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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-02-27 06:00:50 | 移动端:初中英语试讲15分钟















听说篇: 初中英语试讲

Good morning, dear judges, I’m number_____. ( 鞠躬) It’s my great honor to stand here and start my class. The topic I choose is Section ___ of Unit___in Book ____.

Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls. Class begins.

Ok, thank you. Sit down, please.

Lead-in: First of all ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OK, read the title please. Before learning, we should be clear about our learning aims, because learning without an aim is like sailing without a compass. Read them loudly, learning aims, ready go. Learning aims: Knowledge objects: Students can master the vocabulary of _______and the target language ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ability objects: students can use the key vocabulary and the target language to make similar dialogues and listen correctly. Emotional objects: ____________________________________ Important and difficult points: Students can use the key words and the target language freely and listen correctly.


Ok, class. Can you say the vocabulary of _________ you know as many as you can. Alice? Tom? Jack? All of you are excellent. But the best one is Tom, he spoke out the most vocabulary. So, you can get 1 smile for your group. Maybe there are still some words you don’t know, please look at the pictures and the word cards, read after me please. Next, look at the screen, all the words are presented here, read them together. Perfect. Thirdly, I point you read, follow me, please. Now, let’s play a small game. You act as translators, when I speak Chinese, you speak English, When I speak English, you speak Chinese. Are you ready? Here we go. Well done. You are good translators. Now, open your books, turn to page___. Finish 1a. ________________________ Finished? Let’s check the answers.

Words are used for sentences. Look at the screen, please. Let’s learn our target language together. Read after me. Next, read them group by group. Thirdly, read them in roles, The boys ask, the girls answer. Now, I’ll text your memory. Read the target language for 5 minutes and try to act them out. The best pair can get one smile for your group. Ok, time is up. Which pair wants to have a try? Amy and your partner? Great, you have good memories. 2 smiles for your group. Now, please open your books and let us do the exercise 1b. ___________________


Next, please make you own dialogues using what we’ve learned. 3 minutes for you. Now, let’s begin. Have you finished? Any volunteers? Ok, Jack and your partner, please come to the front and act your own dialogues out. Ok, Helen, can you make comments about their dialogues? Are there any mistakes? _______________________

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Terrific! All of you can get 2 smiles for your groups.

My dear students, do you want to challenge yourselves? It’s time to show your team spirit. Now, give each group some pictures and word cards, please work in groups to make situational conversations. The best group can get 3 smiles. 6 minutes for you. Ok, let’s go. Have you finished? Yeah, group 6, have a try. Perfect! 3 smiles for your group. Sit down, please. Next, ok, group 3. ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Give your group 2 smiles. Hope you’ll be better next time.

Class, we’ve learned some key words and sentence patterns. Who can summarize what we’ve learned? Andy, you, please. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


______________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you have some problems? ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ok, if anyone of you still have some problems, you can ask your classmates for help. If they can’t help you, welcome to my office.

Everybody, 2 homework for you, the first one: Listen to the recording after class. The second one : Write a small composition using what we’ve learned.

At last, let’s look at our points area. Which group is the winner? Clap your hands for them. I hope the rest groups can learn from them and I believe you can perform better next class. Class is over, see you next time.

I’d like to end my class. Thanks for your attention. (鞠躬) 擦黑板,交稿,离开




我是来应聘初中英语的一号考生,今天我抽到的试讲题目是《What’s the matter》。 导入

Step1 Lead in(5’)

Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you again. How are you today? You are fine. You feel bad ! What’s wrong with you, Sarah? You looks pale. Oh, I am sorry to hear that. You’d better go to the see the doctor. You guys should look after yourselves well. Don’t catch cold. As we all know, we may go to doctor’s from time to time. In what condition will you go to see the doctor? Have a talk with your partner and get as much as possible conditions, Ok? Keep your outcome in mind, now let’s come to study Unit2 What’s the matter?


Step2 Presentation(20’)

Please turn to Page7 and finish 1a according to the picture, I will give you 2 minutes. Time’s up. Please tell me your answer. Great. You all get the correct answer. Now, I will teach you the pronunciation of these words, please read follow me. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Ok, guys, this time please point to your body while reading, let’s read them again. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Good job! I have an activity for you. Two students a group, one to read and the other to point to the body. Try to remember these words in this process, Ok? If you have any difficulty, ask your partner or put up your hand and ask me. Which one? It’s stomach. Stomach. That’s it. Ok,guys, stop here. It seems that you enjoyed this activity. Very good, I will plan more activities for you in future. Now, please at the PPT. I want to check how many words you have grasped. What’s this? how about this? And this one?Ear or eye? Yeah, it’s eye. Pay attention to them.

Guys, look at the pictures here,and tell me what are the students’ problems? How about this one? Yes, he has a headache. And, this one? He has a sore throat. That’s it. But, what would you do if you feel ill? Any advices? Yes, sb. should go to the doctor. As far as I am concerned, sb. should not eat

something excitant food. Guys, please turn to page8 and look at Grammar focus. There is something I need to point out. First, the word “should” is like


“can”, and you can use “do” following it, understand? Good! Second,

“shouldn’t” has the same meaning with “should not”,and we can exchange them in sentences, clear? Now, let’s do some reading to memorize them. I have a headache. You should go to bed. He has a stomach. He shouldn’t eat anything. She has a toothache. She should see a dentist. Once again.I have a headache. You should go to bed. He has a stomach. He shouldn’t eat anything. She has a toothache. She should see a dentist.


Step3 Practice(7’)

Boys and grils, now we have learned the main words and sentence patterns of this part, how much have you got? Let’s do practice.

First, look at 2a. I will play the record for you, please listen carefully and try to match the problem with the advice. Now, let’s start. OK, what’s your result. How about boys saying the problems and girls answering the advice, begin please. Very good, you guys have gotten all the correct answers. Now, please listen again and finish 2b. Have you finished? Aha, it is easy, right? Cause you can take a reference to 2a. Now, it’s the role play time. I will give you three minutes and you are asked to play the conversations in 2b according to the example in 3c. If you meet any difficulty, please put up your hand. Go! Time is up. You guys have done a good job. It seems that you enjoy being ill. It’s just a joke.


Step 4 Consolidation(8’)

Now, let’s come to the real role play. You are ill and you go to the doctors.

What would you say? Two students a group, one to be the doctor and the other patient. I’d like to give you 5 minutes to prepare and then invite some of you to perform for us. Remember, performance not conversation. You can consult to 3a if necessary. OK, begin. Time is up. How about your preparation? Any

volunteers to perform for us. Great, let’s welcome Mike and Sarah. Marvelous, let’s give them a big hand.


Step 5 Summary(3’)


Now, we have learned the main content of Part A. Can you make a summary? Yeah, just as you said, we have learned the organs of our body. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Anything else? Exactly. We have also learned some expressions about asking the illness and giving advices. Such as, what’s the matter with you? I have a headache. You should go to bed. Well, in daily life, we should take ourselves well and get rid of the illness as much as possible.


Step 5 Homework(2’)

In the end, I have to say you have homework to do. Try to find more illnesses and then give advices. You have to find at least five except those in the textbook, clear? OK, let’s call it a day. See you next time!

