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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-03-03 06:06:22 | 移动端:沧海桑田的沧海



【成语】: 沧海桑田

【拼音】: cāng hǎi sāng tián

【解释】: 桑田:农田。大海变成桑田,桑田变成大海。比喻世事变化很大。















? 矮子里拔将军直:pick a general from among the dwarfs

意:select someone for lack of a better one;

select from among the mediocre/ run-of-mill


? 八字还没一撇直:Not even the first stroke of the character “八” has happened.

意:Nothing tangible is in sight.

Things aren’t even starting to take place yet.

There is no sign of anything happening yet.

Things are still up in the air.

? 班门弄斧 直:Wield the axe before Lu Ban (the ancient master carpenter).

意:display one’s learning or parade one’s skill in the presence of an


teach one’s grannie how to suck egges;

bring coal to Newcastle

? 杯弓蛇影 直:mistake the shadow of a bow in the cup for a snake

意:self-created suspicion;

imaginary fears;

be extremely nervous and suspicious

? 杯水车薪 直:try to put out a carload of burnig firewood with a cup of water

意:a useless attempt;

a drop in the bucket;

utterly inadequate measure

? 背水一战 直:fight with one’s back to the river or wall

意:fight to win or die;

fight a last-ditch battle;

put up a desperate fight

? 冰冻三尺, 直:It takes more than one cold day to freeze three feet of ice.

非一日之寒 意:The trouble is deep-rooted;

Rome was not built in a day.

? 兵来将挡, 直:stop an advancing army with troops and oushing water with


水来土掩 意:counter move for move;

counter measure for measure

? 不以规矩, 直:You cannot draw squares and circles without the campass and


不成方圆 意:Nothing can be accomplished without norms and standards.


? 草木皆兵 直:take every grass and tree as an enemy soldier

意:a state of extreme nervousness, as if surrounded by enemies

? 沧海桑田 直:Seas change into mulberry fields.

意:Time brings great change to the world.

(饱经沧桑: have experienced many vicissitudes of life)

? 赤膊上阵 直:go into battle stripped to the waist

意:take personal charge and go it alone despite opposition;

Throw away all disguise and tactics;

come out into the open as a result of desperation or foolhardiness ? 此地无银 直:The 300 taels of silver are not buried here (a sign put up by the man in


三百两 folk tale over the place where he had hidden the money)

意:A clumsy self-exposing performance or denial;

A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his

? 吹胡子瞪眼

? 唇亡齿寒

? 吹毛求疵

? 寸有所长,


? 打肿脸


? 当一天和尚


? 调虎离山

? 叠床架屋

? 东方不亮




? 放长线


? 翻手为云

innocence; Protest one’s innocence too much. 直:froth at the mouth and glare with rage 意:snort and stare in anger; fume with rage 直:If the lips are gone, the teeth will be exposed. 意:If one of two interdependent things falls, the other is in danger. 直:blow upon the hair trying to discover a flaw 意:find fault with; pick holes in 直:An inch has its length and a foot sometmes falls short. 意:Everybody has his strennths and weaknesses. D 直:Try to look fat by slapping one’s face till it’s swollen. Boast about one’s pink cheek after having been slapped. 意:Do something beyond one’s means in order to look impressive; try to satisfy one’s vanity when one cannot really afford to do so 直:go on tolling the bell as long as one remains a monk. 意:do the minimum required or do as little as possible to get by; do the least that is expected of one; take a passive attitude towards one’s work 直:lure the tiger out of his mountain or lair 意:tempt or entice somebody into leaving his vantage ground 直:pile one bed upon another or build one house on top of another 意:needless duplication; repetition and superfluity 直:When there is dark in the east, it is light in the west; When things are dark in the south, there is still light in the north. 意:There is alsways plenty of room for manoeuvring. E F 直:throw a long line to catch a big fish 意:devise a long-term plan to secure something big 直:produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another

覆手为雨 意:wield one’s power capriciously;

be shifty and capricious;

be tricky and deceitful

? 放马后炮 直:fire belated shots

意:comment on something when it is already over;

fail to give timely advice;

be a Monday morning quarterback

? 风声鹤唳 直:scared by the moan of the wind and the cry of the cranes, and seeing



? 风调雨顺

people are


? 风雨同舟

? 佛面蛇心

? 佛要金装


? 釜底抽薪

? 赴汤蹈火

? 肝脑涂地


? 赶鸭子上架

? 隔岸观火

enemy in every bush and tree 意:describing the extreme nervousness of a fleeing army’s suspicion of danger at the slightest sound 直:The elements are propitious, the country is prosperous and the at peace. 意:favorable climate, prosperity and peace 直:in the same storm-tossed boat 意:stand together through thick and thin; share weal and woe; help each other in distress; share the same fate with; cast in one’s lot with 直:have a Buddha’s face but a viper’s heart 意:be honey-lipped but evil at heart; be a malicious hypocrite 直:As Buddha needs a gilt statue, man needs fine clothes. 意:Fine feather make fine birds; Fine clothes make the man. 直:pull out the burning firewood from under a cauldron 意:take drastic measures to deal with a critical situation; cut the ground from under somebody’s feet; tackle the root cause 直:be ready to jump into boiling water and plunge into raging fire 意:go through hell and high water; be ready to risk one’s life G 直:be ready to dash one’s brains out or scatter one’s innards on the 意:be ready to lay down one’s life for a cause; be willing to repay a favor with extreme sacrifice 直:drive a duck onto a perch 意:make somebody do something entirely beyond him 直:watch a fire from the other side of a river 意:look on at somebody’s misfortune with indifference; show no concern for another’s trouble

? 狗咬吕洞宾 直: snarl and snap at Lü Dongbin (one of the eight immortals in Chinese


意:mistake a good man for a bad one

(狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心。 Like the dog that bit Lü Dongbin, you bite the hand that feeds


? 狗嘴里吐不出 直:No ivory can come out of a dog’s mouth.

象牙意:A filthy mouth can’t utter decent hanguage;

You can’t expect anything nice from a foul mouth.

? 孤掌难鸣 直:It is impossible to clap with one hand.

意:It is difficult to achieve without support.

? 瓜熟蒂落 直:When a melon is ripe, it falls off its stem.

意:Issues will be resolved when conditions are ripe.


? 海底捞月 直:try to fish out the moon from the bottom of the sea

意:strive for the impossible or illusory;

a fruitless effort or futile attempt

? 海水不可斗量 直:The sea cannot be measured with a bushel.

意:Great minds cannot be fathomed.

? 害群之马 直:an evil horse that does harm to the herd

意:one who brings disgrace on or constitutes a danger to one’s group; a black sheep

? 寒窗直:cold window

意:hard conditions under which a poor scholar studies

? 汗牛充栋 直:enough books to make the pack-ox sweat or to fill a house to the


意:immense number of books

? 好马不吃 直:A spirited horse will not turn back to graze on an old pasture.

回头草 意:A true man will not pick up what he has discarded.

? 和尚打伞,直:Like a Buddhist monk holding an umbrella, thre is no hair (发, a

无法无天homophone for 法 law) nor heaven.

意:defy laws human and divine;

be absolutely lawless;

run wild

? 和风细雨 直:like a gentle breeze and light rain

意:in a gentle and mild way

? 红白喜事 直:red and white affairs

意:weddings and funerals

? 呼风唤雨 直:summon the wind and the rain;

bid wind and rain to come

意:control the forces of nature;

exercise magic powers

? 狐狸尾巴 直:fox’s tail

意:something that gives away a person’s real character or evil intensions ? 虎踞龙盘 直:like a coiling dragon and crouching tiger

意:a forbidding strategic point

? 虎头蛇尾 直:with a tiger’s head but a snake’s tail

意:with a fine start and a poor finish

? 画龙点睛 直:Bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes意:add the finishing touch;

add a touch that brings a work of art to life;

bring out the crucial point;

add a word or two to clinch the point;

The revelation comes in the last paragraph.

? 画饼充饥 直:Draw a cake to satisfy one’s hunger.

意:feed on illusions;

console oneself with false hope

? 画蛇添足 直:Draw a snake with feet added to it.

意:Ruin the effect by adding what is superfluous;

Doing something entirely unnecessary.

? 火中取栗 直:Pull chestnut out of the fire.

意:to be a cat’s paw for somebody;

use others as your cat’s paw


? 借花献佛 直:Present Buddha with borrowed flowers.

意:Borrow something to make a gift of it.

? 金玉其外 直:rubbish coated in gold and jade

败絮其中 意:Fair without, foul within


? 靠山吃山,直:Those living on a mountain get their living from the mountain; Those

near靠水吃水 the water live off the water.

意:Make full use of resources abundant in the localities.

? 刻舟求剑 直:Cut a mark on the gunwall of a moving boat to indicate where one’s

sworddropped into the water.

意:Take measures or act without reagard to changing circumstances. ? 口蜜腹剑 直:honey-mouthed but dagger-hearted;

with honey on one’s lips and murder in one’s heart

意:hypocritical and sinister;

hypocritical and malignant

(这个人口蜜腹剑,十分阴险。 He is a sinister and ruthless man with honey on his lips and murder in his heart./ He is an evil man who has a mouth that praises and a hand that kills.) ? 苦海无边, 直:The sea of bitterness is boundless; repent and the shore is at hand.

回头是岸 意:It is never too late to repent and mend one’s ways.


? (在我头上)直:Piss and shit (over my shoulder).

拉屎撒尿 意:Do whatever one pleases in a despotic manner (against me);

Ride roughshod over me.

? 拉下马直:Pull somebody off the horse.

意:Pull somebody down from a powerful or high position.
