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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-02-23 06:20:06 | 移动端:牛津英语六年级下册



Unit 1 Who is younger?


**** than 比,chat聊天,young年轻的old年老的strong 强壮的 fat 胖的 thin 瘦的 heavy重的light 轻的short短的、矮的long 长的tall高的small小的big大的sit(sat)坐meet(met)遇见、见面

***twin (双胞胎)之一as 作为minute 分钟only惟一的、仅有的child孩子(children孩子们)little小的cute 伶俐的、可爱的also 也

**centimetre 厘米height身高weight体重 worm蠕虫


1.on Sunday morning 在星期天早晨2.go for a walk 去散步

3. look the same 看起来一样 4. one day 某一天

5.as tall as 与…..一样高as fat as与…..一样胖as long as 与….一样长

6. shorter than… 比….矮 bigger than比…大 heavier than比…重

7. twenty minutes younger小二十分钟8.one year older 大一岁

9.sit down under a big tree 坐在大树下 10.be glad to do 非常高兴做某事

11.see them/him/you 看见他们/他/你 12.look different 看起来不同

13.a twin sister 双胞胎姐妹14.my classmate/deskmate我的同班同学/同桌

15.how old多大 16.the only child 仅有的一个孩子

17.a cute little dog一只可爱的小狗18.get a brother 得了个弟弟

19.a tall boy一个高个子的男孩20.a young teacher 一位年轻的教师

21.some heavy boxes 一些重的盒子22.whose classroom 谁的教室

23.your old friend(s) 你的老朋友24.a heavy schoolbag 一只重的书包

25.a strong goalkeeper 一个强壮的守门员26.brothers and sisters 兄弟姐妹

27.the girl in red 穿红衣服的女孩 28.yours or mine 你的还是我的

29.look young 看起来年轻 30.have a chat 聊天、闲谈

31.asksome queations问一些问题





B.双写加er big-------_________ fat-----_________ thin---________

C.去y改i加er heavy---_________


1、Who’s younger than him ? 谁比他年轻My brother is younger than him .我弟弟比他年轻。

2、Are you as tall as Tom ? 你和汤姆一样高吗?

3、Do you have any brothers or sisters?Yes,I do .No,I don't. I have a brother./I have a sister.

4、Whose schoolbag is heavier,yours or mine ?Mine is./My schoolbag is heavier than yours .

五、音标:or /

ir / / shirt skirtgirlbirdbirthdayfirst thirdthirtyur / / turnnursesurf Unit 2More exercise


****low低 high高 slow慢 fast快 late晚 early早 far远 well好/语气词bad糟糕的、坏的true正确的fish鱼(goldfish金鱼)

***exercise练习matter事件problem问题player运动员,演员 worry担心idea主意

jog慢跑will将**traffic 交通


1. be good at 擅长2.do well in 擅长(do better in 更擅长)

3.do more exercise做更多的锻炼 4.as strong as 和…一样强壮

5.the other children 其他的孩子6.want to do better 想做得更好

7.What’s the matter?怎么啦?8.well done 做得不错、干得好

9.run faster than me 跑得比我快 10.run as fast as him 跑得和他一样快

11.a good football player一个好的足球运动员 12.jump very high跳得很高

13.do other things better than your classmates做其他事情比你的同班同学好

14.jump higher than 跳得比…高15.That’s true.对的。

16.some of the boys 某些男孩 17.Don’t worry.别担心。

18.get stronger变得更强壮 19.a good idea一个好主意

20.jog to school慢跑去学校 21.play ball games玩球类运动

23.want to do=would like to do想要做... 为全班同学读生词

25.get up earlier 更早的起床 26.every day 每天

27. after school 放学后 28.start our lesson 开始上课

29.all the other children 所有其他的孩子


直接加er/r:low-_______slow-_______high-________ fast-______late-______


不规则变化:far-farther, well(good)-better , much/many-morebad-worse


I get up early than you.我起床比你起得早。Ben runs faster than Jim.本跑得比吉姆快。

Do the boys jump higher than the girls? Yes, they do.男生们跳得比女生们高吗? 是的。

Does Jim swim slower than David? 吉姆游得比大卫慢吗?

No, he doesn’t. David swims slower than Jim.不,大卫游得比吉姆慢。

I’m good at Chinese.=I do well in Chinese.我擅长语文。

(I am not good at Chinese.=I don’t do well in Chinese.)

Jim is good at English. =Jim does well in English.吉姆擅长英语。

(Jim isn’t good at English.=Jim doesn’t do well in Chinese.)

Jim is not as strong as the other boys. 吉姆不如其他男生强壮。

Mike runs as fast as Ben.迈克跑得和本一样快。

I think you do other things better than your classmates.我认为你做其他事情比你同班同学好。 The traffic was heavier than yesterday.交通比昨天拥挤。


or /

Unit 3Asking the way


****get到达way路away离开along沿着street大街crossing交叉路口stop停车站miss找不到、错过walk路程post office邮局bookshop书店(shoeshop鞋店toyshop玩具店fruitshop水果店)run-ran跑catch-caught抓tell-told告诉

***kilometre千米、公里history museum历史博物馆city城市shopping centre购物中心middle school中学primary school小学No.=number第…号

train station火车站bus station汽车站road街道、路

**suddenly突然steal(stole)偷out of在…外shout大声喊叫thief小偷



1.come from 来自于……2.live in China 住在中国

3.on holiday 度假4. get there 到达那里

5.get to your home到你的家6.go to the city post office 去市邮局

7.tell me the way to 告诉我去……的路 8.let me see 让我想想

9.go along this street 沿着这条街走 10.turn right / left 向右/ 左转

11.at the third crossing 在第三个十字路口 12.on your left 在你的左边

13.you can’t miss it .你不要错过。14.how far 多远

15.a kilometre away 一公里远16.a long/short walk 一段很长/短的路

17.take bus No. 5 乘5路车 18.how many stops 多少站

19.at the bus stop 公共汽车站 20.every five minutes 每隔五分钟

21.on River Road 在大江路 22.in Shanghai Street 在上海街

23.get on 上车24.get off at the third stop 在第三个车站下车

25.You’re welcome. 不客气/不必谢。 26.Your English is great! 你的英语很棒!

27.last Sunday afternoon 上个星期天下午28.run out of the shop 跑出商店

29.a book about animals 一本有关动物的书 30.Stop thief ! 抓贼 !

31.follow him along the street沿街跟着他 32.catch the thief 抓住贼

33.get my purse back 取回我的钱包 34.Bank of China中国银行

35.Tianmu Lake Hotel天目湖宾馆 36.a map of the town小镇地图


----Excuse me,can you tell me the way to …,please ?

----Go along this street,and then turn … at the …crossing.The … is on your …

----Thank you/Thanks.

----You’re welcome./That’s all right./Not at all./That’s OK.


Can you show me the way to … ?

Can you tell me how to get to … ? Can you tell me how I can get to …?

How can I get there?How can I get to …?

Where's …?

Which is the way to …?

Is there a … near here ?

其他回答:It’s over there./It’s near the …/Go down the street./It’s on …Road.

It’s in …Street./You can take bus No….and get off at the …stop./Go along …Road,turn right/left at … Road.The n go along … Road.The place is on your right/left.

路程问答法:How far is it from here?It’s about …metres/kilometres away.

It’s about …minutes’ walk from here.


1.How many stops are there?

2.Well,to get there faster,you can …

3.I want to go to the …/He wants to go to the …

语音:/ / blouse house mouse out shout mouth trousers

Unit 4Review and check


1.do the long jump跳远2.get on bus No.6在6路公交车处上车

3.next to the Bank of China 紧靠银行旁边 4.high jump 跳高

5.50-metre race50米赛跑 6.be good at running 擅长跑步


1.Who goes to school earlier,you or David?

2.Who goes to bed later,Helen or Mike?

3.Can I help you?Yes ,I’d like a skirt for my daughter.

4.Do you have some smaller ones?

5.How far can … jump?Four metres.

6.Are Helen’s pencils as long as Nancy’s?Yes,they are.

7.We hope to see you soon.Come and visit us.

Unit 5The seasons


****weather天气 What’s the weather like there? 那儿天气怎么样?

season季;季节best最好的(good well的最高级)

spring春季warm温暖的 summer夏季hot热的

autumn秋季cool凉的;凉快的 winter冬季cold冷的




snowman(雪堆成的)雪人snowball雪球have snowball fights打雪仗




1.go to New York 去纽约 2.next week 下一周

3.work there for one year 在那里工作一年 4.go to farms去农场

5.want to know about 想知道有关…… 6.the best season 最好的季节

7.ask questions about 问有关……的问题 8.in the countryside 在乡下

9.the weather in New York 纽约的天气 10.pick apples 摘苹果

11.Sounds great ! 听起来太棒了! 12.most of the time 大部分时间

13.make snowmen 堆雪人 14.have snowball fights 打雪仗

15.some warmer clothes 一些较保暖的衣服 16.turn green (指植物)变绿

17.go rowing 去划船 18.go swimming去游泳

19.get longer变得更长20.get shorter变得更短

21.go walking去散步22.go jogging去慢跑23.go skating去滑冰24.go skiing去滑雪25.go climbing去爬山26.go fishing 去钓鱼


1. What’s the weather like …? It’s … …天气怎么样?天气…

2.Which season do you like best? I like … best. 你最喜欢什么季节?我最喜欢…

Why?Because it’s … I can … 为什么?因为天气…我能…

3.It’s …than in … 天气比…更…

4….is the best season in … …季节…的最好的季节。

5.It often rains.

6.It is warm in spring.

7.The days get shorter and the nights get longer in autumn/winter.

8. The days get longer and the nights get shorter in spring/summer.


Unit 6 Planning for the weekend


****plan计划;打算,picnic野餐,play(戏剧的)演出,give举行take part ( in )参加(……);参与(……)Beijing opera京剧,show演出;(广播或电视)节目,concert音乐会,outing短途旅游;远足,contest竞赛;比赛,sports meeting运动会

*** still仍然, theatre戏院;剧场zebra 斑马,Africa非洲



《Changes in our lives》教学设计

The first period

路家村联校 赵莉云

Teaching aims:

A. 我会听说读四会单词和短语:life, writer, street cleaner, drive, in a short time, by hand, right away . .

B. 我掌握核心句型“In the past, she/he ….Now she/he …”

C. 能够了解科技发展对我们生活的变化,珍惜今天的时光。 Teaching keys:

A. 我会听说读四会单词和短语:life, writer, street cleaner, drive, in a short time, by hand, right away .

B. 我能用一般现在时和过去时说出现在和过去的生活变化。 Teaching difficulty:

我能用一般现在时和过去时说出现在和过去的生活变化。 Teaching aids:

Computer, pictures, VCD

Teaching steps:

Step1. Brain storm.

Look at the sentences and read out the jobs.

1. He is He gets his crops in by hand.

2. She is usually writes stories at home.

3. Mr Lee is likes travelling.

4. Uncle Wang is always gets up early.

5. My aunt is .Her students like her very much.

Step2. Presentation

1. Listen to the tape and pay attention to the new words . 2. Read the sentences after tape.

3. Choose some students read the sentence one by one. Step3. Cooperation

1. Read the sentences with your partner and try to translate them.

2. Underline the key words and phrases.

3. Write down the verbs of past tense.

Step4. Show

Task1. Summary the key words and phrases.

Task2. Retell the four pictures the difference between in the past and now.

Step5. Standard test.

1. Finnish the blanks on p9.

2. No.3 of students book p11.



Module 3 The natural world 自然界

Unit 1 Windy weather 有风的天气

Ask and answer问一问,答一答 S1:What can you see when there is gentle wind/strong wind typhoon? 当有微风/强风/台风的时候,你能看到什么?

S2: I can see ? when there is a ? 当有??的时候,我能看到?? A gentle wind(微风): leaves/move/slightly/parks(树叶/移动/轻微地/公园) flags/fly/sky(旗/飞/天空) A strong wind(强风): clouds/move/quickly(云/移动/快速地) people/windsurf/sea(人们/进行帆船运动/海洋) A typhoon(台风): people/hold/raincoats/tightly(人们/抓住/雨衣/紧紧地) people/flower pots/flats(人们/带走/花盆/阳台) 拓展:形容词比较级的知识


1、比较级+than表示“比……更……” 如:Your bag is bigger than mine.你的包比我的大。

2、比较级+and+比较级,more and more+原级都表示“越来越……” 如:Our life gets better and better.我们的生活变得越来越好。

Our school is more and more beautiful.我们的校园越来越美丽。 Language语言点 ◆ gently温和地 | fiercely 猛烈地

slightly 轻微地 | quickly 快速地

slowly缓慢地 | carefully小心地

◆ What can you see when there is a gentle wind?


a strong wind?强风

I can see people flying kites.我能看到人们正在放风筝。

clouds moving quickly.云正在快速地移动。

◆ What may happen when there is a typhoon?.


A strong wind may break windows.一阵强风也许会损坏窗户。



He was ill yesterday.昨天他生病了。

They watched TV last night.昨晚他们看电视。

Kitty and Ben were in the park.凯蒂和本在公园。


1 May是情态动词,它的含义为“也许,可能”,可以与其他动词连用,表示许可。如:

May I use your pen? 我可以使用你的钢笔吗?——Sure.当然可以。 He may know the answer.他也许知道答案。

2 注意以may开头的问句,否定回答常用can’t/mustn’t.如:

—May I open the door? 我可以打开门吗?

—Yes, you may.是的,你可以。

—No, you can’t/mustn’t. 不,你不能。

Unit 2 Sea water and rain water 海水和雨水

Think and write 想一想,写一写 What do people use water to do?


1、先读分子,再读分母。 2、分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示,当分子大于1时,分母要用其复数形式。如:1/3 one third 2 /5 two fifths 1/4 one quarter one fourth 5/6 five sixths Ask and answer问一问,答一答


S1: How can we save water? 我们怎样节约用水?

S2: We can save water by fixing a dripping tap.


S1: How else can we save water? 我们还能怎样节约用水?

S2: We can save water by not playing water games.


Look at the pictures above. In pairs ,talk about different ways of saving water.

Language语言点 ◆ If there is no rain, we will have no water to drink.


the crops and vegetables will die.


◆ What do we use water to do? 我们用水干什么?

We use water to brush our teeth.我们用水刷牙。

◆ How can we save water? 我们怎样节约用水?

We can save water by fixing a dripping tap.

我们可以节约用水 通过修理滴水的龙头。

not playing water games.不要玩水游戏。 ◆ The largest/most intelligent/most dangerous?


拓展:母亲节(Mother’s Day)的由来

母亲节起源于希腊,古希腊人在这一天向希腊神话中的众神之母赫拉致敬。现代意义上的母亲节起源于美国(America),由Ana Jarvis发起。第一个母亲节于1908年5月10日在弗吉尼亚和宾夕法尼亚州举行。康乃馨(carnation)被选为献给母亲的花。1913年,美国国会通过一项议案,将每年5月第二个星期天作为法定的母亲节,母亲节从此流传开来。 Unit 3 Forests and land 森林和陆地

Think and write 想一想,写一写 Birds: We make our nests in trees. 鸟:我们在树上构建我们的巢。

Small animals and insects: I build my homes in the hollow of the tree. The leaves , flowers and fruit of the trees are our food. 小动物和昆虫:我在树洞里建造我的家。树的树叶,花和水果是我们的食物。

Trees: Many people use us to make houses, furniture and paper .Forests are their homes and food to all animals. People must stop cutting down forests. 树:许多人使用我们去制造房子,家具和纸。森林对所有动物是家园和食物。人们必须停止砍伐森林。

拓展:不要盲目走错家(home, house, room)

1 room 房间。如:There are two windows in my room.我的房间有两个窗子。How many rooms are there in your flat? 你那套公寓有多少房间?

2 home 住宅,家乡,到家,回家。如:This is my home. 这是我家。He is at home.他在家。

3 house 房子、住宅。如:There are many houses in our village.在我们村庄有许多房子。

Ask and answer问一问,答一答 In pairs , ask and answer questions about the things people can make with different materials.


S1: What can we use glass to make? 我们用玻璃制作什么? S2: We can use glass to make bottles. 我们能用玻璃制瓶子。

S1: What can we use wood/wool to make? 我们能用木头/羊毛制作什么?Cotton/plastic 棉花/塑料

S2: We can use ? to make?我们能用??制??

bags 包desks 桌子jackets夹克pencils 铅笔cups杯子 blouses上衣 bottles 瓶子 flowers花 coats 外套 bowls 碗 T-shirts T恤boxes 盒子 Ask, answer and write问一问,答一答并写一写 Collect items which are made of different materials. Give a classmate a few items to feel. Ask him/her about them.

S1: How does it feel? 感觉它怎样?

S2: It’s hard/rough/soft/smooth.它是硬的/粗糙的/柔软的/光滑的。 S1: What is it made of? What is it? 它是由什么制成的?它是什么? S2: It’s made of wood/wool/cotton/plastic/glass.


It’s a wooden/woollen/cotton/plastic/glass?


Language语言点 ◆ We get wood from trees.我们从树中得到木材。

◆ What can we use glass to make? 我们能用玻璃制作什么?

◆ How does if feel? 感觉它怎样?

It’s hard and rough.它又硬又粗糙。

◆ What is it made of? 它是由什么制成的?

It’s made of wood.它是由木头制成的。

◆ What is it? 它是什么?

It’s a wooden box.它是一个木制盒子。

plastic bag. 塑料包

woolen scarf.羊毛围巾

cotton T-shirt. 棉织T恤

glass bottle.玻璃瓶子


1 be made of+ 原材料,“由??制成”可以通过产品看出原材料;be made from+ 原材料,“由??制成”看不出原材料。

如:The desk is made of wood.桌子由木头制成。

Paper is made from wood.纸由木头制成。

2 be made into+产品,“被制成??”

如:Wood is made into desk.木头被制成桌子。

3 be made in+地点,“在??地方被制造”

如:The watch is made in China.这块表是中国制造的。 4 be made by +人,“被某人制造”如:这个风筝是我制作的。
