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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-03-14 06:42:56 | 移动端:小尤拉作文范文







联系电话 15506364310

背负责任 精彩人生





































我心想,原来他只是想逗我玩才故意做做样子的。不一会儿,我的饭就吃完了。“你不是想逗我玩吗,那我就奉陪到底。”我想。于是我就端端正正地做在他身旁监督着他吃饭。等他吃完后,我看着他,他也看着我,不好意思地笑了。从此,我俩就成了好朋友。 在放学回家的路上,我把这件事告诉了爸爸,爸爸直夸我是一个热心的孩子。








我心想:看哥哥以后还敢不敢不带我去捉鱼。想着,我跑回家等着好戏上演。 没料到,哥哥却穿着衣服回来了。我大吃了一惊。刚才我明明把哥哥的衣服拿走了,怎么现在??





这天中午,我来到教室,开始写老师布置的作业,不一会儿,字写错了,我开始翻找着书包找修改带,可我找了很久,也没有找到它的踪影,没办法,我只得向同桌借。 一放学,我正在整理书包,有两位同学飞快地向我跑来,说我的修改带被一位叫俪文的同班同学拿去了,我便去问她,她果然从书包里拿出一盒和我失踪的一模一样的修改带,我想,这下总算找到了,可她说这盒修改带是她姐姐给她的,在几番争吵下,我放弃了。当我准备走时,她生气地扔下修改带,说:“你说这是你的吧,还给你。”说着就走了,碰巧同桌走过来,说:“我们去跟老师说。”我点了点头。






那天,在上第二节课时,不知怎么回事小何呕吐起来,老师关心的询问小何怎么回事,小何才告诉大家:为了不拉下功课他是带着病来了学校上课的,因为吃了药胃不舒服,所以呕吐。同桌小陈赶紧给他递去小手帕,班长小罗不等老师吩咐就跑去取扫帚来打扫呕吐物,小赵见了也去拿拖把,连平时表现最调皮的小谢也去找桶到洗手间打水来拖地。那边同学们也在老师的安排下扶小何到厕所呕吐,有人打开水给小何漱口?? 。在大家同心协力的帮助下小何很快就止住了呕吐,教室也打扫干净了,小何激动地说:“谢谢你们”,同学们说:“我们是同班同学,你的事就是我们的事,这是我们应该做的”。老师也激动地:“同学们,你们今天的表现非常好,你们的互助精神要好好保持下去,现在我们继续上课了”。





1.开头部分 开头部分必须点题,用 2-3个句子完成,其中要有一个漂亮的过渡句。

2.主体部分 主体部分其实是让学生用言简意赅的语言叙述一个结构完整、思想意义饱满的事例。注意所


3.结尾部分 结尾部分要用概括性的语言来总结全文主题,得出结论,回归话题。其实,该部分就是在叙





There is no denying that forgiveness is a noble quality. With forgiveness people will live in a harmonious way; with forgiveness, people can overcome any difficulty; with forgiveness……..

注意:1. 无需写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;

2. 除诗歌外,文体不限;

3. 内容必须结合生活中的一个事例;




Forgiveness is what I learned from my teacher, which has had a great influence on my growth.

Two years ago, I together with Tom who was regarded as the best basketball player in my class, took part in the basketball final of our school on behalf of our class. With only 20 seconds left, our team still took a lead by two points. To our delight, the ball was in Tom’s hand! Had Tom passed it in time, we would certainly have won. But Tom chose to break through. Suddenly, our rival stole the ball, and shot a three-pointer! After the match, we all demanded the teacher fire Tom. But our teacher told us to forgive him, saying forgiveness was a good medicine for some diseases. After that, Tom did learn the importance of good teamwork.

It was forgiveness rather than punishment that changed Tom.



Never be afraid of making mistakes. Factually, making progress is making mistakes. Mistakes reveal where success lies.


Mistakes are unavoidable in life. But attitude towards them many make a difference.

I still remember how my spoken English improved. At the beginning, I always kept silent in the oral class to avoid making mistakes. Before long my teacher knew about my situation. He encouraged me to speak out what I wanted to regardless of mistakes. Whenever I made mistakes and felt discouraged, my teacher and classmates would help me figure out how I could avoid them in the future. Practice makes perfect. With time going by, I built up my confidence, and now I can talk fluently in English. Just as the saying goes, every bean has its black. We just need to learn a lesson from the mistakes.

So don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Learn from them, and success is just awaiting us.



In fact, there aren’t always bright sunshine and gentle breeze, birds’ singing and flowers’ fragrant in our

daily life. We have so many failures and hardships that someone will be disappointed and give up the hope of success, but life is what you make it.


Success will be gained after times of failures so long as we are good at drawing lessons from failures or mistakes and stick to what we are doing. That is the message carried in the proverb “Failure is the mother of success”.

For example, when I began to learn English, I was so slow and clumsy that I read the words wrong from time to time. My poor pronunciation made myself laughed at by my classmates. But I didn’t give up and kept practicing reading English aloud every day. And my teacher gave me a helping hand, getting me right whenever I made an error.

In a word, as long as we don’t lose heart and keep on trying, we are sure to go through failure and achieve our aims.



If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with hardships. 范文赏读:

Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. Equipped with confidence, we can deal with any challenges and difficulties until we succeed.

When I entered Senior 3, I found myself faced with difficulty learning English, and even failed in my English exam. As a consequence I began to feel frustrated, losing confidence in myself. It was at this moment that my parents encouraged me, and my teachers gave me some valuable advice on my studies, telling me to be confident. With their help, I regained my confidence and began to make steady progress.

As the saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a will. If we are to make a difference, we should build up our confidence, which is of vital importance if we want to overcome any obstacles and finally achieve our goal.



We have unselfish mothers who have brought us up, unselfish teachers teaching us, and unselfish friends who are always ready to help us. We should also learn to be unselfish.


This world is filled with unselfish people, because of whom our world has become a lovely and beautiful place to stay.

When I grew up, I have met countless people who are always unselfish to me. In the middle of last term, just as I was busy with my lessons, I suddenly fell ill and had to stay away from school for a couple of weeks. Seeing this, our monitor Li Hua, together with some other classmates, offered to help me with my lessons. It was with their unselfish help that I managed to catch up in my lessons. Looking back on those days, I’m impressed by their help and feel gratitude. They have taught me the importance of being unselfish and offering help to those in need.

As the saying goes, no one is an island. Only when we show concern to others and offer help to people can we unite together and make a difference.



Being a volunteer is great and should be part of our life. By helping others, we can get a better understanding of today’s society and make the world s better place to live in.


As a teenager, I always manage to spare some time from my studies to do some volunteer work, which has benefited me a lot.

Last March, I, together with some of my schoolmates, went to visit the nursing house located not far away from our school. On arriving there, we did a thorough cleaning and accompanied the old there, chatting with them. Seeing the bright smile on their face, we felt happy for what we did, though we were exhausted.

Indeed, as teenagers, though we are most of the time occupied with our studies, we should spare some time occasionally for some volunteer work. For one thing, doing some volunteer work can give us a glimpse of life, which will be valuable for our growth. Besides, it’s a good way to express our concern for other. I think however small our volunteer work might be, it counts.



Being popular among the students is a good thing, but we may feel lonely at times, which all of us have experienced. It can be a natural result of a particular situation, for example, a family problem, the death of a friend. It may result in all kinds of mental and physical disease. How do you cope with loneliness?


When I was admitted into high school, I felt lonely as I did not know anyone in the new environment, as a result of which I often missed my old classmates and friends, feeling left out in a crowd of classmates, I was pressed and disappointed. In this case, I turned my attention to my studies. Meanwhile, I learned to communicate actively with people around me, respecting them and giving them help when possible. I also spent time developing my own interests, thus finding many friends sharing the same interests. Gradually, I became happy, cheerful and found the pleasure in my studies.

This experience has taught me that it is so natural that anyone may feel lonely. To get this situation changed and be a popular student, we ought to make every effort to improve ourselves and show our concern for others.


In modern society, we should learn to share. Sharing is an effective way to eich your life.

请结合你校园生活中的一个事例,就 “分享” (sharing)这一话题,用英语写一篇短文。


Years of school life has taught me a lot of things, of which sharing is the most significant for me.

In fact I did not realize its significance until I failed the mid-term exam last October, during which time I studied less hard. At first, I did not do my homework. As a result, I was less active in class and felt depressed. Then my teacher and classmates talked about my studies with me and I told them about my worries. Thus my anxiety was beginning to be reduced and I regained confidence.

It is sharing with others rather than keeping my worries to myself that has relieved me of trouble and made my studies more efficient.



Nowadays, senior students have to face all kinds of pressures, such as the ones from Wolf Dads or Tiger Mothers and the College Entrance Examination, also the ones from the competition in studies. How they can relax themselves is really a problem.


As senior students, we have to live with various pressures. As a result, how to relax ourselves is really important for us.

Actually, only when I felt stressed out did I realize its importance. It was the beginning of this term that I fell

behind my deskmates in studies. At that moment I knew it was time for me to change.

In order to rid myself of the dilemma, I made it a rule to walk for half an hour after supper every day, listening to some soft music and leaving the studies alone. And also I chatted with others about my present situation to get some good advice. Finally I felt better.

In fact, what my experience told me is that you should learn to release pressure and keep a pleasant mood. If you treat pressure as friends they will be friendly to you.


请根据以下提示,结合你校园生活中的一个事例,就 “与人合作”这一话题,用英语写一篇短文。

Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn more about teamwork. Teamwork shows us how other people's roles fit the purpose of the group, and it teaches us to be patient and how to respond to different people.


Years of school life has taught me a lot of things, of which teamwork is the most important for me.

In fact, I didn't realize its importance until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school. At first, I did most of the duties myself while other students care little about class activities. As a result, I was tired out and depressed. Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me to cooperate with others. Thus I began to recognize the strengths of my classmates and have everyone do their part in class.

It is working in teams instead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work more efficiently



The best example of universally understood body language may be the smile. A smile can help us get through difficult situation and find friends in a world of strangers. A smile can open doors and tear down walls. 范文赏读:

No body language can be more attractive/ fascinating than smiling. Not only can a beautiful smile make ourselves happy, but also it enables others to feel delighted. Sometimes a smile is so powerful that it gives people suffering from disasters great courage.

A little boy named Lang Zheng, for instance, impressed and encouraged a great many people when a serious earthquake happened in Wen Chuan. Right after he was rescued by the soldiers from the ruins, he saluted and smiled to them. His smile was like sunshine which warmed people who were in sadness.

It is safe/ no exaggeration to say that without smile our life would be colorless and difficult. It is suggested that we smile as much as possible.



A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (by J. Barrymore)


Hopes and dreams are important in daily life. HOPE means “Hold On, Pain Ends”. I think young people should have dreams and hopes, but they should never have regrets.

I had a dream when I was a little girl. I wanted to learn the piano, because I thought girls who could play the piano were elegant and beautiful. However, my mother told me that my fingers were too short to play the piano. So my dream could only be a dream in my head.

Years later, I walked past a piano shop that offered piano lessons. Suddenly I realized I still wanted to learn the piano. I told myself I shouldn't have any regrets. Then I made my dream come true.

My experience tells me that hopes and dreams are the inspiration that makes me move forward all the time.
