grow up. W: So?

M: I’m not allowed to train any more. I’m so angry.

W: Well, Peter, you should sit down and make a communication with you parents.

M: I know. But they only want me to enter university. I think it’s too strict and unfair.

W: Peter, be patient. you just need to talk with them more. They must listen to you.


Mr. smith works in an office. Every evening when he comes back from his office, he is always very tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife always has a lot of interesting things to tell him after dinner. She doesn’t stop talking until she gets to sleep. Then it’s usually very late. But Mr. Smith has to get up early in the morning.

One day Mr. Smith felt terrible and couldn’t go to work. Mrs. Smith went to the hospital with him. Before her husband could say what was the matter with him, Mrs. Smith told the doctor all about it. After hearing what Mrs. Smith said, the doctor gave them some medicine and said to Mrs. Smith, “This medicine is for your husband and these pills are for you.” “For me? ” the woman asked in surprise. “I am fine. I don’t need any medicine.” “They are sleeping pills. Your husband can soon get better if you take them,” said the doctor.


Tom lives on the twelfth floor in a tall building on Beijing Road. His aunt also lives in the building. She lives two floors below Tom. She is old and she lives alone. She has a very lovely cat named Kitty. Tom often visits his aunt and helps her do something. He loves the cat very much. And the cat loves him, too.

Last Thursday evening, Tom took a shower and went to bed. Suddenly he heard someone knocking at the door. He opened the door and was surprised to find the cat Kitty. Tom thought there must have been something wrong with his aunt. He telephoned her, but no one answered it. Tom ran out with the cat and rushed down the stairs to his aunt’s home. Just before he got to the door, he found a man with a bag running out of his aunt’s home. Tom shouted loudly for help. Someone called 110, and the police caught the man at last.





Section A

1b Listen and check (√) the kinds of music Tony and Betty like.

Betty: Oh, look! There’s the new Cool Kids CD.

Tony: The Cool Kids? Do you like them?

Betty: Oh, yeah. They’re my favorite band. I like music that I can dance to.

Tony: You’re kidding. I think they’re awful. I prefer music that has great lyrics… music that I can sing along with.

Betty: I like songs that I can sing along with, too. So what’s your favorite band? Tony: The Lions. They always have interesting lyrics.








2a Listen and T for true or F for false.

Xu Fei: Look, Carmen. These T-shirts are great! Look at this one.

Carmen: What a great T-shirt, Xu Fei! I really love the Australian singer Dan Dervish. I like musicians who play different kinds of music.

Xu Fei: Hmm…I guess he’s OK…

Carmen: He’s only OK?! You must be joking.

Xu Fei: Well, I like musicians who write their own songs. Dan Dervish doesn’t write his own music.

Carmen: Hmm. Well, I think he’s great.

Xu Fei: The Modern’s T-shirt is interesting.

Carmen: The Modern are really great. I love electronic music that’s loud.

Xu Fei: I know you do…but I prefer groups that play quiet and slow songs.











2b Listen again. Complete the sentences.

Xu Fei: Look, Carmen. These T-shirts are great! Look at this one.

Carmen: What a great T-shirt, Xu Fei! I really love the Australian singer Dan Dervish. I like musicians who play different kinds of music.

Xu Fei: Hmm…I guess he’s OK…

Carmen: He’s only OK?! You must be joking.

Xu Fei: Well, I like musicians who write their own songs. Dan Dervish doesn’t write his own music.

Carmen: Hmm. Well, I think he’s great.

Xu Fei: The Modern’s T-shirt is interesting.

Carmen: The Modern are really great. I love electronic music that’s loud.

Xu Fei: I know you do…but I prefer groups that play quiet and slow songs.

2b 再听一遍录音,完成句子。










Section B

1b Listen and write the three things that Michael likes in the first column of the chart. Ali: Wow, you sure have lots of cool things. What a great jacket!

Michael: Yeah, it’s new. I really like it. I like clothes that are unusual.

Ali: Me, too. Say…is that a new book over there?

Michael: Yes, it is. It’s a book about volleyball. It tells you how you can be a good player. Ali: Is it good?

Michael: Yeah, it’s great. I like writers who explain things well.

Ali: Me, too. Umm, Michael?

Michael: Yes?

Ali: Where did you get that movie poster?

Michael: Oh, my brother got it for me. He works at a movie theater.

Ali: Wow, you’re so lucky. It’s a great poster!

Michael: Yes, it is. I love movies that are scary. What about you?

Ali: I sure do. Say…Michael…Do you think your brother could get the same poster for me, too? Michael: Probably. I’ll ask him.

Ali: Great, thanks!





迈克尔:是的,它是。它是一本关于排球的书。它告诉你如何能成为一名好球员。 阿里:它很好吗?











1c Listen again. Write why Michael likes each thing in the second column of the chart in 1b. Ali: Wow, you sure have lots of cool things. What a great jacket!

Michael: Yeah, it’s new. I really like it. I like clothes that are unusual.

Ali: Me, too. Say…is that a new book over there?

Michael: Yes, it is. It’s a book about volleyball. It tells you how you can be a good player. Ali: Is it good?

Michael: Yeah, it’s great. I like writers who explain things well.

Ali: Me, too. Umm, Michael?

Michael: Yes?

Ali: Where did you get that movie poster?

Michael: Oh, my brother got it for me. He works at a movie theater.

Ali: Wow, you’re so lucky. It’s a great poster!

Michael: Yes, it is. I love movies that are scary. What about you?

Ali: I sure do. Say…Michael…Do you think your brother could get the same poster for me, too? Michael: Probably. I’ll ask him.

Ali: Great, thanks!





迈克尔:是的,它是。它是一本关于排球的书。它告诉你如何能成为一名好球员。 阿里:它很好吗?












Section B

1b Listen and write the three things that Michael likes in the first column of the chart. Ali: Wow, you sure have lots of cool things. What a great jacket!

Michael: Yeah, it’s new. I really like it. I like clothes that are unusual.

Ali: Me, too. Say…is that a new book over there?

Michael: Yes, it is. It’s a book about volleyball. It tells you how you can be a good player. Ali: Is it good?

Michael: Yeah, it’s great. I like writers who explain things well.

Ali: Me, too. Umm, Michael?

Michael: Yes?

Ali: Where did you get that movie poster?

Michael: Oh, my brother got it for me. He works at a movie theater.

Ali: Wow, you’re so lucky. It’s a great poster!

Michael: Yes, it is. I love movies that are scary. What about you?

Ali: I sure do. Say…Michael…Do you think your brother could get the same poster for me, too? Michael: Probably. I’ll ask him.

Ali: Great, thanks!





迈克尔:是的,它是。它是一本关于排球的书。它告诉你如何能成为一名好球员。 阿里:它很好吗?











1c Listen again. Write why Michael likes each thing in the second column of the chart in 1b. Ali: Wow, you sure have lots of cool things. What a great jacket!

Michael: Yeah, it’s new. I really like it. I like clothes that are unusual.

Ali: Me, too. Say…is that a new book over there?

Michael: Yes, it is. It’s a book about volleyball. It tells you how you can be a good player. Ali: Is it good?

Michael: Yeah, it’s great. I like writers who explain things well.

Ali: Me, too. Umm, Michael?

Michael: Yes?

Ali: Where did you get that movie poster?

Michael: Oh, my brother got it for me. He works at a movie theater.

Ali: Wow, you’re so lucky. It’s a great poster!

Michael: Yes, it is. I love movies that are scary. What about you?

Ali: I sure do. Say…Michael…Do you think your brother could get the same poster for me, too? Michael: Probably. I’ll ask him.

Ali: Great, thanks!





迈克尔:是的,它是。它是一本关于排球的书。它告诉你如何能成为一名好球员。 阿里:它很好吗?












Section A

1b Listen and check your answers in 1a.

Yoshi: What are people supposed to do when they meet in your country, Rodrigo?

Rodrigo: Do you mean when people meet for the first time?

Yoshi: Yeah.

Rodrigo: In Mexico, we shake hands.

Yoshi: What about in Brazil, Celia?

Celia: Well, in Brazil, people sometimes kiss. How about in Japan, Yoshi? What are people expected to do when they meet for the first time?

Yoshi: We bow.

Kim: And in Korea we also bow.

Mike: Well, I guess in most Western countries we shake hands.










1. M: Oh, everything is white outside.

W: Take care, won’t you? Some roads are covered with ice.

2. W: Oh, dear! It’s time for the evening news programme. It’s on Channel 13.

M: Don’t worry. There is still half an hour to go. Let’s finish watching Voice of China first.

3. W: What do you usually do after school, Ben?

M: I used to play basketball. But now I always try to finish my homework.

4. M: How about going to the theatre tonight, Susan?

W: Sorry, I can’t. My sister is going to London and I have to drive her to the airport.

5. W: Have you ever been to America?

M: I hope to some day. So far I’ve been to England, Australia and Germany.

6. M: Hello, Alice! Is your brother in?

W: Sorry. I can hardly hear you. Could you speak more clearly, please?

7. W: Grandma, I’m home. Is there anything to eat? I’m hungry.

M: But you should wash your hands first.

8. M: What’s your English teacher like?

W: He has black hair and brown eyes. He’s very tall.

9. M: What do you think of the final exam, Amy?

W: I was expecting it to be easy, but at the end of the first hour, I was still on the first page.I hardly had time to get to the last question.

10. M: Do I have to wash these school uniforms? I hate doing washing by hand.

W: Well, why not leave them for the washing machine? You just need to press the buttons, then everything will be OK.




W: How was your homework, Harry?

M: It’s a bit hard. You know what I’m waiting for right now?

W: No, what?

M: A robot that can do all my homework, then I won’t mind going to school.

W: Yes. I’m sure we’ll be able to buy one in the supermarket one day.

M: Well, I’ll be the first to rush to the supermarket for it.

W: You don’t need to. Maybe we’ll do all the shopping on the Internet.

M: That’s right. Shopping on the Internet could save us a lot of time.


Hello, everyone! The winter holiday is coming, I’m very glad to tell you something about my plans here. After having a good rest, I want to improve my English first. So every day I’ll spend more than two hours in listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. Another plan is that I want to do something for poor people. I’ll call on people to donate their clothes, stationery and money to them for the Spring Festival. As for my last plan, I’ll work harder at my lessons. I’ll do my best to go over my lessons. That’s all. Thank you.


Do you know John White? He is a popular singer in a town club. He has a busy but interesting life. He usually gets up late and runs for an hour. He says doing some sports can help him keep fit. After taking a shower, he has breakfast. Bread and coffee are his favorite. Then some of his friends come over to play the guitar and write music with him. They usually spend a long time talking about music. The whole afternoon is for sleeping. He must have enough sleep so that he can work late into the night. In the evening, he takes the number 12 underground to go to work. It usually takes him half an hour by underground. He starts to work at 8:00 p.m. He enjoys his work and has a lot of fans.


一、 听力部分(共20小题,每题1分,计20分)

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. B 8.A 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13.A 14. B 15. C

16. A 17.B 18.C 19.B 20. C


21. B 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. A 28.A 29. D 30.B 31. A 32. B 33. D 34. A35. C


36. C 37.B 38.D 39.C 40. B 41. A 42. A 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. D 47.A 48.C 49.B 50. D


51.B 52. A 52. D 54. C 55. D 56. B 57. D 58. B 59. D 60. C 61. B 62. A 62. A 64. C 65. A

66. Life 67. Birthday68. South Africa 69. against 70. organized

71. Forgive 72. hands 73. Awards 74. 1994 75. example


76. moon 77. either 78. Several79. somewhere 80. face

81. farther82. valuable83. disadvantages 84. whatever85. heavily

86. has gone87. is playing 88. started 89. will be proved 90. not to be

91. back92. changes93. First94. no 95. order

96. also97. lights98. vegetables 99. decided 100. interesting

六、将下列句子译成英语 (共5 小题,每小题 2分, 计10分)

101. is a risk of searching

102. develop too fast for us to imagine/so fast that we can’t imagine

103. encourages us to come up with new ideas

104. but also teachers have put their efforts into

105. match what my star sign says

七、书面表达 (共1题,计15分)

