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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-02-24 06:16:37 | 移动端:怎么弄坏自行车





学号:201206034243 姓名:袁乐雅 院系:数学与统计学院 班级:数本2班













篇三:unit 3 基础练习

unit 3 基础练习

1. 有时候我母亲要我做许多作业



In order to make himself ______, he raised his voice.

A. to hear B. hearing C. hearD. heard




The traffic lights ______ green and I pulled away.

A. came B. grew C. got D. went

3. 我渴望参军


There was a time when many young people were ______ to go abroad.

A. dying B. died C. dead D. death

The ______ old man still hoped to see his youngest child, who was not there at the moment.

A. deadB. deadlyC. dyingD. death

4. --- When did you last hear ______ Joy?

--- He phoned me this morning, and we agreed ______ a time and place to meet.

A. of ; to B. about ; withC. from ; withD. from ; to

5. 你能算出要花多少钱么



---How does your sister stay slim and healthy?

--- She ______ in the gym every other day, jogging and doing some other exercises.

A. works onB. works outC. works atD. works over

We didn't plan our art exhibition like that, but it______ very well.

A. worked out B. tried out C. came aboutD. carried on

They really had a great time, designing everything, drawing the blueprints,_______ the angles and so on.

A. looking outB. taking outC. finding out D. figuring out

6. 他对自己的失败感到羞愧


--- I always get a bit ______ if I don't arrive at the time I tell my mother.

A. shame B. ashamed C. weak D. patient

--- I should have gone to the wonderful concert with you yesterday.

--- ______! If possible, I wish I would have another such chance.

A. Yes, you should B. Take it easyC.What a shame D. Don't worry

7. 他有太多的工作要做



--- Can I help you, sir?

--- Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it______.

A. didn't work B. won't workC. can't workD. doesn't work

--- Are the new rules ______?

--- Yes. Few books are stolen.

A. using B. working C. to be carried out D. do good

8.--- Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?

--- Yes, I gave it to her _______ I saw her.

A. while B. the moment C. suddenly D. once

9. I caught a bad cold last month and it took a whole week for me to ______ from it

A. gainB. recoveryC. treatD. cure

She made a quick _______ from her illness and was soon back at work.

A. decisionB. recoveryC. change D. promise

10. 没能通过考试这件事是她很不安

11. Those old pots, ______ the one with a flying dragon on it, ______ 32,000 Chinese ancient coins.

A. included; includeB. containing ; contain

C. including ; contain D. including ; include

The book ______ forty maps ______ three of China.

A. contain ; containing B. includes ; including

C. includes ; containingD. contains ; including

12. 你为什么不听我的忠告?



I send you 100 dollars today, the rest _______ in a year.

A. follows B. followedC. to followD. being followed

I failed; I regretted not ______ your advice on how to deal with the difficulties.

A. following B. to follow C. followedD. promising

13. 这座城市在战争中完全被催毁了




They are not only making it difficult for us sleep at night, but they are ______ damage to our places of historical interest.

A. doingB. raising C. puttingD. producing

A bomb destroyed two buildings and _______ several others.

A. harmedB. damagedC. hurt D.injured

Mike didn't play football yesterday because he had ______ his leg.

A. damaged B. hurt C. hit D. struck

14. 这本书值10元(两种)


In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research _______ the costs.

A. is worth B. is worthy of C. is worthy D. worths

---Anything interesting in today's newspaper ?

--- There is nothing worth _______.

A. to be read B. of being read C. reading it D. reading

It is difficult to judge whether what he did _______.

A. is worth to be praised B. deserves being praised

C. is worthy of being praised D. is worth being praised

15. I was ______ by her _______ comments about my clothes.

A. embarrassing; embarrassingB. embarrassed; embarrassed

C. embarrassing; embarrassedD. embarrassed; embarrassing

16. People who _______ mustn't have chocolate.

A. went on a dietB. are on a diet

C. go on dietD. we're on a diet

--- You don't seem to enjoy your meal very much.

--- Not really, I'm just ______.

A. on diets B. on a diet C. on the dietD. in a diet

17. She ______ some old photographs in a drawer.

A. came across B. came about C. came after D. came at

Last week I was on business in Beijing and ______ my old college roommate in the street, who said Li Jian, another friend of ours, ______ a car accident the month before.

A. came across; had come up B. ran into; met with

C. came across; has met with D. met with; came across

18. ---How are the team playing ?

--- They're playing well, but one of them ______ hurt.

A. getB.gets C. are D. were

Take it easy. You still have time to ______ before the party.

A. get changedB. get change C. get to change D. get changing

19. 看起来暴风雨好像就要来了

--- Is lunch ready?

--- ______, you can prepare for it.

A. Coming up B. Coming out C. Coming on D. Coming down

He had a high fever, but after he took medicine, his temperature ______ in the evening.

A. came up B. came out C. came on D. came down

20. He has a house______ his own, and the house was built ______ his own last year.

A. of; on B. on; of C. of; ofD. on; on

21. 她考虑了自己的选择




Charles Babbage is generally considered ______ the first computer.

A. to inventB. inventing C. to have inventedD. having invented

He is ______ the company because he wants to run a hotel by himself.

A. considered to leave B. considering leaving

C. considering to leaveD. considered leaving

22. You should go to see a doctor and take some medicine to prevent your hair ______.

A. fall out B. falling out C. fall off D. falling off

It's a pity that many people _______ the advertisement and bought the goods it advertised.

A. fell forB. fell intoC.having fallen forD. have fallen into

23. 这要有副作用么



The story, which ______ me, ______ my sister deeply.

A. had no effect in; affected B. had not an effect on; affected

C. had no effect on; affectedD. had not an effect in; affected

24. 他冒着生命危险跳入河中

He got prepared for the job interview, for he couldn't risk _______ the good chance.

A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost

Few people have ever ______ deep into the forest, for it is extremely dangerous.

A. risked to go B. tried to go C. risked goingD. tried going

25. ---If you like the house, I suggest you buy it

---But it's really too expensive. I can't ______ it.

A. get B. afford C. supply D. buy
