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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-03-02 06:14:26 | 移动端:香港回归黑社会招安


1997年香港回归交接仪式 1997年7月1日零点整,中华人民共和国国旗和香港特别行政区区旗在香港升起,经历了百年沧桑的香港回到祖国的怀抱,中国政府开始对香港恢复行使主权。 1997年6月30日午夜至7月1日凌晨,香港会议展览中心新翼灯火辉煌,举世瞩目的中英两国政府香港政权交接仪式在这里的五楼大会堂隆重举行。 历史的时钟指在1997年7月1日零点那一刻,大会堂全场肃立,几千双眼睛向鲜艳的五星红旗和紫荆花区旗行注目礼。这是中华民族长久期盼的一个瞬间,这是永载世界史册的一个瞬间!零时4分,中华人民共和国主席江在这里庄严宣告:根据中英关于香港问题的联合声明,两国政府如期举行了香港交接仪式,宣告中国对香港恢复行使主权。中华人民共和国香港特别行政区正式成立。经历了百年沧桑的香港回归祖国,标志着香港同胞从此成为祖国这块土地上的真正主人,香港的发展从此进入一个崭新的时代。 中英两国政府香港政权交接仪式于1997年6月30日午夜举行。23时42分,交接仪式正式开始。 23时56分,中英双方护旗手入场,象征两国政府香港政权交接的降旗、升旗仪式开始。出席仪式的中外来宾全体起立。全场的目光都集中到竖立在主席台主礼台前东西两侧的旗杆上。 23时59分,英国国旗和香港旗在英国国歌乐曲声中缓缓降落。随着米字旗的徐徐降下,英国在香港一个世纪的殖民统治宣告结束。 1997年7月1日零点整,激动人心的神圣时刻到来了:中国人民解放军军乐队奏起雄壮的中华人民共和国国歌,中国国旗和香港特区区旗一起徐徐升起。 全场沸腾了,许多人眼睛里噙满激动的泪花,雷鸣般的掌声经久不息。照相机、摄像机的镜头不停地闪动,记录下这一庄严的历史时刻。 接着,江主席走到镶嵌着中华人民共和国国徽的讲台前发表讲话。他说,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区正式成立。这是中华民族的盛事,也是世界和平与正义事业的胜利。1997年7月1日这一天,将作为值得人们永远纪念的日子载入史册。 江说,历史将会记住提出一国两制创造性构想的邓先生。我们正是按照一国两制伟大构想指明的方向,通过外交谈判成功地解决了香港问题,终于实现了香港回归祖国。江向中英两国所有为解决香港问题作出贡献的人士,向世界上所有关心和支持香港回归的人们表示感谢。向回到祖国怀抱的6 0 0 多万香港同胞表示亲切问候和良好祝愿。 香港回归后,中国政府将坚定不移地执行一国两制、港人治港、高度自治的基本方针,保持香港原有的社会、经济制度和生活方式不变,法律基本不变。 香港回归后,中央人民政府负责管理香港的外交事务和防务。香港特别行政区依据基本法享有行政管理权、立法权、独立的司法权和终审权。香港居民依法享有各项权利和自由。香港特别行政区将循序渐进地发展适合香港实际情况的民主制度。 香港回归后,将继续保持自由港的地位,继续发挥国际金融、贸易、航运中心的作用,继续同各国各地区及有关国际组织发展经济文化关系。所有国家和地区在香港的正当经济利益将受到法律保护。他希望世界上一切在香港有投资与贸易利益的国家和地区,继续为促进香港的繁荣稳定作出努力。



Jiang Zemin's Speech at Ceremony for Establishment of HKSAR


July 1, 1997

Ladies and Gentlemen, My Fellow Countrymen,

Today, the Chinese and British Governments have held the handover ceremony of Hong Kong, solemnly announcing the resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong by the Chinese Government. Now, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China is formally established, which is an event of great

importance and far-reaching influence for Hong Kong, for China and even for the whole world. I take this as a red letter day not only for the Hong Kong compatriots, but also for the Chinese people and the entire Chines nation.

At this august historical moment, on behalf of the Central People's Government and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, I wish to extend our warm congratulations on Hong Kong's return to the motherland and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, to extend our cordial greetings to the six million Hong Kong compatriots now back to the big family of the motherland, and to express our gratitude to the compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and the overseas Chinese who have contributed to Hong Kong's return and all the patriotic personages supporting China's reunification. My thanks also go to all our foreign friends who have cared for and

supported Hong Kong's return to China. I also wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese Government, our welcome to the distinguished guests and friends who are present at this ceremony.

Hong Kong's return to the motherland is a shining page in the annals of the Chinese nation. From now on, the Hong Kong compatriots will truly become masters here as a new leaf will be turned in the annals of Hong Kong.

Since ancient times, our ancestors have lived and labored on this land generation after generation. From the Qin Dynasty to Emperor Daoguang's Reign of the Qing Dynasty, China exercised jurisdiction and sovereignty over Hong Kong. In mid-19th century, after launching two Opium Wars, Britain forced the corrupt and incompetent Qing

Government to sign the Treaty of Nanking, 1842 and the Convention of Peking, 1860. In 1898, Britain again coerced the Qing Government into signing the Convention of the Extension of Hong Kong, thus occupying the entire Hong Kong region.

Notwithstanding the prolonged separation, the flesh-and-blood bond between the people on mainland and Hong Kong compatriots had never severed; nor had their shared sentiment for the well-being of the nation. The Chinese people have never recognized the unequal treaties imposed on them, never forgotten for a single day the humiliating state of Hong Kongunder occupation and never stopped their indomitable struggle for state sovereignty and national emancipation.

With the passage of time, earthshaking changes have taken place. The rise of the first Five-Star Red Flag at Tiananmen Square showed the world that China had achieved

national independence and liberation and embarked on a road to socialism. Thanks to reform and opening-up, a rejuvenated Chinese nation has taken on a completely new look, and its international stature has been greatly enhanced. It is under these conditions and against this historical backdrop that Hong Kong has finally returned to the motherland.

In these days of national jubilation for Hong Kong's return, we cherish dearly and with great admiration the memory of Mr Deng Xiaoping, who passed away not long ago. He initiated, with exceptional wisdom and great statesmanship, the creative vision of "one country, two systems," charting the correct course for us to resolve the Hong Kong question through diplomatic negotiations and to maintain long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

After the Chinese Government resumes the exercise of sovereignty over it, Hong Kong will continue to practise the capitalist system, with its previous socio-economic system and way of life remaining unchanged and its laws basically unchanged while the main part of the nation persists in the socialists system.

As a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong will enjoy a high degree of autonomy as provided for by the Basic Law, which includes the executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication. The Central People's Government will administer foreign and defense affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in accordance with law. We extend our sincere congratulations to Mr. Tung Chee Hwa, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong

Special Administrative Region Government, who has been sworn in today. We have full confidence in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government under his leadership and will give it full support. The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be observed not only in Hong Kong, but also by all

departments of the Central Government as well as the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. No central department or locality may or will be allowed to interfere in the affairs which, under the Basic Law, should be administered by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on its own. After Hong Kong returns to the motherland, the overwhelming majority of the laws previously in force will be maintained. Hong Kong residents will enjoy their rights and freedoms in accordance with law and will be equal before the law. The provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and international labor conventions as applied to Hong Kong will remain in force and shall be implemented through the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. A gradually improved democratic system suited to Hong Kong's reality is an important guarantee for its social and political stability. Hong Kong will, in accordance with the Basic Law, develop democracy gradually with the ultimate aim of electing the chief executive and the Legislative Council by universal suffrage.

After its return to the motherland, Hong Kong will retain the status of a free port and an international financial, trade and shipping center while continuing to maintain and

develop its economic and cultural relations with other countries, regions and relevant international organizations so that this international economic metropolis will forever be vibrant and dynamic. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region protects the right to own private property in accordance with law and may, on its own, formulate its economic, trade, monetary, financial, educational, scientific and technological, cultural and sports policies in accordance with law. It will have independent finances, practice an independent taxation system and be a separate customs territory. All the economic and trade activities and investment interests of other countries and regions in Hong Kong will be protected by law.

These policies and guidelines have been formulated by the Central People's Government after careful consideration of the need to safeguard both the immediate interests of the Hong Kong compatriots and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. Their adherence serves Hong Kong, serves the entire nation and serves the world as well. Therefore, there is no reason whatsoever to change them. Here, I would like to reaffirm that "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and "a high degree of autonomy" will remain unchanged for 50 years. This is a long-term basic principle of ours.

Hong Kong's success today is, in the final analysis, the work of the Hong Kong

compatriots. Their pioneering and enterprising spirit has filled people around the world with deep admiration. Our Hong Kong compatriots will certainly carry forward this valuable spirit and bring about a better future for Hong Kong. As Mr Deng Xiaoping









历史的时针终于指向了7 月1 日0 时0 分0 秒这一刻!这是一个半世纪以来,中国人盼待的庄严一刻;这是本世纪进步人类欢呼和平、理性与正义的胜利一刻。为着这一时刻的到来,中国共产党人高举爱国主义的旗帜,领导亿万人民历经浴血奋战,在改革开放中终于找到一条以“一国两制”完成国家统一的必由之路。


0 时3 分,******主席走上讲台,以洪亮的声音庄严宣告:“中华人民共和国香港特别行政区正式成立。这是中华民族的盛事,也是世界和平与正义事业的胜利。”

******主席的讲话,6 次被热烈的掌声打断。讲话结束时,场内响起暴风雨般的掌声。这掌声,与南京静海寺的钟声遥相呼应,与北京******广场1 0 万群众的欢呼汇作中华民族的强劲声音!积淀在国人心底的期待和激情像熔岩一样迸发。


嘉宾席上的庄世平先生仰视着五星红旗,说:4 7 年来我一直坚持在香港升国旗,最早和我一起升旗的伙伴们都已经去了。如今我已八十有六,终于亲眼见到祖国收回香港,我第一件要做的事,就是告慰伙伴们在天之灵:夙愿已了!

0 时9 分,交接仪式结束。钱其琛外长礼送查尔斯王子一行走出大厅主入口处。查尔斯王子及刚刚去职的香港最后一任总督彭定康,乘“不列颠尼亚”号皇家游轮在茫茫夜色中离开,启锚处正巧是1 5 4 年前第一任港督璞鼎查登陆的地点。


