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Outstanding! 太棒了!

Congratulations! 恭喜!

Congrats. 恭喜。

Congratulations on winning the prize! 祝贺你获奖!

Congratulations on your promotion! 恭喜高升!

Congratulations to you on winning the competition. 恭喜你赢得这场比赛。 Congrantulate you on your success! 祝贺你成功了!

Congrantulate you on being promoted. 祝贺你升职了。

Let me congrantulate you on your achievents. 请让我对你的成就表示祝贺。 I must congratulations you 我一定要祝贺你

Please accept my warmest congratulations. 请接收我最热诚的祝贺。 Allow me to congratulate you on... 请允许我祝贺你...

Allow me to offer my heartiest wishes. 请允许我向你表示衷心的问候。 My heartiest greetings to you! 我衷心的问候你!

How can I express my congratulations to you? 真不知道如何表达我对你的祝贺?

I'm (really) happy for you. 我为你而高兴。

I'm sure you deserve it. 我相信这是你应得的。

My warm congratulations. 我祝贺你。

My warm cingratulations on you. 热烈祝贺你。

Many congratulations on... 热烈祝贺...

I'm really happy for you. 真为你高兴。

The hard work finally got paid off. 努力终于得到了回报。

You completed what others could not. 你做到了别人做不到的。

Tell us how you made it. 告诉我们你是怎么做到的。

How are you going to celebrate your success? 你打算怎么庆祝你的成功? Happy birthday! 生日快乐!

I wish you have a happy birthday. 我祝愿你生日快乐

Happy birthday to you. 祝你生日快乐。

Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

Happy New Year. 新年快乐。

The same to you. 同样祝贺你。

Cheers! 干杯!

Let's make a toast! 让我们干杯!

Why don't we make a toast? 我们为什么不干一杯?

Here's to your health! 为了您的健康(干杯)!

Let me propose a toast to Mr.Smith. 我提议让我们为史密斯先生干杯! I'd like to propose a toast to Mr.Smith. 我提议让我们为史密斯先生干杯! 祝福祝愿

Good luck! 祝好运!

Best of luck to you! 祝你好运!

Best wishes for you! 祝福你!

Warm hearted wishes for you. 衷心的祝福你。

Wish me luck! 祝我走运!

I wish you good luck 祝你好运

Good for you! 祝贺你!

Every success in your study! 祝你学业有成!

Wish you can get great performance in your study! 希望你在学业上取得出色的成就!

Break a leg! 祝您成功!

I wish you success! 希望你成功!

I wish you the best 我给你最好的祝愿

I wish you nothing but the best 给你我最好的祝愿

I wish you well 我祝福你

You have my best wishes 给你我最好的祝福

I wish your further success in drawing 我希望你在绘画上取得成功 Wish you get all you want. 希望你心想事成。

Wish you much more successful! 祝愿你更加成功!

I wish you the best of health! 祝你健康!

I'm dure you'll do fine 我相信你会做的很好的

I wish you every success in your new carcer. 祝你旗开得胜马到成功。

I wish you two a happy and healthy life together! 我希望你们俩幸福健康的生活在一起!

Here's to a happy marriage! 这是对美满姻缘的祝福!

Many congratulations on your happy marriage! 更多的祝贺你们美满的姻缘!

May you prosper well! 恭喜发财!

May happiness follow you wherever you go! 愿快乐随你无处不在!

May joy and health follow you wherever you go. 愿快乐和健康常伴你左右。 May joy and health be with you always. 愿快乐和健康总是伴随你。 May I wish you can be happy for the future! 祝愿你未来幸福!

May all your wishes come true! 祝愿你心想事成!

May you succeed at whatever you try. 祝愿你心想事成。

Hope you can be happy every day! 希望你能天天快乐!

I hope I can hear of greater things from you in the future. 我希望将来能听到你更好的消息。

Have a good time! 祝你愉快!

Have a good trip! 旅途愉快!

Have a pleasant trip! 旅途愉快!

Please accept my good wishes. 请接收我的祝福。

Please give my best wishes to your family. 请替我向你的家人问好 Call on God! 上帝保佑!

God speed you! 上帝保佑你!

God bless you! 上帝保佑你!

Bless you! 上帝祝福你(在别人打喷嚏时常用这话表示祝福)!

You have my blessing! 我祝福你!

Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩的愉快!

Best wishes for you! 献上我最好的祝福!


I'm glad to hear it. 我很荣幸。

It's nice of you to say so.谢谢你这么说。

Thank you very much for your greetings. 非常感谢你的问候!

I appreciate your blessings. 感谢你的祝福。

Render thanks for your blessings. 非常感谢你的祝福。


When's your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

What do you want for your birthday? 你生日想要什么礼物?

Here's a present for your birthday. 这是给你的生日礼物。

I bought this especially for you. 这是特意给你买的。

It's very nice of you to remember my birthday. 你真好还记得我的生日。 I'm so glad you could come to my birthday party. 很高兴你能来参加我的生日聚会。

Happy birthday. 生日快乐。

Happy birthday to you. 祝你生日快乐。

Happy 18th. 18岁生日快乐。

We all join in wishing you a very happy birthday. 我们大家共同祝你生日快乐。

篇二:八年级上 Unit 12


Unit 12 What's the best radio station


I. 重点短语 1.the best radio station 最好的无线电台

2.comfortable seats 舒适的椅子

3. big screens 大屏幕

4. friendly service

5.new movies

6. close to home

7. in a fun part of town

8. Town Cinema

9. Screen City

10.Movie Palace

11.Jeans Corner

12.Trendy Teens

13.Easy Listening

14. have good quality clothes

15.in town

in the city

in the country

16. the beat clothing store

17.do a survey of

18. all the movie theaters

19. the most interesting music

20.be(get, become, feel) interested in

21.positive words

22. negative words

23. the most creative

24. the most boring

25.the math teacher

友好的服务 新电影 离家近在城镇闹区 城镇电影院大屏幕影视城 电影艺术宫 牛仔广角 时髦少年服装店 轻松听力 服装质量好 在城里在城市里 在乡下 最好的服装店对?进行调查 所有的电影院 最有趣的音乐 对?感兴趣肯定的词语否定的词语最有创造力的 最烦人的 数学老师

26. a great success巨大的成功

27. win the prize for 赢得??的奖项

28. without music没有音乐伴奏下

29. the funniest actor 最滑稽的演员

30. the worst movie 最差的电影

31. action movies动作片

32. beautiful beaches美丽的海滩

33. in the north of China在中国的北部

34. an Ice and Snow Festival冰雪节

35. Central Park中心公园

36.leader of a band 乐队指挥

37. Forbidden City 紫禁城

38. elementary school 小学

II. 重要句型 1.It is the closest to home. 那儿离家最近。

2. enough 足够地adj. + enough 足够…

enough 修饰形容词时,应放在形容词的后面。

too. .. to, adj. + enough, so… that (one can?t) 的转换

形容词的比较级和最高级 III. 交际用语 IV. 重要语法



His home is close to the schoo1.他家离学校很近。

close to意为“离……近”,其后可接名词、代词。


close与near都意为“近的”,但close比near表达的距离更近,相当于very near,可以近至几乎相接触,而near意为“附近的,邻近的”。

He sat close to us.他挨着我们坐。

My home is near to our schoo1.我家离我们学校很近。

Our new house is close to the supermarket.我们的新房子离超市很近。

close用作动词除表示“关闭”以外,还可表示“结束,终结”。既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。 The letter closed(=ended)with best wishes to you.这封信以“向你致以最美好的祝愿”结束。

The teacher closed(=ended)his class with an interesting story.老师以一个有趣的故事结束了他的课。 School will close early this year.学校今年将早放假。

friendliest adj 最友好的

friendliest意为“最友好的”,是形容词friendly的最高级,其比较级为friendlier。常用在be friendly to sb.结构中,表达“对某人友好”。

She is very friendly to me.她对我很友好。

Jason?s 贾森服装店

Jason's指Jason's clothing store,clothing store被省略了,这是一种名词的所有格形式,

this is what we learned有一个表语从句,表语从句一般放在系动词后,常以where,why,because,how等引导从句。

This is why we put off the meeting.这就是我们推迟会议的原因。

However adv可是;仍然


It's raining hard.However,I think I should go out.雨下得很大。尽管如此,我认为我还是应该出去。

(2)however相当于no matter how,意为“无论怎样”,引导让步状语从句。

No matter how busy I am,1 will go to the concert with you.=However busy I am,1 will go to the concert with you.无论我多忙,我都要和你一起去参加音乐会。

Also adv 也


I was also a naughty boy when 1 was a teenager.我十几岁时也是个调皮鬼。

as for 至于

as for意为“至于,说到”,用来表示开始谈论新话题。

You can have a bed;as for him.he'll have to sleep on the floor.你可以有一张床,至于他,他不得不睡在地板上。

As for going back--that is quite out of the question.说到回去,那简直是不可能的。

As for being shy,you'll get over that.说到害羞,你得克服它。

Bargain n 特价商品;便宜货


It is real bargain.We can buy some.它真是便宜,我们可以买一些。

A bargain is a bargain.(谚)交易既定,不可反悔。



It?s about ten kilometers from our school to your schoo1.我们学校距你们学校大约有10千米。

The park is about eight kilometers from our schoo1.这个公园离我们学校大约8千米。

The park is about two minutes by bus(from here).(从这儿)乘汽车去那个公园大约需10分钟。

The shop is about twenty minutes? walk from here.从这儿步行去那家商店大约需20分钟。

The shop is about twenty minutes on foot from here.商店离这儿步行大约需20分钟。

The park is about eight kilometers away.那个公园大约在8千米外。

The park is about eight kilometers(away)from here.那个公园离这儿大约有8千米。(后面有from,away可省去)

The city is two hundred kilometers by train(from here).(从这儿)乘火车去那座城市大约有200千米。 The park is quite far(away)from here.那个公园离这儿相当远。


“She doesn't like fish.”is a negative sentence.“她不喜欢鱼。”是个否定句。

Two negatives make a positive.负负得正。

None of us would expect a negative answer to our request.我们谁也没有料到我们的请求会被拒绝。 negative的反义词是positive,表示“积极的”。

At the meeting,Mr Zhao put out a positive suggestion.在会上,赵先生提出了一个积极的建议。 dull表示“没趣的,乏味的”,其同义词为boring,反义词为funny。

The two men had a dull talk before they fought.这两个人先是进行了无聊的谈话,然后打了起来。 This is a dull vegetable market.这是一个萧条的菜市场。

Under the moonlight is a dull village.月色下是一个冷冷清清的小村庄。

Loud adj. 大声的;响亮的


He is making such a loud noise that I can't study here.他发出这么大的噪音,我不能在这儿学习

Don't speak so loud.说话不要这么大声。




They were singing loudly in the next room.I could not read any



Success n成功

Success是名词,意为“成功”,其形容词是successful,意为“成功的”,其副词为successfully。 I wish you success with your studies.祝你学业有成。

of her plays,three were successes.她的剧作有三部成功。

17.without prep 没有


He hurried off without breakfast.他没吃早饭就匆匆离开了。

Fish can't live without water.没有水鱼是不能生存的。

The boy left without saying a word.那个男孩没说一句话就走了。


Don't go without me.别甩下我就走。


Can you see clearly without your glasses?你不戴眼镜能看清吗?


Do you want a room with a bath or one without?你想要有洗澡问还是没有洗澡间的房间?

Together adv、一起


Let's go for a walk together.咱们一起去散步吧。

Together with和……一道

He sent her seine flowers together with a letter.他送她一些花,还附带了一封信。

Who do you think is the funniest actor? 你认为谁是最有趣的演员?

do you think意为“你认为……”,在句中作插入语。

What do you think is the worst movie?你认为哪部电影最差?

Who do you think is the cleverest in your class?你认为你们班谁最聪明?

Province n省


Shandong Province=the Province of Shandong山东省

Guangdong Province=the Province of Guangdong广东省

Still adv还,仍旧


Will you still be here next year?明年你还会在这儿吗?

They still lived in Beijing then.当时他们仍住在北京。


a still lake平静的湖 a still evening安静的夜晚


It was interesting to hear what the class though about action movies.听听班上的同学们对动作片的看法很有趣。

action n.行为,活动,动作 。


He is praised for the action of saving a boy's life.他因挽救一个男孩生命的行为而受到表扬。

Actions speak louder than words.(谚)事实胜于雄辩。

They did a comedy act at the party.他们在晚会上表演了一个喜剧。



篇三:新外研版英语八年级下Module 6 Unit 2

Module 6 Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.爱好可以使你成长。 要点全解

1. Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables and looking after animals. 很多学生都有爱好,比如阅读、绘画、种菜和照顾动物。(教材P50)

look after意为“照顾;照看”,相当于take care of.

Please look after your school things.请照看好你的学习用品。

[拓展] look的其他常用短语:

look at 看......look for 寻找look up (在词典等中)查找

look over 检查look forward to 期望;期待


(广西桂林中考)Grandma is ill. I have to her at home.

A.look forB.look upC.look atD.look after

答案: D

2. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills. 爱好可以促使你成长,培养你的兴趣, 并帮助你学习新的技能。 (教材P50)

(1)make you grow 意为“使你成长”。make sb. do sth. 表示“使某人做某事”,省to的动词不定式(短语)作宾语补足语。

We made the little girl laugh. 我们使那个小女孩笑了起来。


(2013.重庆)He lost his key. It made him in the cold to wait for his wife’s return.

A.to stayB.stayedC.staysD.stay

答案: D

(2) develop 及物动词,意为“发展;形成;成长;提高”。

This course will help you develop your writing skills.这门功课将帮助你提高写作技巧。

His elder sister has developed into a famous singer. 他的姐姐已成长为一位有名的歌唱家。

(3) interest此处用作名词,意为“兴趣,趣味”;interest也可用作动词,意为“使...感兴趣”,其主语多为物。

He shows great interest in music.他对引语显示出极大的兴趣。

The book interests me.这本书使我感兴趣。


(2013山东济宁)My pen pal developed an (兴趣) in Beijing Opera. 答案:interest

3. .... and it came out as a book in 2012. ......并于2012年成书出版。(教材P50) come out此处表示“出版;发行”。

When will his new book come out? 他的新书什么时候出版?

[拓展]come out还有其他一下含义:

(1) 出来;出现

The sun came out from behind the clouds late in the afternoon.傍晚时分,太阳从云层后面露了出来。


The roses will come out next week.玫瑰下周就要开花。


It came out that he’d been telling lies. 后来才知道他一直在说谎。

The secret will finally come out.这个秘密终究要被人知道的。


Please tell me how the voting came out. 请告诉选举结果如何。


(江苏连云港中考)--- Will his new novel in September this year? --- Yes, we are all looing forward to it.

A.come overB.come backC.come outD.come from

解析:come over“顺便来访”;come back “回来”; come out “出版”; come from “来自”。答案:C

4. Many young people love his book, and as a result, David has become a successful young writer. 许多年轻人喜欢他的书,戴维因此成为一名成功的年轻作家。(教材P50)

(1) as a result 意为“结果,因此”

She didn’t study hard, and as a result, she failed the exam. 她没有努力学习,结果考试没有及格。

[拓展] as a result of 意为“由于;因为”。

They were late as a result of the snow. 由于下雪的原因,他们迟到了。

(2) become此处是动词become的过去分词。意为“变得;变成”,后常接名词或形容词作表语。

He became a teacher at the age of 17.他17岁就当了老师。

The weather became warmer.天气变得暖和起来。

5. David has been very lucky because his hobby has brought him pleasure and success. 戴维很幸运,因为他的爱好给他带来了快乐和成功。(教材P50)

(1) pleasure 不可数名词,意为“愉悦;快乐”。

Reading gives me great pleasure. 读书给我以极大愉悦。

[拓展] pleasure 表示具体的乐事或趣事时,用作可数名词。

It’s a pleasure to meet you here. 在这儿见到你是一件令人越快的事情。

--- Thanks so much for your kindness. 非常感谢你的好意。

--- It’s a pleasure./ A pleasure./ My pleasure. 没什么/ 不用谢。

It’s pleasant to visit Beijing in fall. 秋天游览北京很舒服。

It’s a pleasant trip. 那是一次愉快的旅行。

Bill is a good boy, and his mother is pleased with him. 比尔是个好男孩,他母亲对他很满意。

(2) success 不可数名词,意为“成功;成就”。

I wish you success with your studies. 我祝你学业有成。


succeed 动词,成功

successful 形容词,成功的

successfully 副词,成功地


(2013山东济宁)Don’t give up. You know hard work leads to (成功). 答案:success

6. He is also interested in many other things. 他还对许多其他事情感兴趣。 (教材P50)

be interested in 意为“对......感兴趣”。in在这里是一个介词,后面可以跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。

Almost all the children are interested in storybooks. 几乎所有的孩子都对故事书感兴趣。

I became interested in making things last year. 去年我对制作东西产生了兴趣。


7. Have you made new friends as a result of your hobby?你因为爱好而结识新朋友了吗?(教材P51)

make friends 意为“交朋友”,表示“与某人交朋友”用make friends with sb.。在这个短语中,friends不能用单数形式。

He has made many new friends in Tianjin.他已在天津交了许多朋友。
