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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-02-16 06:52:09 | 移动端:初中英语试讲视频


听说篇: 初中英语试讲

Good morning, dear judges, I’m number_____. ( 鞠躬) It’s my great honor to stand here and start my class. The topic I choose is Section ___ of Unit___in Book ____.

Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls. Class begins.

Ok, thank you. Sit down, please.

Lead-in: First of all ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OK, read the title please. Before learning, we should be clear about our learning aims, because learning without an aim is like sailing without a compass. Read them loudly, learning aims, ready go. Learning aims: Knowledge objects: Students can master the vocabulary of _______and the target language ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ability objects: students can use the key vocabulary and the target language to make similar dialogues and listen correctly. Emotional objects: ____________________________________ Important and difficult points: Students can use the key words and the target language freely and listen correctly.


Ok, class. Can you say the vocabulary of _________ you know as many as you can. Alice? Tom? Jack? All of you are excellent. But the best one is Tom, he spoke out the most vocabulary. So, you can get 1 smile for your group. Maybe there are still some words you don’t know, please look at the pictures and the word cards, read after me please. Next, look at the screen, all the words are presented here, read them together. Perfect. Thirdly, I point you read, follow me, please. Now, let’s play a small game. You act as translators, when I speak Chinese, you speak English, When I speak English, you speak Chinese. Are you ready? Here we go. Well done. You are good translators. Now, open your books, turn to page___. Finish 1a. ________________________ Finished? Let’s check the answers.

Words are used for sentences. Look at the screen, please. Let’s learn our target language together. Read after me. Next, read them group by group. Thirdly, read them in roles, The boys ask, the girls answer. Now, I’ll text your memory. Read the target language for 5 minutes and try to act them out. The best pair can get one smile for your group. Ok, time is up. Which pair wants to have a try? Amy and your partner? Great, you have good memories. 2 smiles for your group. Now, please open your books and let us do the exercise 1b. ___________________


Next, please make you own dialogues using what we’ve learned. 3 minutes for you. Now, let’s begin. Have you finished? Any volunteers? Ok, Jack and your partner, please come to the front and act your own dialogues out. Ok, Helen, can you make comments about their dialogues? Are there any mistakes? _______________________

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Terrific! All of you can get 2 smiles for your groups.

My dear students, do you want to challenge yourselves? It’s time to show your team spirit. Now, give each group some pictures and word cards, please work in groups to make situational conversations. The best group can get 3 smiles. 6 minutes for you. Ok, let’s go. Have you finished? Yeah, group 6, have a try. Perfect! 3 smiles for your group. Sit down, please. Next, ok, group 3. ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Give your group 2 smiles. Hope you’ll be better next time.

Class, we’ve learned some key words and sentence patterns. Who can summarize what we’ve learned? Andy, you, please. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


______________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you have some problems? ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ok, if anyone of you still have some problems, you can ask your classmates for help. If they can’t help you, welcome to my office.

Everybody, 2 homework for you, the first one: Listen to the recording after class. The second one : Write a small composition using what we’ve learned.

At last, let’s look at our points area. Which group is the winner? Clap your hands for them. I hope the rest groups can learn from them and I believe you can perform better next class. Class is over, see you next time.

I’d like to end my class. Thanks for your attention. (鞠躬) 擦黑板,交稿,离开



Good morning,every respectable teacher,it’s my great honor to be here and have the chance to present my lesson. I.m NO. **. I’ll try my best.Now let’s begin our class.

Good morning, boys and girls. Are you happy today? Do you do chores at home? What kinds of chores do you do? Our parents are busy, we should help them as much as possible, right? Look at this picture? Are you bedrooms like this? If your bedrooms are like this, what will you parents say to you ? We can also say “Would you mind cleaning your living room?”

This class, we are going to learn “unit 7 Would you mind cleaning your living room?

Open your books and turn to page 52.

Look at the picture.

Read after me, together. Ready? Go!

Any volunteers? Anyone else? Come on, you are very close.Hands up, please. Well done,sit down please?

Did he\she do a good job? Let’s give him\her a big hand.

Listen to the tape and finish 1b,2a and 2b.

Now, check the answers.

Work in pairs. Practice the conversation in 1c and 2c.

Work in groups of four. Make a survey of……

That’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening. Have a nice day!



Teaching Plan

TITLE: Unit 12(Lesson45)

TEACHING AIDS: Multiple media and tape recorder


1. Count numbers from 1to 50

2. Learn some plural forms of nouns(重点)

3. Practise drills like this:(重点、难点)

How many......are there......?

There is only one./There are......


STEP 1:Count numbers from 1to 50

STEP 2: Play a game:

T: What’s in the bag?(Let students guess)

S: There is a/an......in it./There are.....in it.

(引出本节课的重点、难点:名词的复数及There be句型)

STEP 3:Revision:

Revise the singular and plural forms of nouns(show pictures)

e.g. bird-birds bus-buses baby-babies goose-geese ect.

STEP 4:Presentations:

Show the pictures of men, women and children. Teach the plural forms of

men, women and children.

STEP 5: Listen to the tape(Part 1)and then ask and answer like this:(Show pictures)

How many......are there?

There is only one./There are......

Where are they?

They’re at school/home/work.

(Then practise dialogues like this according to the fact)

STEP 6: Listen to the tape(Part 3) and answer questions:

How many kites are there in the sky?

How many birds are there in the sky?

(Then read the dialogue and act it.)

STEP 7: Summary:

1. The plural forms of nouns

2. How many......are there?

There is a/an....../There are......

STEP 8: Talk about the picture(幻灯片显示,巩固本节课所学重点内容)

STEP 9: Homework:

Do Ex 1 and Ex 2 of your workbook.

Oxford English 7A, Module 4 Unit 2 (Our animal friends)

Teaching Plan

Language focus:

1. Learn new word & expressions

2. Text-learning

3. Using the simple present tense to express preferences


Students’ Book 7A page 67

A cassette player, a slide projector

Different kinds of things

Teaching procedure:


Let’s sing a song to relax.


III.Students’ report

Today our topic is “Our animal friends”.

First, let’s watch a short play by students .

IV. Presentation

Thank you.

In their short play , we know animals are very lovely. They are our good friends. So I think most of people like animals, especially you, children . Do you have good animal friends? You bring them here . Would you please show us your animal friends? Please take out and try to introduce your pets. Like this:

1. Do you have a pet at home?

2. What’s it?

3. What’s his/her name?

4. What colour is he/she?

5. How/Where did you get him/her?

Now discuss with your deskmates, I’ll ask some of you to try O.K.?

(Then ask 6 students to introduce.)

All of your pets are nice. But I prefer puppies.

To S1: Which animal do you like ?

S1: I like?

Oh, he/ she prefers? And how about you ?( To S2 )

S2: I like/ prefer?

Oh, he prefers? Now look at this expression:

----Which one do you like ?

---- I prefer?

Read after me. ( practise )

---- Which food do you like?

---- Which fruit do you like ?

---- Which city do you like ?

Practise this expression in pairs.

Now,do you know which pet Kitty and Ben prefer. Let’s learn Sam’s story. Look at some new words first. ( Show a brochure.)

This is a travel brochure/ a computer brochure. We can also say a travel booklet. ( Show slide )

Read after me .( Show a picture.)

Who is he ? He’s an inspector. A person whose job is to exam or check something.

(Show word: inspector. Read) / ( Show another picture. )

What can you see in the picture? It’s a home for dogs. It’ s a kennel. ( Show word: kennel.Read)

I’ll tell you Sam is at the SPCA kennels. What is SPCA.

( Show slide: SPCA: Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.)

Read after me. It means an organization which protects animals from danger .

Let’s read all new words.

V. Text-learning

Then let’s come to our text. First, listen to the text, don’t look at your books. Then try to answer some questions about the text . So listen carefully.

(1) Is dog’s name Simon?

(2) Did Ben and Kitty first meet Sam in the pet shop?

(3) Does Kitty prefer the black and white one best ?

(4) Do they want the light brown one ?

(5) What’s the dog’s name ?

(6) Where did they first meet Sam ?

(7) Which pet does Ben prefer?

(8) Which one do they choose finally?

(9) What must Ben and Kitty do if Sam is sick?

All right. Open your books to page 67. Read after the tape sentence by sentence. Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.

Then you practise the text by groups in roles. Try to imitate as possible as you can.

VI. Consolidation

From the text , we know Kitty and Ben love Sam very much. They take good care of him. They are so kind to animals. But nowadays, a lot of people are cruel to animals.

A large number of animals are killed by people. Even some rare animals have disappeared from the earth. It is a sad story. So we must protect animals and protect environment .
