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处不得停放汽车。 2.[C]进入,入场 3.[U]进入的权利,入学许可:a school entrance examination 学校入学考试 entrance[????????] n.1.[C]入口,进口:Cars must not park in front of the entrance. 入口

【用法】表示“在入口处”,通常用介词 at,表示“?的入口”,通常用介词 to,有时也用介词 of:Where is the entrance to the zoo, please? 请问动物园的入口在什么地方? / The entrance of the hall is on your right. 大厅的入口在你右边。一般说来,用介词 to 多用来指方向,即指“通向”,用介词 of 多用来指位置(但不绝对,总的说来,用 to 的情形较多) entry[??????] n.1.[C,U]进入,加入:At his entry everyone fell silent. 他进来时大家都沉默下来。 2.[U]进入权,入场权:They were charged with illegal entry into the US. 他们被控告非法进入美国。3.[C]参加竞赛的人(或物):The magazine received 400 entries for its poetry contest. 杂志接到了参加诗歌比赛的 400 份作品。4.[C]项目,条目:The latest edition of the dictionary contains more than 6,000 entries. 这本词典的最新版本收入词条超过 6 000 个。 envelope[?????????] n.[C]信封:Did you put a stamp on the envelope? 你在信封上贴邮票了吗?

environment[??????????????] n.1.[C]环境:A bad home environment can affect a child’s progress at school. 家庭环境有问题会影响小孩子的学业。2.(用单数)(连用the)自然环境:Living creatures must be adaptable to environmental change. 生物必须能适应环境的变化。

envy[?????] vt.羡慕,嫉妒:I quite envy you your good fortune. 我十分羡慕你的好运气。n.[U]妒忌,羡慕:She is filled with envy. 她充满妒忌。

equal[???????] adj.1.(常与 to, with 连用)相同的,平等的:They are of equal height. 他们一样高。/ The two men are equal in ability. 这两个人能力相等。2.胜任的,经得起的:John is quite equal to the job. 约翰很能胜任这份工作。vt.1.等于,使等于:One plus six equals seven. 1 加 6 等于 7。2.比得上:He ran an excellent race, equaling the club record. 他跑得真好,平了俱乐部的纪录。

equip[??????] vt.1.提供设备,装备,配备:The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons. 士兵们配备着最新式的武器。2.使有所准备,使胜任:Your education will equip you for your future life. 你所受的教育将使你能适应今后的生活。

equipment[??????????] n.[U]装备,设备:A computer is the most important piece of equipment you will buy. 电脑是你需要买的最重要的设备。

【用法】表示“装备”“设备”“配备”,是一个不可数的集合名词,若要表示一件或几件设备,可借助单位词 piece:sports equipment 体育器材 / farm equipment 农用设备 / heating equipment 供暖设备。

eraser[???????] n.[C]橡皮擦,黑板擦:My pencil is equipped with an eraser made of rubber. 我的铅笔上有个橡皮擦。

error[????] n.1.[C]错误,差错:The accident was caused by human error. 这次事故是由人为过错造成的。 2.[C,U](行为上或见解上的)过失,失误:They were in error about the address. 他们搞错了地址。

escape[???????] n.[C,U]逃跑,逃脱:an escape from reality 逃避现实 / Can you smell an escape of gas? 你能闻到漏出来的煤气味吗?vi.(常与 from 连用)逃跑,逃脱:They managed to escape from the burning building by breaking down the door. 他们砸开了失火房子的门,逃了出来。vt.1.逃避,避开:Two security guards escaped injury in the attack. 两名保安在这次袭击事件中幸免受伤。2.被疏忽,被忘却:Her name escapes me. 我忘了她的名字。

【说明】1.后接动词要用动名词:There is no way to escape doing the work. 没有办法逃脱做这项工作。 2.表示从某场所逃走、从管制或监禁中逃走、液体或气体从管中漏出等,均不及物,应与介词 from 连用;表示逃避或躲避不愉快的事(如危险,处罚,不幸,灾难等),及物,其后无需用介词。比较:He escaped prison. 他躲避了监禁。(逃避不愉快的事) / He escaped from prison. 他越狱了。(从管制或监禁中逃走)

especially[?????????] adv.1.专门地,特地:I came here especially to ask you a question. 我是专门来问你一个问题的。2.特别地,尤其:I’m especially busy on Tuesdays. 我在星期二特别忙。/ I liked all the children, Tom especially. 我喜欢所有的孩子,特别是汤姆。 Europe[???????] n.欧洲:Potatoes were introduced into Europe from America. 马铃薯是从美洲引进欧洲的。/ He left Europe the year World War II broke out. 他是第二次世界大战爆发那一年离开欧洲的。

European[????????????] adj.欧洲的,欧洲人的:France and Switzerland are European countries. 法国和瑞士是欧洲国家。n.[C]欧洲人:Japanese is difficult for Europeans to learn. 对欧洲人来说,学日语很难。

eve[???] n.1.[U](节日等的)前夜,前夕:They held a party on New Year’s Eve. 他们在除夕

举行了晚会。 2.(重大事件发生的)前一刻,前夕:He was nervous on the eve of the examination. 他在考试前夕很紧张。

【用法】表示“在?前夕”,其前通常与介词 on 连用。

even[??????] adv.甚至,连(?都),更:Even Mrs Smith could not help laughing. 甚至连史密斯太太也忍不住笑了起来。/ Even a child knows better. 这甚至连孩子都知道得更清楚。■even if [though] 即使,尽管:He won’t tell you about it even if you ask him again. 即使你再去问他,他也不会告诉你的。 even so 即使这样,虽然如此:It rained, but even so we enjoyed the day. 下了雨,即使如此我们这天也很开心。

【用法】1.表示“甚至”,通常应放在被修饰词语之前,否则会引起含义的变化:Even now he doesn’t believe me. 甚至到现在他还不相信我。(其他时候就不用说了) / Now even he doesn’t believe me. 现在连他都不相信我了。(其他人就更不会相信我了) 2.用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级,表示“比(已经?的)?更加?”:This book is even more interesting than that one. 这本书比那本更有趣。3.even 是副词,不是连词,所以不要用它引导句子。

evening[???????] n.[C,U]傍晚,晚上:I’ll do my homework in the evening. 我将在晚上做作业。/ On Sunday evening I went to my friend’s birthday party. 星期天晚上我去参加了我朋友的生日晚会。

event[??????] n.1.[C]事件,大事:Two events received national attention during the year. 这一年中有两件大事引起了全国的关注。2.[C]比赛项目:field and track events 田径赛 ■at all events 无论如何,不论怎样:At all events you had better try. 无论如何你最好试一试。in any event 不管怎样:In any event I’ll telephone you before I make a final decision. 不管怎样,我在作出最后决定前我会打电话给你。in that event 如果那样,如果发生那样的情况:It may rain. In that event, we won’t go. 天可能下雨, 如果那样,我们就不去了。

eventually[???????????] adv.最终地:Eventually we became good friends. 最后我们成了好朋友。/ I waited for him for three hours, and eventually he came. 我等了他三个小时,他终于来了。

ever[????] adv.(尤用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句)在任何时候,从来,有时,曾经,无论如何:Have you ever been to Paris? 你曾去过巴黎吗?/ You’re scarcely ever at home. 你几乎从不呆在家里。■ever since 从那时起:He has kept up his study ever since the year 1990. 自从 1990 年以来他一直坚持学习。/ I’ve never got any letter from him ever since he left. 自从他离开以后,我一直未收到他的信。/ for ever 永远:I will love you for ever. 我将永远爱你。

【用法】主要用于否定句、一般疑问句、条件句、比较句等,其意大致相当于汉语的“曾经,以前”等,有时往往有较活的译法。如:Nothing ever makes him angry. 从来没有任何事会使他生气。/ He studied harder than ever. 他学习比以前更努力了。

every[?????] adj.1.每一,每个的:every month (year) 每月(年) / Every student has to take the examination. 每个同学都得参加这次考试。2.一切可能的:He was given every chance to try the job. 他得到一切可能的机会去试做这件事。3.每隔,每逢:The buses go every 10 minutes. 公共汽车每隔10分钟一趟。 / The postman came every other day. 邮递员每隔一天来一次。

【辨析】every 与 each:参见 each。

everybody[?????????] (=everyone) pron.每人,人人:He told the news to everybody in the classroom. 他把这个消息告诉了教室里的每个人。

everyday[????????] adj.每日的,日常的:The computer is now part of everyday life. 计算机现已成了日常生活的一部分。

everyone[????????] (= everybody) pron.每人,人人:Everyone will succeed if they work hard. 任何人只要努力就会成功。

everything[????????] pron.1.每件事,事事,一切:She does everything to help her mother. 她尽全力帮助她母亲。 2.最重要的事物:Money is important but not everything. 钱虽然重要,但不是最重要的。

everywhere[????????] adv.到处,处处:I’ve looked everywhere. 我到处都看过了。 exact[???????] adj.精确的,确切的:He is exact in his choice of words. 他用词确切。/ That is the exact price at the moment. 那是目前精确的价格了。

exactly[?????????] adv.1.精确地,确切地:Tell me exactly where she has gone. 确切地告诉我她去了哪里。2.正好,刚好:You’ve arrived at exactly the right moment. 你来得正是时候。3.确实如此,正是:Our new house is nice and large, exactly what we’ve always wanted. 我们的新房子既漂亮又宽敞,这正是我们一直所向往的。■not exactly 并不,一点也不 exam[??????] n.[C]考试,测试:The teacher gave us an exam in history. 老师对我们进行了历史测验。/ Anybody can pass the exam. 无论谁都能通过这个考试。

examination[??????????????] n.1.[C]考试,测试:When will we know the examination results? 什么时候告诉我们考试结果? 2.[C,U]检查,检验,审查:The doctor will give you a full examination. 医生会给你做一次全面检查。

examine[????????] vt.1.检查,调查:The police examined the room for fingerprints. 警

察为取得指纹而检查了这个房间。2.检查,诊察:The doctor examined him thoroughly. 医生对他进行了全面的检查。

example[?????????] n.1.[C]实例,例证:Here I give you some more examples. 这里我再给大家举几个例子。 2.[C]榜样,模范:a remarkable example 卓越的榜样 / You must take after the best example. 你必须学习最好的榜样。■follow sb’s example [lead] 追随某人的榜样 / for example 例如 / make an example of someone 杀一儆百 / set an example 树立榜样

excellent[?????????] adj.1.极好的,优秀的,杰出的:He is in excellent health. 他身体非常好。/ She speaks excellent Japanese. 她日语说得非常漂亮。 2.(用以表示赞同或愉快)好极了

【用法】1.表示“极好”等义,含有绝对无疑的意味,因此通常只用于肯定句,一般不用于否定句、疑问句或条件句:He speaks excellent English. 他的英语说得相当漂亮。即使在肯定句中,若用了 perhaps, maybe 等表示不确定语气的词语,也最好不用 excellent:Perhaps it is an interesting film. 也许那是一部很有趣的电影。2.表示“极好的”,本身已有“极”“最”这样的极限意义,所以一般不用于比较结构,并且通常不用 very, extremely 等副词修饰。

except[???????] prep.除?之外:Nobody was late except her. 除她之外没有人迟到。/ I can do everything except cook. 除了做饭我什么事都会做。 / Except for one old lady, the bus was empty. 除一位老太太外,这辆公共汽车空无一人。

【辨析】1.except 与 except for:except 主要用来谈论同类的东西,而 except for 则主要用来谈论不同类的东西,有时含有惋惜之意:All homework is well done except yours. 除了你的作业外,其他人的作业都做得很好。/ Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. 你的作文写得不错,只是有几处拼写错误。注:若用于句首,except for 与 except 同义(但 except 通常不用于句首)。2.except, besides 与 but:参见 besides。

exchange[???????????] n.1.[C,U]交换,互换:We had an exchange of views among ourselves. 我们内部交换了意见。2.[C]电话交换台 3.[C]交易所

excite[???????] vt.1.使兴奋,使激动:Don’t excite yourself. 不要激动。/ The news excited everybody. 这消息使每个人都很兴奋。 2.激发,引起:The programme excited great interest. 这个节目引起了广泛的关注。

【辨析】excited 与 exciting:1.excited 意为“激动的”“兴奋的”,主要指人自己感到激动或兴奋,涉及的对象往往是指人的名词。要表示某人对于(因为)某事而激动,根据情况

篇二:3000英文翻译 毕业设计

Chip STC12C5204AD I/O port configuration

STC12C5204AD series microcontroller its all I/O ports are controlled by the software configuration into 4 kinds of work type 4 types are respectively: quasi two-way mouth (standard the 8051 output mode), push-pull output, only for input (high resistance) or open-drain output functions. Every mouth consists of two control register the relevant position control each pin type of work. STC12C5204AD series microcontroller to electricity reattachment shall prevail two-way mouth (standard the 8051 output mode) mode: 2V above high level, 0.8 V for low level below.

1. Quasi two-way mouth output configuration

Quasi two-way mouth output type can be used as output and input function but don't need to reconfigure mouth lines output state. This is because juncture lines output is 1 drive ability is very weak, allowing external devices will its down. When pins for low, it output driving ability, can absorb the considerable current. Quasi two-way mouth have 3 pull_up transistor adapted to different needs.

In the three and one transistor, pull up transistor called weak on pull ", for 1 and paternal line registers itself pins for 1 open. This pull_up provides basic drive current make prospective two-way mouth for 1 output. If a pin for 1 and output by external devices to drop down to low, pull up close and weak "very weak pull_up" maintain open position, in order to put this pin for low, strong to pull the external devices must have enough power to make pin infused current threshold voltage of a voltage to the following.

Article 2 pull_up transistors, called "extremely weak on pull", 1 latch paternal line when open. When pin, the very weak suspended the pull_up source generates very weak and current will pin and high level.

Article 3 pull_up transistor called "powerful pull". Juncture line latches from 0 to 1, the jumping to accelerate must pull up by logic 0 to two-way mouth logic 1 conversion. When this happened, powerful pull open about 2 machine cycle to make pins can quickly pull to the earth high level.

Quasi two-way mouth output shown below.

STC12C520 series microcontroller 3V device, if the user is in pins plus 5V voltage, there will be a current flow from pins, this has caused additional VDD power consumption. Accordingly, the proposal is not in quasi two-way mouth mode 3V microcontroller pins to exert 5V voltage, such as the use of words, will add current limiting resistor, or using diode do input isolation, or use triode do output segregation.

Quasi two-way mouth with a schmidt trigger input and a interference suppression circuit.

2. The push-pull output configuration

The drop-down push-pull output configuration open-drain output and the structure and the prospective two-way mouth down same structure, but when latches is 1 provides continuous strong pull up. The push-pull model need more commonly used for driving current situation.

The push-pull pins configuration are shown below.

3. Only for input (high resistance) configuration

Input port configuration are shown below.

Input port with a schmidt trigger input and a interference suppression circuit.

4. Open-drain output configuration

Juncture line latches is 0, the open-drain output close all pull_up transistors. When, as a logical output, this configuration mode must have externally pull, usually by resistance receiving V D D outside. This style of drop-down and quasi two-way mouth the same. The jammer line configuration are shown below.

Open-drain port with a schmidt trigger input and a interference suppression circuit.

A typical transistor control circuit

If use weak pull_up control, suggestion plus pull-up resistors R1 (3.3 K ~ 10K), if not add pull-up resistors R 1 (3.3 K ~ 10K), suggest R2 value in the 15K above, or use a strong push-pull output.

STC12C5204AD series microcontroller programmable counter array


PCA contains a special 16 timer, has four 16 bits of capture/comparison of module and connected. Each module programmable work

In four mode: increase/decrease along the capture, software timer, high-speed output or could be modulated pulse output. Modules connected to P3.7 (0 CEX0 / PCA0 / PWM0), module 1 connected to P3.5 (CEX1 / PCA1 / PWM1), modules connected to P2.0 (2 CEX2 / PCA2 / PWM2), modules connected to P2.4 (3 CEX3 / PCA3 / PWM3). Register the content of CH and CL is free of 16 PCA increasing count the value of the timer. PCA timer is four modules, the public time benchmark by programming work .

Programmable Counter Array

PCA Timer/Counter

CMOD SFR there are 2 bytes and PCA related. They were: CIDL, idle mode allows stop PCA; ECF, buy a, enabling PCA interrupt, when PCA timer spillover will PCA counting overflow marks CCON SFR (CF) buy bits.

CCON SFR contains PCA operating control bits (CR) and PCA timer mark (CF) and symbol of each module CCF3 / CCF2 (CCF0). CCF1 / / Through the software for a CR bits (CCON. 6) to run PCA. CR bit is reset when PCA closed. When PCA counter




系 部

专 业


指导教师经济系 国际经济与贸易 学号 曹冬艳 职称 讲师

2014年 4 月

Research on the Agricultural Products Export in Shandong Province

under Green Trade Barriers

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background and significance of the Paper

Green trade barriers closely related to green trade protection, which provides the trade protector a new concept and had a huge impact on international trade. Although green trade barriers blocked the international trade to some extent, it actually aims to protect environment and human health. Green trade is a trend in the international trade and an irreversible one in the world market.

1.1.1 Research Background

As the world’s largest developing country, agriculture industry is the traditional industry in China and agricultural products have been the traditional ones for trade. And green trade barrier will have a far-reaching influence on China’s agricultural products export. Since China’s accession to the WTO in2001, China’s agricultural products export enterprises have been restricted not only by tariffs, quotas and other restrictions, but also suffer from the so-called “green requirements”, which led to difficulty in access to the world market. Under the WTO framework, more and more countries have adopted subtler, less transparent measures on their agricultural production and trade under green trade barriers, which makes it harder to monitor and predict. So China’s agricultural trade and overall economic development will face new challenges, thus how to cope with green trade barriers has become key issues for us.

1.1.2 Significance of the Paper

Agriculture in China has a long history. Early center of Agriculture has been identified in the Huang he (Yellow River) in China. Rice, millet, soybean, onion, and peach are among of the most important products originated in this region.

China has been a nation of farmers for over 4,000 years. When the People’s Republic of China was established in 1949, all arable land was under cultivation; agricultural infrastructure as irrigation and drainage systems constructed centuries earlier and intensive farming practices already produced relatively high yields (Library of Congress). Currently, even China’s cropland is only about 75 percent of the US(8). The main crops cultivated are rice, wheat, maize, cotton, soybeans and tobacco. Agricultural of China is important due to the size of population and economic development.

Since most of Chinese population is considered rural, agricultural activities is one of the main sources of employment in the country. Concerns about food security make the government put strong emphasis in production. In general terms, it must satisfy 21 percent of world’s population food needs with just 9 percent of world arable land.

Chapter two

2.1 Situation of Agricultural Products Export

Reform and trade liberalization in China’s external sector has proceeded progressively during last 20 years. Though this reform period, China’s trade regime has gradually changed form a highly centralized, planned and import substitution regime to a more decentralized, market-oriented and exports promotion one. These changes in trade and other policies have significantly affected the total and composition of China’s trade in favor of the products in which China has a comparative advantage. China tends to exports labor-intensive products such fruits,vegetables,fish and processed agricultural goods, which has been destined mainly to neighboring countries,especially Japan, Korea and others countries of Southeast Asia and also the USA and Europe.

Exports of agricultural products are an important source of foreign currency in China, however ,even the value of agricultural products exportation continue growing, its share as part of the total export value has diminished gradually over the years, from a share of 20% in 1998 to 6.3% in 2000(21). China continues being a major world player in exports of agricultural products. In 2001, export of garlic and mushrooms were above 40 percent of world exports, while export of silk reached a share of 81 percent (measured in value).

China exports a lot of vegetables, however not all in same big quantities. Garlic has been the main exported in this category with a quantity of 54.65 thousand Mt in 2001, and an average of 233 thousand Mt over the part 11 year period. Canned mushrooms and Dry onions reached averages of 171 and 103 thousand Mt each one during the same period. Other vegetables, also very important, that had big average exported quantities (in thousand Mt) are : cabbages (53.5), carrots (35.9), mushroom (35.5), watermelons (28.5), dried mushrooms (24.8), cauliflower (18.3), tomatoes (18.1), leeks (13.6), and green broad beans (11.6).

In the group of meat (23), chicken meat and pork has been the most important with an average export of 237.2 and 190.2 thousand Mt per year. Other types of meat that represent relative large

average quantities (thousand of Mt) per year are: meat preparation pigs (70) canned chicken meat (42.5), pig meat (35.3), beef and veal boneless (32.7), rabbit meat (21.7), and duck meat (15.8). In the cereal group, maize has been the most important product with an average exported quantity that surpassed 6.3 million Mt per year between 1991 to2001, and represented 73.1.% of average exported cereals. Rice has been also important, ever its quantity is not so large as maize, but it reached an average export of 1,6 million Mt each year, and a share of 19% of total cereals exports:both maize and rice together represented 92.1% of cereal exports. Other cereals less important in quantity are sorghum and buckwheat, and finally with even less quantity are wheat, triticale and millet.

Export of fibres were represented principally by cotton lint, which had an average of 115 thousand Mt per year, that is 55.9% of total fibres exports measured in quantity, but only 18.1% measured in value. Other products such cotton waste, scoured wool, raw and waste silk, and jute met average imported quantities of 16.6, 11.7, 10.9, and 9,7 thousand Mt respectively. With less quantity are other products like carded or comber hair, tow and waste of flax, ramie, ueliable cocoons and greasy wool. From the point of view of value, export were led by raw and waste silk, and carded or comber hair, with a participation of 30.9 and 26.8% respectively.

Spices exports were dominated by ginger, which in 2001 reach a record quantity of 177 thousand Mt Exports of pimento reached 84.8 thousand Mt in 2001 and an average of 50.6 thousand Mt per year while cinnamon surpassed slightly an average of 23.3 thousand Mt per year. Other products are anise peppers. In the stimulant group, even China exports green coffee and cocoa powder, quantities are relative small to compare with export of tea, which accounted average of 201.3 thousand Mt in the 11 years period. In the other crops group, cigarettes and tobacco leaves has lead the list with an average export quantity of 40.3 and 15.5 thousand Mt tons per years respectively. Other products are natural rubber-232, hops, and oil of citronella.

2.2 General Situation and The Trade of Export to Main Countries or Regions

2.2.1 General Situation of Export to Main Countries or Regions

According to the China’s Agricultural Yearbook of 1994, Chinese agricultural exports have reached more than 160 different countries and region region. Chinese agricultural exports are distributed all over the continents; however this distribution is not balanced. The average exports from 1994 to

2000 show that the Asian region was the main destination, concentrating 75.5% of total agricultural exports. The other regions have participated with different percentages: Europe 15.2%, North America 5.4%, Africa 2.3%, Latin America 1% and Oceania 0.6%.

In the Asia region, exports are also concentrated in three destinies: Japan (30.9%), Hong Kong (18.2%) and South Korea (6.7%); these three destinies together have signified an average percentage of 55.8% per year. Other countries in this region with an important participation are: Singapore (2.8%), Indonesia (2.6%), Malaysia (2.5%) and Philippines with 2.1%.

In Europe, the main buying countries have been Russia, Holland and Germany, each one with participation of 2.9, 2.7 and 3.1%.

In North America, exports have gone to the United States (4.7%) and Canada (0.6%). In Africa the main destinies are Cote d’Ivoire (0.3%), Morocco (0.3%) and South Africa (0.3%). In Latin America Cuba (0.3%) and Brazil (0.2 %), and finally in Oceania is Australia (0.5%).

China has had an important participation in several agricultural exports. Products with high share of world exports were ramie and raw and waste silk, with 91.9% and 87.7% in 2001. Both of these two products show increase in share between 1991 and 2001. When shares changed from 58.3% to 91.9% and from 72% to 87.7%, respectively.

2.2.2 The Trade of Export and import

In 1991, there were only 6 products its export share was above 50% of world exports: sweet potatoes, pork, raw and waste silk, ramie, ueelable cocoons and cake of cotton seed. In 2001 the number of products increased to 10 products; the new added products were buckwheat, oil of tung, hair (carded or combed), reelable cocoons, fresh or dried vegetables and ginger. At the same time some products decreased participation under 50%, as in the case of sweet potatoes, pork and cake of cottonseed.

Other products that had participation between 30% and 50% in 2001 were: cassava tapioca, mushrooms (dried and canned), hair of horses, garlic, groundnuts (prepared, shelled, and in shell), and oil of citronella.

In the group of products with share between 20% and 30% were: rabbit (meat and skins), wool shoddy, chestnuts, beeswax, canella, oil of sesame seeds, soya sauce, honey and dry beans. The rest of product had a share below 20%.

Total agricultural exports show an increasing tendency, according to data from Faostat, it increase in
