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A.时间(年、月、季节等) century世纪;百年 period时期;时代;期间 year年 season季节 spring春大;春季 summer夏天;夏季 autumn秋天;秋季 winter冬天;冬季 month月 January一月 February 二月 March三月 April四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月

week周;星期 Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday星期日 day天;日 date日期 today今天 yesterday昨天 tomorrow明天 future将来;未来 daytime白天;白昼 morning早晨;上午 A.M./a.m.上午noon中午;正午 afternoon下午 P.M./p.m.下午evening傍晚;晚上 night夜晚

tonight今晚 time时间;次数 o'clock……点钟 hour小时 quarter一刻钟 minute分钟 instant瞬间;即时 moment片刻;瞬间;时刻while一段时间 second秒 age年龄 birthday生日 holiday假日;假期 B.自然界

nature大自然;自然界 universe宇宙 space空间;太空 planet行星 sky天空

heaven天空;天国;天堂 sun太阳 moon月亮

earth地球;土;泥 star星 satellite卫星 weather天气 cloud云 snow雪 rain雨 wind风 fog雾 thunder雷声

storm风暴;狂暴天气 daylight日光;白天;黎明darkness黑暗 ground地面 soil土壤;土地 mud泥;泥浆 dust灰尘;尘土 dirt污物;灰尘 desert沙漠;荒地 sand沙;沙地 cave洞;穴;岩洞 hole洞;坑;孔

mountain山;(复)山脉 hill 小山 forest森林 tree树

wood木头;木材;(复)树林;森林 trunk树干;象鼻 branch枝条;支流;部门 leaf( pl. leaves)叶子 pine松树 root根;根茎 flower花 rose玫瑰花

valley(山)谷;流域 stone石头 rock岩石;大石头 plain平原;旷野 grass草;草地

grassland草地;牧场;草原 road路;公路 route路;路线 roadside路边 border边缘;边界


C.世界各洲、国家、城市、海洋 world世界

continent大陆;洲 country国家 nation国家;民族 empire帝国 kingdom 王国

state州;国家;政府;状态 province省 city城市 town市镇;城镇 capital首都;省会 Asia亚洲 Asian亚洲人 China中国

the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国 Chinese中国人;汉语 Japan日本

Japanese日本人;日语 India印度

Indian印度人;印第安人; 印第安语

the Indian Ocean印度洋 Russian俄罗斯人;俄语 America美国;美洲

the United States(of America)(USA)






Paris巴黎 Italy意大利

Italian意大利人;意大利语 Germany德国 German德国人;德语 Berlin柏林


the British英国人




London伦敦 Russia俄罗斯





Canadian加拿大人 Africa非洲 African非洲人 Arab阿拉伯 Arabian阿拉伯人 Oceania大洋洲 Australia澳大利亚 Australian澳大利亚人



the Atlantic Ocean大西洋


the Arctic Ocean北冰洋 (the)Pacific太平洋 the Pacific Ocean太平洋


direction方向;方面;指导 left左;左边 right右;右边 centre/center中心

corner角;(街道)拐角;角落crossing 交叉(点);十字路口place地方;地点;位置 spot点;场所;地点 side边;面 top顶部;物的上面 bottom底;末端 end末梢;终点 front前面

back后面;背部;脊背 east东;东方 west西;西方 north北;北方 south南;南方 E.农工商业 agriculture农业 farm农场

field地;田地;领域 plough/plow犁 crop庄稼;收成 harvest收成 seed种子 wheat 小麦

grain谷物;谷类;谷粒 corn谷物;玉米 cotton棉花 village村庄;乡村 industry工业 factory工厂

works工厂;工事;著作workshop车间 machine机器 electricity电 coal煤

power station 发电站 material原料;材料 metal金属 silver银 gold金


Recycle 2


本单元是一个复习单元,是对本册教材4-6单元所学的语言知识的综合复习。通过阅读、兴趣活动、听力和书写练习及演唱歌曲的形式再现3个单元所学的语音、词汇、句型、话题等语言知识,使其进一步得到强化和巩固。同时在完成复习单元的活动中,提升学生归纳、总结、自主学习和合作学习的能力,体现语言学习的综合性和适用性。其中Read aloud.不分班是通过阅读的形式复习水果和数字的英语表达及句型I like / don’t like… / Where is… ? Listen and draw.部分是通过完成听音、画图的练习复习介词额用法。Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes.部分是通过完成练习复习词汇及元音字母在单词中的发音。Sing a song.过歌曲,进一步强化元音字母在单词中的读音和一些词汇。程中,教师可结合复习的内容设计形式各异的活动,提高。



1. 复习4-6单元的语音和词汇。

2. 复习4-6

3. 能够根据情境图片听懂、会说Read aloud.

4. 能5. 学唱英文歌曲。


1. 能够听、说、认读4-6

2. 能够熟练掌握4-6

3. 通单元所学的重点词句和元音字母在闭音节单词中的发音。

4. 能 “Short vowel song”。

1. 激

2. 培

Read aloud.

第二课时:Listen and draw.

第三课时:Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes. Look and write.

Sing a song.


教学内容 Read aloud.


1. 复习本册书六个单元的词汇和句型,能够听说、认读,并能在实际情景中表达。

2. 能够听说、认读各种动物名称,并通过句子I’m big and tall. 从而进行形容词的复习运用。

3. 能够运用句式I can get the… I like / don’t like…进行语言交际活动。

4. 通过水果的展示,巩固复习数字在情景中的运用。

5. 积极调动学生主动学习的兴趣, 指导学生进行合作学习,观察能力和实际运用语言的能力。


重点:复习水果banana, grape, strawberry, applegiraffe, elephant, monkey, mouse, rabbit, tiger的英文名称。形容词的复习及运用。 复习数字1-20的英文表达。正确运用句式I’m…… I like / don’t like…


教学准备:录音机及磁带,水果照片, Step1 Warming up & Revision

1. Sing a song: “At the zoo” and Fruits”

2. let’s chant on page

3. Review

1) game: Who’s fastest?


2)Who can get the grapes? S: Giraffe.此Giraffe is big and tall. It can 从而进行水果的复习

3)Let’s count (review 1-20).


Step2 Presentation & Practice

1. Sentences: Look! So much fruit! I’m … and …. I can get the …

1) Draw a big tree and much fruit. Look! So much fruit!


2) Show the animals photos.

What’s is it? What is it like? It is small and short. …



3) Introduce : I’m …. I’m … and …. I can get the …

给每一位学生发动物图片或者是水果的图片,然后把自己当成是这个动物或者是水果介绍自己,熟练运用句式:I’m …. I’m … and …. I can get the …

4) Everyone choose an animal and introduce it.

2. Sentence: 13 bananas! I like / don’t like …. Where is …? Here you are !

1) Show the fruit. don’t like apples. (I like / I don’t like….)

2) Ask : Where is…? (put the fruit in different place)

T: Where is my bananas? S: Here you are! Bananas!

Step3 Extension & Consolidation

1. Free talk

T: Who can get the bananas? S1: Monkeys!

T: Yes, I’m a monkeys. I’2. Have a test

(1) 连词成句

··don’ ·are, you, here.____________

·(2) 选词填空

A. don’tB. youC.bananasD. big

·I’··I’·3. f1. 2.


教学内容Listen and draw.


1. 复习Where is the…?句式,并熟练运用方位词 on, in, under来回答。

2. 能够运用句式Where is the…? It’s on / in /under… 进行Listen and draw.中的语言交际活动。

3. 调动学生主动学习的积极性,指导学生进行合作学习,并培养学生的观察能力和实际运用语言的能力。


重点:掌握方位介词on, in, under,正确运用句式Where is the…? It’/under… 进行问答。



Step1 Warming up & Revision

1. Sing a song: Where is the toy car?

2. Review the words:

1)Game: Where is the….

出示一把尺子,问:What’s this? 师把尺子藏起来,让学生猜一猜:答对得学生给予奖励

2)look and say


3. Homework showing

1. L1) ’s in this picture?

“in, on, under” to ask

…? It’s in / on/ under….

2. L1) Look at the book, count the footprints and understand “footprints”.

2) Show the wall map with another road, count it (review the number)

3) Show the content on the book, read the dialogue.

S1: Look at this picture. Where is the…?

S2: It’s on / in/ under….

S1: How many… do you see?

S2: I see….


Step3 Extension & Consolidation

1. Free talk

Show the pictures of fruits.

T: How many apples do you see? S1: I see9.

T: You are right.

2. Listen and find

Two students in a team, ask and answer

两人一组做游戏,一个同学发口令,如:The book is under the desk.同伴根据他\她的提示,找到相应的物品。两人要互相交换角色进行游戏。

3. Have a test



·---How many _______-do you see ?()

2) 看图写句子


4. finish the workbook


2. —6.


八年级英语(上)Unit 8-1 English Week

Unit 8 English Week

English: fun for life

English Week at Rosie Bridge School

Last week, students at Rosie Bridge School worked hard to make their English Week a big success.

There was an English book fair in the library and a treasure hunt. Some students put on an English play. Other students took part in an English singing competition.

There was also a speaking competition. The students had to speak on a topic in English for two minutes.

We spoke to the winner, Hey. “I?m so happy that I won,” he said. “I advise people to speak slowly. If they want to be good public speakers, they?d better speak clearly and confidently.”

We also spoke to several other students about English Week. One of them was Amy. “I really enjoyed English Week. It gave me a chance to learn new words. In my opinion, every school should have an English Week. It?s well worth doing,” she said. On the last day of English Week, the head teacher gave a speech to the whole school. He gave students some suggestions on how to improve their English. “You should communicate in English with your friends whenever you can. You should read English books and magazines, and watch English television programmes. Above all, you should enjoy English!” he said.



上周, 罗西桥学校的学生们的努力工作使他们的英语周大获成功。







Unit 8 English week



1. competition n. 比赛;竞赛

They hold a competition every year to find the best young artist.他们每年举行一次比赛,评选出最佳的青年艺术家。

He is in competition with three other people for promotion.他与其他三位对手角逐


2. treasure n. 珍宝;宝物

She owns many treasures.她收藏了许多珍宝。


【链接】v. 珍视;珍爱;珍藏

I will treasure those memories forever.我会永远珍藏那些记忆。

3. text n.文本

The text is accurate and informative.文本内容准确,信息量大。

【提示】text un.表示“文本”时是不可数名词,但表示“文稿;讲稿;课本;课文”时是可数名词。

【链接】v. 用移动电话发送短信。

Text me when you are ready.准备好就给我发短信。

4. chance n.机会;机遇

Paul has waited for that chance for a long time.保罗等待那个机会已经很长时间了。 Be quite and give her a chance to explain.安静点,给她一个解释的机会。


A by any chance(用于询问)可能;也许

Are you, by any chance, going into town this afternoon?今天下午你会到镇上去吗?

B no chance(非正式)不可能

- Perhaps your mother will give you the money.

- No chance.



5. confidently adv. 自信地

She walked confidently onto the platform and started her speech.她自信地走上讲台,然后开始发表演说。

【链接】confident adj.自信的;confidence n. 自信;自信心

6. topic n.话题

The topic of the lecture is whales.讲座的话题是鲸。

7. winner n. 优胜者

The winner?s prize is a new car.获胜者的奖品是一辆新轿车。

【链接】win v.赢得; 获胜

8. advise v. 建议


A advise+名词\代词。如:

What would you advise?你有什么建议?

Mr. Li advised Lisa after she failed the Maths test.莉萨数学测验不及格,李老师给她提了一些建议。

B advise+sb.+不定式短语。在这个句式中,不定式短语作advise的宾语补足语。如:

He often advises people to do more exercise.他常常劝人多锻炼身体。

His wife advised him to give up smoking.他的妻子劝他戒烟。

C advise+动词-ing形式。如:

I advised holding a meeting to discuss the matter.我建议开会讨论这件事情。 He advised going to London for the holidays.他建议去伦敦度假。

D advise+sb.+against+(doing)sth.表示“建议某人不做某事”。如:

The lawyers have advised us against signing the contract.律师建议我们不要签订这份合同。

【链接】advice un.

Take my advice and stop doing that!

9. several det. 几个;一些

【提示】several 作定语,“几个”

Several boys were injured.

My friend can speak several languages.


Several of us decided to walk home.

Several of the windows were broken.

I don?t need those apples, I already have had several.

If you are looking for a photo of Alice, you?ll find several here.

10. opinion n. 意见;想法

I wasn?t asking for your opinion, Dick.

Jack expressed his opinion about the plan.

11. whole adj. 整个的;全部的

Do you want to know the whole story?

They drank a whole of the morning cooking.

【链接】whole n. 整体;全体


1. 都可与单数名词连用,含义大致相同,位置不同;all放在冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词等之前,而whole则放在这些词后。如:

all the family the whole family

2. 和复数名词连用,两者意思有所区别;all指“全部;每一个”;whole指“整个”。如:

All the buildings were burning.

Whole buildings were burning.

3. 在大多数不可数名词这前用all,不用whole。如:

所有的钱 the whole money×all the money

所有的酒 the whole wine × all the wine

4. 在表示地点的专有名词之前,一般用all而不用whole。如:

all China全中国,也可以说成 the whole of China

12. suggestion n. 建议;提议

He followed her suggestion of a walk along the river.

I have lots of suggestions for the park?s future.

【链接】suggest v. 建议;提议

13. communicate v. (与某人)交流信息;沟通

My mother communicates with me well.

They communicated in sign language.

【链接】 communication n. 交流;沟通

We were in close communication with each other.

14. whenever conj. 在任何---的时候;在任何---的情况下

She always went to that church whenever she was in that area.

You can stay at my cottage whenever you like.


1. a treasure hunt 寻宝游戏

2. ---speak English confidently in public,--- 在公众场合自信地说英语

in public “公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前”

You should not make jokes about her in public.

3. Some students put on an English play. 一些学生演出了英语剧。

put on “上演”

The band hope to put on a show in the UK before the end of the year.

put on “穿上;戴上”

She put on her coat and glasses and then went out.

put on “增加(体重)”

I eat a lot, but I never put on weight.

4. Other students took part in an English singing competition. 还有一些学生参加了一场英语歌唱比赛。

take part in“参加(---活动)”


A. join

1) 指加入某个党派、团体组织等,成为其中一员;

When did your elder brother join the army?

She joined the Dancing Club last week.

2)指参与;加入到---之中,与take part in含义相同;

500 employees of this company joined the strike yesterday.

= 500 enployees of this company took part in the strike yesterday.

B. join in 多指参加活动;与take part in 含义相同;

Come along, and join in the ball games.

= Come along, and take part in the ball game.

C. take part in 多指参加活动;

She?ll take part in the discussion tomorrow.

Jack took part in the singing contest yesterday.

注意:take part in 是惯用词组,part前一般不用冠词,但当part前有形容词修饰时,要用不定冠词;

D. attend “出席;参加”,指参加会议、婚礼、典礼、听报告等;

He?ll attend an important meeting tomorrow.

I attended Professor Li?s lecture last week.

5. The students had to speak on a topic in English for two minutes. 同学们必须就一个话题用英语演讲两分钟。

on “关于;就”,about 意思相近

The teacher tests us on irregular verbs.

in English“用英语”; in “用”

Say it in German

She wrote in pencil.

Put it in writing.

I?ll pay in cash.

6. We spoke to the winner, Hey.”I?m so happy that I won,” he said. 我们和获胜者亨利进行了交流。“我很高兴自己能获胜,”他说道。

speak to “对---说;与---交谈”,与talk to意思相近

He looked aside when I spoke to him.

The President spoke to the whole nation on television.

I?m so happy that I won. 形容词后由引导的宾语从句

I?m afraid that I cannot pass the exam tomorrow.

They are very excited that they have won the game.

7. If they want to be good public speakers, they?d better speak clearly and confidently. 如果他们想成为优秀的公众演说家,他们最好说得清楚且自信。

public speaker“公开场合的演讲者”

What makes a good public speaker?

?d better= had better 后常用动词原形,“最好(做某事)”,常用于表达建议、劝告等

You?d better wash your hands first.

You?d better go to see the doctor at once.

否定形式had better not

Simon, you?d better not go there alone.

8. In my opinion, every school should have an English Week. 我认为,每个学校都应该举办英语周。

in my opinion“依我看” in one?s opinion“依某人之见”这是表达观点时的常用说法 You didn?t do anything wrong, in my opinion.

In my opinion, your plan will work.

9. It?s well worth doing. 这是很值得做的。


10. On the last day of English Week, the head teacher gave a speech to the whole school. 英语周的最后一天,校长向全校做了演讲。

head teacher“校长”,英式英语; 美式英语用principal

give a speech to“给---做演讲”

Doctor Li gave a speech about trees to us last week.

11. You should communicate in English with your friends whenever you can. 你们应该随时用英语和朋友交流。

communicate with “与---交流”

Love is the best way to communicate with children.

I can communicate with foreigners very well.

12. Above all, you should enjoy English. 最重要的是,你们应该喜欢英语。 above all“最重要的是;尤其是”

You have your family to consider above all.

Above all, you must be independent.

