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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-02-18 05:36:38 | 移动端:雾霾英文报道

篇一:雾霾 英文介绍


Good morning!My name is Xiao Weihong,I’m from Sichuan province.And today,my topic is Fog and haze.This is my name,and this is my student number.

From this you can know that my topic is about 5 parts,and now,we look at the first part--Definition.Long long ago,we climb with our hands,as time goes by,We are walking upright.But the environment turns bad,we live in a world which is full of poison.In recent years, air pollution has already become one of the biggest environmental problems in China. Thick haze has blown off the coastal areas.So,what is haze?It’s a combination of little drops of water and tiny particles. For better understanding of this noun.Now,we should know another word--PM.It means particulate matter.It also means a small

discrete[d?'skrit](离散的) mass of solid or liquid matter.So,we can easily know what is PM2.5.It means particles can be drawn into lung[l??], which diameter is less than 2.5 micron.We often pay our attention to PM2.5,because the number of 2.5 is very important ,if the diameter of particle is bigger than 2.5 micron,it will be stopped by our nose and will not go into our lung. But if the size of particle is less than 2.5 micron.It harms us most.

So, wether['w?e?] our weather['w?e?] is good is determined by the number of PM2.5.Look at this picture,if the number of PM2.5 of per unit volume is less than 50,we say the air quality is good.if the number is between 50 to 100,we say the air quality is moderate.But if the number is between 151 to 200,we call it unhealthy.and if the number is above 300,we think it horrible.As we know,many places of China is even above 400.So,it’s very dangerous.

Now,let’s look a historical event.London smog!Let’s know about it.First,we watch a short video.(I don’t know wether the computer can paly it) Ok,from this short video we can see a black world full of smog.So,what happened in London?In 1952, London smog happened,and it lead to 12000 people died directly or indirectly.In 1954 ,London launched a special act of pollution.After 4 years later,smog happened again,and 1200 people dead.Only after 1965,the toxic smoke was vanished.In 1968,Britain enacted the Clean Air Act.And until 1980, the fog day has been reduced to five days one year.It took about 30 years to solve the problem.So,from this accident,we know thatonce the fog happened, it will be hard to solve it.

How about our situation?First,Let’s look some pictures.There’re two contrast figures.The upper left corner is a picture of beautiful scenery,it’s clear,but the one at the lower left corner looks terrible.And the top right one is the map of our country which looks pretty,but from this one we can see nothing except haze.How about this one?Oh,it’s a man who wears a

respirator['r?sp?ret?] is riding a bike in the endless smog.And again,this picture tells us a man is riding a bike in the road.It’s dangerous because it’s hard to see far. The last one,it looks beautiful in some degree.But like mushrooms,the more beautiful the more toxic it is.In fact,it’s very terrible.


situation caused ?These our several country to be are this we reasons

recognized.First,burning of fossil fuels in vehicles.As we know,the number of cars in our country is increased rapidly.so ,the demand of fossil fuels is increased fast,too .Second,in our country the power plants still rely on fossil fuels. It contributes to air pollution mostly.Third,various industrial processes are existed everywhere.Their emissions of waste polluted the air.

Therefore,it’s time to take some measures to change the situation .So, what should our government do? Firstly,our government should strengthen air monitor to know the the actual situation.Secondly, government should enact more strict laws and regulations in order to reduce the sources of

pollution.Thirdly,government should regulate people 's daily action and the industrial production.Lastly,our country should help develop green and energy-saving energy.Only do these can our country become beautiful again.For an individual,what should we do to reduce the harm of haze?First,if conditions permit,we can wear a respirator which can help us perhaps not much.Second,if we go out ,we should try to take public transportation.Third,hybrid['ha?br?d] cars should be regarded. Four,clean energy should be promoted in our daily life.In the last,the public supervision is important. Not only the role of government, but must have the personal effort.Only do this can we have a better tomorrow.So let’s do something from now on.


Thank you,yes,it dose harm our body.as i have said before,the PM2.5 will go into our lung though our respiratory tract.Long-term effects can damage respiratory defenses.Particles can cause the loss of the body's immune function.

Thank you!yes ,this is a question that we all care about.But as i said before,the haze is the result of long-term development.and I think it will not disappear totally in recent years.But if our government take more actions on the problem,it will be vanished faster than we expect.

1.As you have said that we live in a world of haze ,will it cause any harm to our body?



近年来,城市空气污染越来越严重,各大城市相继出现了雾霾天气(hazy weather),请根据





② (自拟1—2条)


Now cars are increasing very fast. Factories are continuing polluting the air. Trees are being cut down. So the hazy weather is becoming more and more serious. It’s time for us to do something to protect the environment.

First of all, we’d better not travel by car unless it’s necessary. We can take the bus or the subway, walk or ride a bike if we don’t go far away. We can also set up a volunteer club and ask more people to join it. We can plant more trees, give the government advice to stop the factories polluting the air and water.




As people are knowing more about PM2.5, they are becoming more and more concerned about their living environment. As students, what should we do?

First, we should ride bikes or take buses to school. Riding bikes is also good for our health. We should try our best to advise our parents to drive less. Try to walk or ride bikes to work. Second, we’d better use both sides of the paper. Don’t waste paper. Third, we should save power. Remember to turn off the lights when we leave the classroom. At last, we should plant more trees and flowers.

If everyone makes a little effort, the world will be more and more beautiful.



写一篇英语作文 假如你叫王芳,是校报小记者.请你为校报写一篇英语短文,介绍最近在我国很多城市发生的雾霾天气.请参考以下要点:1.危害:阻碍交通,危害健康;2.原因:空气污染;

3.如何自我防护:雾霾天气早晚少开窗;多吃水果补充维生素; 星辰是神_280 英语 2014-11-21


您好Last weekend,I had an interview with eye-doctor Professor Wang about our country primary and middle students' short-sightedness.It is said that slightly more than 50% students,which ranks the No.1 in the world, are short-sighted.Professor Wang said the reason of short-sightedness is complicated and three is still no cure

for short-sightedness.He suggested that we should not overuse our eyes and do more outdoor exercises.

What's more,since the holding of pen has something to do with the short-sightedness,we need to pay attention to using the pen.



1. 危害:阻碍交通,危害健康;

2. 原因:空气污染;

3. 如何自我防护:雾霾天气早晚少开窗;



注意:1. 词数不少于100;

2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Recently haze pollution has happened in many cities of China.


写一篇英语作文。 内容:假如你叫王芳,是校报小记者。请你为校报写一篇英语短文,介绍最近在我国很多城写一



写一篇英语作文。 内容:假如你叫王芳,是校报小记者。请你为校报写一篇英语短文,介绍最近在我国很多城



ylmbqtpj 2014-07-04


Recently haze pollution has

happened in many cities of China. It’s one of the most dangerous

weather conditions. Many accidents have occurred due to low visibility caused by haze. What’s worse, it also affects our health. If breathing in

haze, people may feel uncomfortable and get ill.

The reason for haze is air pollution. It results from waste gases released from cars, factories or construction sites.

In view of the above, we need to

protect ourselves from haze pollution. First of all, in case of haze pollution, we shouldn’t open the windows or take exercise before the sun rises and after sunset. Besides, we’d better wear masks when we go outside. What’s more, we should eat more fruit, from which we can get enough vitamins to build up the resistance to diseases.


试题分析:题目假设了你的身份,即校报小记者王芳,需要为校报写一篇英语短文,介绍最近在我国很多城市发生的雾霾(haze)天气。同时参考以下三个要点作文:危害(阻碍交通,危害健康)、 原因(空气污染)、自我防护措施(雾霾天气早晚少开窗、多吃水果补充维生素等)。不要出现标点和拼写错误,尽量保持卷面整洁,字体美观,注意行文的连贯性。


范文中对于“原因”这一词的表达用了多种形式的表达,“ Many accidents have occurred due to low visibility caused by haze”, “it also affects our health. ”,“The reason for haze is air pollution”,“ It results from waste gases ” ,多种形式表达同一种意思,避免重复,可以使文章变化多样,避免单调乏味;

范文中使用了较多的语法知识,动词过去分词短语做定语 low visibility caused by haze,省略句If breathing in haze,祈使句we shouldn’t open the windows or take exercise before the sun rises and after sunset,时间状语从句when we go outside,非限定性定语从句we should eat more fruit, from which we can get enough vitamins to build up the resistance to diseases, 固定句型结构sth has occured 、sb had better do sth 等。动词过去分词短语做定语、省略句、祈使句、时间状语从句、非限定性定语从句、 固定句型结构等语法的使用提升了文章的档次,同时也显示较高的语法知识点使用能力; 范文中注意使用了what’s worse,also,in view of the above,,first of all,

besides,what’s more,等做连词,增加了文章的连贯性,使文章上下联系紧密; 范文中使用了一些固定短语: protect sb from, in case of , take exercise ,before the sun rises a,after sunset ;build up等,丰富了文章的内容,使文章更加充实完整。

